Christian Photographers Community
Introduce Yourself => Newcomers Introductions => Topic started by: kcross on May 19, 2006, 04:18:46 PM
I am a young amatuer photographer from Colorado Springs. I was just given a digital camera as a gift and in the last week I've taken more than 300 photos...I don't have to worry about developing like I do with film. I love i. The Lord is good and having this new camera is definitely a blessing. Once I get better at using it, I hope to start doing portraits and sittings. I also love to take pictures of the beautiful scenery. Sometimes I just look up at Pikes Peak and I am reminded of how great our God is. He has created this beautiful landscape for His children to enjoy...
We are so glad you came by! We have a lot going on here where you can get involved posting your pictures just about right away!
There's great fellowship here.
Again, welcome!
In His Grip,
A great big warm Canadian :welcome: kcross !!
Looking forward to getting to know you here at
Welcome, KCross. I remember when I first got my digital camera. I took pictures of EVERYTHING! Boy, did I take pictures. haha Digital cameras are so cool because, as you said, you don't have to buy film........just delete and keep taking pictures. God does make some beautiful scenery, doesn't He?
Blessings, Nita
I KCross Welcome to CP; please come and join us in the ew Every Morning forum and meet everyone
I'm in Northern California the Redwoods to be exact. God's wonderful creation is all around me.
A great big warm South African :welcome: from me too..