A great big warm Canadian :welcome: to you, Ellette!!
Well thank you, I was just getting set to write an introduction. :)
Greaat to see you here, Ellette/Sara! I look forward to reading your introduction. :welcome:
I am a mother of 2 boys (almost 5 and not yet 2 1/2). I'm a PK (pastor's kid for those who don't know). I live in Oregon. I've been married for 8 1/2 years.
I've always loved photography as a hobby, but now I'm trying to start a non-profit. My youngest was born 11 days before a little girl named Allie Scott. Allie was diagnosed with AML, when she was only 4 months old. She spent 5 months in the hospital before she died. The only professional photographs they got of here were taken in the hospital by a photographer that friends of the mother paid to come in one day. Those pictures really meant a lot to the family because all the other pictures they were getting showed hospital life. I don't think that a family dealing with their child living in the hospital should have to pay someone to get good pictures. It is taking longer than I'd hoped because we can't really afford to be doing this, but I am getting close to the point where I have all I need to be able to go into hospitals and do completely free portrait sessions. My goal is to do a free session, print out 4 pictures for them, and also give them a CD with the pictures on it copywrite free. I have 2 good backgrounds I can use. I have to have machine washable ones since I can't take germs in to a room where kids are on chemo. They have to not wrinkle because I will not be able to take the time to steam them wrinkleless once I'm there, and I will be doing this without an assistant so I have to be able to carry them all in on my own. I would like a white background but haven't found anything that will really work, thought I had, but I haven't. I am also thinking a nice blue mottled one would be good and then I'd be set (I have a black and a brown mottled). I also still need the cord so that I can use my 580 off camera (to attach it to the peanut or to attach it to the camera when it is on the flash bracket I got for free). Then, I just need to practice to get my set-up and tear-down time as fast as possible and my lighting right and I'll be heading to the hospitals.
Sheesh...if one thing can get me rambling, it is talking about this. :D
I think that is about it.
Hi Sara...
I merged the two topics together. It's so good to see you on the site and great to see your photos already as well.
Welcome Sara
Glad to have you join us here.
Welcome Sara! That sounds like such a cool idea! I know it's out of love. <3
What part of Oregon is yours? We lived up that way for many years. Also, we've got 2 people over in Coos Bay in Christian Photographers, so you're not alone. Actually, we don't live that far from Oregon now (Eureka, Cal. area).
I'll bet people will really appreciate your picture taking for them. God bless!
Welcome, Sara! Oregon is a beautiful state. I wish you all the best with your photography.
God Bless,
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome!
Al, you actually look very much like one of my dad's good friends. You aren't, his name is John, but you look like him. :)
I grew up in NE Portland because my dad went to Multnomah School of the Bible Seminary. We moved away from there a bit though thankfully, got VERY tired of the police having to be in the neighborhood so often. Now we live a bit south of there much more rural. I was actually born in California, but I don't usually admit to it. ;D We moved to Oregon when I was about 3.
I love the vast variety of scenery we have and I burn in 5 minutes so I certainly wouldn't want to live somewhere warmer. I'm allergic to insects too (and snakes and such) so I don't want to live somewhere with more dangerous critters. I think I'm pretty much stuck with Oregon for the rest of my life and I'm fine with that. :D
It's so nice to read a little about your, Sara.
Talk to you soon!
and again, welcome to
Sara - one of my sons actually went to Mult. School of the Bible. So where do you live now? I'm acquainted with Milwaukie, Oregon City, West Linn, Canby, Aurora, etc., etc.
:welcome: Sara to CP know you will enjoy the fellowship