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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

New Every Morning~July 5

Started by Pat, July 04, 2003, 11:36:42 PM

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Morning Devotional...

David did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord, and turned not aside from any thing that He commanded him all the days of his life, save only in the matter of Uriah the Hittite.      
1 Kings 15:5

David was a man after God's own heart (1 Sam. 13:14). He did that "which was right in the eyes of the Lord."

Pity, then, that Scripture adds the sad words "save only in the matter of Uriah the Hittite."

Though David's sin was forgiven, and he was completely restored, yet this man's exemplary life was marred by a single act of passion.

This reminds us that anyone's testimony can be blemished for life by one foolish sin.

How we need to be constantly on guard, to be kept from even the appearance of sin.
                                                                --Robert Steele

We cannot be channels of blessing
if our lives are not free from known sin;
We will barriers be and a hindrance
to those we are trying to win.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Jeanne Lee

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Since I don't have to go to work tomorrow, I am up at almost 1 AM.  This devotional is a good reminder that we do a lot of witnessing with our actions.  Kinda like the saying........"actions speak louder than words".
Hello to all and hope I can catch up tonight
with some of the sites I've so sorely missed due a precious g.dgtr who stays on the computer a lot at my house.  
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life.  No man cometh unto the Father but by me.  John 14:6


Sorry I missed you guys July 4th - I was busy.  I wanted to post what all I was doing, but I missed it on the 4th, so I hope it's ok to post it here...
I had a most wonderful day today.  First - at 8am there was a Heartland ceremony on the courthouse steps and my friend played in the Heartland band and I took pictures.  Many dignitaries were there, Senator Cornyn and Ralph Hall.  After downloading my pictures and charging my battery, I was off to the Church on the Rock Singles Celebration where we made our own pizza's.  They provided the crust, cheese and tomatoe spread, and we all brought our favorite toppings.  Then we had various games and ended up playing spades until 3pm.  At 5:30pm I ate grilled hamburgers at the Church in the Wind and then we had an awesome firework display at the Gregg County Fair Grounds.  The weather in TX was very pleasant - It threatened rain, but didn't - and in the process cooled off the afternoon temperatures nicely.  GOD IS GOOD!
Hilsen fra Nancy Pedersen
If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36


Glad you folk enjoyed your holiday.

Pat - A fine post, we must always take heed lest we fall.

I'm in a rush as usual. Off to the market praying that it will be much more of a success than last week.


I believe God that it shall be even as it was told me.

(Acts 27:25)

What superb confidence and implicit trust Paul had in the middle of such a storm. I do not like travelling by sea, no matter how impressive the ship or boat may be. I get seasick just reading this passage.

Their circumstances sound horrendous. I am not a Greek scholar however I take it that these 276 poor souls were in some sort of sail boat, caught in the middle of hurricane force winds. Tossed about in every direction, fearing the worst and with no hope of safety in sight.

God however had His servant on board. He was on a mission for the King. Nothing, not even hurricane force winds could prevent Paul's mission from being accomplished.

Once God has spoken, that is it. It takes faith to lay hold of this fact and God exhorts each one of His children to live by faith.

Since as far back as I can remember, as a Christian, I have prayed a prayer uttered by Robert Murray McCheyne, 'Lord make me as holy as a pardoned sinner can be.' It seems to me that the Lord has answered that prayer by placing trial and difficulty in my path on a regular basis.

Over twenty years on and still I am praying that prayer. Am I any holier? No, I am worse than I ever was! A sinner of the highest order. I am more aware however of my ever present need of a Saviour, and His name is Jesus.

You know, I used to worry about my salvation when I would hear of other Christians who never experienced any real difficulties. It seemed as though their paths were paved with gold.

Life was plane sailing for them. They were always rejoicing, full of praise and little wonder. Life for them was great. They did not have any problems.
Was I doing something wrong? Perhaps it was because I was a greater sinner than they were?
Should we as Christians expect a straight run in to glory? Now that we are children of the Most High God, surely we should be wrapped on spiritual cotton wool and kept from hardships and trials! I read these two short paragraphs last week:-

'It is when we are in the way of duty that we find giants. It was when Israel was going forward that the giants appeared. When they turned back into the wilderness they found none.'

'There is a prevalent idea that the power of God in a human life should lift us above all trials and conflicts. The fact is, the power of God always brings a conflict and a struggle. One would have thought that on his great missionary journey to Rome, Paul would have been carried by some mighty providence above the power of storms and tempests and enemies. But, on the contrary, it was one long, hard fight with persecuting Jews, with wild tempests, with venomous vipers and all the powers of earth and hell, and at last he was saved, as it seems, by the narrowest margin, and had to swim ashore at Malta on a piece of wreckage and barely escape a watery grave.'

Perhaps storms are already brewing in your life and you are beginning to question whether you are a Christian or not. There is a helplessness and desperation as you cry to God for help.

It is all too easy for us to look at our circumstances and see little or no hope of betterment. Very often things seem to get worse the more urgent we become in prayer. Does God ask some great thing of us? Does He ask us to swim the Atlantic in order that our prayers may be answered?

Does He keep us waiting because He is not sympathetic to our cry? What is He waiting for? Why is He not answering our prayers? Why does everything seem to be against us, and against the answer that we am seeking from Him? Does the Lord not care about us?

Why Lord why?

Sound familiar?

Could it possibly be that we are praying for a way out of this trial and storm, rather than for help and blessing from God to see us safely through it?

'The storm is changed into a calm at His command and will, so that the waves which raged before now quiet are and still.' Are we seeking great favour from our God? Then my friend it is time for us to show our colours and put our trust in Him.

Has He given you a promise that you are waiting patiently to see fulfilled? Place your hand in His and let Him bring it to pass. He will do so His way and in His time! The outcome will be better than you could possibly have imagined or believed had it been told you before hand.

All too often we let our circumstances dictate our faith and the way we live each day. We murmur against God and get angry with Him as we see others prospering and we are left stranded.

We stubbornly fight on, gritting our teeth, determined to get the result that we are looking for. This only takes the life out of us and weakens our faith even further. A good nights sleep is a cure for many a woe.

God has power over the Universe. He has set the bounds of all things and nothing is outwith His control or power. All things are possible to those who believe. The reason God does not want us to do anything to help bring about the answer to our prayers is simple.

The work has already been done!

The price paid for our salvation and inheritance was bought with the precious blood of the Lamb of God on Calvary's Hill. Think of what it cost God to adopt us.

If we can grasp the incredible and undeserving love that God has for us, can we not also grasp that He intends nothing but the best for His family in this world.

As parents we know what is best for our children. Our children however, may think differently about what they see as best for them!!!

Remember this is not our home, Heaven is. We are just passers-by so to speak. Here for a short time only, before being called to be with Himself forevermore.

It is time now for us to rest from our labours and to put all our trust in your Father's Word.
He has spoken to us and He expects His child to listen, heed and obey.

The more we trust Him, the more glory we give Him. The more we rest in His Word the more we will find that He will do for us. The more we abide in Christ the greater the blessings that flow. Surely it is not to much to ask.

Having witnessed all that has been done for us at Calvary, and in each day of your lives till now, it is little enough to honour that same God by trusting our life to Him.

Paul trusted. He took God at His Word and he preached God's message to others in the storm. God, as always fulfilled His Word in their lives. He will also fulfil whatever He has promised you and I.

Be confident in Him and be thankful to be in the midst of the storm with Jesus than to be left alone on the shore.

It will not be long before we each come to the place where two seas meet. Christ awaits you there in Immanuel's Land. Let us honour Him on this side of Eternity.

Take God at His word now and you will not regret it for one second as He will never let you down nor let one of His promises fail.

I pray that this Word may be applied with power to your soul today, and may you have the same confidence that Paul had when he uttered these words, 'I believe God that it shall be even as it was told me.'

LOL and have a blessed Lord's day if I do not see you before then.

Your brother in Christ




We're so glad to see you!

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone and a special welcome to Ken, glad you are joining with us and will look forward to your postings in the days ahead.

Congratulations to Sonja and Zachery on that first place prize for the pie.  You both must be good cooks.  

Ruth Ann, glad you will be able to get your AC going as it is going into the hot season.  We are still only to be in the high 80's today and probably get more rain this afternoon.

Pat, hope you are feeling much better today although I expect you still have a very sore jaw.  Hope you can get some rest over this weekend.

Pinkie, sounds like you had a very nice day yesterday.  We spent our day at home but Pat grilled streaks and chicken and hot dogs and we had a traditional 4th of July dinner.  It was very good and she made enough for left overs for the weekend.  Last evening I watched the Braves plays baseball and also watched the Capitol Fourth program on PBS.  They had some very good entertainment and great music as well as a lot of fireworks.  

Hope everyone has a nice weekend.


A belated Happy Birthday America to all of you!  

I hope this post makes it onto the boards!  I have done all I know to do:  composing on Microsoft Word, etc. but the problem was when I got it onto the message box and then clicked Post---they vanished!  After about 8 tries, I decided I wasn't going to win. :-\  And I do NOT like to be defeated. :(

Anyway, I have read all the messages posted since I was here, and am glad you all enjoyed your holiday, and our international friends are doing well. Pat, I thought about you and prayed for you, as I knew you were going to have more dental work done.  I hope you are better this morning.  Is the end in sight yet, for your dental work?

Dear brother Iain, your messages are so good, and I can tell they are straight from your heart, and born of your own life experiences.  Therefore, we can all relate well to them.  Have you thought about getting on the internet and looking for Christian book publishers?  I really feel strongly that a book of your devotionals would be so good, and a source of income and blessing to you and your family.  Think about it, okay?  "A journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step!" :)

CONGRATULATIONS SONJA AND ZACHERY!!! Your pie sounds yummy!  I must make one sometime!  Glad you are safely home, and I pray Zachery feels so much better, and the treatment lasts for a good long time.

We had a really nice day yesterday.  We drove over to Hugoton before 9, because Abby was going to be doing a "Mexican Hat Dance" in the entertainment program at the park there.  It was (of course!) really cute!  ;)  They nave such a nice July 4th celebration there.  They have all sorts of games to play, give prizes, lots of stuff for the kids.  Abby won several patriotic necklaces, toys, flag, etc., plus entertainment all morning long, using a flat=bed trailer as a stage.  They also have food booths scattered all around, serving various kinds of food.  Beth and I ate Taco salads, I think some of the family had tacos and burritos; there was also barbecue and other stuff.

Then they had a duck race!  It was cute---hundreds of little plastic ducks were dumped into the water in "canal street" which drains the storm water.  They had sandbagged and dammed up one end of it that runs beside the park and brought in water tanks loaded with water and filled it to a depth of about a foot.  Dumped in the ducks, started letting out the water on the low end, and saw which ducks won.  People had purchased the ducks for so much a duck.  Not exciting, but fun.

After we ate, we went to Diane and Jeff's house and rested out of the sun for a while, then Beth and I took Abby swimming at the pool.  She had so much fun, and nearly wore out the slide!  She can now swim about 15 feet by herself!  Grandma got a really bright red complexion on her shoulders, neck and back.......and she knows better! :-[

Back to the house, rested, watched TV or whatever, grilled and ate burgers, the around 9 we went to the HS football stadium for the fireworks show.  There were some accidents on the highway, a couple of small fires in town, etc. and the firemen were called away, which delayed the start of the fireworks until 10:15!  But for a small town, it was a really nice display!  Then after that, we had to stay and watch the guys set off their personal supply of fireworks, so we got home after midnight!  (And I'm sure you are all just fascinated by this report!)  Sorry........You may not have to read it, unless my luck has changed here.

I will stop and save the rest of my gab for later.
My book Rising Above available at


I come in this morning with a troubled heart. Please see the prayer request Ihave posted and Help me.

Iain your post this morning is really touching home today. It is so important that we stand in FAITH on God's promise. "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God". I am reminded of all the Precious Bible Promises that we have posted in that thread here.

We read those promises, we speak those promises, and we write those promises; but do we really BELIEVE those promises?

Do we believe by faith that anything is possible for God? Jesus said it is. Do we have enough faith to take God at His word? He said in His word, "My word does not return to me void" Doesn't this mean that when we pray His word over a situation that it doesn't return to Him in our prayers without Him doing something in return.

He Said in His word," I will watch over my word to perform and it prospers in whereto I have sent it." So if we REALLY believe that God means what he says, why are we not standing in FAITH on the word of God. Praying expectantly for HIs answer.

We claim to know the Will of God but do we? If we don't take His word literally, do we know His will? According to my Bible, it is His will for us to prosper and be in health; that by His stripes we were healed. That he only gives us good things, things that renew our youth like the eagles. Those are only a few that come to mind right now.

Are we trusting in God's word this morning, are we praying in faith? Or are we praying with doubt in our hearts that God isn't really going to anwer our prayers?

These are the thoughts that  Iain's post brought to my mind.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website

Etta Sue

Larry ~ It seems you and I have the same idea about Jen's leg.  I do hope she listens to her doctor and lets that leg rest and heal.

Marilyn ~ You are doing what I did.  I cleaned everything BEFORE I moved except my crystal and dinnerware.  Then the house was all clean.  I am just now having to clean once again.  I know you will be super glad when August comes and you will be all settled in!!!  When do you start your new job up there?

Pat ~ Glad to hear you are better today.  Won't you be glad when all these trips are over and you can show your pearly-whites!!!???  What a picture...a one-sided chipmunk!!!!

Jane ~ Hi, Roamer!!

JudyB ~ If I were younger, I would love to travel the way you and your husband does.  My dream job in the past was to be an inspector of Hotels/Motels for AAA.  Someone had to do that!!!  

Papa John ~ Looks like you and Cornelia had another full day for the 4th.  Great for you!!!

Sonja ~ I was surprised to see you back.  I assume Zachary is much better since he helped make your prize-winning pie!!!

Chrismar ~ A pleasant surprise to see you posting on NEM.  Come back often!!

Ruth Ann ~ That is what friends are for!!!  

Jeanne ~ Amen!  Good advice for Jen!

Kathy ~ Isn't it nice to have a day off and stay up later than normal?

Pinkie ~ Sounds like you had a great 4th of July celebration.

Iain ~ Thank you for your thoughts.  I hope no one got the idea that I have NOT had trials in my life.  I have and still do.  But with a positive outlooks, you learn by those trials.  I have lost a parent due to an auto accident on their 54th Wedding Anniversary, I lost my husband due to a massive heart attack when I was only 49, my sister lost her husband just three days after I lost my husband, I lost my job due to down-sizing then discovered I was retired at the age of 51, the same month, it was found out that my step-granddaughter had been molested by HER grandfather for several years, I found out that I have bladder cancer but it is 100% controllable, I lost my mother after a time of being in a nursing home, I found a gentleman and took him into my home and life then realized God didn't want this, (we are Special Friends now and live separate).  So I have had trials but I have had great times as well.  I thank God every day for his gifts to me.

Marilyn ~ As soon as I post, I will be off to read your prayer request.

Janet ~ Sounds like you had an awesome 4th, too!

It was a terrible time and a great time at the concert last evening.  We got there around 4PM.  You would not believe the cars already there.  We thought they were parking us the farthest away from the entrance but really we were some of the closest to the entrance.  We got everything....chairs, food, drinks, camera, sunscreen, bug spray, etc. and walked to the entrance.  Showed them our ticket and then walked some more.  It is a beautiful area.  A huge gradually sloping hillside and at the bottom an enormous ampitheater!  It was partly cloudy.  Not too bad sitting out there UNTIL the sun appeared. But the gentle breeze sure helped.  We sat there just talking and people watching for about an hour and decided it was time to eat since several other groups were eating and it smelled so good.  So our 'host' got out plates, plasticware, ham sandwiches, fresh veggies and fresh fruit and little bags of chips.  About the time everything was on our plates, they annouced that the weather bureau is saying that a lightening storm is approaching from the northwest and should be over us in about 25 minutes and that everyone is to take everything to their cars and wait it out.  If the symphony cannot be started by dark, then we would receive rain tickets for another concert.  So we pack everything up and walk, walk, walk, back to the car.  We stood behind the car and finished eating and watched the dark clouds start rolling around and heard the thunder in the distance.  Then it started getting serious.  We got in the car and sure enough, here it came.  It lasted only about a half hour then we stood outside again.  The Boy Scouts were helping people moved their belongings with little wagons for a donation and they annouced the gates would be opened again at 8PM.  So at least this time, we didn't have to take as much with us but it was also restroom time.  So we walked another direction to the main building...and you guessed it....a long line for the ladies rest room.  Then we went back outside.  I don't believe I have ever seen so many people in an outside area in all my life.  Where did they all come from?  But we did get back in and got our chairs set up again.  The concert started.  Of course, they were patriotic songs and a wonderful baritone did the singing.  The sound system was wonderful even though we were at least 150' from the stage.  All around us were fireworks from other venues.  Then our fireworks started.  Awesome fireworks.  Then it was trekking back to the car.  Ironically, we got out quickly and home in no time.  So our evening was hot, wet but, oh, so awesome.  Thank you, God!!!


"A bore is a fellow who persists in talking about himself when you want to talk about yourself."[/size]

Etta Sue


Good morning to everyone.

Etta Sue and Janet~Sounds like you both had a fun day.

Hope you all have a fun day today.  Remember wear to wear sunscreen.

I'll be back to read Iains post.



We are happy
that you have
joined us here.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


 ;D A good morning to everyone, and a welcome to Mr Ken.


Good morning everyone.  Finally got the painting done in the hallway, hopefully the last coat.  


Great to see everyone posting in here this morning.


Good morning Nancy,

        Glad you had a wonderful time yesterday. I didn't cook out, but, I did go to the 4th of July Parade. There were over 100 participants (floats). It took a couple of hours for them to all make the rounds. Love to see the patriotism. Melvin


Good Morning (it's afternoon here) Melvin!

Great to see you in here!  

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Hi Pat:
Is the Clock off by 15 minutes again?. Isee there is that much difference between the clock here and mine.

Melvin good to see you here.

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Yes, I see that clock is creeping faster each day but it's doing it more slowly than before.  When I'm speaking to Ian, I'll tell him as he's the only one who can change that!  

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


I think we should sing...

Wounded For Me
(Click to hear music)

Author:  W.G. Ovens, Vs. 1
Gladys Watkins Roberts, Vs. 2,3,4,5
Musician:  W.G. Ovens

But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
Isaiah 53:5

Wounded for me, wounded for me,
There on the cross He was wounded for me;
Gone my transgressions, and now I am free,
All because Jesus was wounded for me.

Dying for me, dying for me,
There on the cross He was dying for me;
Now in His death my redemption I see,
All because Jesus was dying for me.

Risen for me, risen for me,
Up from the grave He has risen for me;
Now evermore from death's sting I am free,
All because Jesus has risen for me.

Living for me, living for me,
Up in the skies He is living for me;
Daily He's pleading and praying for me,
All because Jesus is living for me.

Coming for me, coming for me,
One day to earth He is coming for me;
Then with what joy His dear face I shall see,
O how I praise Him—He's coming for me!

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Hello all!!  Sorry I haven't been "in" in a few days.  This week has been a little on the crazy side.  I have managed to read most (I think all) of the posts, just haven't had time to post myself.  

Our fourth was different this year.  We stayed at home and cleaned the house.  Of course you can't tell it because we straightened closets etc.  I think something rubbed off on me at Etta's house.   :P (Did ya'll know that she has all her photos, floppies, and magazines neatly organized AND categorized??????)

Anyway.  We are going to hunt for frames today, and Bernard wants to find some stuff for an old 35mm fully manual camera he has.  

Have a good 'un!

Jeanne Lee

JEN!  Painting hallways is NOT staying off your feet!!!

Beautiful normal summer weather lately.  Temperatures around 90 and hot, hazy and humid.  The kind of weather that makes for successful vacations for the tourists, of which there are a lot in this area.  ;D  We are staying inside and keeping cool and quiet.  

A little later I'll be going over to church to set up for tomorrow's Communion and making sure there are supplies for the coffee hour.  
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127

Jeanne Lee

Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127

Etta Sue

Hello, Mieka.  I know it is a busy week for you with visitors but so happy you stopped in to say, Hello!

Now Karma!!!   ::) ::) I am not near as organized as I used to be.  Maybe it was living in a mobile home all those years that if things were put up, then the house looked presentable.  But I will say, I am the opposite than my mother!  Company coming?  She cleaned out drawers!  I tried to tell her if her company looked in the drawers, then she didn't need THAT company!  Really, I am thrilled you guys got to stay what little time you did with me.  You are welcome back anytime!

Marilyn, it was great talking to you on IM this morning.  We will have to do it again real soon.

Hello, Jeanne!  I hope these storms we are getting will go away before reaching your region.  The water is good but I sure don't like the wind, lightening and thunder.  But that is God's way of pruning his trees!!

Jerry and I are stuffed with shrimp and French fries.  Whew! Did we have a wind, lightening and thunder storm while eating.  My peonie bushes were flat to the ground.  On the lawn is leaves everywhere.  I lost the satellite but it has now returned and Jerry is watching the Daytona Pepsi 400 race on TV.  Karma, where we were standing for our group picture....well, we would be in water if we were out there now.  Lots of rain has fallen last night and today.  

I pray everyone has a God-blessed Lord's day tomorrow.


I will see if I can stay online long enough to make a short post!  It has been blinking on and off all day today, and now we have really high winds and threatening looking clouds.

I just finished putting together a bookcase for Abby's books.  I got tired of them being behind the door of my bedroom!  She loves books, just as her Mom did when little, and both her brothers.  We have a fun time reading together and talking.  Yesterday, she was telling me how she is going to treat her children---she is not quite six years old!  That child believes in planning ahead! ;)

Darrel and I worked more on the house this week.  We have built the entire thing ourselves, and still have lots of unfinished projects, so it makes me really happy when we get things accomplished.  This week it has been the entryway.  We finished the sheetrock, got it all taped and finished, I got it painted, and today Darrel got the baseboards and some window trim done.  Now he can hang the light, and then comes two doors.  Little by little......we may get it all done some day!  Jen, as I was painting, I thought about you!


I think I'm about ready to shower and head to bed!  I'm kind of tired today.  Hope everyone has a blessed day tomorrow!
My book Rising Above available at

Papa John

well, it is better late than never so I am dropping in to say hello and good night.

We had the last of the lectures this morning with several very inspiring speeches.  It has been good for us but rather tiring.  We still have company who will stay, I think, until Monday.

Cornelia and I continue to read the Bible through out loud and we are now in the Proverbs.  Last night one especially caught my attention:

Prov 20:14  "It's no good, it's no good!" says the buyer; then off he goes and boasts about his purchase.  (NIV)

I think we are often like that today.  We like to get a bargain and kind of brag about how little we paid for something.  Human nature doesn't change much through the centuries.

I hope you all have a good night's rest.

--- Papa John    ;D          <:))))><<

Eph 2:8-9  For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- not by works, so that no one can boast.(NIV)

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Quote from: Melvin M. Killough on July 05, 2003, 12:21:02 PM
Good morning Nancy,
        Glad you had a wonderful time yesterday. I didn't cook out, but, I did go to the 4th of July Parade. There were over 100 participants (floats). It took a couple of hours for them to all make the rounds. Love to see the patriotism. Melvin

Hi Melvin...just now reading your post!  Been sick in bed all day, and have just now gotten up.  Hope I feel better by tomorrow...Sunday!  Don't want to miss church.
Hilsen fra Nancy Pedersen
If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36


Sorry that you've been unwell today, Pinkie!  I pray that you'll be as good as new tomorrow so that you can attend your church services.

Well, it's that time again...  time to lock this door and open tomorrow's...

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