I have heard from a gentleman who wishes to join us here and he sent me this lovely photo he took with this scripture verse on it.
Psalm 130
This is beautiful. Thanks Pat for opening a new forum for Photographs with Scripture verses.
What a lovely photograph!
oooohhhhh I really like that! :)
This is about to become my favorite place in the photography area, I think. ;)
Thanks, PAT!
Awesome shot. Great use of depth of field, and I like how it looks like the bird is turning around to look at you.
Oh yea, and WELCOME to CP!
Great picture. Fits the verse perfectly.
Welcome to the CP. Please show us more of your wonderful photos.
A beautiful photograph. I like the clear focus in the foreground with blur in the background.
--- Papa John ;D
Lovely photo and the verse is perfect for the photo. Welcome to CP. Come back and show us more of God's beauty captured by your camera.
Dear all, Thank you for your kind welcome,
Margit and I live in Manchester england and we will be sharing our scripture photos with you if you wish.
We print them out about 5x4inches and hand them out to encourage folks.
It is lovely to meet fellow believers who are photographers too.
Talk again soon,
regards Chris and Margit
Great to see you Chris...
I hope you saw all of the welcome messages posted in yesterday's New Every Morning (http://christianphotographers.com/yabbse/index.php?board=2;action=display;threadid=452). You can't post in that thread now but you can post always in the current one with today's date on it.
I hope to see you in New Every Morning!
Are you right in the city of Manchester or outside it? I sat in the cockpit of the airplane when my husband and I landed there some years ago. This is something that would never happen again. I must post those photos again.
What a neat and thoughtful way to share the Word with people---by handing out lovely photos with Scriptures on them. God bless you, Chris and Margit!
Dear Janet, thank you very much
He does indeed bless us.
And may He bless you all this day.
Remember that here in the UK the time is very different from there with you.
eg. we are eight hours in front of Oregon.
:D As our day is ending yours is beginning!
Regards, Chris and Margit.
But, Chris, if you post in New Every Morning when you get up, we'll see it when we get up and after you've finished your lunch!! I think it's great how we can all post at different times of the day and share together.
HaHaaaaaa when I get up!
I'm up at six then a coffee and prayer and bible then off to work! lol
Well, Chris, zoom on over there now then and have an evening coffee with the folks! ;D
Dear Pat and all:
Here is a site that I want to share with you, this site is by a friend of ours in Scotland. My testimony is on this site and there are many of my photos as well as some of our poetry, both Margit's and mine. Hope it will bring you enjoyment.
Love, Chris and Margit :D
Thanks Chris, for sharing that site. I spent over two hours there this morning.
YES! Thank you, CHRIS! I have that site marked to my favorites and plan to visit there often! Thank you, so much, for sharing. :D
Chris, that is an awesome site and thanks for the link. Pat, I can see how you could spend so much time there.
I was reading this portion of scripture this morning and so thought I'd come back and have a look at this lovely photo.
Thanks again, Chris!
Yes, I know I'm more than a year late, but had a few moments of time tonight without being overtired, so thought I'd let our Lord warm my heart this evening through the pictures with a focus on the scriptures.
Thanks - it's beautiful, and, by the way, I'm so glad you're still with us. I treasure your posts in NEM.
Ruth Ann