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JennyW: Hello Janet! I check every day. I wish everyone would get going again! I miss seeing pictures and reading posts! 2025-01-24, 06:54:04

Janet: Hello, Friends!  Let's get this going again!  I miss  hearing from all of you! 2025-01-23, 19:26:16

Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

The Little Chapel with the Crooked Cross

Started by Pat, January 25, 2007, 12:41:13 AM

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On the Niagara Parkway between the city of Niagara Falls and the town of Niagara-on-the-Lake, is this little chapel on the side of the road.  It's always open and usually there are hymns playing and there is a lot of free literature and tracts available free.

One of the administrators of the Photography Cafe was over from England visitinig her parents so I took her to Niagara Falls and surrounding area and by the time we got here, it was getting quite dark.

I like the photo though.  Actually Anna posts on here.  I forgot!

Chapel with the Crooked Cross

(Clickable to see larger)

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


A very nice shot; I like the sunset behind the chapel, and the open door.   It makes me think of His open arms to us in this world and the next.
Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature - St. Augustine

Al Moak

This is a great shot.  It reminded me very much of a similar chapel just off the highway over to Santa Cruz, CA from San Jose.  You could stop and park, go in and sit down, listen to the carilon bells playing, meditate, pray, etc.  I think it's great of the people who built and maintain the chapel to do so.  As Barbarian has said, this is a really good shot of the chapel, sunset, & surroundings.


I have seen that church.   Good Picture Pat.

Al I think in my driving days I went on that road!