I can't tell Y'all how happy I was to find this group! My name is R. "Ritz" Henson, and I love our Lord and photography. I only wish I had seen this sooner, but like the word says... All things work together for the good of those that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. Peace, Ritz. :thumbsup:
A great big warm Canadian :welcome: to you, Ritz! I'm so glad you found our little site on the net.
We meet each day in the "New Every Morning" area that is something like our corner donut shop!
Please just holler if you need any help.
Ritz, here's a link to today's "New Every Morning".
We'll be closing it tonight at about 11 pm or so and opening a new one for tomorrow.
There's a welcome message there for you. ;)
Hey Ritz,
I've seen your picts and commented on them, but never formally said, "hey". Welcome. My son has two motorcycles, a Harley soft-tail custom, and a Buell Firebolt. He's also a graduate from MMI in Phoenix, certified in the Harley program.
I have a Subaru WRX Wagon, but no interest in bikes, other than to shoot them--with the camera, I mean.
You are not far from where I grew up--southwest Louisiana. My Mom still lives in Kinder.
Well, I look forward to seeing your picts here, and I will read through your testimony a bit at a time.
In His Grip,
Cool Kevin. I am currently between bikes, but that is in the Lords hands. I burried a riding brother a few years back in a little cemetary in Kinder. I like all the pine trees. Thanks for reading my testimony, it's quite long, but it's all true. The Lord has brought me through some really shadow-y places, but the emphisis is on "Brought me through" Prasie God! I look forward to coresponding with you . Peace, Ritz.
I have read some of your testimony but still need to read more. Yes is is quite long..
a welcome to yoi and looking forward to seeing your pictures
I would like to appologize to all for the length of my testimony. As I sat in obedience to the Holy Spirit's leading, It just flowed. All that came within two hours at around two in the morning. My deepest wish reguarding my testimony, is that God would use it to reach some folks that most "Normal" testimonies would never touch. I hope you all will pass it on to anyone that the Lord brings to your mind...you and I together could be instrumental in bringing one more soul to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ...And all of Heaven will rejoice! Peace, Ritz.
Ohhh, don't apologize, Ritz!
I'm off to read it now.