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JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

JudyB: I will be back this evening to start July's thoughts..... The wedding was beautiful! 2021-07-02, 11:51:09

CP Member's son needs prayer as does Bill too...

Started by Pat, May 12, 2005, 12:16:36 PM

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Dear Praying Friends on CP:

One of our members on CP, Bill Janson, has been fighting a serious illness since February and is doing fairly well but now for the last four weeks, they've both (he and Laura and the family) have had another battle to cope with.

Their son, Joe, who didn't live at home, had a severe beating by some 5 or 6 guys who broke into the wrong house and he's been in a coma up until now...

I'm going to post some emails I've received to give you a picture of what these dear folks have been going through and I'm sure that they'd even appreciate a little short email to say that you are praying.  At this time, they will appreciate knowing about all the prayers going heavenward on behalf of Joe and actually, the whole family at this time.

When they ever have time to have a look in here, I'm sure that it will be encouraging to see that many on Christian Photographers have been and will continue to pray for the family.

First One  from an elder at Arkell Rd. Bible Chapel  April 16/05

It is currently nearly 11:30 Tuesday night, and we just got a call from Jana Watkinson, passing on a message from Ben Jansen.

The details are very sketchy right now, but Joe Jansen (Bill & Laura's oldest child, who doesn't live at home) was beaten up so badly that he is being airlifted (to Hamilton?) to be admitted to the Intensive Care Unit.

Please pray for wisdom for the medical staff, peace for the family, and--most importantly--that Joe would come to know the Saviour.

We'll pass on more details as we get them.  For now, please pray.


"Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to Your name give glory because of Your lovingkindness, because of Your truth."
Psalm 115:1

Day 2

Dear friends, family and prayer partners
Today once again we have been overwhelmed by the calls, emails, visits, love, prayer and general support as we vist with our son Joe in the  hospital.

Today we had 7 of Joe's friends - his Paintball family - visit us at the hospital. 2 of them drove over 2 hours to spend just a short time with us.  All we can say is THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!  What we need more than anything else is your prayers - for Joe's full recovery, for wisdom for the doctors and strength for us.

It has been just over 48 hours since Joe was attacked and taken to hospital.  As I mentioned before - he was airlifted to one of the best trauma centres in Canada. The care he is reciveing is excellent. He has a dedicated nurse 24-7.

This morning he started moving his arms and legs some more - this confirmed that he most likely does not have spinal injury. Tomorrow they hope to do an MRI to confirm that his neck is okay. If it is then they will be able to remove his neck brace so that they can proceed with plastic surgery on his face - possibly early next week.

This evening however he was experiencing some problems with his breathing, and blood pressure. When we left tonight he was once again heavily sedated and on very high oxygen intake. WE need your prayers that his oxygen intake  will stabilize. and that he will be able to breath on his own soon.

I am attaching a web site that posted the early story. I don't know if follow ups can be found here later

God is our refuge and strength, Abundantly available for help in trouble
Psalm 46:1

The Lord of hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our refuge.
Psalm 46:11

Thanks ALL
Bill & Laura
Alice, Richard & Ben
on behalf of Joe

Day 5 April 17/05

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer partners

Today was another quiet day for Joe.  He is back on the feeding tube and oxygen level has remained steady.  He is still sedated some with morphine.

The night nurse this evening had not seen Joe for 2 days and when she reviewed his progress she was very pleased and feels that he is improving day by day.

He is now doing some of his breathing by himself.

Over all there are small improvements noticed by the nursing staff.  Every little step forward is an answer to prayer for which we give thanks.

Today Joe had 28 visitors.  Every one was a blessing to us and to Joe.

Duet. 33:27a - "The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms..."

Thank you all for your prayers and emails

Bill & Laura
Joe, Alice, Richard, Ben

Day 6 April 18/05

Good news - an eyelid fluttered!   One small improvement for Joe - he seemed
to be trying to open his eyes.

According to the nurses - and these girls deserve a medal - Joe is continueing to improve one small step at a time.  He is still being sedated because he struggles against his pain

Joe basically had a quiet day.  The respirator has been adjusted so that Joe is doing a little more of the work for his breathing.  His oxygen level intake has also been lowered a bit more.  Again - a small improvement.

Day by day we can only praise God for everything He gives us and Joe.

Today I also met with the insurance adjuster at Joe's house.  The adjuster had brought a contractor with her.  I showed them the big blood stain on the carpet and the other damaged areas.  She immediately took over and said - we will fix it up.  They will replace the carpet,  wash the walls and ceilings, wash the kitchen cabinets etc..  The whole place is being cleaned.  I had
not been able to notify Lucas that this was happening so he went to the house to get some clothes from his room.  He was too late.  All the clothes had been sent to the dry cleaner.  When these boys move back in - they will have more clean clothes than they have ever had before  :)  Again a blessing that we had not counted on.

Come, my heart, be calm and hopeful today. Clouds may gather, but the Lord can blow them away. Since God will not fail me, my faith shall not fail; and as He will not forsake me, neither will I forsake Him. Oh, for a restful faith!
Faith's Checkbook by C.H. Spurgeon

Thanks for your prayers

Bill & Laura
Joe, Alice, Richard & Ben

Day 7 April 19/05

Dear Friends, Family and Prayer partners

It has been 1 week since Joe went to the hospital.  It has been a long week.

Last night Joe had a restless night and earlier today as well.  They changed his pain medicine and by this evening he was much more comfortable.

Also we have some good news.  His neck collar was removed at 6:30PM - just as we came in after supper.  Praise the Lord - the doctors are confident that there is no damage to his spine.  Also Joe is still connected to his respirator but he is doing most of the breathing himself.  Another small step forward for which we are very thankful.

Tomorrow the plastic surgery team will plan for plastic surgery to Joe's face.  It will be done as soon as space is available in the operating room.

Joe is still unconscious but there is still regular movement in his arms and legs.

Thank you all for your support, visits, prayers, emails, cards, flowers, meals etc.  We have been traumatized and yet we have been blessed by many.

Thanks so much.

"The Lord is my shepherd;  I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside quiet waters.
He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no
evil;  for Thou art with me  Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.
Thou dost prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; Thou hast
annointed my head with oil;  my cup overflows
Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."
Psalm 23

Bill & Laura
Joe, Alice, Richard & Ben

Day 8 April 20/05

Dear Family, Friends and prayer partners

Today was another quiet day for Joe and yet there were a few things that gave cause for rejoicing and hope.

Joe's oxygen intake level has been reduced to 30% and he is now doing most of his breathing with very little help from the respirator.  His heart rate is again also more regular.  Small improvements - but cause to give thanks.

He is still sedated because he really fights his breathing tube when he is not.

No date for the plastic surgery has been established but this could happen soon.  Please pray for the doctors and for Joe - it could be a long operation.

There was one phone call which really made us rejoice for Joe.  The insurance adjuster called.  They have been cleaning Joe's house completely and the carpet had to be replaced.  The adjuster told me that as their gift to Joe they were waiving the $ 500 deductible.  This will definitely help him.

"My Soul, wait in silence for God only, for my hope is from Him.
He only is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I shall not be shaken."
Psalm 62:5-6

Thank you all for your emails, visits and prayers

Bill & Laura
Joe, Alice, Richard & Ben

Day 9 April 21/05

Dear Friends, Family and prayer partners

Today was another day of blessings seen in small improvements.

Joe got his tracheotomy today at 1 o'clock.  Shortly thereafter he had his respirator removed.  He is breathing on his own !!!  And he is holding his own as of this evening.  He has been opening his eyes more frequently but there is still no recognition.  He is no longer sedated but is on pain medicine.

We were informed that he will go for surgery on Monday - for his facial bone reconstruction.

So we see improvements day by day and continue to be thankful for all the sharing and support we have received.

"He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength."
Isaiah 40:29

Thanks so  much.

Bill and Laura Jansen
Joe, Alice, Richard and Ben

Day 10 April 22/05

Dear Friends, Family and prayer partners

Today Joe advanced another small step.  The drainage tube for his left lung was removed - doesn't need it anymore.  He is also continuing to breathe on his own and the respirator has been set aside completely.

Monday morning at 8:00 AM he is scheduled for plastic surgery.  This may take about 5 hours as per one of the surgeons.  We would appreciate your prayers that all goes well.

There were several instances today when Joe would open his eyes but he is not responding to commands and does not appear to be seeing anything.  Once this morning he did appear to respond to 2 of the nurses (before we arrived) which made them excited and hopeful but the rest of the day he was quite calm.

We look forward to the time when we will be able to communicate freely with him once again.

" Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you, surely I will help you,  surely I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
Isaiah 41:10

Thanks again to the many who have communicated with us in so many different ways

Bill & Laura
Joe, Alice, Richard & Ben

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"



Day 11 April 23/05

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners

Another day of small steps forward and much to be thankful for.

Joe has been opening his eyes more frequently but does not appear to be recognizing any of us.  They had to increase his pain medication and add more sedative as he has been very restless, has been running a fever, and has had an elevated heart rate.  The goal is to keep him calm and resting.

The staff was going to remove his right drainage tube from his lungs  -  but this was delayed.  Instead they moved him to B wing on the 5th Floor to the intensive care unit - one step down from critical care.  We praise God for every step forward.

Also today we are thankful for approximately 24 visitors for Joe and us.  This is very encouraging.

We thank everyone who has supported us in visits, emails, cards, prayers etc.

A dear friend shared the following verses with us this morning from 2 Chronicles 20

v. 12  "For we have no power to face this....  We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you...

v.15   Do not be afraid or discouraged because of.... For the battle is not yours, but God's...

v.17   Take up your positions; Stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you."

This is the basis of our hope.

Bill & Laura Jansen
Joe, Alice, Richard & Ben

Day 12 April 24/05

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners

Today 2 of Joe's friends were there before us and told us that he grabbed one of their hands with determination.  Later I blew in his face and he immediately blinked.  This had not happened before.  Again we can only be thankful to God for every bit of progress  Even the staff acknowledged progress by moving Joe to a ward.  Most of the monitors have been removed and tonight he just has the tracheotomy tube and one intravenous line.  Tomorrow morning 8:00 AM he is scheduled for surgery if the OR remains available.

Please pray for a successful surgery and speedy  recovery from here on.

Thanks again to all who support us in so many ways.

" As for God, his way is perfect:...he is a shield to all those who trust in Him" 
Psalm 18:30

Bill & Laura
Joe, Alice, Richard & Ben

Day 13 April 24/05

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners

Today Joe had surgery to repair the bones in his face.  I spoke to the surgeon who confirmed that the surgery went very well.  He installed braces on Joe's teeth with rubber bands to hold things in place for the next three weeks and placed some plates and screws on his cheek bones.  The overall
prognosis looks very good.  We have much to be thankful for.

I just spoke to his nurse and he has been resting comfortably all evening.  Tomorrow we hope to go back to Toronto to see whether he will start to wake up more.

We as a family can only continue to place him in God's care.

Thanks to all of you who pray for Joe and us

Philippians 4: 6,7

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication
with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the
peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts
and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Bill & Laura
Joe, Alice, Richard and Ben

Day 14 April 26/05

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners

It's hard to believe that two weeks ago we got a phone call that Joe had been assaulted and that he had been taken to the hospital.  Today's newspaper front page headline reminded us of what had happened - "Hoods hit wrong home"

Yet the time has flown by and today was another reminder of how frail we are.  Joe basically did not move today.  Yesterday's surgery was successful but today he is very swollen in his face and obviously still in pain.  He appeared to sleep all day with regular doses of Tylenol being administered
by the nursing staff.

We had a few visitors - and each one was a blessing to us - but Joe never moved or acknowledged our presence even with 7 people standing around his bed hoping he would respond to us.

We really appreciate every email and encouragement we have recieved in so many ways and feel inadequate to respond to them all.  Thank you all for your continued prayers and support.

Daily we wait for Joe to wake up...

"Be still, and know that I am God."   Psalm 46:10

Bill & Laura Jansen
Joe, Alice, Richard & Ben

Day 15 April 27/05

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners

Today was almost a duplication of yesterday except that the therapists came and tried to force Joe to sit up.  During this excercise he briefly opened his eyes but did not respond to stimulation.  He rested comfortably the rest of the day.

Today we received an email from the south of France, a phone call from someone in the community who we have never met, 2 cards full of signatures (from Joe's co-workers), flowers at the hospital and many other, emails, phone calls, and visits from several in the hospital.  It is your support and prayers that keep us going.  Joe's progress is slow - in our eyes - but so many of you point us to God our Father  - the only great physician.  We as a family thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all that is being done to help and encourage us.

Fear thou not;for I am with thee.Be not dismayed; for I am thy God.  I will strenghten thee;yea,I will help thee;yea I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
Isaiah 41:10.

Bill & Laura Jansen
Joe, Alice, Richard & Ben

Day 16 April 28/05

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners

When I got to the hospital early this afternoon Joe was breathing too heavily.  It was finally determined that his lower lungs were blocked.  He was moved back to the ICU where his lungs were suctioned and examined by scope.  Not a comfortable proceedure.  Most of the mucus was cleared but the doctors are concerned about possible pneumonia.  When we left this evening
his breathing rate was much better and his heart rate was high but he was calming down.  He has had a rough day.

On a positive note  - when I spoke to him he did open his eyes.  The first time in about 3 days.  He did this several times during the course of the evening.

We are thankful for every small improvement and thank God for Joe and how he is progressing.

Also we cannot express enough how much we have been encouraged and blessed by the many emails, cards, phone calls and visits.

Thanks to everyone of you.

"I will lift up my eyes unto the hills, from whence shall my help come?  My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. . . .  He who keeps you will not slumber. . . . The Lord is your keeper. . . . He shall keep your soul. . . . The Lord will guard your going out and your coming in from this time forth, and  forever."   
Psalm 121

Bill & Laura Jansen
Joe, Alice, Richard & Ben

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"



Day 17 April 29/05

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners,
Today was mostly quiet for Joe. We are thankful he's back in ICU - there's much more attention from a nurse in this area. We really feel he still needs this level of care.  The swelling from surgery is beginning to subside nicely. The other day Joe was put back on morphine to ease the pain. This tends to keep him groggy for a while so he really isn't responding to much stimulation yet.  (Hopefully, it's due to the medication and not his injuries.)

We're thankful to live so close to such a top quality trauma centre.

One family whose mother/grandmother/great-grandmother has been in the hospital about a week longer than Joe has finally had their loved one moved to ICU. Hopefully we can resume contact with them this weekend.

Our hearts go out to other families who had loved ones in Critical Care the same time as Joe. We got somewhat acquainted with several of them, but we don't get to see them as much now that their family member has been moved to a different area of the hospital. We would like to be able to reach out to them again.

Thanks for caring and sharing our burden.

"...Casting all your anxiety upon Him, because He cares for you." 
1 Peter 5:7

Laura Jansen

Day 18 April 30/05

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners,

Although Joe had a rough night last night, he rested peacefully today. (His heart rate was too high through much of the night. It still spikes occasionally).

When I arrived today, Joe's right eye was fully open and he had managed to open his left eye about half way in spite of the swelling. His incisions are healing nicely.

Throughout the day Joe moved his right elbow and shoulder  and tonight he was beginning to move his right leg slightly. Hopefully he will continue to increase his movements with every part of his body.

Our continuing prayer is that we are "...ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you..." ! Peter 3:15

Laura Jansen

Day 19 May 1/05

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners,

Exciting news today!!  for which we can only praise God for his mercy. Joe responded to our voices.  He lifted his fingers on command, wiggled his toes and squeezed his best friend, Tom's hand.  His eyes are open and he seems to be exploring his tube attachments with determination to find what it is that he has up his nose (feeding tube) and on his throat (tracheotomy).  We are
so thankful to see these responses from him.

Also this morning, the stitches from his plastic surgery were removed.  We are so amazed at the skill of the medical staff that they can do this kind of surgery and hardly leave a mark.  Again - much to be thankful for.

I came back from a weekend with Joe's friends at EMR paintball park.  Joe's paintball family has gone the extra mile in showing their love and support for Joe.  I brought a collage of photos to Joe's bedside (made by one of his friends) and he appeared to comprehend what it was as his eyes scanned the 18 x 24 group of photos.  We also had a 6 foot wide Canadian flag which had been signed by many people.  We hung it in Joe's intensive care room where he can see it constantly.

We also received a very genereous result of a raffle, bake sale and auction which will be placed in a trust fund for Joe to help him in meeting his ongoing expenses to maintain his home.  We have
been overwhelmed by the love and care shown to us by so many from so many different places.

As parents we knew Joe had friends but we never guessed how many.  All we can do at this point is to say thank you but we  have to acknowledge that these 2 words do not seem like enough.


We are so thankful to the Lord for what he is doing for Joe.  The Lord is using this event, and all of us are witnesses to it, to show how great He is.  We ask you all to continue to pray with us that Joe may be fully healed.  What we have seen to date is one of God's miracles.

One of Joe's dear friends at EMR reminded us of the following verse  " For I know the plans that I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." 
Jeremiah 29:11

As for God - His way is perfect - even when we don't understand the reasons why

Thank you all for your love and support

Bill & Laura Jansen
Joe, Alice, Richard and Ben

Extra May 1/05 in the morning

Good morning.
I spoke with Joe's night nurse just before she went off duty. Joe had a restful night. He has begun moving his left arm slightly now, too.  He continued to repeat the right elbow and shoulder movements I had observed, often with his limp hand ending up on his tracheotomy mask. I had
wondered about those seemingly odd movements.

Once during the night, Joe continued those same movements, ending with his hand on the feeding tube in his nose. Interesting.

We have had so many people ask, whether in person, by phone, email or snail mail, what they can do to help. It is interesting having to learn when to say we need help, and what help to ask for. It brings to mind a chorus we learned years ago, and were reminded of at the couples' weekend at Beacon Bible Camp last fall:

"Brother, let me be your servant.
Let me be as Christ to you.
Pray that I may have the grace
To let you be my servant, too."
Looking forward to today's small steps.


"But as for me, I will hope continually, And will praise Thee yet more and more.: Psalm 71:14

Day 20 May 2/05

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners,

We spent several hours with Joe again today.  We praise God for the continued improvements.  His movements are slow but more frequently with determination.  When he is not restrained he explores his feeding tube and his trach and at one point even tried to remove the trach tube.  That is why we keep him somewhat restrained.

The drawback is that most of his movements are right handed.  We continue to wait for his left side to start moving as well.

Joe continues to receive visitors every day and we really appreciate every one.  Thanks also for the many cards and emails.

Have I not commanded you: Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9

Bill & Laura Jansen
Joe, Alice, Richard & Ben

Day 22 May 4/05

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners

I had a quiet day with Joe today.  Towards the end of the day he was more responsive and it was encouraging to see that when I asked if he wanted the bed raised to a sitting position he responded with a 'thumbs up'  as I requested.  He definitely hears us and understands but is locked in a body from which he cannot express himself.  He has been recieving more morphine again because his heart rate is very high.  >From my perspective he is jogging all day (his heart is going so fast) and so he sleeps a lot and doesn't have the energy to respond to much.

When I questioned the medical staff I was told that it is not uncommon for young men with heart trauma to have a rapid heart rate and to sweat a lot.  Joe does both.

Our prayer is that he will be healed from this.  God is the Great physician and we trust Him to look after Joe.

"But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior, my God will hear me"  Micah 7:7

Joe is still in the Intensive Care unit and at the moment it is half empty so they are in no hurry to move Joe to the ward.  Another blessing for Joe because the care is better here than in the ward (one nurse - 2 patients vs 1 nurse - 4 patients)

Again I want to thank all those who encourage us to keep writing these reports.  Your responses help us to know how much we are being supported. THANK YOU ALL!!

Bill & Laura Jansen
Joe, Alice, Richard & Ben

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Pat, I just found this thread, and the prayer request for this family.  I am inspired and so moved by their courage and willingness to share this journey of faith with us.  I will pray for the family.  What an honor.


Thanks Nita...

I'll put the remaining few emails in here and then as they come in, I'll post them.  They sure need prayer.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Pat:  What a dear family and a rough time they are having now.  My prayers for continued healing. 


"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"



Day 23 May 5/05

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners

Today I finally managed a visit with one of the nuero surgeons.  I will try to explain what I have learned

Joe has a condition described as 'Diffuse Axonal Injury'  Simply translated it means that the connectors in his brain have separated causing communication breakdown.

In Joe's case we have lateral damage affecting his left side (lack of control and function) and cognitive damage (frontal brain) affecting his memory and thinking.  This also affects his ability to initiate thought and conversation.  The surgeon feels that this damaged area will heal but also
could plateau and not fully heal.  Complete healing in his opinion could take as much as 1 1/2  years.

Our other concern is that Joe's heart rate is still quite high.  As a result he is very tired.

Today however Joe appeared to recognize us easily and several times interacted with us with slow but determined hand motions ie reaching, feeling and touching his visitors.

So we see small improvements on a day when we are reminded that Joe could be there for a long time.

We continue to pray for Joe's healing and ask you all to pray with us.  Only God controls the outcome for Joe.

We are reminded of the story of Lazarus where his sisters sent word to Jesus.

"Master, the one you love so very much is sick"

The Lord's response is our prayer  "This sickness is not fatal. It will become an occasion to show God's glory by glorifying God's Son"   
John 11:3-4

We appreciate all those who pray with us and encourage us in many ways

Bill & Laura Jansen
Joe, Alice, Richard & Ben

Day 24  May 6/05

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners

This morning when I arrived at the hospital Joe's heart rate was at 100 - 120 per minute.  Still high but definitely better than yesterday, but by this evening it was back up to the 140 - 155 range.  This of course keeps him very tired and the staff keeps him sedated to slow his heart down.

During the early part of the afternoon Joe was quite active with determined movements of his right side.  When I untie his right hand it doesn't take long before he is trying to pull out the feeding tube in his nose.  He sometimes listens when he is told to leave it alone.  He has complete
control over his right hand actions whereas his left side is mostly inert.

Today the tracheotomy tube was capped.  Another step forward!!!  A few days from now -  it should be removed.  With the tube capped he should be able to speak but so far has only made groaning sounds.  As mentioned yesterday the doctors assumed that his ability to construct sentences or thoughts has been impaired.

We ask for your continued prayers.

Thanks also for the many expressions of continued support from many places.

" God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."
"Be still, and know that I am God"
Psalm 46: 1 and 10

Bill & Laura Jansen
Joe, Alice, Richard and Ben

Day 25  May 7/05

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners

Today we were thankful to see definite improvements.  Jessie - one of Joe's friends - pulled out her referee's whistle.  Joe reached for it and made a determined effort to get it into his mouth.  I helped him to get it in (he is somewhat lacking in coordination) and he tried to blow it 3 times but did not have the air capacity.  We rejoiced at his attempt.

This evening he wanted to sit up and even get out of bed.  I told him he had to move his left leg first - so he did ( but not enough to be able to stand on it).

Another blessing - his heart rate has come down to 110 +/-  (still high but better than yesterday)

" I will give thanks to Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Thy works, and my soul knows it very well." 
Psalm 139:14

Day by day we see a little more.  We trust God to heal him completely.

Thanks you all for your prayers

Bill & Laura Jansen
Joe, Alice, Richard & Ben

Day 26  May 8/05

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners

We are thankful to report that Joe's progress continues in steady increments.  Small steps forward - but definitely forward.  And yet he has a long way to go.

Today he showed clear understanding as he made an agreement with his nurse not to pull on the feeding tube in his nose.  He reached for it several times but when reminded of his agreement he backed off.  He does not speak but makes his wishes known by hand signals - if we can understand them.  His left leg and arm are also being moved more often but still only slightly.

Overall we are encouraged.  Today's nurse was a caring young lady who really helped bring out the best in Joe.  He is frustrated at times but we trust that with the final removal of his tracheotomy and feeding tube things will improve.

As God said to Joshua many years ago " Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go"  Joshua 1:9

We keep going forward.  Thank you all for your support

Bill & Laura Jansen
Joe, Alice, Richard & Ben

Day 26  May 9/05

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners

Today Joe spoke.  He said "Hi" to one of the nurses and later said his name very quietly.  The medical staff was amazed at his progress over the past weekend.

He is also showing slight improvement in moving his left side as he continuously struggles to sit up and get out of bed.  He works at it but is still very subdued in his outlook and expression.

We are grateful for all that he has been able to do - with God's help and in answer to many prayers.

Thank you all so much for sharing with us.

After tomorrow I will submit my updates every other day unless we have a spectacular event.

"There is an appointed time for everything.  And there is a time for every event  under heaven - ....and a time to heal." 
Ecclesiastes 3: 1 & 3

Bill & Laura Jansen
Joe, Alice, Richard & Ben

Day 27  May 10/05

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners

It is hard to believe that it has been 4 weeks since Joe was injured.  I do not know how much of a concept of time Joe has but I know that his days drag and he still struggles to get out of bed.  Twice today he pulled out his feeding tube.

Today he was quite agitated all day and he indicated that he had a headache most of the day.  Last night's nurse had noted that he was restless all night and that he only slept for 5 minutes.  Today he was definitely tired and frustrated.  We did see improvement in the motion of his left leg - he has more control every day.  The left arm is stll held close but we were able to get him to stretch his arm several times today which did leave it much more relaxed.

The highlight of the day came when he was allowed to try to eat with a spoon after no solid food by mouth for 4 weeks.  He had difficulty doing it by himself (coordination) but swallowing (even with the trach tube still in) was no problem.  This is another step forward which will soon mean that the trach tube will be removed - it has been capped for 3 days now.

Joe still has a long way to go but we can only trust God for the outcome.

Thanks to so many who have contacted us by email and cards.  Your sharing and praying helps us all to cope and press on.  THANKS!!!

"He's in the midst of the storm - He's in the valleys we walk through"

"It is because of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS." 
Lamentations 3:22-23

Bill & Laura Jansen
Joe, Alice, Richard & Ben

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Dear Pat,

I am sorry, Joe does need Prayers! Plus his family..

Jane Walker

Pat I have been reading along as you post this tremendous account of a family's journey and of Joe and his amazing progress.  I did not post earlier, but I do want you to know that I am praying -- for Joe as well as all his family and friends.  God is faithful. 

Thanks for keeping the updates available. 

Lovingly, Jane
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!

Ruth Ann Bice

If it be in Your Will, Father, I pray that Joe will be able to recover fully, and that the Comforter will be with him and with his family and friends as they love Joe and care for him. May this healing be a testimony to all who know him of Your Wonderful Love and Care for your children.

Humbly in your Precious Son's Name, I pray.

...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


Thanks so much Kristi Ann.  This family appreciates the prayer so that's what we can do here on this site.

And Jane, thanks.  From now on, the updates will only be every other day as Bill has said above and as soon as I get them, I'll bring them here for our people to pray.

Oh, Ruth Ann, AMEN to your prayer for this family. 

Thanks so much.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Al Moak

O Father, I too pray for Joe and for his family.  Thank You so much, Father, for making it so obvious that Your hand is in so many things each day.  I pray, Father, that You will continue to fully heal Joe.  I also pray You'll use every minutest aspect of this experience for his spiritual life and progress, as well as for physical healing.  Oh how we give You thanks, Father, for Your obvious care and healing!  Blessed be Your glorious Name through Your blessed Son our Lord, Jesus the Christ.


"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Larry Hanna

I am also praying for this young man and his family.  What a terrible ordeal for all concerned.  I will be praying for continued recovery.  As I read the messages the obvious reliance upon our Lord and Savior to get through this and to see the healing is really a testament to their faith and a wonderful witness to others.


I HAVE JUST READ THIS ENTIRE REQUEST (oops, sorry about the caps!  :-[  What grace, strength and faith the parents are showing!  God bless this family, and continue the healing begun in Joe's body. 

I will keep up with this story and continue to pray for Joe.

Pat, is there a link to the story of finding out the hoodlums had the wrong house?  I would like to read that.
My book Rising Above available at



Day 29 - May 11, 2005

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners

I got to the hospital today just after 12:00 to find Joe sitting beside his bed in a chair.  He was there for 2 hours.  He had been working with one of his friends to find his picture in a collage of photographs and to identify others as well.  Other communication was also attempted with a whiteboard with various levels of success - but definitely success.

The other highlight was that his tracheotomy tube has been removed.  We pray
that it heals well and that he doesn't get any infection.

The rest of the afternoon he slept except for a brief interuption when he was moved to the ward again.

Currently his only mechanical connection is his feeding tube.  He really wants to get rid of this and continues to try to pull it out.  Result - he gets restrained to the bed.  We again tried to feed him with a spoon but he only takes in small quantities and he does require help.

We are very pleased with the progress and can't wait to see more.

To those who are sending us emails - we are so encouraged to read them.  We just don't have the time to respond to you all.  - THANKS SO MUCH!!!

" Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."  Philippians 4: 6-7

Bill & Laura Jansen
Joe, Alice, Richard & Ben

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


No, Janet, I've not seen a link to anything online about that but I saw the headlines in the Guelph Newspaper that said it. 

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"



Day 31 - May 13/05

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners

I skipped yesterday with my email and now I've got lots of good news to report.

Yesterday with the help of 4 nurses Joe stood up and was able to transfer weight to both feet.  Then he sat in a chair for about 2 hours.  When I got there in the afternoon he was ready to try some thickened juice.  We spooned it into him after he got a little too messy trying to do it himself.  Joe is left handed and it was quite an accomplishment for him to manage it with his right hand.  We pray that his left hand regains full functionality - it has a ways to go.

Today we were faced with a new surprise.  When I arrived at 1:00 PM he was sitting in his chair in the hallway near the nurse's station with a full tray of food in front of him.  The food was pureed so easily spooned into him.  We had told him that his feeding tube would be removed as sson as he started eating full meals.  It was obvious he was on a mission.  He was eating by himself as fast as he could. He finished about 2/3 of his total portion - very good for a first meal.

About 1/2 hour later he was back in bed when he decided that the feeding tube was no longer needed - out it came!!!

The discussion to replace the tube or not was in full swing when the word came down from the doctors that he was going to be transferred back to Guelph.  The feeding tube was not replaced and the staff at Guelph will have to monitor him to make sure he gets enough to eat.

By 6:30 this evening he was in Guelph  - only 10 km from home rather than 95km.  We are truly thankful for the rapid improvements.

He was also placed on the waiting list for a rehab hospital.  We trust that an opening comes very soon so that he can continue to get the help he needs.

Every day we are amazed at the constant improvement.  Yet we wait for the day when he will regain his ability to speak.

"There is coming a day,
when no heartaches shall come,
no more clouds in the sky
No more tears to dim the eye
All is peace for ever more on
that happy golden shore
What a day, what a glorious day
That will be."

"He will yet deliver us, you also joining in helping us through your prayers, that thanks may be given by many persons on our behalf for the favour bestowed upon us through the prayers of many."  2 Corinthians 1:10-11

Bill & Laura Jansen
Joe, Alice, Richard and Ben

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Let's sing that hymn that Bill and Laura have quoted in their email...

What A Day That Will Be
(Click to hear music)

Martha answered, "I know he will rise again
in the resurrection at the last day."
John 11:24

Words and Music: Jim Hill

There is coming a day,
When no heart aches shall come,
No more clouds in the sky,
No more tears to dim the eye,
All is peace forever more,
On that happy golden shore,
What a day, glorious day that will be.

What a day that will be,
When my Jesus I shall see,
And I look upon His face,
The One who saved me by His grace;
When He takes me by the hand,
And leads me through the Promised Land,
What a day, glorious day that will be.

There'll be no sorrow there,
No more burdens to bear,
No more sickness, no pain,
No more parting over there;
And forever I will be,
With the One who died for me,
What a day, glorious day that will be.

What a day that will be,
When my Jesus I shall see,
And I look upon His face,
The One who saved me by His grace;
When He takes me by the hand,
And leads me through the Promised Land,
What a day, glorious day that will be.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Thanks, Pat.  I noticed the family also mentioned the headline in their reports.  I love that song!
My book Rising Above available at

Larry Hanna


Yes, I rejoice with them for each sign of his growing recovery.  Praise you, Father.....for You are our healer, our strength and our hope.

Al Moak

Thank You, gracious, merciful Father, for the recovery thus far.  Oh let Your lovinkindness be magnified!  May You be glorified in the continuing improvement.  I pray Joe's left side and speech will greatly and speedily improve.  Oh continue, blessed Father, to lay Your healing hand upon him through our lord Jesus Christ.

Ruth Ann Bice

Amen to Al's prayer, Lord. If it be Your will, You can make this young man whole again, and all the glory will be indeed given to You.

In Your Son's Name I pray,

...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Judy McKenna

Pat:  I was absolutely horrified reading about this youn man, Joe's ordeal. I don't recall reading about it in our paper at all.  Perhaps it was in a time that I had temporarily stopped getting the paper.

What a time he has had.... I do hope that the physician in charge of his care, sends him to St. Joes rehab hospital, here in Guelph.  The care will be excellent!

I certainly will be praying for this dear family!
"I am too blessed to be stressed".


My morning prayer for Joe and the family!  May they always find progress each and every day.


Ruth Ann Bice

Have there been other progress reports?

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.