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JennyW: Hello Janet! I check every day. I wish everyone would get going again! I miss seeing pictures and reading posts! 2025-01-24, 06:54:04

Janet: Hello, Friends!  Let's get this going again!  I miss  hearing from all of you! 2025-01-23, 19:26:16

Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Do You See The Number of The Beast?

Started by Summicron, May 13, 2009, 10:54:45 AM

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Its everywhere, the number of the beast 666, its becoming ever mote prevelant, everywhere, Crimestoppers 666, to report a crime, just dial 0800 555111. What's 555+111, 666, the national lottery has it in its symbol. Have a look at this, do you see it? yes 666 is there, cleverly but not cleverly enough disguised, the number 666 is there alright hidden within the logo, follow each of the left hand arms down then circle the head, what do you see, 666 of course. If nothing else ever proved the Bible to be right this number does, John saw it on Patmos 2000 years ago, and he got it right, he said they would bring it in by stealth, deception, and these little clever bits of artwork are trying to do just that. Sorry my handwriting is a bit wonky, but that's the neuropathy for you.

Jeanne Lee

The devil will stealthily work his devious way into things that, at first glance, seem either beneficial or totally innocuous.  We need to be constantly on the alert.   :(
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Al Moak

It  is better, though, to focus on our wonderful Lord rather than to dwell upon anything to do with the beast.  There seems at times to be a tendency to focus upon the beast.


Quote from: Al Moak on May 19, 2009, 10:03:39 AM
It  is better, though, to focus on our wonderful Lord rather than to dwell upon anything to do with the beast.  There seems at times to be a tendency to focus upon the beast.

Amen! Come Lord Jesus!  :)
Scott Head, Friendswood, TX
Pastor at Grace Family Church, Friendswood, TX


Aye there is that Al, Margery keeps telling me that, but these things just seem to crop up out of nowhere.

Jeanne Lee

Al, I don't think it's so much that we're concentrating on evil but that we do need to be aware of the potential so that we can remember to always keep our Lord around us for protection.  :)
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Here's another one, this time in our hospitals, notice the three fingers, then the index finger and the thumb, sometime I'm going to have to write a short article on this. The most disturbing one I found was on a child safety week poster, its almost the same logo as the paralimpic world cup logo above. Not this night though, what I will leave you with, is that the number 666 occurs six times not once in scripture. Look at 1 Kings 10: 19, & 2 Chronicles 9:18. And then in the King James, and New King James bibles, there is the tribute of gold given to Solomon, each year, 2 Chron 9: 13, & 1 Kings 10: 14.
Notice the steps, to the throne, almost like a barcode, isn't it? And what did Solomon use his throne for? All the kings of the earth came to him for knowledge, bit like a computer, don't you think? Now I'm not suggesting that Solomon was or is to be the beast, but I think we are looking at a man with those attributes.
Lets look at the three sentences in Revelation, 13: 18, Here is wisdom, could that refer to the man Solomon. Let him that has understanding, count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. Understanding, somewhere in the epistles, understanding is a gift of the Holy Spirit. I think both the name and character of this man was a known factor, and his number is tied up with 666. Personally, I think Rev 13: 18, is nothing more than a riddle, it fascinates me.
Sometime I'll tell you how I came by these things, but not tonight.


Michael I admire your zeal for this topic.  We have many instances and signs that the second coming is soon. 

On this website there are people of many faiths and many who don't agree with this view.  So in the interest of peace I personally don't discuss my personal views on end times.  Philippians says "In as much as is with in you live in peace with all men.".  So in my attempt to live at peace I do refrain from topics that can divide the brethren.  What do you think?


I can say this with all certainty about the end times. This is how I deal with my flock when the issue arises because I am personally not of the pre-millenial point of view, but many in the church are since it arose as the dominant view in the mid 1800s with Darby. In this way we live together in peace and charity:

What we know for certain - as soon as Christ returns, we will know all there is to know about the second coming, and those who are His and vigilant to do His Will will see Him as He is. This is certain.

What we will never know is when, the time is known by no man, and we have critical tasks to do until that time arises.

Scott Head, Friendswood, TX
Pastor at Grace Family Church, Friendswood, TX




I can say this with all certainty about the end times. This is how I deal with my flock when the issue arises because I am personally not of the pre-millenial point of view, but many in the church are since it arose as the dominant view in the mid 1800s with Darby. In this way we live together in peace and charity:

This is something new to me, something I just haven't come across before, can you explain that one for me please, thanks.


Judy. I will try and explain how I'm feeling, several years back, I was looking back into scripture, something caught my attention. God went with the Israelites out of Egypt, and during the day, He appeared to them in a pillar of smoke, then by night it became a pillar of fire. I also found that when the Israelites came to the red sea, they had nowhere else to flee, apparently trapped with no way of escape, God then tells them to stand still and see His salvation, in other words , God placed Himself between the pursuing Egyptians and the Children of Israel. With God in front and the red sea behind. God was protecting them both from the front and behind, the Egyptians couldn't out flank them.

Then I got to thinking about, the smoke and fire representing God's presence, and the more I looked, I realised, that whether it was the tabernacle, or the temple being dedicated, God's presence was always there in the fire and smoke, in every instance. Now looking through Chronicles and other books of the Old Testament, a lot of what is written in Revelation, is also to be found in the Old testament also.

Then I noticed the verse in 2 Chronicles 9: 13, where it mentions the weight of gold that came to Solomon in a year, was six hundred, three score, and six talents. I thought, " What a pity three score wasn't sixty, you'd then have the number 666 there in the Old Testament." Then it dawned on me that three score was indeed sixty, thus making up the number 666, I looked the same scripture up in 1 Kings, sure enough it was there again. Now how I found the 666 in Solomons throne I don't remember, but yes the steps leading up to it, were six, with six lions at either side, thus six lions, six steps, and six lions, do make 666. And that really grabbed my attention.

Then I found a prophesy by Moses, that when they came into the promised land they were not to have a king like Solomon to rule over them, Deuternomy 17: 14-17. The question then was, is there a direct link between Revelation 13: 18, and Solomon, was 13: 18, some sort of riddle, to lead Christians back into the Old Testament, to make them aware of what the times and seasons would be like at the revelating of the beast.

No I'm not trying to offend anyone either, but when society is being deliberately deceived, with the mark of Satan, becoming more and more prevelant, then I feel its high time for Christian's to be looking into and discussing these things, because there has to come a time, when we have to say a definate no and amen to what the governments are foisting onto us, in the name of Satan. Even if it means persecution. I think that time is near, that the churches are largely unaware of what is happening, and I believe before Christ comes, we are going to have to wake up to the fact that our brothers and sisters in Christ will have to support each other in very practical and spiritual ways just prior to the Lord's coming.

In all this 666 advertising, where the mark of the beast is being cleverly disguised to the public, and clumsily disguised to Christians, that God is saying that time is drawing close. Yes it disturbs me, it frightened the living daylights out of the Apostle John, so much so, that he fell as dead, and the Lord had to lift him up again. I hope what I've written, isn't going to cause any offence,or division, it is I believe what the Lord has been revealing to me, wether I am right or wrong only the Lord knows, but I wanted to share with you all my findings on the subject, hoping its of some value and interest, Michael.   


Quote from: Summicron on May 24, 2009, 02:01:24 PM

I can say this with all certainty about the end times. This is how I deal with my flock when the issue arises because I am personally not of the pre-millenial point of view, but many in the church are since it arose as the dominant view in the mid 1800s with Darby. In this way we live together in peace and charity:

This is something new to me, something I just haven't come across before, can you explain that one for me please, thanks.

My friend, allow me to do so via private message for the topic of end times is very touchy for most believers. This is a topic that can split churches and turn family against family, but let me collect my thoughts for a bit as I just came in from preaching and I'm up for later as well. I'll give you a rundown of my particular view compared with the most common view today.

I will, however, promise love you as my brother if we don't see eye to eye!  :)

Scott Head, Friendswood, TX
Pastor at Grace Family Church, Friendswood, TX


And here's another one


And another, just look at these euro coins. Solomon's throne, six lions, six steps, six lions, here we have six stars, six bars, six stars, the bars running through Europe.


Here's another I found in the pharmacy at the health center, I don't know but I keep noticing them here there and everywhere.


And still they come.

Just a love of cricket, or the worship of the beast of Revelation? There are four sixes there but only three are clearly visible. Advertising artwork with the number of the beast cleverly woven into it? Of course a boundary is an automatic six runs in cricket. Revelation 13: 9-10, "If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. And he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb."
This sure looks like worship to me.

I took that this afternoon, isn't it remarkable, I was only in St John's square yesterday.  :lol:

Al Moak

SMHead - I really appreciate your view on these things - it's the simplest and most plainly Scriptural.  But I also agree with you about maintaining love of the brethren.


I'm not inclined to argue with people over the issue, either.    We shouldn't let things like this divide God's people.   My personal stance?  I figure that if you live as though He's coming back tomorrow, you won't have to worry about it.

Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature - St. Augustine


I don't, I just keep noticing these things, and realise, the Bible got it wonderfully right.


BTW, if 666 is the number of the beast, does that mean that 25.807 is the root of all evil?

Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature - St. Augustine


Jeanne Lee

I think 25.807 is the square root of 666.   ;)
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LOL Glad you got that Jeanne....I sure didn't.


I got it. Funny. Or maybe not......  :eek:


 Interesting comments in this thread. Although after reading, I'm a little paranoid to "Chat About Anything".   :-\
A recovering sinner,
   my name is Jim, and I love Jesus.†