Christian Photographers Community

Introduce Yourself => Newcomers Introductions => Topic started by: OK Tom on November 17, 2004, 09:09:46 PM

Title: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: OK Tom on November 17, 2004, 09:09:46 PM
Hello Brothers and Sisters from Oklahoma,

I'm new and I don't know which end of a camera to push to make a photograph, but I do love to look at beautiful photography, especially nature and the things that God has made. So, I'm not even a beginner photographer.

I'm really here for the Christian fellowship.

Love In Christ,
Title: Re: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: Pat on November 17, 2004, 09:14:54 PM

It's great to have you, Tom.

There will be several welcome messages for you in today's New Every Morning.

We sort of use it like our local Coffee Shop or the Starbuck's in your book stores!  LOL

Fresh coffee or hot tea is always fresh and the fellowship is usually sweet.  That's where we play hymns and wish people happy birthday or whatever!

So, see you there?

It's just next door!

Send me a photo of yourself and we'll get your profile photo fixed up.

Christian love,


Title: Re: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: Pat on November 17, 2004, 09:15:59 PM

By the way, Tom, this is the upgraded software.  I think you'll enjoy it.  Great to have you see it.

We used to use the same as CU before we had the upgrade done.

Title: Re: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: Janet on November 17, 2004, 09:21:30 PM
Tom, I'm a transplanted Okie myself, now living in SW Kansas.  Where in Oklahoma do you live?  I hope you will come over to NEM and tell us all about yourself, your family, your likes and dislikes, etc.  Whatever you want to tell us.  We enjoy sharing about the goodness of God.  He is so good, all the time!  Good to have you join us!
Title: Re: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: OK Tom on November 17, 2004, 09:28:39 PM
Sister Pat,

Thanks for the warm welcome. There is a lot of interesting things here, and I like the new forum software. It's very fast, functional, and attractive.

It's fascinating just to look around. Who knows, I might even buy a camera.   :D

I keep a stack of favorite portions of Scripture next to my computer, so I'll share one that I really like

Psalms 100

Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.

Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.

Know yet that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are hi people, and the sheep of his pasture.

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.

For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.


Love In Christ,
Title: Re: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: Pat on November 17, 2004, 09:41:15 PM
Tom, that's a wonderful portion of scripture.  Al Moak will be happy to see you quoting a Psalm!   ;D

On here in the Bible Topics and Issues, Al wrote a short devotional on every Psalm.  Here's a link:

He'll be here soon to welcome you and I know he'll welcome you in New Every Morning as well.

I told Janet that you were near to her.  Someday I'm going to visit Janet so who knows?  Maybe we'll share a coffee together as well on the way.

Title: Re: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: Sarah on November 17, 2004, 11:43:24 PM
hey OK tom.... i'm from Oklahoma too... well i'm the opposite of Janet... I'm a Kansas transplant to OK....but actually Ok has been good for me... anyways WELCOME to CP
Title: Re: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: Jane Walker on November 18, 2004, 02:35:33 AM
Tom, I've lived in Oklahoma off and on for ten years before  moving to the Oregon Coast in 2000.... God is so good ... I'm not a photographer either but I love the Lord and cherish Christian fellowship as found here at CP ... Make yourself at home and know that here is no judgement and no condemnation....only Christian love from your brothers and sisters.....
Title: Re: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: gwen on November 18, 2004, 08:53:06 AM
Welcome, Tom.

I grew up in Oklahoma before moving to Arkansas in 1982, and still have wonderful friends there. I know you'll enjoy being a member of Christian Photographers. It's a really great group, and they share such wonderful pictures and everyone's contributions have been a source of inspiration for me.  I look forward to reading your posts and sharing your pictures.

Title: Re: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: Matt on November 18, 2004, 02:38:38 PM
Hey Tom
Thank you so much for the scriptures you shared.  I am not from Oklahoma but my huskers just got beat by your sooners 30-3.  Don't worry I wont hold it against you.  Welcome to CP,  I am no longer the newest CP member anymore. 
Title: Re: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: OK Tom on November 18, 2004, 08:51:39 PM
Brothers and Sisters,

Thank you so much for the warm welcome. One of the nice things about being retired is taking all the time you wish for Bible Study and Christian fellowship.

Matt, I' glad that I helped you get off of the newest newbie list.   :D   However, I really can't say that I'm sad about the Oklahoma Sooners winning. You've always got a great team and top contenders every year. I'll cheer for the Huskers except when they play Oklahoma.   :D

Guen, Jane, and Sarah, I could say that I don't know why everyone doesn't live in Oklahoma, but I won't.   :D  I'll simply say that Oklahoma has been good to me, and quite a few of my family members are here. I do have a brother in Corvales, Oregon and another brother in Denver, Colorado. I've visited Colorado, but I've never been to Oregon. My older brother does send me pictures of what he calls "real trees". He calls our trees in Oklahoma shrubs.   :D

I've taken many trips in the surrounding states, and I would have to say that I love this part of the country. My wife and I had some really beautiful trips in Arkansas, Missouri, Texas, Louisiana, Kansas, New Mexico, and quite a few other beautiful states near us. We really enjoy the areas off of the main roads. Rural America is a beautiful place, certainly including Oklahoma.

Sister Guen, we had a great time in many of our adventures in Arkansas. The most memorable were Hot Springs, Eureka Springs, and Booger Holler.   ;D  Booger Holler had a population of 7, including one hound dog. We loved the Skyline Drive from Mena, Arkansas to Talahina, Oklahoma. For photographers, I would guess that drive would wear you out. We went on a day were it seemed like we were driving in the clouds, and there were many beautiful light effects of the sun shining through. I'll never forget the many beautiful views throughout the Ozarks.

Love In Christ,
Title: Re: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: Kreative4Jesus on November 18, 2004, 09:11:58 PM

Welcome to the Christian Photographers Forum!!

Concider yourself investigated!!  LOL  I look up every member's profile before replying to them & checking out their websites if they have one.  The funny or ironic thing is that while surfing the net one day, I had previously come up acrossed your website before seeing you here @ CP.

UR Sis In Jesus Christ,

Title: Re: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: OK Tom on November 18, 2004, 09:41:48 PM
Sister K4J,

I hope this means that I passed the investigation.   :D

Love In Christ,
Title: Re: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: Sarah on November 18, 2004, 10:13:03 PM
Tom I hope when your talking about Rural Ok you are talking about anything near the cities.... Try out in western ok meaning past woodward * and no woodward is not in the panhandle* that's RURAL ok!!! anyways hope your enjoying CP...
Title: Re: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: OK Tom on November 18, 2004, 11:06:36 PM
Sister Sarah,

I've been all over Oklahoma several times, but I still find something new with every trip. I mainly like to get away from the turnpikes and see the country. I really like the less-traveled areas, the small towns, and out in the middle of nowhere.   :D It's been a long time ago, but I'm sure that I've been to Woodward at least once.

My wife and I like to look at farms, crops, livestock, and wildlife. One of our favorite places is close to us, The Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge. We know of several spots that have lots of buffalo, longhorn, elk, deer, and wild turkeys, especially during the evening, just before sunset. We usually come early, get quiet, and just watch. We found ourselves in the middle of a buffalo herd several times before going home. It's completely safe, as long as you don't do anything to scare them. You do want to stay inside the car, just in case.

Many times, we just choose a direction and drive for several hours, usually in the early evening.

Love In Christ,
Title: Re: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: Pat on November 18, 2004, 11:39:31 PM
Do you like sunflowers?

Title: Re: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: OK Tom on November 19, 2004, 07:00:50 AM
Quote from: Pat Scott on November 18, 2004, 11:39:31 PM
Do you like sunflowers?

Sister Pat,

Yes, I love them. We have several large fields of them close to our home. My part of Oklahoma is known for rugged beauty, especially the Wichita Mountains. We have all kinds of wild flowers within minutes from home. Sunflower fields are also very popular for birds and many kinds of local wildlife.

Love In Christ,
Title: Re: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: Janet on November 19, 2004, 08:33:11 AM
Tom, I was raised in the SE corner of Colorado, only about 5 miles north of the Oklahoma line; in fact, my Dad's property adjoined the Oklahoma line.  Then I lived for fourteen years in Boise City, way out in the Panhandle of Oklahoma.  Sarah lives about 15 miles from there.

Have you ever been out to Black Mesa State Park?  If you go there, you will be going through the areas I'm talking about.  I well remember the opening day of Lake Etling, near Black Mesa.  That was a big day for the panhandle folks!  ;D  When it opened it was billed as the only trout lake in Oklahoma, but the water wasn't cold enough for the trout to spawn, so now there aren't any more trout there.
Title: Re: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: Larry Hanna on November 19, 2004, 10:37:59 AM
Tom, welcome to CP.

We also have a tie to Oklahoma as our two children were born there while we lived in Oklahoma City and Moore.  That was in 1963 and 1965 and we movd from there to Alaska.  One of the things I remember about Oklahoma is that the wind seems to blow all the time.  That is something we don't have here in Georgia.

Title: Re: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: Suzanne on November 19, 2004, 12:48:02 PM

Hi Tom,

Welcome to CP. I am from Arkansas  :D
Title: Re: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: Judy McKenna on November 19, 2004, 01:19:08 PM
Welcome OK Tom:

Thought I'd pop in here along with the others.  I've never been to your great State , and never really knew much about it, until reading about the bombings awhile back. :'(

Looking at your profile photo, Tom... are you a police officer? ???

Hope you find us all very welcoming.....I'm from Ontario, Canada., and look forward to reading any psts you might put into NEM (New Every Morning). :)

- Judy M.
Title: Re: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: OK Tom on November 19, 2004, 01:30:23 PM
Brothers and Sisters,

Sister Janet, my wife and I never made it to Black Mesa State Park. We planned a trip there once, but something happened that canceled our trip. My wife and I both want to go there and stay several days when we can. We usually like to rent the cabins with cooking and eating utensils. It's nice to just bring your own groceries and not worry about where to eat. I think that Oklahoma still has specials in State Parks where you rent the cabin for 3 nights and get the 4th night free. I understand that Black Mesa is beautiful, and you just reminded me that we must go soon. We also want to go to Beavers Bend State Park in far SE Oklahoma some day. I understand that it is so remote that they have to pipe sunlight in there.     :D

Brother Larry, thanks for the warm welcome. The winds in Oklahoma still blow all of the time, and maybe that's a plus now. We have a large wind farm just North of us that generates a lot of electricity. It is such a success that more wind farms are planned for the immediate future. My family and I went through Georgia in 1992, and I must say that you live in a beautiful state. Sister Pat told me about your recent health concerns, and I want to tell you that I'm praying for you.

Sister Suzanne, thanks for the warm welcome. I love your welcome graphic.

Love In Christ,
Title: Re: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: OK Tom on November 19, 2004, 02:25:22 PM
Hello Judy McKenna,

Sister, thank you for the warm welcome. I retired from police work in 2001 after nearly 25 years. Sister Pat wanted a picture for the forum, and this is the most recent picture I have.

You asked about what I think of the people on the forum so far. I sincerely believe this forum is full of sweet Christian people, and I feel very welcome here with so many friendly and happy people. I hope to get to know all of you in Christian fellowship.

You also mentioned the Oklahoma City bombing. I remember the Oklahoma City bombing far too well. I was the shift commander on the Lawton Police Department at the time it happened. I remember making the arrangements to send all of the manpower and supplies we could send. We augmented the Oklahoma City Police Department for over a week. It's hard to describe the grief and despair of that city. The wounds of many people are still in the healing process. It's really something that can never be forgotten, much like 9-11 but smaller. These events and others involved the prayers of Christians all over the world for God's peace and comfort. I think that we all take for granted the peace and safety God gives us until something horrible like this happens. Thanksgiving should be every day for Christians.

Love In Christ,
Title: Re: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: Darryl Cox on November 19, 2004, 05:27:35 PM
Well, Oklahoma Howdy to yourself from Ponca City!

Good to see you join us in this fun site and I am looking forward to seeing your posts and pictures. This is a fun place and it is full of the nicest people.

Take care and keep posting.

Darryl cox
In the Great Osage
Title: Re: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: Kreative4Jesus on November 22, 2004, 12:30:38 PM

I just had to be funny, even though I'm not a policeman!!  Have a great Day, filled with God's blessings!!

Title: Re: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: Kreative4Jesus on November 22, 2004, 08:15:16 PM

I do not know how I missed that, I mean your funny-n-cute welcome cat.  Where did ya get that. 

Title: Re: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: Judy McKenna on November 22, 2004, 11:45:44 PM

Thank you so much for commenting on the Oklahoma City bombings.  I can remember hearing how many of the families who lost loved ones, turned their lives to the Lord.  I can remember the sweet young lady who lost her two little boys....oh I wish I could recall her name...I somehow think it was NOT Susan Smith, and recall seeing the Govenor and his wife, just cradleiing her in their arms, comforting her.

Tom, do you know if that Governor of Oklahoma was a Christian? It   certainly seemed to me that he was.

I recall how Pres. Clinton and Mrs Clinton hugged her and Mrs Clinton said at the memorial service: "I will never forget you".  I wonder if she ever kept in touch with her.
Title: Re: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: OK Tom on November 25, 2004, 12:32:05 AM
Oklahoma Howdy to All,

I really appreciate your prayers while I had the flu. Just about anything has the potential to be serious for me because of my other health problems. I'm on the mend and much better, just in time for Thanksgiving. Half of my kids and all of my grandkids will be here tomorrow, so it will be a great day in the LORD.

Judy, you asked about the Oklahoma Governor at the time of the bombing being a Christian. I'm almost sure that he is and was. Maybe I'm naive, but I don't think a non-Christian could get elected in Oklahoma.

Love In Christ,

P.S. I must try my new tag line program and see if it works.

It takes a big man to admit when he's wrong, and an even bigger one to keep his mouth shut when he's right. - Jim Fiebig

:D  Yeah!
Title: Re: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: Pat on November 25, 2004, 12:42:42 AM

Can you choose the tags?  I got one in the PM you sent me from Albert Einstein.  LOL

Title: Re: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: OK Tom on November 25, 2004, 01:36:30 AM
Quote from: Pat Scott on November 25, 2004, 12:42:42 AM

Can you choose the tags? I got one in the PM you sent me from Albert Einstein. LOL

Yes, you can choose the tag you like from a fairly large variety. It's a simple little program that uses the clipboard, so it works in email, forums, and just about anything you can add text to.

The program is called Quotes 2002, and it's freeware from a company called Qliner. It's very easy to use, and there are no strings attached to it being free. You can also add your own tags to it, copy additional quotes and add to it, or download a huge variety of tags from the same company. So far, all of the tags are completely clean. As another idea, you could easily add Bible verses to it. You can download it from:

The simplicity of using the clipboard makes it work with anything. Here's a couple more samples:

Where ever you go, there you are. 

If you think nobody cares, try missing a couple of payments.

Love In Christ,
Title: Re: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: Pat on November 27, 2004, 11:30:57 AM

I'm going to look into this.

Thanks Tom.

See you in New Every Morning!

Title: Re: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: OK Tom on November 27, 2004, 02:47:59 PM
Sister Pat,

I did finally find a couple of bad tags, but they are easy to delete. I also made my own tag file with many of my favorite Bible Verses, and it works great.

Love In Christ,

P.S. Here's a sample from my Bible Verse tags that I made.

Philippians 4:19  But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Title: Re: Oklahoma Howdy
Post by: Pat on November 28, 2004, 02:02:06 AM
That's terrific, Tom.  I like the scripture verse tags.