Christian Photographers Community
Introduce Yourself => Newcomers Introductions => Topic started by: jomar on January 06, 2006, 10:52:12 PM
Dh and I are Christians and have just recently decided to start our own Photography Studio. Dh has been out of work now for 2 years (laid off, was a color cameraman). Photography has always been his passion and I told him maybe he can't find a job because this is where God wants him. We have prayed a lot and this just seems like the best solution as he is nearing 60 and no one appears to want to hire him. We have over the last 5 years been purchasing equipment. We just bought a Canon 5D and we have a Canon 10D. We have numerous back drops, lights, props, and many gagets. Backups for the important stuff. We up to now basically photographed family and friends. Dh is especially gifted in photoshop. He is great with the lighting and everything technical but not as good with people. I don't really get the technical part but am pretty good with most people so this definately needs to be a team effort. We have never had a business and it is a bit overwhelming. So that is why we are here.
We have just found out from the city that you can not have a home based business. So apparently it has to be mobile. Most of the Photographers in town are home-based. It just seems crazy to have to lug everything around. But we want to be faithful to Christ so don't feel we can just do our own thing. If we found out what the restrictions are based on and found we were not in violation do we try to fight it?
We are in the process of making a Logo and next step will be a web site. We are presently working on making light modifyers (like Bogen Light Panels) to help our outdoor photography as seen in Dean Collins Videos. This is exciting and very scary at the same time. We are trying very hard to give it all to the Lord and not try to control it. He will bless it if it is His will and we are faithful.
We have a 5 year old and are homeschooling her presently so doing that and taking on this is interesting. We are also going to start a Divorce Support Group at church probably sometime in Feb. Is anyone where we are at or hopefully further along so that we can pick your brain and maybe learn things we haven't thought of. Thanks, Marilyn
Welcome to Christian Photographers. Come on over to the New Every Morning forum and meet the rest of the crew here. You will find a daily devotional as well as good conversation. Be sure to explore all the other threads as well.
Yes DH - Please come on over to New Every Morning. We are a friendly bunch....and will pray for any of your requests.
- Judy
Hello, Marilyn. Welcome to Christian Photographers. I read your bio, and the sentence that tagged me was this:
He will bless it if it is His will and we are faithful.
You have said it all. Your faithfulness to His will and His destiny for you and your husband will carry you to where He wants you.
I'd love to see some of your photography. Look around here, and get the hang of posting. I'll be looking for you. Blessings, Nita
I didn't ralize that you are another Marilyn. From one Marilyn to another
arily I pray you will come back and post more.