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Spiritually Speaking => Manna For The Soul => Topic started by: SmokeytheDog on January 28, 2005, 01:45:44 AM

Title: The Kitten In The Bushes
Post by: SmokeytheDog on January 28, 2005, 01:45:44 AM
The Kitten in the Bushes
By Smokey the Dog

A while ago I came across 2 college student types poking around in the bushes outside one of our buildings. I thought it odd since it was about 11:00PM, so I got out of my car to investigate. Well it turns out these two were trying to catch a kitten that had previously been hiding under the hood of their car. Now it was in the bushes. So being the nice security officer I tried to help. Have you tried to find a black kitten in the bushes at night? Good luck. Every time we almost had it, the kitten would dash past us and into another section of the bushes. we tried meowing, but the kitten finally hid in a prickly section of bushes where we couldn't see or hear it. I had to call it quits after about over half an hour of this.

Much later I got to thinking, You know, we probably could have caught that kitten if we had given 100%. Like I could have dived into the bushes, not caring about my uniform, and grabbed the furball. But we all held back, and the kitten escaped, again and again. Hmmmmm. What would it be like if we really gave 100%, not worrying about the scratches, or bruises, or torn uniform? Maybe we would have what we were after. What if what we were after was Christ and His Kingdom?
Title: Re: The Kitten In The Bushes
Post by: Al Moak on February 15, 2005, 09:52:52 AM
That's a really good illustration, Smokey (what's your real name?).  Thanks for it.  I may use it someday in a sermon.