





Al Moak has been preaching God’s blessed Word for forty-three years now, and it has always been a great joy to him to communicate to God's people the truth about their Covenant Lord.

I hope you will join with Al to see how our Lord relates to our daily lives. That's the aim in Songs of Worship.

Songs of Worship

The Psalms are the worship songs of Israel. They were sung to the Lord, sung in His Presence, and sung by His inspiration. Early each morning the cantor (worship leader) stood in the temple on Mount Zion to call to worship the few who had gathered there and the many more who were still streaming up the hill toward the temple. In a clear and melodic voice he sang out one line of a psalm. Then all the people within the sound of his voice would repeat after him in singing that line. It would then be repeated by the people further down the hill - and so on to the outermost reaches of Jerusalem. In this way the worship of Israel could in all likelihood be heard as far as Emmaus!

What majestic worship! What a wonderful way to start each day! Let's try, in our minds, to hear the people singing as we consider each of these wonderful songs of worship. Then let's make them the basis of our own worship as well.

In that vein I'd like to suggest the following practical approach. Begin with prayer: ask your heavenly Father for understanding. Then open your bible and read a psalm, slowly and carefully. Than read these comments, and, finally, tell God what you learned and thank Him for it.

Currently available "Songs of Worship" studies:

Psalm 1 Psalm 2 Psalm 3 Psalm 4 Psalm 5 Psalm 6
Psalm 7 Psalm 8 Psalm 9 Psalm 10 Psalm 11 Psalm 12
Psalm 13 Psalm 14 Psalm 15 Psalm 16 Psalm 17 Psalm 18
Psalm 19 Psalm 20 Psalm 21 Psalm 22 Psalm 23 Psalm 24
Psalm 25 Psalm 26 Psalm 27 Psalm 28 Psalm 29 Psalm 30
Psalm 31 Psalm 32 Psalm 33 Psalm 34 Psalm 35 Psalm 36
Psalm 37 Psalm 38 Psalm 39 Psalm 40 Psalm 41 Psalm 42
Psalm 43 Psalm 44 Psalm 45 Psalm 46 Psalm 47 Psalm 48
Psalm 49 Psalm 50 Psalm 51 Psalm 52 Psalm 53 Psalm 54
Psalm 55          

Trinidad Bay on the west coast where Pastor Moak resides.  Photo taken by Al.

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