Hello. I'm a newcomer to the website. I am a homeschool mom of two girls. One is a Jr. Higher and one is in High School In my "spare time" I love to take photographs of God's beautiful creation! This is my first time putting myself and my work on this type of website. I'm glad I found a Christian website where I can communicate, share with and encourage others who share my interests. I hope this will be a pleasant experience for all of us. :)
A great big warm :welcome: from me over here in Ontario, Canada!
I'm so happy that you've joined. We're just a small group and I know you'll be made to feel right at home.
I love your state. I was there for a week once and fell madly in love with it! ;)
So, pull up a chair and make yourself right at home here at
Hi. I'm also from Ontario Canada.
Welcome!! I live on the southern coast of Oregon (Coos Bay, to be exact) and it is great to see another "westerner" here. Where in Idaho are you located? I have a daughter in Spokane, WA and another daughter who used to live in Sandpoint, Idaho. Beautiful country there, right?
Welcome, from an American living in Japan. We have great friends who live in Clark Fork, ID.
I'm looking forward to seeing your pictures and getting to know you.
In His Grip,
Welcome to Chrsitian Photographers I am in Northern California close to the Oregon border.
Marilyn lives to the far north of me (about 2 miles). WELCOME to this website! Hope you'll come over to the "Thoughts for the Week" folder and tell us all about yourself.