Christian Photographers Community
Introduce Yourself => Newcomers Introductions => Topic started by: Ellie on May 04, 2004, 08:49:36 AM
(A metaphorical subject line... ) I posted an intro but it didn't turn up anywhere that anyone can read it. So I'll try this way.
I'm Ellie, just logged on from Photo-Sense. I see some of my friends from there are here -- Pat, Sonifo, Cares, and probably others.
I'm a newly-retired nurse (Friday was my last day) and my husband is working out his last week. We're getting ready to move full-time into an RV and tour the country for the rest of our lives, or until we get tired of it, which ever comes first. Looking forward to increased photo ops/time. I'm aiming to share the Lord through my pictures.
Hi, Ellie and welcome to Christian Photographers! Your original intro is in "Are You New..." - we can find it to read, and Pat has answered you. :D Just click on the number "8" and you'll find it.