Christian Photographers Community
Introduce Yourself => Newcomers Introductions => Topic started by: Samantha on October 29, 2004, 04:36:10 PM
Hello Everyone,
My name is Samantha (aka Babycakes38) I live in northeast Mississippi with my husband Terry (19 1/2 yrs together!) Children Olivia 9 and Andy 7.
We have been in ministry about 5 yrs now.
We pastor a small nondenominational church close to our home.
I am so gratefull to find a website like this for christians to talk about things and pray for one another.
I also want to thank Fast Eddie for telling me about this site. Thanks, Mr Ed!
Thanks be unto God for His blessings on me.
Babycakes is what my husband calls me on the phone and 38 is how old I am. His nickname is Big Chief Daddy.Â
WELCOME SAMANTHA aka Babycakes!!!!Â
So glad to see you posting. There are several Welcome messages for you in our New Every Morning topic for today's date so please click on this link and you'll see them...
I'm so glad that Fast Eddie told you about our site. You'll be made very welcome indeed. We love to see Ed posting. You're our first I believe from Mississippi.
Did you put your birthday in your profile? We love to celebrate members' birthdays here on CP.
Quote from: Babycakes38 on October 29, 2004, 04:36:10 PM
My name is Samantha (aka Babycakes38) I live in northeast Mississippi with my husband Terry (19 1/2 yrs together!) Children Olivia 9 and Andy 7.
I'm glad to see you made it here. There are a lot to nooks and crannies to visit here. "New Every Day: is ...well. new every day.
I'm not in to all the graphics that the others use here, but someday I might get up to speed.
Hi Samantha... I hope that you come in and see these messages. We're really looking forward to getting to know you.
God bless,