Christian Photographers Community
Introduce Yourself => Newcomers Introductions => Topic started by: Ecca on January 23, 2006, 02:11:36 AM
Hey yall.. I am Rebecca from the state of Washington...
Been a christian since I was 6.
Love God.
I am 16.
Have never taken a photo class, but am told I am good at photography, so we will see!
Hey Rebecca! Welcome to CP. Where in Washington do you live? I have a 15 year old granddaughter named Rebecca who lives in Spokane! ... Let's see some of your photos and c'mon over to NEM and share with us. ....
Hello and Welcome to the best site on the web.
Glad to have you join us. I'm not a professional photographer I hope that you'll enjoy all this site has to offer.
As has been said, come on over to the New Every Morning folder of this website.
Welcome Rebecca-its good to see you posting.
A great big warm :welcome: from up here in Canada as well, Ecca!
Hope to see you around the site soon.