I am TBEAR a good friend to Kreative4Jesus & I am also a part of her board. I am married to a wonderful man and we have 3 children ... 2 boys & 1 girl. I enjoy collecting teddy bears & postcards from all over. I'm also very active on other boards too. So, I'll come back again soon & tell you more about me another time !!
Ohhh, Welcome! I thought I recognized the name!
Please know that you are very welcome here and I hope that you come to New Every Morning for today's date. There will be welcome messages there for you. It's sort of like our local Coffee Shop! The coffee is always fresh and the water for the tea is just coming to the boil!
So please make yourself at home.
Do you have a nice white teddy bear from Avon in the USA this year? We do. Actually, it's sort of a cream colour. It's what we're selling this year for Breast Cancer.
Thank you for the welcome Pat & I also got your letter via the e mail too. As for the bear that your talking about through AVON ... (https://www.christianphotographers.com/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fv294%2Fgigglebear%2FCRYING.gif&hash=c348a4cadb64f5f827eb91b3eee6682c33007f1a) I do not have it. I do hope that it is ok that I use my little extra touches to my posts. As you can see I enjoy adding special touchs. So, please let me know if it is ok to have them in my post. And, I will be sure to come back from time to time. So, again thank you !!
Hi TBear...
That's too bad about the Avon bear. I'm sure that if we're selling them in Canada, they are too in the USA. They are 5.00 here.
Why certainly you can have your little extras in your posts. They are fun to look at. You had a nice purple bear in your profile photo place earlier but now it's a Red X for me. Wonder why.
Maybe it will come back.
OHHHHHHHH, now I see why!
What a lovely photo! thanks for sharing that with us.
Don't forget to come to New Every Morning and get to know the folks. Today we were welcoming a new little baby boy into the world. One of our members in Florida just became a new Daddy and I put photos of little Lucas John in there.
Ok ... Pat here is the one that I am going to keep ... so if we can take out all the extra posts that I have in here with chatting with you ... then we can start fresh !! Is that ok ??
Oh, we don't have to delete any. They're interesting reading! LOL
And if we delete them, then your post numbers go down. And we wouldn't want that! LOL The more you post, the quicker you'll have gold stars under your name.
Hello TBEAR,
Welcome to Christian Photographers & Pats Board!! I see that you followed the Link that I gave you & that you found Pat of whom I told you was on this board.
May God Bless you here. Ask Pat where the albums are & ask her for the link, or maybe she will see my letter & supply it for you anyway's. That you may see some of my photo's & other members photo's.
UR Friend,
Welcome to Christian Photographers :D
Wow that is real neat, did ya make that?
Suzanne ... Thank you very much for the wonderful welcome & the sign was beautiful too. Can I get your permission to copy it and keep it as a special memorie of what good friends that I have met here on the board ? Well, thanks again for the BIG WELCOME !!
Suzanne, that's so cute!
TBear: May I add my warmest welcome to you as well! I hope to see more of your posts in New Every Morning!
- Judy M.
TBEAR~ you are welcome to the blinkie! Help yourself ;D
K4J~ Yes, I did make that blinkie in PSP 8. Look in the digital arts section and check on the link I have posted there ;)
Pat~Thank you! :-*
I will check it out in a minute. Wow, that is nice. I'm kreative, but not yet that kreative. Looking to have PSP 7 Lesson's here soon.