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JennyW: Hello Janet! I check every day. I wish everyone would get going again! I miss seeing pictures and reading posts! 2025-01-24, 06:54:04

Janet: Hello, Friends!  Let's get this going again!  I miss  hearing from all of you! 2025-01-23, 19:26:16

Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Butterfly Sipping Nectar

Started by BigSkyKen, April 06, 2010, 02:18:02 AM

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Spring hasn't really come to my part of Montana yet, so this is a picture I took last summer.  Didn't really have the right lens for the job, nor a tripod to stabilize by caffeine jitters, but I lucked out and got a fairly sharp image.

Big Sky Ken
"Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin."  James 4:17


Well done.  What flower is that?  What type of butterfly is he?


Hi Ken...

That's lovely!

It would be best to have your image only 600 to 800 pixels wide or high at the largest so we don't have to scroll sideways to see it.  Could you do that?  The software will resize the photo if a link is used but it won't resize it if the Attach feature is used.  :)

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


You did a great job with this one. It's very hard to get good macros without a tripod and special lens.

If you like I could help you resize you picture to the appropriate dimensions. :)


Thanks everyone, and I apologize for the monstrous size of this picture.  I had downsized it prior to posting, but evidently attached the incorrect image when I actually made the post.  Hope to do better next time, but if I become a repeat offender I will have to take ScottyBoy up on his offer!
Big Sky Ken
"Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin."  James 4:17


Just let me know if you ever need help. :) Would you like me to fix the above picture?


Susan Godfrey


Scotty, I haven't figured out how to edit the picture I already posted, so if you can repair it, I'd really appreciate the help!  Thanks.
Big Sky Ken
"Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin."  James 4:17


I think that you lose the ability to edit you posts after a few hours. I'll fix it for you. :)



Thank you, that's much better.
Big Sky Ken
"Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin."  James 4:17
