Christian Photographers Community
Introduce Yourself => Newcomers Introductions => Topic started by: jcsogls on June 14, 2005, 08:27:49 PM
Hi Everyone,
My name is rich as some of you already know. I'm 33 married and have 2 kids an 18 year old step daughter who I consider my own :) and a 10 year old son.
I've been saved since 1998, July 23rd 1998 to be exact. Oh and I live in Connecticut.
Love and Godbless to all here
In Christ
Hi Rich!
It's so good to see your introduction! I don't know how in the world I missed it but please know that you are so very welcome here.
It's great to read of your love for our dear Saviour. I'm looking forward to seeing photos of your children.
Christian love to you,
And to all that Pat said, I say, Yes, yes, yes - please post photos of self & kids!
greetings from the friendly neighborhood dog!