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Janet: Hello, Friends!  Let's get this going again!  I miss  hearing from all of you! Today at 19:26:16

Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

New Tribes Mission

Started by Pat, April 09, 2003, 07:32:59 PM

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NTM Weekly Update~June 20

  • Indonesia:
    The people of the village of Tembaga recently sent a request for missionaries to teach them the Word of God. Since the people don't know how to read and write, they signed the request with their fingerprints. Pray for laborers to go to this waiting tribe.

    Praise God for those who have recently graduated from the national missionary training program! Some of the graduates will return to their home areas for ministry, while others plan to move to Papua in order to plant churches. Pray for these as they begin their ministries. Pray too that more Indonesian believers will desire to enter the training program.

    Part of the flight program has been closed down because of the shortage of pilots. This has severely handicapped several ministries. Pray!

  • Thailand:  
    Prai tribe:

    Missionary Fran Jordan is planning to teach Bible lessons to four young ladies. She will teach chronologically from creation through the resurrection of Christ. Liam, Nute, Jean and Moi are at different levels in their understanding of God. Pray that they will clearly understand the teaching and place their faith in Christ.

  • Papua New Guinea:
    Mariama tribe:

    Praise God that progress is being made on an airstrip in the Mariama tribe! A tractor was made available and has been a blessing. The airstrip will save a lot of travel time for missionaries Brian and Andrea Holmquist and Mark and Holly Woodard. Pray for the soon completion of this airstrip.

    Churches in the Andakombi, Gimi, Hamtai, Simbari, Sinasina and Yagaria tribes are continuing on their own without missionaries. Pray that the Bible teachers will continue faithful, and that believers will be strengthened.

  • Destination Summit:
    Students of Destination Summit's Interface program are
    nearing the end of their course. Pray that God will speak to the students' hearts in these final days, showing them how they can be further involved in missions.

    Assist teams with Destination Summit have just begun month-long ministries in Brazil and Bolivia. The Brazilian team is working on projects at the Macedonia Bible Institute and the Bolivian team is assisting in ministries at Tambo and Santa Cruz. Pray for strength. Pray too that lives will be challenged to further involvement in getting the Gospel to those who need

  • Brazil:
    Kaingang tribe:

    The Chapeco and Nonoai churches are growing. New
    believers have been added to each church. Praise the Lord that some who had drifted from the Lord in the Nonoai church are now back in fellowship. Pray for the spiritual growth of the new believers.

    Pataxo tribe:
    Evangelistic teaching is beginning among the Pataxos. Pray that God's Word will be clearly presented and understood. Pray that hearts will be open to receive Christ.

  • Panama:
    Guaymi tribe:

    Eight Guaymi couples are doing evangelism and follow-up in the Chiriqui and Veraguas provinces. Pray for God's strength and provision for these couples. Pray that God's Word will produce more fruit among the Guaymis.

  • Greenland:
    For three months missionaries Jorundur and Linda Hansen had been having good Bible studies with Simon and Kaalat, then the couple's interest gradually waned. Jorundur and Linda thought Simon and Kaalat were
    close to making a decision to trust Christ. Pray that their interest in God's Word will be rekindled.

  • Canada:
    Language training will begin at the Canadian New Tribes Language Institute this fall. Missionaries John and Cindy Challinor will be involved in starting this program. Pray for the Challinor's as they get settled into their new ministry and make preparations for the coming

  • England:
    Staff and students of New Tribes Bible and Missionary Training Centre at North Cotes are hosting a conference this weekend. Pray for the missionaries and visitors who are traveling to take part in the conference. Pray too that all will be encouraged to see how they have a
    part in taking the Gospel to unreached people groups.

  • USA:
    Four hundred missionaries attended the week-long refresher course at New Tribes Language Institute which ended Wednesday. Praise the Lord for a
    wonderful time of encouragement! Pray that Christ will be manifest in each life as they return to their various ministries.
"The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and strengthen your bones; you shall be like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail." Isaiah 58:11

Water your world this week!

New Tribes Mission plants churches among unevangelized tribal people around the world. For more information, go to: www.ntm.org

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


New Tribes Mission Update~July 11

  • USA:
    Gracia Burnham's story continues to touch lives. She will be speaking in Orlando, Florida, this weekend. Pray for strength as she maintains a busy schedule along with her family responsibilities. For more information, read the news story online at
    (this article will be available after 2pm EST)  Or receive the story by e-mail autoresponder. Send a blank e-mail with the subject: "Send Gracia" To: getinfo@ntm.org

    Macon Hare Sr., a former member of NTM's Executive Committee, and long-time editor for NTM's monthly publication Brown Gold (now NTM@Work), passed peacefully into the Lord's presence Wednesday evening, July 9. A memorial service will be held this Sunday at NTM Headquarters chapel in Sanford, Florida. Pray that the family will know the Lord's comfort and strength at this time.

    NTM Homes:
    While the number of retired missionary residents at the Homes has increased, the construction and maintenance crew has not. Some of the gaps were filled during the winter months by volunteers, but more year-round help is needed. Pray that God would send laborers to carry on the work.

  • Indonesia:
    Lauje tribe:

    An historical three-day conference for 35 Lauje Bible teachers ended Thursday. The men have faithfully taken the Gospel to remote villages for many years, but had never before met together for mutual fellowship and encouragement. Praise God for this first-ever conference! Pray that the teachers will have fruitful ministries.

    Da'an tribe:
    Believers from four tribal groups are meeting for a week-long inter-tribal conference. Pray that they will be encouraged in the Lord.

  • Papua New Guinea:
    Inaru tribe:

    The Inaru believers are growing in the Lord as more of God's Word is made available in their language.  Missionary Jason Stuart will soon complete the translation of the book of Romans. Pray for a clear and accurate translation.

    Tigak tribe:
    Fifty Tigaks attended the first two evangelistic Bible lessons which began last week. Tongi, a spiritual leader among the people gave a passionate talk on the importance of attending the teaching and listening to God's Word. Close to tears, he confessed that he didn't know what he was talking about when he tried to teach them. Pray for Tongi and his fellow Tigaks to clearly understand God's Truth.

    Ata tribe:
    In their first attempt at writing Bible lessons, Ata Bible teachers have completed lessons on the book of 2 Timothy. They will soon be printed and available to the Ata churches. Praise the Lord for the initiative taken by the teachers. Pray that the lessons will encourage the Ata churches.

    Pawaia tribe:
    Missionary Jack Douglas recently visited Japulumatu village and was encouraged to find more than 70 new believers. Praise God! A Pawaian believer, Dani, has faithfully evangelized there for the past year. Pray that these new believers will grow in their walk with the Lord.

    Asengseng tribe:
    Two leaders in the Asengseng church have recently died.
    Tapu, an elder, and Sainli, a Bible teacher, will be greatly missed. Pray that the believers will be comforted and depend on the Lord during this time. Pray too that more godly leaders will emerge.

  • Philippines:
    Higaunon tribe:

    The Bible books of Romans, 1 Corinthians and Ephesians are undergoing their final translation check. Pray that they will soon be printed and distributed to the Higaunon people.

  • Brazil:
    Guanano tribe:

    Three believers, Agustin, Mario and Claudimir are helping to teach evangelistic Bible lessons. The three men take turns reviewing the lesson each week with missionaries Lindy and Carol Drake before teaching it on Sundays. Pray that God's Spirit will work in the new teachers as they study the Scriptures and that their teaching will come from their hearts.

  • Venezuela:
    Panare tribe:

    People in other villages have asked one Panare elder to come teach them God's Word. He said, "I'm only one person and I can only be in one place at a time. I'm not like God. I can't be everywhere at once! I've decided I need to split myself. I need to teach other men how to teach." This elder has started a class to train four men as teachers. Pray that those in training will be faithful and that other villages will soon hear the Word of God.

  • Bolivia:
    Chimane tribe:

    Chimane leaders are asking for someone to translate more of the Old Testament scriptures into their language. Praise the Lord that they have a desire for God's Word! Missionaries Wayne and Ruth Gill are seeking God's direction regarding this ministry, but there are other concerns that enter the decision. Pray for God's leading as to who should be involved.
"For the Lord is the great God, and the great King above all gods. In His hand are the deep places of the earth; the heights of the hills are His also." Psalm 95:3,4
See His magnificence around you this weekend.

New Tribes Mission plants churches among unevangelized tribal people around the world. For more information, go to: www.ntm.org

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Judy McKenna

Pat - I heard that Gracia Burnham could be coming to Guelph next year.
I'm going to look into this., if she does, I'm sure going to hear her!
"I am too blessed to be stressed".


Me too, Judy!  I wouldn't want to miss that for sure.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Judy McKenna

I'll be sure to let you know if and when I hear something, Pat
"I am too blessed to be stressed".


NTM Weekly Update~September 12

    Believers in Hotuk testify of their trust in Jesus Christ alone to go to heaven. Six believers recently were baptized. For more information, read the news story:
    Or receive the story by e-mail autoresponder. Send a blank e-mail with the subject: "Send Selenge" To: getinfo@ntm.org
    Landuma tribe:

    Landuma Christians are undergoing persecution for their faith and are standing firm. For more information, read the news story:
    Or receive the story by e-mail autoresponder. Send a blank e-mail with the subject: "Send Landuma" To: getinfo@ntm.org
    Chimane tribe:

    A Chimane Bible teacher, Pastor Rocha, is restored to fellowship. For more information, read the news story:
    Or receive the story by e-mail autoresponder. Send a blank e-mail with the subject: "Send Chimane" To: getinfo@ntm.org
  • USA:
    Missionary Gracia Burnham continues to seek balance between caring for her family and encouraging audiences around the country. See the detailed update, with a photo:
    Or receive the story by e-mail autoresponder. Send a blank e-mail with the subject "Send Gracia" to: getinfo@ntm.org
    Tigak tribe:

    God is reshaping the thinking of the Tigaks as they hear His Word. Missionaries are now teaching lessons from Jesus' life. For more information, read the news story:
    Or receive the story by e-mail autoresponder. Send a blank e-mail with the subject: "Send Tigak" To: getinfo@ntm.org
    Inaru tribe:
    Missionary Jason Stuart is waiting for a translation check this month on the draft translation of Romans in Inaru. Pray for the Lord to work through Jason and the  Inarus so that Romans will be translated accurately.
    Kui tribe:
    Missionaries Ralph and Kim Lewis are working with a small group of believers to evangelize their village of Preah Vihear. They have invited the community to watch a video this Sunday. After the video they will schedule evangelistic Bible studies for any who are interested. Ralph and Kim are excited about the opportunities being presented. Pray for God's direction.
    Guanano tribe:

    Two Guanano Bible teachers, Mario and Claudimir, are making good progress in teaching evangelistic Bible lessons. Pray that these men will continue developing into faithful church leaders. Missionaries Lindy and Carol Drake are pleased that Claudimir is beginning to demonstrate the qualities of a pastor. Pray too that those hearing the teaching will understand the true way of salvation in Christ.
    Bainouk tribe:

    Praise the Lord for fruitful meetings of believers. The men are gathering to hear teaching on the book of James, and the women are attending a cross-stitch class and listening to evangelistic Bible lessons on tape. Pray for the women to be able to attend live teaching when rice-transplant work slows down. Pray too for missionary Dave Lanham and the team to clearly communicate Scriptural truths.
    Bruu tribe:

    Missionaries Clark and Mary Aspinwall are in the Bruu village until Sept. 15 to check their Bruu translation on Scripture passages in Leviticus through Joshua with tribal language helpers. Praise the Lord for progress and pray for continued grace to get the job done.
    The contingency team, the executive committee and Ivory Coast field committee members have decided that missionaries Jim and Marge Finnamore, Theo and Martha Enns and Lesley Wolfe could return to the capital city of Abidjan this October. The Finnamores were evacuated from the country because of political unrest October last year, and the Enns and Lesley were evacuated this February. Pray for peace of mind and provisions as the missionaries prepare to go.
    Two missionary families to Mozambique are in South Africa awaiting paperwork for continuing their trip. DJ and Tricia Morrison and Anthony and Jennie Chee plan on arriving in Nampula, Mozambique on Tuesday. They are thankful for a group of believers in South Africa that has been very helpful. Pray that the necessary documents arrive with no problems. Pray too as these families begin settling in to Mozambican life.
    Praise the Lord for sending three pilots and an overhauled Cessna 206 that is new to the work in Venezuela, to help missionaries living in tribal areas. Pray for safety and wisdom as the pilots adapt to jungle aviation.
  • ASIA:
    Praise the Lord! Missionaries Bob Kennell and Larry Goring had a fruitful time at a mission symposium in Thailand. They are visiting missionaries Qyu Seock and Se In Yoon in Korea. Pray they will have safe travels and an encouraging time of fellowship with the Yoons.
Many new missionaries are starting their ministries in the Asia Pacific region over the next 12 months. Pray for these families as they prepare to leave relatives and friends and establish partnerships with other missionaries.
"The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever; do not forsake the works of Your hands." Psalm 138:8
* * *
New Tribes Mission plants churches among unevangelized tribal people around the world. For more information, go to: www.ntm.org

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


I have often read about, heard about but never met any of the NTM's.  I cannot begin to  imagine the hard times that they have and their great committment as they fulfill our Lord's commission to go into all the world.  God's people are will never quit and that is the beauty of it all! :)
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life.  No man cometh unto the Father but by me.  John 14:6


Hi Kathy...  I agree with you.  I've known many NTM missionaries and all are such great folks.

I got a new Newsletter today.  I'll try to get it posted later.

I'm sure that the internet has helped them somewhat if they have connections.

A couple I knew in Brazil had such a time getting supplies.  They shopped twice a year back in the 1960's and by boat up a long and dangerous river.  They are retired now and their son is now in this area near Manaus (not sure if that's how you spell it).

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


New Tribes Weekly Update~October 31

  • Panama:
    Embera tribe:

    The Emberas hosted 25 church leaders from four tribes for a Shepherd's Conference last week. Pray that the encouraged leaders will strengthen their churches.
    Find out more -- read the news story, with photo >>[/b]
    Or receive the story by e-mail autoresponder. Send a blank e-mail with the subject: "Send Embera" To: getinfo@ntm.org

    Naso tribe:
    Ninety students signed up for a six-week literacy course that began in October. Literacy consultant Wendy Rees teaches two hour classes twice each day. SIL is doing a Bible translation and the Naso missionary team has printed various story books in the language. Praise the Lord that the Nasos will be able to read God's Word in their language.

  • Greenland:
    Missionaries Jorundur Hansen and Simin Osa are beginning the first adult Bible study offered to the public in Qaqortoq, Greenland. Pray that they may boldly proclaim God's Word. Find out more -- read the news story, with photos >>[/b]
    Or receive the story by e-mail autoresponder. Send a blank e-mail with the subject: "Send Qaqortoq" To: getinfo@ntm.org

  • Brazil:
    Marubo tribe:
    Expulsion papers have been written to remove missionaries from the tribe. The department of Indian affairs has asked that the transition process take into consideration the outcry of the Marubos. The people want the missionaries to stay and some have shown interest in moving with the missionaries to another location. Missionaries Phil and Kristi Jansma wrote, "We are now looking into all our possibilities." Pray for God's direction.

  • Philippines:
    Agutaynen tribe:

    The New Testament in the Agutaynen language is nearing completion. It is scheduled to go the typesetter in January 2004. An SIL team has worked for 20 years on the translation. Dedications of the New Testament are being planned in several Agutaynen villages for the coming year. Pray that the final editing and printing goes well.

  • Papua New Guinea:
    Dinangat tribe:

    Missionaries have had encouraging talks with the people since receiving a letter asking them to only translate the Scriptures and not to teach. Pray for the missionary team of Jeremiah and April Markley, Ralf and Elli Schlegel and Gary and Esther Smith as they begin learning the culture and language of the Dinangats. Pray too that good relationships will be established with the people.

    Kuman tribe:
    The Kumans are hearing this week about "the Lamb of God." The people who have listened to Old Testament Bible lessons are being convicted of their sin and lost condition. Pray that they will truly see the salvation that is available in Christ.

    Maleu tribe:
    Missionary Todd Gerst was excited to hear that the believers in Gie have been approached by five other villages who want to hear "God's talk." Pray that the church in Gie will carry the message of God's salvation to their neighbors.

  • Mexico:
    Tepehuan tribe:

    Missionary Matt Arnold has completed formal language studies. Praise the Lord! A literacy program will begin soon among the Tepehuan. The missionary team is looking for the people's interest in literacy to open doors to teaching God's Word.

    Tarahumara tribe:
    Missionaries Tony Finch and Barry Wingo are translating the first ten chapters of Genesis, and preparing Bible lessons for teaching the Tarahumaras. They want to have a comprehension check done on them the first part of November. Pray for accuracy and clarity in their work.

  • Senegal:
    Balanta tribe:
    Missionaries Dave and Tippy McKee are praying "that the Word would have free course and be gloried" in the life of their Balanta language helper Lamine Mansaal. Lamine has been doing an excellent job of checking the Bible lessons that Dave and Tippy prepare. Pray for his salvation.

  • Guinea:
    Tanda tribe:

    A full class greeted the missionaries on their first day back for the next sessions of Bible teaching. The head of every household but two was present. Pray for missionaries Roger and Jen Enters, Ron and Heather Yearwood and Darcy and Liz Dueck as they prepare the lessons and minister to the Tandas. Classes are held each Friday evening.

  • USA:
    NTM Aviation:

    Two pilots and their families are ready to serve in Indonesia and the Philippines. Praise the Lord! Pray that they will soon be on their way. This will help in getting supplies to the tribal missionaries, but more pilots are needed. Pray that God will send more laborers.

    In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. Ephesians 1:13

    * * * *
    New Tribes Mission plants churches among unevangelized tribal people around the world. For more information, visit www.ntm.org.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


I am awed and  speechless as to how these NTM are used to spread God's salvation.  It is beyond my comprehension but thank God for them and their unselfishishness in communicating with these tribes.
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life.  No man cometh unto the Father but by me.  John 14:6


New Tribes Weekly Digest~November 7

  • Papua New Guinea:
    Dinangat tribe:

    Praise God for His answer to prayer! Missionaries who received a letter telling them they could translate Scripture but not teach are now encouraged by some of the Dinangats' responses. Find out more -- read the news story, with a photo >>
    Or receive the story by e-mail autoresponder. Send a blank e-mail with the subject: "Send Dinangat" To: getinfo@ntm.org

    Uriai tribe:
    A land dispute has arisen over the site where the missionary team of Aaron and Meredith DeRidder, Elias and Jose Struik, Lisa Kappeler and M'Liss Spero planned to build their houses. Pray that this will be quickly resolved so the missionaries can move into the tribe. Pray too that the team will have wisdom as they deal with the situation.

    Tigak tribe:
    Missionaries Ned and Linn Beall are beginning their home assignment. Their desire to leave the Tigaks with Scripture has been realized. Ned's translation check went well and Scripture portions of Genesis and Mark are ready to be printed. Praise God! Pray for safe travels for the Bealls, and for a good year ministering in the USA.

  • Guinea:
    Landuma tribe:

    Young Landuma believers are seeing victories amid threats and persecution. God is ministering to hearts. Pray that His truth will find place in more Landuma hearts. Find out more -- read the news story, with a photo >>
    Or receive the story by e-mail autoresponder. Send a blank e-mail with the subject: "Send Landuma" To: getinfo@ntm.org

    Missionary Dan Dore plans to visit several villages this month, and in December, to determine God's will for beginning a ministry to another people group . Pray that good contacts may be made in each area visited. Pray too for safe travels.

  • Philippines:
    Higaunon tribe:

    With more and more people listening to the Gospel, Bible teacher Pogong and his wife, Pusay, are asking the Lord for more teachers. Pray that Higaunon men whom God has gifted will realize and use their teaching gift.

  • Australia:
    More than 100 missionaries from various locations throughout Asia are expected to attend an Asia Pacific Leadership Conference the third week of November in Australia. Pray that all the details of travel and other preparations will go well for a profitable and encouraging conference.

  • Bolivia:
    NTM Aviation in Bolivia has experienced many mechanical problems recently with their two planes. One of the planes needs a major overhaul. It was decided to do the necessary repairs on the field instead of shipping the plane to the USA. An engine and other parts have been ordered for this project. Pray that the parts will clear customs at a reasonable cost.

  • Brazil:
    Guanano tribe:

    Missionaries Lindy and Carol Drake and Barry and Denise Spor and writing Bible lessons on Romans and Ephesians in preparation for a Discipleship Seminar. Pray that the seminar will help in resolving some issues and in strengthening the church.

  • Panama:
    Guaymi tribe:

    Eleven Guaymis who have been trained to edit helped missionary Don Barger check revised Guaymi Bible lessons this week. Pray that this material will soon be ready for printing so the Guaymi church can receive more of God's truth.

  • UK:
    The European training center will soon need another linguistics teacher. Missionary Kathy Sacket, who is currently teaching the course, is returning to her previous place of ministry. Because of a lack of teachers the institute has been able to offer this course only every other year. Pray that God will send Kathy's replacement so the course can continue uninterrupted.

  • Greenland:
    The first public Bible teaching in the Greenlandic language was held Wednesday night in Qaqortoq. Pray for missionaries Jorundur and Linda Hansen and Simon and Asa Osa as they meet with the people each Wednesday. Jorundur will be doing the teaching. Pray that God's Word will be well received.
And Abraham called the name of the place, The-Lord-Will-Provide, as it is said to this day. "In the Mount of the Lord it shall be provided." Genesis 22:14

Remember who your Provider is this weekend.

* * * *
New Tribes Mission plants churches among unevangelized tribal people around the world. For more information, visit www.ntm.org.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


New Tribes Weekly Digest~Nov. 21

  • Paraguay:
    Pai Tavy Tera tribe:

    The Pai church has grown from four people to more than 100 in two and a half years. Pai believers Antonio and Elvio are currently teaching 31 unbelievers in the village of Pikykua. Find out more -- read the news story, with photo >>

    Or receive the story by e-mail autoresponder. Send a blank e-mail with the subject: "Send Pai" To: getinfo@ntm.org

  • Mongolia:
    Tsendejav tells the joy of knowing the Lord Jesus Christ after understanding the Gospel through chronological Bible studies. Find out more -- read the news story, with photo >>
    Or receive the story by e-mail autoresponder. Send a blank e-mail with the subject: "Send Mongolia" To: getinfo@ntm.org

  • Mexico:
    Tarahumara tribe:

    Manuel Chavez, who became a believer in Christ last month, has been joined on God's trail by his wife Cuka. Praise God for answered prayer! Find out more -- read the news story, with photo >>
    Or receive the story by e-mail autoresponder. Send a blank e-mail with the subject: "Send Tarahumara" To: getinfo@ntm.org

  • Papua New Guinea:
    Kuman tribe:

    Missionaries now have a sister in Christ among the Kumans. They are looking for a greater harvest this week as they present the death, burial and resurrection of Christ to other Kumans. Find out more -- read the news story >>
    Or receive the story by e-mail autoresponder. Send a blank e-mail with the subject: "Send Kuman" To: getinfo@ntm.org

    Kaulong tribe:
    Missionaries are rejoicing to see two Kaulong men, Jek Mosli and Matyu Salang, beginning to share in the believer's meetings. Kaulong believers gather to worship God and receive Bible teaching each Friday and Sunday. Missionary Peter Van Der Decker teaches on Fridays and his co-worker Doug Laney teaches on Sundays. Pray for continued growth for the believers, and that Jek and Matyu will be encouraged to teach more.

  • Praise the Lord! Twenty-five students from Jamaica, Venezuela, N. Ireland, Canada and the USA had a fruitful summer learning about tribal missions at the Interface campus. One student wrote, "Learning about God's Word, His will for believers, and seeing what [He] has done for ... tribal people puts in my heart an overwhelming urgency to share God's Word with people all over the world.". Pray that the students will, by faith, act upon the things God has challenged them regarding world missions.

  • Philippines:
    Higaunon tribe:

    Missionary Ron Jennings recently taught a seminar to tribal church leaders on Bible translation principles. Tribal believers from another part of the island had compared their Bible to the Higaunon translation and thought translation differences were "errors." "The enemy would love to use whatever he can to cause division in the church," missionaries Lance and Laura Ostman wrote. Pray for the Higaunon Bible teachers to be confident through the Holy Spirit's teaching that the Scriptures they have are reliable.

  • Cambodia:
    Kui tribe:

    MAF pilot Winston Ussher was available to take missionaries Ralph and Kim Lewis and their children on an aerial survey of Kui villages. Ralph and Kim are trusting God to place them in the ideal location which would present the optimum opportunity for evangelizing the Kui people. Pray for God's direction.

  • Venezuela:
    Pume tribe:

    Nine leaders from Pume churches, along with some of their wives, will meet with Merrill and Teresa Dyck for three weeks of discipleship. Pray they will have good times of fellowship and teaching so the leaders can effectively minister to their churches.

  • Bolivia:
    Chimane tribe:

    Many of the 7,000 Chimanes have an opportunity to hear God's Word in their own language each day over FM radio. Missionaries Bruce and Jan Johnson would like to expand the radio coverage to include the remaining Chimanes, and to have the ability to reach two other people groups. Pray for God's provision of equipment and personnel.

  • Brazil:
    Javae tribe:

    Missionary Kathy Stucky is home-schooling six children from grades 1 through 7 so their parents can concentrate on tribal church planting work. Pray that Kathy can teach and exemplify Christ-likeness to the children.

    Missionaries Ed Emsheimer and Jose Aparecido will travel to the Madeira River and Rondonia areas of Brazil looking for people groups who have yet to hear the Gospel. Pray that God will guide them to people who know the area and would be willing to help.

  • Thailand:
    Karen tribe:

    Among the Karen believers four men Pui, Pai, Yali and Baika, have emerged as faithful teachers. These four men are teaching evangelistic Bible lessons to the young people of Sarawat village. Three of these men are also going to other villages to teach. Missionaries have received reports of possible new believers in these villages. Pray that God's Spirit will move in hearts to bring other Karen people to a knowledge of God's truth.

    Karen tribe:
    Two powerful Karen religious leaders, Shei and Mr. Bean (missionaries refer to him using the English translation of his Karen name), are interested in hearing the truth about God. Shei recently said that when he is ready to decide to follow God he is going to "jump in without looking back." Pray that they will hear God's Word, clearly understand, and trust in Christ alone for salvation.
For the word of the Lord is right, and all His work is done in truth. Psalm 33:4

* * * *
New Tribes Mission plants churches among unevangelized tribal people around the world. For more information, visit www.ntm.org.

* * * *

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New Tribes Weekly Digest~January 23

  • Mexico:
    Tarahumara tribe:
    The church is growing strong. Missionaries are making progress in Bible translation, literacy and discipleship. Find out more -- read the story online >>

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  • Mexico:
    Guarijio tribe:
    Missionaries Terry and Renee Reed plan to start evangelistic Bible studies with a family in Pacaibo on Monday. Pray that the family will not pull out of the study, but will be receptive to the work God wants to do in their lives.

  • Mexico:
    Tepehuan tribe:
    Missionaries Barry and Candy Wingo and Andrew and Anne Marie Ferguson are studying the Tepehuan language in Durango and make periodic trips to visit the Tepehuan community. They would like to be living among the people, but permission has been denied other missionaries in the past. Pray that the Wingos and Fergusons will establish good relationships with the people so they can begin living among them.

  • Panama:
    Kuna tribe:
     Persecution in Morti is spurring believers on to bold proclamation and fervent prayer. Find out more -- read the story online >>

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  • Panama:
    Embera tribe:
    Bible studies are going on in several homes in Piriati. One believer, Tito, has started a study with the owner of the local cantina. Pray that Tito will be clear in his teaching and that the owner will understand God's Word and believe in Christ.

  • Senegal:
    Dialonke tribe:
    Dialonkes packed out the literacy class in Madina Bafe. Find out more -- read the story online >>

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  • Philippines:
    Higaunon tribe:
    Silak, a HIgaunon man, repents. He told missionaries Lance and Laura Ostman he was like a restless bird. Find out more -- read the story online >>

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  • Papua New Guinea:
    Myu tribe:
    Missionary Lenore Tillitson returned to Papua New Guinea to find that copies of the Myu New Testament, which she translated, had already arrived. Lenore is praising the Lord they cleared customs with no charges. The dedication ceremony to present the Myu New Testament to the people will be March 17. Pray for the preparations for the dedication.

  • Papua New Guinea:
    Inapang tribe:
    Missionaries Bill Housley, Will Ziegler, Daniel Moore, and Lyle Mankey visited several Inapang villages in the Midsivindi area of Madang province to see about church planting possibilities. They received invitations from every village they visited. Another trip is planned for the end of the month to determine the best location for a missionary team. Pray for God's direction.

  • Ivory Coast:
    Loron tribe:
    Missionaries Paul and Marina Briggs are ministering to the Loron people in Burkina Faso as they wait for the political situation in Ivory Coast to settle. The Briggs have started teaching literacy and training future literacy teachers. Twenty young adults are enthusiastically learning how to read and write in Loron. Pray for health, strength, wisdom and patience for the Briggs. Pray too for opportunities to talk with the people about their need for the Lord.

  • Thailand: Missionaries Bill and Donna Davis are on a nine-week trip to Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines. Pray for the Davises as they teach culture-and-language-acquisition workshops, do consultation work and train other consultants. Pray for health, safety and focus on the Lord.

  • Mozambique: Missionaries Jason and Laurel Crockett, with their three children are traveling to start their first term in Mozambique. They thought they had an apartment waiting for them in Mozambique, but the renter is now asking for a considerable increase in the rent. The Crocketts wrote, "Please pray that we would have wisdom about whether to accept this or wait for another apartment."

  • Bolivia: Missionaries Dan and Kathy Stokes are leading a team of 15 couples on a SUMMIT trip to Bolivia this weekend. The team will help with construction and other projects at the NTM's missionary training center in Santa Cruz. They will also be bringing newly printed Bibles for the Trinitario church and other Spanish literature to help the national believers. Pray for safety and encouragement in the Lord.
But know that the Lord has set apart for Himself him who is godly; the Lord will hear when I call to Him.  Psalm 4:3

* * * *
New Tribes Mission plants churches among unevangelized tribal people around the world. For more information, visit www.ntm.org.

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Thanks for all this information on NTM.  Their web site is one of the best i have seen.  I enjoyed reading the daily logs from the missionaries,,,,

God Bliss


Scott, you have no idea how pleased I was to find your post.  I love to hear and read of what the missionaries are doing and was about to give up posting it in here as I wondered if there was any interest!  LOL  But great that you posted.


Do you still have the link of the missionaries daily log?  I went to look and can't find it.  I'd love to read that.

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New Tribes Mission Weekly Update~February 20

  • Papua New Guinea:
    Tigak tribe:

    Pangas, a teacher from the Tigak island of Salapiu, heard Bible lessons in Limanak and believed. Missionaries Phil and Char Shively found out last week that Pangas has been teaching God's Word to his own people since returning several months ago. Find out more -- read the full story online >>

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  • Papua New Guinea:
    Myu tribe:

    Conflicts with other Myus have caused some Myu believers to fall into sin. The Myu New Testament dedication scheduled for next month in Miupak is moved to another village as a result. Pray for the Miupak believers to be restored to fellowship. Find out more -- read the full story online >>

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  • Papua New Guinea:
    Aram tribe:

    Benson, a man from the Aram tribe, visited New Tribes missionaries last week with an invitation for them to go to his people. Missionaries are planning to visit the tribe and assess church planting needs. Pray for wisdom. Pray too for God to send more laborers.

  • Thailand:
    Prai tribe:

    Interest in the Gospel has grown among the Prais. Two women, Phai and Lai, sought out missionary Dave Jordan for the truth, which resulted in Phai becoming a believer. Find out more -- read the full story online>>

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  • Thailand:
    Prai tribe:

    Phai, Dee and Lai called for a meeting on Monday and proclaimed their faith in Christ. Despite threats and accusations against the new believers, three more Prais have asked to receive Bible teaching. Praise the Lord for the believers' faithful witness. Pray for the Prai church to grow strong in the Lord.

  • Panama:
    Naso tribe:

    Missionary Simon Challinor is writing chronological Bible lessons in Naso. Co-workers from SIL International are almost halfway done translating Naso Scripture portions. Pray for the team as they plan to begin teaching God's Word in March 2005.

  • Panama:
    Naso tribe:

    Missionary Wendy Rees will teach beginning reading in five different communities in the next five weeks. She will travel with two Nasos, Rufina and Constancio, who will be teaching Naso cultural songs and dances. Wendy asks for prayer that she will be a good witness to her traveling companions. Pray too that Wendy's students will become avid readers of the Naso language.

  • Indonesia:
    Maniwo tribe:

    A Maniwo man recently shot and killed his wife, marking the tribe's fifth murder in six months. Pray for God to prepare Maniwo hearts for the Gospel. Pray too for New Tribes missionaries as they press on in language study. The team hopes to be fluent enough to begin translating and sharing God's Word in Maniwo by May this year.

  • Indonesia:
    Elseng tribe:

    Missionaries Larry Walles and Elisa Bowa traveled interior last week to meet with the Elseng village chief, but he was not there. They needed to find out if village leaders knew of a letter requesting that the missionaries pay a large sum of money for settlement among the Elsengs. The villagers welcomed them so they will continue with plans to settle in the tribe. Pray that they will have freedom to live with and minister to the Elseng people.

  • Philippines:
    Banwaon tribe:

    Missionary Albert Castelijn is almost done translating the Gospel of Luke into Banwaon. The Bible teachers have begun teaching from the first four chapters. "Each week we are encouraged as they meet and discuss the following week's lesson, delving into the Word for themselves," Albert and his wife, Lynne, wrote. Pray for perseverance and wisdom.

  • Brazil:
    Kuripako tribe:

    Missionary Zenilson Bezerra is almost done translating chronological Bible lessons into Kuripako. He is anxious to finish translation and begin teaching God's Word to the people. Pray for Zenilson and missionary Sergio Rodrigues, who is helping with the translation.

  • Guinea:
    Landuma tribe:

    Thank you for praying for the two Landuma believers who had fallen into sin. The situation concerning the lady's pregnancy has been resolved and her family has forgiven the young man. Pray for him as he takes the proper steps to make their engagement official. "It is great to see two young believers trying to do what is right before the Lord," missionaries Dan and Michelle Dore wrote. Pray for strength and wisdom for these young believers.

  • Venezuela:
    Panare tribe:

    Missionaries Joe and Jana Price are traveling this weekend to return to their ministry in Venezuela. Praise the Lord for a refreshing period of home assignment. Pray for safety, strength and guidance.

  • United States:
    After speaking at a Christian high school in the St. Louis area, NTM regional representative James Gleaves had 30 students ask for information about summer missions opportunities. James wrote, "Pray that this will result in some of them experiencing missions this summer."
If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God.  Colossians 3:1

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"It was just a bundle of grass, tied to his doorpost. But it slammed Gena's mind into high gear ..."

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Judy McKenna

I've signed up for the Tribal Beat!
"I am too blessed to be stressed".


That's great, Judy.  It's very interesting.

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Has anyone else received their "Tribal Beat"?  I got mine the other day and it was very interesting to read.

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Judy McKenna

Still waiting for my "Tribal Beat".  They wrote and said it would be another two weeks.

I'm anxious to read it.
"I am too blessed to be stressed".


Pat.... Thank you so much for these interesting looks into the lives of some of the missionaries out in the field. Gives me inspiration for my other book project, but then again I don't know exactly where to start.

Although I know if God really wants me to do this project, he will direct the people into my life that will bring this dream to life.


Gregg, I'm so very, very happy to see your post.  I love to read about what missionaries are doing on the field and it's so good to know that you received a blessing from reading these.  I have another to put up.  Must do it tomorrow.

(I've just sent you another PM.  See if you have a notification up top that you have a new message.)

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New Tribes Mission Weekly Update~March 12

Bayek rejoices for his daughter's salvation

  • Papua New Guinea:
    Siawi tribe:

    Siawi believer Bayek – who recently turned from a sinful lifestyle and returned to God – is praising the Lord for saving his daughter's life. Find out more -- read the full story online >>

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  • Papua New Guinea:
    Myu tribe:

    Myu believers are gearing up for the New Testament dedication scheduled for next week in the village of Uhwan. Find out more -- read the full story online >>

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  • Papua New Guinea:
    Inapang tribe:

    Pray for missionaries Bill Housley, Will Zeigler and Daniel Moore as they build houses and make preparations to minister among the Inapang people. Jack Housley and two friends from Will's home church will assist in the building project.

  • Paraguay:
    Ayore tribe:

    A small group of Ayores have emerged from the jungles of Paraguay for their first-known prolonged contact with people other than their own group. Find out more -- read the full story online >>

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  • Venezuela:
    Pume tribe:

    Missionaries Merrill and Teresa Dyck will soon meet with Pume pastors and some of their wives for another discipleship session. The Dycks will do the final translation check of Acts with their Pume translation helper, and want to do a seminar to instruct the church leaders how to teach Bible lessons. Pray for Merrill and Teresa as they finish revising and preparing lessons for the pastors.

  • Venezuela:
    Yanomami tribe:

    Missionaries finished checking the Yanomami translation of almost 1,800 Old Testament verses. Translation checker Jana Price worked with missionary Marg Jank, her co-worker Suimin I Tuni and three Yanomami language helpers Pepito, Samuelito and Tedy. Thank you for praying.

  • Philippines:
    Nine additional believers are being trained to become Bible teachers in a tribe we cannot name for security reasons. Missionaries are rejoicing "for the joy and new life reflected in the lives of so many believers." Many from other villages have asked to be taught God's Word and three evangelistic Bible studies will begin this month. Missionaries also are preparing for the translation check of Acts 1 to Acts 14. Pray for God to claim many in this tribe.

  • Thailand:
    Pwo Karen tribe:

    Powerful religious leader Mr. Shei asked to spend a week or longer alone with missionary George Pierce to learn God's truth. But George is hospitalized for liver cirrhosis and has not been able to see Mr. Shei. "Several of our colleagues did not expect me to recover," George wrote. "But folks prayed and God answered, and we trust that soon we will be able to reach out to Mr. Shei." Pray for recovery for George and for Mr. Shei to be saved.

  • Indonesia:
    Missionaries Helmut and Geli Mehringer are connecting with believers through a church discipleship program that aims to equip Chirstians for church-planting work in the remote parts of Indonesia. Thank you for praying. Please continue to pray for good contacts and provision from the Lord.

  • Korea:
    Qyu Seock Yoon is teaching a 12-week introductory seminar on tribal missions. Pray for him and the students as they meet weekly on Saturdays. Pray that God will send many from Korea into the harvest field.

  • Ivory Coast:
    Some NTM missionaries to Ivory Coast plan to return to their tribal ministries later this year. The missionaries were evacuated almost two years ago when civil war broke out. Pray for the Lord's provision as they replace stolen equipment and household goods. Pray for the unreached people groups of Ivory Coast to learn God's truth.

  • Bolivia:
    Trinitario tribe:

    Missionaries Joe and Elna Snyder have made minor changes to the Trinitario translation of Genesis and sent it to Wayne and Ruth Gill in Bolivia for a second printing. Joe and Elna wrote, "Please pray that it will be the best presentation of that part of God's message."

  • Limited-access country:
    Missionaries have been asked to conduct chronological Bible studies for 900 cross-cultural workers in this country. Another 700 who minister locally also asked to be taught. Pray for wisdom and financial provision to produce lesson material for the students.
Sing praise to the Lord, you saints of His, and give thanks at the remembrance of His holy name.  Psalm 30:4

* * * *
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"It was just a bundle of grass, tied to his doorpost. But it slammed Gena's mind into high gear ..."

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New Tribes Mission Weekly Update~March 19

Myu people get New Testament

  • Papua New Guinea:
    Myu tribe:

    The dedication of the Myu New Testament, held this week, was attended by 350 people from four language groups. Find out more -- read the full story online >>

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  • Papua New Guinea:
    Nimo tribe:

    A Nimo woman is saved after believers prayed for her for more than 12 years. Find out more -- read the full story online >>

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  • Papua New Guinea:
    Kuman tribe:

    Ruth's life is different because she loves Christ more than she loves the world. Pray for this Kuman believer to be strong light in her broken family. Find out more -- read the full story online >>

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  • Papua New Guinea:
    Siawa tribe:

    Evangelistic Bible teaching will begin on Monday. Pray for missionaries Tom Brendle and Jason Swanson that they will be able to present the salvation message clearly. Pray too that the meetings will be well attended, with minimal distractions.

  • Guinea:
    A nurse, who didn't think he could become a Christian, prayed for the first time in his new-found faith. Find out more -- read the full story online >>

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  • Guinea:
    Baga Foré tribe:

    Missionaries David and Rachel Burke are joining Gene and Judy Bacon to work among the Baga Fore people. Pray for the team as they study the culture and language so they can accurately share God's truth. The missionaries are building a clinic with the villagers to give medical aid and strengthen relationships.

  • Paraguay:
    Angaite tribe:

    More than 100 Angaite believers are busy memorizing scripture. For their efforts they receive a copy of the New Testament. . Find out more -- read the full story online >>

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  • Panama:
    Embera tribe:

    Seventy-five copies of Old Testament scripture portions will be finished this week. They will be distributed at the annual Easter week conference for the Embera church. The people have been anxiously awaiting them. Pray that the church will be strengthened as they receive more of God's Word in their language.

  • Philippines:
    Kalanguya tribe:

    Believers Amie and Gloria are sharing chronological Bible lessons with Lourdes, who recently lost her 12-year-old son. Pray for Lourdes to be saved and for Amie and Gloria to grow in their faith.

  • Bolivia:
    Ese Ejja tribe:

    Missionary Mike Riepma and Ese Ejja believer Canono are revising the translation drafts of Philippians, Colossians and 1 Thessalonians. Ephesians has gone through the final translation check and 1 and 2 Corinthians are printed. Pray for stamina and encouragement for the men.

  • Ivory Coast:
    Missionary Theo Enns is teaching chronological Bible lessons to Alain, a French man of another religion who is helping Theo proof-read French Bible lessons. Pray for Alain to understand God's Word and be saved.

  • Senegal:
    Bainouk tribe:

    Believer Mamadou is determined to obey the Lord in public baptism despite knowing that non-believing villagers will slander him. Pray for Mamadou; he is to be baptized today.
The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of His heart to all generations.  Psalm 33:11

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"It was just a bundle of grass, tied to his doorpost. But it slammed Gena's mind into high gear ..."

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New Tribes Mission plants churches among unevangelized tribal people around the world. For more information, visit www.ntm.org.

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New Tribes Mission Weekly Update~April 2:

Steadfast through struggles

  • Papua New Guinea:
    Siawi tribe:

    Missionaries Tom Brendle and Jason Swanson persevere to teach Siawi Bible lessons amid disruptions. Pray for strength and focus for the team. Pray that many Siawis will be saved. Find out more -- read the full story online >>

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  • Papua New Guinea:
    Several language groups in the Madang region have requested missionaries to live among them. One written invitation was signed by those who formerly have opposed missionary activity. Pray for missionaries to go to these areas, and for God's direction.

  • Papua New Guinea:
    Aria tribe:

    Six hundred copies of the newly translated Aria New Testament were shipped yesterday from Sanford, Florida to California where they will be put in a container for shipment to Papua New Guinea. The dedication ceremony to present them to the Aria believers is scheduled for August. Pray for safe shipping, and for the preparations for the dedication.

  • Papua New Guinea:
    Kaulong tribe:

    The first literacy class for the Kaulong people graduated in March. An advanced class for this group will begin soon, along with another class for beginning literacy students. Pray for missionaries Peter and Pam Van Der Decker, who are preparing materials for these classes.

  • Venezuela:
    Yuana tribe:

    Faithful Yuana believers are teaching God's Word to Yuanas in their own village. Two brothers are reaching out to a Yuana family a day's hike away. Find out more -- read the full story online >>

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  • Thailand:
    Prai tribe:

    NTM missionary Dave Jordan and four Christians from the Prai tribe are putting God's Word in the Prai language. Find out more -- read the full story online >>

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  • Senegal:
    Malinke tribe:

    Missionary Kristy Roberts is now teaching evangelistic Bible lessons to a group of women in Badioula village. Pray that she will be able to clearly present the Gospel to them, and that God's Spirit will work in their hearts.

  • Paraguay:
    Manjui tribe:

    Manjui culture shames women who want to learn. But 15 Manjui women have decided they need to be able to read their own language, so they can one day study God's Word. Missionaries have prayed for years for this to happen. Manjui believer Miino is teaching this group of eager students. Pray that they will make good progress.

  • Philippines:
    Banwaon tribe:

    Missionary Albert Castelijn and three Banwaon translation helpers are working toward finishing the translation of Galatians in the next three weeks before the Castelijns leave for the birth of their child. Pray for strength and ability to meet their goal.

  • Mozambique:
    A primary/junior teacher is needed to teach in a Wycliffe school where children of NTM missionaries plan to attend. Pray for a teacher who will commit to serving one or two years.

  • Mexico:
    A home school teacher is urgently needed for the children of three families in Durango for the 2004-2005 school year. Pray for God's provision. For more information e-mail associates@ntm.org

  • Guinea:
    A home school teacher is urgently needed to teach three children, grades 8, 6, and 1 for the 2004-2005 school year. Pray for God's provision. For more information e-mail associates@ntm.org

  • Indonesia:
    Indonesia is gearing up for a three-stage election process. Voting begins in April. The outcome of the election could affect future ministries in Indonesia. Pray!
Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.  Psalm 37:3

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"It was just a bundle of grass, tied to his doorpost. But it slammed Gena's mind into high gear ..."

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New Tribes Mission Weekly Update~August 26:

Visitor wants God's mercy

    Papua New Guinea:
    Gende tribe:

    While visiting his Gende relative, Tomas heard God's Word and voiced what many Gendes are feeling -- that they have been deceived by former religious teaching. Pray that the Gendes will come to a true knowledge of Christ and place their faith in Him as missionary Paul Boothby teaches evangelistic Bible lessons. Find out more -- read the full story online >>

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    Papua New Guinea:
    Yembiyembi tribe:

    Missionaries Brooks and Nina Buser made some important cultural observations while building their house among the Yembiyembis. Pray that they will have wisdom and learn much that will help them in conveying the Gospel message. Find out more -- read the full story online >>

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    Papua New Guinea:
    Asengseng tribe:

    Missionaries Steve and Cathi Henley are praying that approval for their visas will come quickly. Miscommunication between government offices could cause the Henleys to lose thousands of dollars in airfares and lost time in getting Asengseng translation materials checked. Pray for God's intervention.

    Moi tribe:

    A major tribal ceremony and a tragedy interrupted a translation check of several booklets and Scriptures in the Moi language, but a 12-year-old boy worked with translation consultant Linda Krieg and missionary Stephen Crockett to evaluate enough to allow Stephen to move forward in the translation. Pray for continued progress so the Moi people will have God's Word in their language. Find out more -- read the full story online >>

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    Wana tribe:

    Two Wana couples, who help missionaries Steve and Linda Rosengren with Scripture translation by e-mail, are quickly learning how to prepare Bible lessons as well. Praise the Lord for their great work preparing lessons for the book of John.

    Isneg tribe:

    Missionaries Jonathan and Heidi Bamford are encouraged by the eagerness of the Isnegs to study God's Word. Pray for Jonathan as he prepares the Bible lessons. Pray also that God's Word would move powerfully among the Isneg people.

    Prai tribe:

    Pai is a new believer but her husband and father are opposed to her faith. They have been making it difficult for her to attend the teaching and fellowship with other Prai believers. Pray that she may be wise about living out her faith before her family and that God will touch their hearts through her witness.

    Landuma tribe:

    Today, missionaries Dan and Ginny Bryant are driving out to the village, loaded down with all manner of tools and building supplies, including a kitchen sink. They hope to complete construction on their home in 10 days, with the help of several Landuma men. Pray for Dan as he seeks to build relationships -- a crucial foundation for presenting God's truth.

    Pai Tavy Tera tribe:

    Two Pai couples are studying Romans together and are growing in their walk with God. Pray for a deeper hunger for God's truth and wisdom as they live their faith out before their people.

    Chamacoco tribe:

    Missionaries Steve and Monica Gutzmer ask you to pray with them for the Chamacoco church leaders, that they may continue to stand firm in their faith.

    Trinitario tribe:

    Missionaries Joe and Elna Snyder are thrilled to have completed the final proofreading of major Old Testament portions in Trinitario. The passages are formatted and ready for printing into a single volume. Pray that the volume will be printed soon so that it may be quickly distributed to the Trinitarios.

    NTM's school property at Tambo was sold on July 26. The key was handed over to the new owners, EPLABOL Bolivian leadership training ministry. Missionaries' children are now settled into their new schools in Santa Cruz and Cochabamba. Thanks for praying.

    United States:
    Last weekend, 17-year-old Jeff Burnham piloted a Super Cub on a sentimental journey from McNeal, Arizona to Rosehill, Kansas. The airplane that Martin Burnham flew now belongs to his son. Find out more -- read the full story online >>

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    Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. 
    Psalm 33:8

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    I have enjoyed my "trip" back into the NTM.  I sometimes forget just how much the NTMs do in spreading God's Word to all parts of the world.  They are truly God's hand and His feet.
    Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life.  No man cometh unto the Father but by me.  John 14:6


    Bao obeys

      In a reckless mood, their faces painted black, the tribal warriors advance toward each other ... marching, chanting, marching, chanting.

      Their eyeballs meet. Anger seethes. But they have to pause.

      A stick lying in the middle of the dusty jungle airstrip is a demarcation line, holding them at bay ...until one warrior steps over it.

      Then war breaks out between the Nakwi and Iteri people.

      The Nakwis draw five-foot clubs. The Iteris snatch up bows and arrows.

      A club swings down hard, driving Owedi to the ground. Surely his friend Bao will retaliate. Bao prepares his bow and arrows, but an inner voice speaks.


      Bao hesitates. His faith in Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior means a great deal to him. He loves to teach God's Word. He senses the Holy Spirit prompting him not to join in bloodshed.

      Bao obeys.


      "The next day Bao's infant got very sick," missionary Lon Knievel said. "It died in his wife's arms. Here was a man who listened to what God told him to do and a day later he lost his child.

      "To see the strength he had ...." Lon's voice trailed off and his eyes grew moist.

      Lon and his wife, Leah, wept that day with Bao and his wife, Weima.

      But Bao did not give up. Soon afterward, he and Weima moved to the Owininga tribe and stayed there for a year to encourage the struggling church.

      "Guys like this," Lon said, "they stay friends."

      It's been 12 years. Lon still calls Bao a real encourager.

    Lon and Leah Knievel began working among the Iteri people of Papua New Guinea in 1988.

    "Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


    New Tribes Mission Weekly Update~September 10:

      Palakas welcome return

      Ivory Coast:
      Palaka tribe:

      Missionaries Steve Robertson and Allan Caley received a warm welcome upon returning to Ivory Coast for a two-week visit. They were encouraged to find the Palaka believers worshipping together. Pray that they will accomplish much in their remaining time with the Palakas. Find out more -- read the full story online >>

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      Papua New Guinea:
      Gende tribe:

      Arnold, who has been helping missionary Paul Boothby prepare evangelistic Bible lessons for the Gende people, has placed his faith in Christ. Pray for Arnold's family and other Gendes as they hear the Gospel. Find out more -- read the full story online >>

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      Papua New Guinea:
      Siawi tribe:

      Okweb, a Siawi man, is very aware of the burden of his sin and feels he should not enter through the meeting house door with the others. He has built an addition to the meeting house so he and other 'sinners' can still listen in good conscience to the teaching of God's Word. Pray that Okweb will understand that God offers forgiveness and sweet fellowship with Himself. Find out more -- read the full story online >>

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      Papua New Guinea:
      Mibu tribe:

      Missionaries Geoff and Shannon Husa have both contracted a severe case of malaria. This comes at an inopportune time as they plan to begin building their house this month among the Mibu people. Pray for strength and healing.

      Taliabo tribe:

      For several weeks now more than 200 Taliabos in three different locations have been hearing God's plan of redemption. Pray for responsive hearts. Pray too for physical strength and spiritual stamina for the Taliabo teachers.

      Sekadau tribe:

      Indonesian missionaries Limbar and Suwina have joined Paul and Bella Gervasi in the Sekadau church planting ministry. The two families have been friends for years and are thrilled at the privilege of serving together. Pray for Limbar and Suwina as they trust the Lord to meet their needs.

      Don Alderman, Indonesia's field committee chairman, was killed in a car accident attributed to Hurricane Frances. Don and his wife, Charlene, on home assignment in Florida, were broadsided at an intersection where the traffic lights were out. Pray for Charlene as she recovers from injuries and for other family members affected by this loss. Find out more -- read the full story online >>

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      Jamamadi tribe:

      Missionaries Roger and Karen Bailey are asking prayer for the Jamamadi missionary team as they finish the construction of houses. Pray that they will be able to build good relationships with the local people and officials.

      United States:
      NTM's USA home offices in Sanford, Florida, survived Hurricane Frances with minimal damage. However, there is a flood alert as the St. John's River and Lake Monroe reach their peak flood stage levels. The home office staff remains in good spirits. Pray for God's continued protection for the Sanford property. Find out more -- read the full story online >>

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      And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an aabundance for every good work.  
      2 Corinthians 9:8

      "Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


      New Tribes Mission Weekly Update~September 24th

      Footsteps of Paul and Barnabas

        Pawaia tribe:

        Tomorrow, 18 Pawaian men leave on a month-long ministry trip to encourage the Pawaian church body. Pray for God's provision, wisdom, and safety. Find out more -- read the full story online >>

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        Gende tribe:

        Genay, who helped missionaries Paul and Susan Boothby translate some Scriptures into Gende, has now put his trust in Christ. Pray that he and other Gende believers will grow in their understanding and in their walk with Christ. Find out more -- read the full story online >>

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        Hamtai tribe:

        The Hamtai translation team wants to better convey concepts such as grace, forgiveness, punishment and justification as they revise the Hamtai New Testament. Missionary Corinne Palmer wrote, "Our biggest prayer request would be for the finalizing of those terms." Find out more -- read the full story online >>

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        Gende tribe:

        A Gende couple, Agata and Balbin, who recently put their faith in Christ, had a question for Paul and Susan Boothby. They were much relieved to find out the answer. Pray for their continued growth in Christ. Find out more -- read the full story online >>

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        IVORY COAST:
        Palaka tribe:

        God is clearly at work in the Palaka church body. Their desire to live out God's truth and their Christ-like love for each other is seen in their handling of controversial issues. While you praise God, pray that missionary Allan Caley will arrive home safely in the USA tonight Find out more -- read the full story online >>

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        IVORY COAST:
        Pray for safe travels for missionaries Steve and Sherree Forst as they leave on Monday to return to their ministry in Ivory Coast. The Forsts had to evacuate Ivory Coast in October 2002. While waiting to return they completed French studies in Quebec. Pray that the family will soon be reestablished in their ministry.

        Monday, missionaries received a clear invitation from a tribal village to begin teaching God's Word every week starting October 7. Praise God for His amazing works among these people as He prepares their hearts for His love. Find out more -- read the full story online >>

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        Guarijio tribe:

        Gregorio, who is in unfamiliar surroundings in the city of Chihuahua, and very ill, is showing a renewed interest in God's Word. Pray that he will put his faith in Christ. Find out more -- read the full story online >>

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        Buru tribe:

        Buru Bible teachers Simon, Waris and Herman are teaching in two Buru villages every Sunday night, covering truths about the Holy Spirit, baptism, fellowship of believers and our responsibility to tell the world about our Savior. Pray for these teachers and for these new believers as God continually renews their minds.

        Helimission pilot Neil Roesler was killed Monday when his helicopter crashed into a mountain in Indonesia. The Helimission ministry plays a major role in flying NTM missionaries into tribal locations. Neil has been a tremendous blessing and a friend. Pray for his wife, Sandy, and their two young children, Kaila, 2, and Micah, 1.

        Prai tribe:

        Prai believers have been asking the Lord to provide a location in Knife Creek village to construct an office and classroom. Prai believers Lian and Mali, who have been discipling the Knife Creek believers, also want to build a home there. Pray for God's provision and timing for these endeavors.

        Amondawa tribe:

        Missionary Jose Aparecido has been invited by the Amondawas to visit their village. He is excited about this open door and the beginnings of a relationship that may one day bring understanding of God's love and truth for the Amondawas. Pray that this visit will be a profitable and encouraging one for everyone involved.

        Yuqui tribe:

        Thank you for praying for Bolivian missionary Mariano Ichu, who was bitten by a poisonous snake last week. He was taken to a local hospital and given anti-venom. The doctors believe his life is out of danger but he still cannot stand and he is in great pain. Pray for Mariano as he recuperates at the NTM Training Center in Santa Cruz.

        Tuesday missionaries Stan and Dyann Donmoyer began a two-month journey through South Africa, Mozambique, Ivory Coast, and Guinea. They will meet with pastors, challenge churches, set up a Mozambique support base to handle legalities, encourage missionaries, and lend wisdom and a helping hand. Pray for safety in travel and energy to do what God has led them to do.[/list]

        "Let all those who seek You rejoice and be glad in You; let such as love Your salvation say continually, 'The Lord be magnified!'"
        Psalm 40:16

        "Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"