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Janet: Hello, Friends!  Let's get this going again!  I miss  hearing from all of you! 2025-01-23, 19:26:16

Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

Beth needs prayer!

Started by Janet, April 29, 2003, 11:11:13 PM

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Janet, I'll be continuing to pray for Beth as I have been as you know.  If it's in the Lord's perfect plan for Beth that she be healed, she WILL be healed.  Everything that our Lord does is perfect and we must remember that.  God makes no mistakes.

I do remember though that every day, Jack thanked the Lord for his illnesses--and he had many. It wasn't in God's perfect plan to heal Jack.  Jack didn't lack faith.  But he realized that there was a reason (even if we didn't know what that reason was) that the Lord saw fit to allow him to have these illnesses.

God bless you dear Janet and I will be continuing to pray that the Lord's perfect will  and plan will be accomplished in Beth's life.

It's so difficult to see one of our children suffer.  I went through it--not nearly for as long as you have nor was it as serious--but I did have five years (two of which Ian was in a wheel chair) and I really thought I was going to lose him.  We didn't.  And for that I continually praise the Lord.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Al Moak

Dear Janet, I can fully understand your quandry at Jesus' "learning obedience by His suffering."  Perhaps it would help to understand what was meant by the word "learn."  As you say, Jesus was not ignorant about obedience.  In fact, we read elsewhere His own testimony: "I do always those things that please the Father."  No one knew obedience as He did.
But in this case the word "learn" really doesn't mean "learn" in the sense we usually understand.  It means, here, "experienced."  Jesus "experienced" obedience by the things He suffered.  I'm sure you're aware that He had to experience all the things that we have to experience - for our sakes.
Nevertheless, we do indeed need to understand also that not all illnesses can be attributed to Satan.  Of course all illnesses can be traced back ultimately to Adam's sin - without that there would have been no pain, no illness in the world.  But now our sovereign God, Who has all wisdom, allows troubles and trials into our lives, including even illness/pain, etc.  He even allows Satan to try us at times - all for the purpose of teaching us things we absolutely would not learn otherwise.  Samuel Rutherford, the great Scottish Divine, said, "Wants are my greatest riches, for I have these supplied by Christ."  He meant that we need wants, we need trials, we need illnesses and hurts because they drive us to Christ.  All the saints of all time testify to this fact.  They know that without trials our stubbornness, selfishness, and other assorted foolishnesses would keep us from seeking Him as we need to do.  God knows us.  He never allows anything but what will ultimately help us.


Larry, thank you for being one who does NOT take offence--you know none was intended.  I really do respect you, and love you as a brother.  Thank you for understanding that I am trying to fit the pieces of this puzzle together.

Al, and Pat-----I am "meditating" on your words, will be going to the Book and seeing how they line up there.  I know you love me and are concerned, but sometimes we do have differences in the way we understand God's Word.  I mostly (can't think of an exception just now) take it literally.

I know for sure we are told "IN everything give thanks; not FOR everything........."  I will come and post again after I pray and search a while.  Love you!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


God bless you Janet...  You are loved so much!

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


I hope I don't offend anyone by offering my humble opinion. Forgive me if I do, no offense intended.

I don't  believe it is God's will for His children to suffer. I don't know of anyplace in the Bible that it says that Jesus didn't heal ALL the sick and afflicted. But it does say "And He healed them all".

Now God's plan is another subject, I don't know of anyplace it says that it is part of God's plan for His children to suffer either.

In 3 John 2 it says "I would that you would prosper and be in health even as you soul prospers. In Psalm 103:3 it says "who pardons all your iniquities; Who heals all your diseases. James 5:16 says " ...pray for one another so that you may be healed..."

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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And I don't mean to offend either, Marilyn...

I just have a question..  

What would you say to someone who is a Christian who wasn't healed?  Why wouldn't they be healed if it's not the Lord's will for them to be ill?  Would you suggest that they didn't have enough faith?

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Jane Walker

No, Pat ... Healing is all about GOD.  Once we pray and believe, then "it's on Him" as my pastor would say.  I won't enter any further into this discussion because there are so many different ways one can "understand" the scriptures.  I will only say that we can certainly not question God's Omnipotence.  Nor can we say anything about someone else's faith!  

I think you know where I'm coming from with this, Pat.  It isn't that long ago that I lost my daughter and there was much todo over this subject.  Many even left the church.   :-\
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


Pat I certainly would not question God's will, nor the fact that He can do anything He wants to do.
Nor would I question another person's faith.  I do not believe it is God's will for us to be sick. However we do get allthese physical challenges that the Lord has given the doctor's knowledge to deal with. It is not  for me to question how or when that healing takes place, whether  on earth or in the glorified body we will get when our spirit leaves the old sick body.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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U.K. 12.45 a.m.

What is born of the flesh is flesh and what is born of the Spirit is Spirit.

I am the Lord Your Healer....... Beth.

      "cumi cumi........    rise up little girl".

Al Moak

You said
QuoteIt is not  for me to question how or when that healing takes place, whether  on earth or in the glorified body we will get when our spirit leaves the old sick body.
.  That's saying a gigantic mouthful!  That's precisely what is meant in Ps. 103 when it says, "Who healeth all thy diseases."  It doesn't mean that every disease we have here on earth is immediately healed, but it does certainly mean two things: 1) eventually - either now or hereafter they are or will be healed, and 2) Whenever a disease is healed, directly or through medicine, it is God Who healed that disease.
I'd also like to point out John 9:1-4.  Here we have one born blind.  It was definitely the will of God that he be born blind, not because he sinned, nor because his parents sinned, but in order that "the works of God should be manifested in him."  In this case, the "works of God" would be his healing, but in many others it will be (is) the formation of new patience, humility, love, faithfulness, etc.  God uses difficulties to form His graces in His children.  Samuel Rutherford said, "Grace groweth best in winter," and "wants (needs) are my greatest riches, because I have these supplied by Christ."
Not that we shouldn't pray for relief (healing), but at the same time we should absolutely
thank God for trials, including sickness, hurts, etc.!
They are the means that produce growth. (Romans 5:3, Jn. 16:33).  Oh may we not sin by refusing His correcting rod!  Yes, sin entered the world through the temptation of Satan, and, yes, our present ills wouldn't exist apart from that fall, but God - GOD - is sovereign.  He uses Satan, though Satan doesn't like it, to sanctify us.


I have just come on line and checked in to see how Beth is doing.  I have decided to add my two cents worth, and with the value of the dollar that may not be worth much.

Before I begin I want to ask "How IS Beth?"  and What does she believe on this subject?

Now First and foremost "I Am the Lord that healleth thee."  That is what the Bible says. That is what God says. What kind of healling and when is the dilema.  I personally believe in a literal healling.  BUT what about those who are not healled?  Does that mean that there is something wrong with them, or their faith?  Look at Joni Erickson Tada.  I know many believe she hasn't been healled because she lacked faith.  When God heals He does so to glorify Him.  That is the only reason.  So in allowing Joni to remain in the physical state that she is in, He has a reason.  Now look at the number of peoply she can and has and continues to minister to.  I cannot do that, I have never been cripled the way she is, and I DO NOT understand.  So she is remaining in a wheelchair so God can use her to bring more people to him.  Is she healled?  YES!  Do we see it?  NO! ! Does God see her healled?  YES!  Her present life gives glory to the grace and mercy of a loving Father.

Pat, Was Jack healled?  YES! Did we see the healling?  NO!  Does that mean he wasn't healled?  NO! ! Did God see him healled?  YES yes yes.  What did Jack do during the three plus years, 3 times a week at the hospital?  He testified to the grace and mercy of a loving God.  God only allows what we are able to take.  Jack had been thro' enough.  God released him from his earthly ministry, only, for us who remain, to see that ministry go on through the people he prayed for!

Will Beth be healled?  YES.  Will we see the healling? I don't know.  God knows and He isn't saying.  When will we know?  I don't know.  God knows and he isn't telling!

Do I believe everyone will be healled?  Absolutely.   He has said I AM the Lord that healleth thee! But let us remember all healling will be done to glorify God. and cause His work to be furthered.

Janet my heart goes out to you.  This is one of the hardest things a parent has to go through.  I will be praying for you and your family as you walk through the valley.  I will continue to pray for Beth's healling.  And that God would be glorified in all that Beth does.  Love you sis.



U.K. 1.35p.m.

Judy B.  Amen! Thank-you dear for those words.

Last night I was thinking of Beth and I took Joni's "More Precious Than Silver" from the bookase.......in it she says:-

"I think the most epic of all miracles will be raising us up and transforming our lowly bodies into glorious bodies like Our Lord's. Talk ab out power that's personal."

Maybe like Mephibosheth we might cry out to God, "What is Your servant , that you should notice a dead dog like me?(2 Sam9:8) We should know the answer. It lies in a story of love and friendship."

"God the Father invites us to His table to commune with Him, because He sees in our countenance the remembrance of His dearly loved Son. There is something about us, those of us that are Hid with Christ, that shows a trace of Jesus..little wonder that God delights to welcome us to His table".

Joni says not look at me for a healing in this body.....on one page she says:-

"Make a list of all the big miracles that Jesus did before He came to earth....galaxies, black holes,solar systems, law of gravity, the law of thermodynamics etc.,
Make a point of looking up to the Heavens tonight even if it's overcast, there's a magnificence, to it all. Contemplate how marvellous God's creation is, including YOU"

Joni talks about Jesus' little miracles which He performed on earth, so she sees things on a wider scale than we do. Certainly this woman is mightily used of the Lord and knows she shall be healed....in His timescale.


"What is man that you are mindful of him or the son of man that You gratefully and helpfully care for and visit and look after him?" Heb 2:6.


I read this again today.  Jenny  Joni is one of my favourite people and authors.  Everyone should read Joni and Joni a Step Further  I think they are called.  

What we have, as christians, to do is be very careful not to add to another person't suffering.  Each one of us have suffered, and in the suffering well meaning people, myself included, have given what we think are words of comfort only to have them interpreted wrong.  Now rather than say too much of anything I simply pray.  Even saying to some people "I am praying for you," can come across as a flip answer.  We are not to be flip, rather sensitive to the needs of others.  When a person is in the heat of suffering, they need a hug, even a cyber hug helps and gentle words.  So many times I have had a heartache and had someone say I am praying for you and it has just left me empty.

I am preaching here I will be quiet.

Janet HOW is Beth?  I do hope no-one has taken offence to all my ramblings.


 I want to assure all of you that I am reading with a great deal of interest your postings here, regarding whether or not it is always God's will to heal.  I will say that I believe it IS always God's will to heal.  I base my belief solidly on the Word, and must go find the many scriptures that back up my belief.  It is never my wish to denigrate what anyone believes, but I do feel sad that so many settle for so far less than what Jesus shed his precious blood to purchase for us at Calvary.

Now, as to WHY some are healed and some not......it is never the fault of God!  But we can only believe FOR what we believe IN.  And if we are thanking God for illness and poverty, then the angels of God must back off and think "Well, I don't know why she is happy to be poor and sick!  But we can only enforce the words of her mouth, so we can't do anything to keep her from being poor and sick.  We will just have to wait until she starts confessing health and abundance!  Then we can get busy and arrange things to bring those into her life!"

I would never say that someone wasn't healed because he or she lacked faith.  The Word says that to everyone who comes into the world is given the measure of faith.  But what we do with our faith to cause it to grow and increase is up to us.  And our understanding of the Word is paramount to the strengthening of our faith.  Many wonderful, sincere, loving Christians have died needlessly because they didn't know that God WANTS to heal them.  It must break his loving, tender Father's heart to see this happen.

I love each of you here.  I just refuse to have my faith weakened (cannot afford it) by accepting less than my precious Jesus bought for me with His blood.  Salvation includes:  Safety, healing preservation, soundness and deliverance!  And I want it all!

Please, those of you who do not agree, don't get angry at me!  Go to the Book and look up every healing the scriptures talk about!  Did Jesus ever say "No, I won't heal you, I'm trying to teach you something by this suffering.  Go and suffer a few more years."  He would no more want us to suffer than we want our own kids to suffer!  He wants the best for us!  For YOU, dear ones!

Beth is doing about the same.  But whether she is healed or not, I will always know that it is God's will for her to be healed.  She believes that, too.  But she is a bit slack in confessing the promises of God concerning her healing, and since she is an adult, her Mom can't do it for her!  We do thank you for your prayers and concerns, and I apologize for this getting so long.
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Jane Walker

No apology needed, my friend.  I appreciate your words, and freedom in speaking from your heart.   :-*

My love and prayers always, for you and Darrel as well as Beth.  God is an awesome God!  Though we tried for eternity to understand His ways ... we'd never make it!  Ours is to simply trust that He doeth all things well ... and He loves us!  :D

I, like you, stand firmly on His Word.  God said it and that settles it, whether I believe it or not!   :D

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


Amen to both of you.  I believe Beth is healled, whether we see it or not.  I agree totally Janet.

Al Moak

Only one thing today.  Don't have much time.  My God is never brokenhearted.  He is not discouraged.  He is not defeated in the slightest.  He has His way in absolutely all cases.  He is not a man, and His ways are not our ways.  When He wishes to heal, He does so.  But I thank Him that He does not always do so, for we would absoutely not grow in grace if He did so.
Nevertheless, He does want me to be human, to be brokenhearted, to be sympathetic in the best of ways, and by His Spirit I can grow in these things.  Therefore I will pray - and at the same time leave it to God.  I do believe as Judy does that all Christians are healed eventually - there will be no pain, sickness, death, etc. in Heaven.  Some are healed on earth, but only if it's for their best and the glory of God.


Amen to Judyb,Janet,Jane, and Jenny. I too belive that God is always the Healer. Jehovah Rapha, "I am the God who healeth thee" I stand onthe word of God

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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May I add a little bit to this discussion.  I certainly do not want my views to appear to be the sort of commentary that divides people.  I usually just keep my thoughts to myself, but I would like to express them this time.

My friend Sheila died of breast cancer about a year ago.  She refused to have chemo or anything else that could have possibly saved her life.  All because she felt the Lord had healed her, and she "knew it".  It is so sad that her husband is alone, brokenhearted and sick now.  

I know the Lord does heal some, and yet some others are not healed (on this earth at least).  Even the Apostle Paul was not healed of his "thorn in the flesh" whatever that might have been.  It was important to him though, because he asked the Lord three times to remove it.  What was his answer?  "My Grace is sufficient for you." 2 Cor. 12: 9.  I believe this is one of the lessons the Lord has for us, to learn to depend on His Grace to be our supply.  I can accept illness or ailments if I believe they are in God's permissive will, I could not refuse to accept them, for God is, after all, Sovereign.  He is GOD!  My creator, my Great Physician.   He knows what is best for me.  Must 'what is best for us' always mean perfect health?  We might like to think that, but does God think that?  Does He get glory only in our healing?  

We had a young friend who died of bone cancer, and he had such a positive outlook during his illness.  He said he was in a win-win situation.  If he died he wins.  If he lived he wins.  What a blessing he was to those around him.  

Lovingly submitted,  Janice
This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.   Ps 118:24


Janice I understand that husband's heartache.  God gave the doctors their knowledge and the ability to retain the knowledge.  He has given us medicines.  To not listen to the doctors is not right, and refusing to take the medicine is not wise on anyones part.   My medicine is making me feel a whole lot better, thank you Lord.



Brothers and  Sisters in Christ. Please................                                      
Let no bitter root divide us.

Jesus has healed me of some things and not others.
I know I need to learn humility and I do ask the Lord to help me.
There is always a blessing in  the "waiting" if we seek it.


Judy, Janice, Jenny and all who have posted here:  The reason I waited and prayed about it before posting as I did was that I in no way want to sow any discord among us here.  But God would not let me NOT post what I truly believe!  I am not asking anyone to agree with me, only to go to the Word if you have a problem with what I said.

We are all headed to the same heavenly home, and will be together throughout eternity, so we best learn to get along while here on earth, right??  

My "problem" is that after He has done so much for me, I feel the very least I can do is to tell others about it, and about what I believe He wants for us as His kids.  Please do not feel I am upset with anyone......I'm not!
Well........except the devil!  And he is under my feet!

In Jesus' love,
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


You know I think in re reading the posts we are all saying the same thing, just with different words! ! !   Now lets all of us get back to the point of praying for Beth and Janet. Let us give God all the glory in this situation and out lives as He works His divine will in each of us.


U.K. 12.15 a.m. (Tues)

Judy B.   AMEN!     SO BE IT!

Praise God!

Now I can go to bed peacefully.

Judy McKenna

I'm so happy to read that Beth has a new little dog, Janet,

Was there ever any news on Sindee?  Is Meika the same breed as Sindee?

How lovely that Beth has a friend in John., now to me, THATS an answer to prayer, wouldn't you say?
"I am too blessed to be stressed".


Judy, Beth got a little Chihuahua this time; Sindee was a mini Dauchund.  Yes, John is an answer to prayer.

Beth has another serious problem..... :(  She has a lot of trouble voiding.  She has another doctor's appointment tomorrow about that.  They say it is a "spastic spincter muscle."

We also stopped by the Senior Center and borrowed a four-pronged cane for her today.  She was using a regular cane, but keeps on falling.

Continued prayer are appreciated.
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Jane Walker

JANET~I am still praying.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


Janet: I was so sorry to hear last night about the additional problems that beth is having. I will continue in my prayers for  your iand in thanksgiving that in spirit she is already healed. These new things are only lies form the devil. In Jesus' name I rebuke all these problems that in the natural are cropping up.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Thank you, Jane and Marilyn! :-*
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Sorry I have been away for a while. Sorry to hear about Beth. She is in God's hands and he is the potter we are the clay. I will be praying for her. God always knows best!

Bless you all