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JennyW: Hello Janet! I check every day. I wish everyone would get going again! I miss seeing pictures and reading posts! 2025-01-24, 06:54:04

Janet: Hello, Friends!  Let's get this going again!  I miss  hearing from all of you! 2025-01-23, 19:26:16

Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Nita's Sister and Cancer

Started by JudyB, January 14, 2013, 09:59:36 PM

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Wowo beautiful! 

Still praying for the family

Jane Walker

This just posted on Facebook:


I was blessed to be with both Dad and Mom when they passed on. Both were peaceful experiences. My sisters and I sat with them and sang for them during their last hours. They both always loved to hear us sing.

Singing together was always a very important part of our lives. Whenever we got together, no matter what occasion, someone would pick up a guitar and the music would begin. Or if we were just riding in the car or working a jigsaw puzzle together.. any time it was family together. No one ever said "lets sing"... someone would just start a song and the others joined in. Most often Mom and Dad and brother Morris sang with us. This love of singing together came from our Texas family roots.. My mom's family also did the same when they got together in Texas.. (I love you precious Texas family)

I explain about singing being such an important part of our lives because it is also an important part of my brother Morris's passing on.

Morris was one of the most talented, passionate musicians I ever knew. He had no music training.. everything he knew was natural..self-taught. He had the most amazing voice and every song he sang came straight from his soul. He felt his music deeply... He didn't just sing a song.. it became a part of him... like he offered a piece of himself with every song he sang...holding nothing back. Under the right circumstances I think he could have made music his career. His band opened for Ray Stevens at the Holt Center in Eugene at one time. They had a manager who tried to get them to travel for gigs.. but these were country guys from Myrtle Point, Powers, Bridge and Remote Oregon who weren't interested in doing the work it would take.

Unfortunately Morris got caught up in drugs and alcohol and eventually drifted away from the rest of the family... sometimes we wouldn't hear from him for years at a time.

I am not clear on the time or how it actually happened but at some time after mom and dad's death, Morris wanted to see his sisters and he asked us all to come to Powers to see him. Nita, Sue, Pam and I went up and spent some time visiting, reminiscing and, of course, singing with him. He didn't talk about his health, but we all knew he didn't look good.

Sometime later we got a call from one of his friends who said Morris was very sick and they were taking him to the Veteran's Hospital in Roseburg.

Nita, Sue, Pam and I sat with Morris at the VA for several days. He had Hepatitis C, his liver was badly damaged and he had toxins coursing through his body from an infected tooth... and he was dying. He could still communicate with us at first but was in extreme pain.

It took some very angry sisters to convince hospital staff that our brother should not be dying in excruciating pain and demand medicines that would keep him comfortable. After that he slipped in and out of consciousness but rested without pain.

During this time we talked to Morris about salvation and how to know he could be assured he would go to heaven. We rejoiced when he told us he accepted Jesus.

On April 8 2004 sister Nita, my daughter, Christy and I sat with Morris. He was mostly in a coma state and unresponsive. Nita and I sang some of the old family songs to him. At one point we sang the children's song "Jesus Love Me" and then went on to sing other songs. Suddenly he said "stop.. what was that song?" We questioned him about what song.. he just kept saying "that other song".. we started naming songs we had sang but he kept saying no. Finally I mentioned "Jesus Loves Me" and he said "Yes! Sing that song."

Nita and I started singing the song and our previously unresponsive brother joined us and sang the entire song with us in perfect 3-part harmony. When the song was over he said..."there.. now I feel saved"... and those were his last words.

Jesus loves me this I know
For the Bible tells me so
Little ones to Him belong
They are weak but He is strong
Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes Jesus loves me
The Bible tells me so

God is so good and I've been so blessed.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!

Jeanne Lee

Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127


Jane, thank you so very much for sharing these posts.

Nita, I wish I were closer.  I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to post much until now.  I couldn't do it very well with my tablet but now I'm in Paul's son's home using his internet and my laptop.

I just prayed for you and for Faye.  We will continue to do so.

God bless you.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Jane thank you for sharing her journey. 


Thank you Jane for these posts from Faye.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


I am also watching for these posts. Thank you Jane for sharing them with us.
What a blessing they are to all of us! When a Christian can take us through their walk, it encourages us to seek a closer relationship with our Lord so that we can experience His peace.

Jane Walker

This evening from Faye:

I started thinking about regrets... things I should have done... things I shouldn't have done.. things I could have done differently.. and decided quickly that this isn't something I want or need to dwell on.

Past mistakes.. past sins... past decisions made.. good or bad... aren't important other than for the fact that they made me who I am today...

In 2 Corinthians 5:17 the Bible tells us

Wherefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature: the old things are passed away; behold, they are become new.

Is that cool or what? Why would I have regrets when God has made me a new creature? Not only has He made me a new creature... He doesn't even remember my past sins... I love this new creature he created.

Psalms 103:12 tells us that God removes our sins as far as the East is from the West


'What Sin' by Morgan Cryar
Have you heard the expression, "Confession is good for the soul"? Well, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is Good News concerning our sin - how God forgives and forgets ...
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!

Gord Brown

 :)  Finally back again.  Many many things have been going on since I was last here.   Fist of all I am so sad to here about Nita  and Jane but my wife Noreen and I will be praying for you both and it is amazing to see the faith that you have.  May the Lord be ever so close to you and I know that he will.

I don;t think that I told you that my new granddaughter was born on the 7th of Jan. at 8-24 a.m. and she was very small only just over 6lbs. and has lost weight and is only weighing 5-3 but the doctor does not seem to worried.  She is beautiful and almost 20" long and her name is  Brynley Elliot Beatrice  Brown and we just love her so much.  Her sister just wants to hold her all the time.

My wife has a new date for her knee surgery and it will be April the 10th and the pre op and to see the doctor and the anitheseioligest is the same day which is on the 26thof March so you could remember her for that.

Well I must get to sleep and may the Lord be with you all this week and give all of you strength to get through what comes your way each day. :thumbsup:

God's richest blessings to all.   Gordon and Noreen. :) :cp: :rocker: :bananadance: :pine:
T Gordon Brown


I would like for Faye to know how her faith-filled messages encourage me!  If ever I face a similar situation, I pray I will be able to encourage others as she does.  What a testimony!  Thank you for sharing, and thank you, Jane for bringing the messages to us.

I am praying for the family.  And knowing the same Lord Faye knows and loves will bring peace and comfort to all the family.  How He loves us!  All glory and praise to Him.
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Etta Sue

Thanks, Jane, for these wonderful posts from Faye.  So encouraging! 

Jane Walker

Nita tells me that, all her life, Faye has wanted to (and has) help others.  Her heart has always been compassionate and full of love for people.  Faye tells me she feels blessed if anyone finds help in her sharing.  She's just like that.  Nita says "She truly wants to make a difference in her dying as she wanted in her living. But wouldn't it be fun if God heals her now" ... but then she adds "I think maybe she and God are having a different conversation about that." 

I hope everyone is able to listen to the YouTube song, that Faye put the link to, in her latest message ... it is truly beautiful!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


Jane, please let Faye know that I'm blessed by her sharing, that last one about Morris in particular. It inspires me to keep on sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in any way, no matter how simple the message is communicated.

May the Lord continue bless and keep her. May He continue to make His face shine upon her and be gracious to her. I pray that He continues to lift up His countenance upon her, and give her His peace, his shalom.

To God be all the glory!
Hope In Sight: Praise Through Photography
Twitter: @_jibee

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift His countenance upon you and give you His Shalom. - Numbers 6:24-26

Jane Walker

Here's today's thoughts from


Many years ago I read an article written by a woman with terminal cancer. The valuable lesson I learned from this woman shaped my thoughts about what really matters in life and it changed how I've lived my life.

It's a simple concept.. we've probably all heard it in one form or another. I'm sure I already knew it.. but coming from someone so close to leaving this world made me KNOW that I knew it... and firmly believe it.

In the end... when all your work is done... when your time is near... the goodbyes have been said, you are secure in your relationship with Jesus and you are alone with your thoughts...

Nothing matters.... NOTHING matters.. but love... and kindness you have known... and kindness you have shown.

No one will lie on a deathbed thinking about their riches or their status in this world. They will think about the people they love and people who have loved them. They will remember lives they may have touched through a kindness shown... they will remember how their lives were touched by kindnesses known.

When I truly came to believe this.. my next thought was... wow! What a horrible, horrible thing it would be to come to that place in your life and NOT have memories of love and kindness. I can't even imagine.

John 13:34 says "I'm giving you a new commandment: Love each other in the same way that I have loved you."

Because in the end nothing else matters.....
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!

Jane Walker

I want you all to know that I told Faye of your comments of appreciation for her messages, of how you are being blessed, inspired and encouraged by her words.  As I anticipated, here is her reply:

Jane thank you so much for sharing that with me. I am so blessed by knowing that something I've said has made a difference to others.

You just gotta love this woman.   <3
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


Jane, thank you again for sharing this here.  I know Faye would want that...and you know also.

I think even knowing she is leaving, I have not believed it.  Somewhere in my heart, I keep thinking we will wake up and find the doctor made a terrible mistake, or she went into an unexpected remission.  My thoughts....but I know not Faye's.  She is saying goodbye every day, and she knows more than anyone else what the Lord is saying to her.

She asked today if any of her sisters were strong enough to call the funeral home she had listed....get some information for her regarding costs and what paperwork they need.....things usually the family handles after.  Faye, being Faye, wants it taken care of before she goes to take that burden from her husband and daughter.  I told her I could do it.  So I will.   I imagine they are used to people crying.....and will let me just talk on through it.

Faye said that she is getting friend requests from school age kids....friends of nephews and nieces.  This touches her heart so deeply, and she said that from now on she will "friend" anyone who requests it.  Her story keeps reaching outward.......

Jane, if you will keep posting here....that would be good.  Thank you again, and thank you to all who are praying for us all.   God is so good.

Jane Walker

Thanks, Nita.  I told Faye I was sharing with our friends here, and that many have expressed their appreciation.  She responded with the quote I put in my last post.  She is amazing, that's for sure.

I know some of what you are having to work through, Bestest .... I want to help, in any way you need me to.   <3
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


Nita, our prayers will be with you as you go through this difficult task. I actually went on FaceBook to see if I could find Faye, however I believe the best place to be is, here, with Jane's posting Faye's comments...... FaceBook can get too hectic and I just don't use it as an area where I feel comfortable posting.

Thank you so much Jane for letting Faye know so many are touched by her walk with the Lord. I believe He wants us all to walk just as closely, every day, so that when we go to live with Him, we may realize we are "Home"!!

Jane Walker

This evening's message from


Life changes so quickly. Sometimes it's hard for me to believe that a month ago I was still working.. traveling around the state for meetings and trainings.... driving...shopping... doing normal family things.

We have no guarantee that we will even have a tomorrow in this life.

The good news is that even though we are not guaranteed a tomorrow on this earth, we can know that when we breathe our last breath and our heart beats its last beat... we will be transformed and transported to a place where we are guaranteed an infinity of tomorrows.

John.14: 2,3 tells us:
In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also

I Corinthians 2:9 goes on to say:
But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

This says to me that we can't know... even in our wildest imaginations... how wonderful it will be when we are face to face with Jesus in Heaven. There is nothing we have ever seen and nothing we have ever heard to give us an inkling of understanding of the glories awaiting us.

I want that! :) I am so thankful that one day many many years ago, the Holy Spirit touched my heart and asked me if He could come in.... and that I invited Him in :)

Revelation 3:20 says:
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

We have a standing invitation. It isn't a one time thing.

Romans 10:9 tell us that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead.. we shall be saved.

It doesn't have to be a big production... it can be just a whisper or thought. It doesn't have to be in fancy words.... Just a simple "Jesus I believe you are the Son of God and that You died for my sins. I accept you into my life.

You don't even have to change your life after you accept Christ... God does the changing... You just have to allow the Holy Spirit to work in your life.

John 3:16 tells us that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

I can't wait to see Jesus face to face and begin this everlasting life....

I can only Imagine......

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


WOW  such insight!  Jane thank you so much for sharing this with us.  I pray that many come to know the Lord in reading this.

Gord Brown

 :) Hi Jane.  I hope that you are well.  I have been keeping up on your posts and they are so encouraging and that they make you think that we need to continue to be a witness for our Lord as often as possible. I want to say thanks for these great scriptures and words and they do help me in my walk with Christ.  :thumbsup:
Well I know that where Judy B is it is a lot colder than where I live but I do not remember it being this cold for many years and when I went out to my van this morning it was reading outside -14 c so that is cold.

Well our new granddaughter is doing well and she has started to gain weight praise the Lord for that as she is so tiny.

Larry it was so good to talk to you yesterday and look after yourself and Pat. :coffee:

Well May the Lord be with you all and keep you warm and Safe.  Love in Christ.   Gordon and Noreen. :) :cp: :rocker: :snowman: :bananadance: :pine:
T Gordon Brown


Bless your heart, Faye!  You are making me homesick for heaven!  I have watched a number of videos about those who have been to heaven and come back, and they all affirm what you are saying.  So why should ANY Christian fear death?  It is only a doorway to a much better life, one with no pain, no sorrow, no more parting and no more tears.  Thank you for blessing our lives with your insights as you travel the road ahead of us.  You are loved---and appreciated.
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Jane Walker

Faye writes:

Been working through some of the "putting your affairs in order" stuff and "final arrangements" stuff and discovered I have a dilemma.

I got out of the habit of going to church years ago and just never got back into it. So I don't have a church home.. or a pastor... I don't even know a pastor.

My sister called a local funeral home for information about their services and when they asked her which pastor would officiate at the memorial service she could only say we haven't decided yet.

I'm trying to take care of as much as I can so my family doesn't have to deal with it but I think I need some advice on this one.

Does a memorial service at a funeral home seem too impersonal? Are there churches that will let a family have a memorial service there even when they aren't members of the church? How does someone choose a pastor at a time like this when you don't know one personally?

I know this is an unusual topic and I hope no one is uncomfortable with it. My sister, Nita, advised me that I don't HAVE to deal with this unless I just want to, but it feels right to me.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


Suggestion, Go to a local Bible believing church and show the pastor her writings.  Ask if he would be willing to do the service.  The good pastors will, whether they know the person or not.  Seeing her journey would give him the direction to go in.


First I wanted you to know that her concerns about her funeral have been taken care of.

Jane asked me if I'd post for Faye tonight, as she is doing her overnight sleep test.

This is what Faye posted tonight.  It's long...but you've been following her journey.  Someone had asked her about her cancer, what was being done, and this is her response.  How I love this strong woman and sister.

from Faye..1/24  10 pm

Yesterday Penny asked about what the doctor was saying so I thought I would share the medical stuff up to now... Sorry for the length of this post :)

5 years ago I was diagnosed with uterine cancer. It was a rare type cancer because it evidently wasn't attached to anything but was just cancer cells floating around. It was so rare that my gynecology oncologist/surgeon took my case to a national conference on cancer.

I had a complete hysterectomy and my doctor said she was sure she got everything. Later that night she came back to my hospital room to tell me she was wrong. She had sent some "washings" to a lab and it came back that there were still some cancer cells remaining. These too were not attached to anything. She was hopeful that , chemo and radiation could take care of them.

During my first round of chemo I went into severe anaphylactic shock. Medics were called. My blood pressure was so low at first they couldn't get a pulse. I was in the hospital for several days while they stabilized me.

My chemo oncologist decided not to chance any more chemo and I had radiation instead, both inside and out.

For the last 5 years, every 6 months I have seen both my chemo oncologist and my gynecology oncologist. I've had the required blood work each time to see if there is any increase in cancer cells and the numbers have been in the acceptable range each time. Six months ago the CA125 count, which determines the presence of cancer cells was 9.

My chemo oncologist retired.. I loved this man... and so I had my (what I thought was the last) 6 month checkup with a new doctor. I knew that once you went 5 years without reoccurrence of the cancer it probably wasn't coming back and you were considered a true cancer survivor. I expected to go to this appointment and be congratulated and get a Cancer Survivor T-Shirt!

On Dec 17 I met with Dr Weese, the new oncologist. He was very straight forward. He said, unfortunately, the blood work didn't look good. My CA125 count that was 9 six months ago was now 1100. He scheduled a ct scan for two days later.

How was I feeling at this time.... You know, we often hear of others getting the news that they have a life threatening disease. But that's "somebody else"... no one really believes it would happen to them... But I still always wondered how I would handle it if it happened to me.

The first time I was diagnosed with cancer I didn't even consider that I could die. It was never part of my thought process. For the entire time.. during the surgery... the time in the hospital... the anaphylactic shock.. and more time in the hospital.. the radiation treatments.. I was never afraid. I couldn't wait for things to get back to normal.. but I never doubted that they would.

This time is different.. In the beginning Dr Weese told me the chemo probably wouldn't be able to get all the cancer. He also told me that a person can only take so much chemo before the chemo meds were as dangerous for the body as the cancer. He didn't mention a length of time and I didn't ask. I also didn't ask about a cancer stage. At that time I didn't want to know.

Last time my body didn't feel any different. I saw the doctor because I was bleeding. This time I can feel the effects of the cancer. My abdomen is swollen. At first I assumed it was gas because AlkaSeltzer helped. Then I started having pain which was worse after I ate something. So then I thought I must have an ulcer and called my doctor. He thought it was my gall bladder and scheduled the ultrasound.

In between the doctor visit and the ultrasound I had my 6 month checkup with the oncologist where he informed me my cancer was back as evidenced by the high CA125 count and scheduled a time to start the chemo treatments.

The first pain medication they gave me made me sick and after two days of nausea and throwing up everything I ate or drank, I went to the emergency room at the hospital. While I was there they checked my oxygen level and it was too low, due to fluid on one of my lungs. So I went home from the hospital with oxygen and different pain meds. I'm still on the oxygen.

About a week later I started having difficulty breathing even with the oxygen so went back to the emergency room. They did a chest x-ray and said one of my lungs was almost full of fluid, so they admitted me and scheduled a procedure to drain the fluid the following day. They drained 1 ½ litters of fluid from my lung and it was immediate relief. I could catch a deep breath again.

The following day Jan 14th I had my first, and as it turned out, my last, Chemo treatment. Seconds after they released the chemicals into my body I went into anaphylactic shock again. The medics came, got me stabilized and took me back to emergency room..

When my oncologist visited me in the hospital he said since my body reacted violently to both the main chemo chemicals he thought I would react to any chemical put into my body and there was nothing left to try.

We've been talking about Hospice. I had been under the impression that once you started Hospice care you could have no more medical procedures. Sister Pam called them for information today and I was wrong. You cannot have any other treatments designed to cure your terminal illness but you can have procedures for your comfort..

My oncologist told me my lung will continue fill up again due to enlarged lymph nodes and, of course, will need to be drained again. This was my concern about hospice. I wanted the option of having my lung drained again if that became necessary.

When he visited me at the hospital I got the impression that my oncologist was discouraging me from having my lungs drained multiple times... but today I had an appointment with him and came away with a totally different opinion. The appointment was mostly to see where I was and what I might still need from him.

I was able to tell him that how much time I had wasn't my decision or his decision but totally God's decision. I let him know that God was doing a work through me that was touching other's lives and that I believed that God would let me know when it was time to let go. It felt important to tell him that I wasn't afraid and that I was totally at peace with whatever God had planned for me. And I know God touched him. Because he told us, Christy, Pam and I, that he doesn't talk about his personal life to his patients but he shared that his mom had died of cancer and how much difference it made to her and her family that she was a believer. We agreed it made all the difference in the world.

Father, thank You for continuing to use me.

I continue to be blessed

Jeanne Lee

Nita, thank you for bringing this to us.  I'm sure it was difficult for you.  What a time of trial and testing Faye has had, and how wonderfully our Father is upholding her.  Please let her know that her postings and her attitude are great blessings for everyone who reads them.   
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127


Ohhh WOW.  Father may Fay continue to have the opportunity to be your witness as she continues down this road.

Jane Walker

Thanks, Nita ... I am still in awe of this woman's amazing courage and strength in the midst of all this ... I love being your adopted sister, too.  <3
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


It is hard...and you might know. I know many have lost loved ones.

But truthfully, it was harder when we first learned that the cancer was back and, I felt, like a raging lion.

Now....what is happening is so much more than her cancer, and that has lifted me up into her own inspiration.  The sense of loss will come again,  but because of how she has chosen to bring her impending "going home" as a way to share with all...it's comforted us all.

I know that the Lord is so in her every moment.........she is already part way there, with Him, as you can tell by her strength and her posts.  Seeing this, feeling this, I also know that God will take care of those in her life as well.  I don't worry about her daughter and husband anymore.  She has given more than she will know until she sees HIM face to FACE.  Then she will know... <3

I keep listening to the song I Will Rise...on U TUBE.  Right now I can't even remember who sings it.  If you get a chance...listen.  It's beautiful and the ending for us all.

Yep...Jane...you are officially adopted. :)

Jane Walker

The latest from

Faye Perry Pekas

I am so blessed to have my family and friends. Yesterday my cousin Morris Wayne and his wife Yvonne who I hadn't seen in about 10 years, came to see me... love you guys.. today another cousin Sonny and his wife Barbara came.. love you guys too.

Several friends from work have been by.. I love you Letitia, Angela, Mary Nora, Audra and Diana. And a couple more have called and will come visit next week.

My sisters have helped with so many things.. Sue came and spent a week with me. Pam has helped with financial things, gone to doctor appointments with me and made fabulous meals for my family when she is here. Nita has been here and will be back tomorrow. She has made phone calls to get information and done research.

My son Robbie, his beautiful wife, Tina and precious daughter, Shelbi were here from Oklahoma last weekend.. that was wonderful.. Love you all soooo much.

My daughter, Christy and husband, Raymon have been my own personal angels.... they are here for anything and everything I need. And Grandson Raymon with his wisdom has made such a difference in how his mom and papa Raymon deal with things. "If Grammy's ok with it, I'm ok with it and you should be too"

I've had nieces and nephews here and more are coming tomorrow. I got a couple of precious, precious songs two of sister Nita's grandchildren sang for me.. Thank you Megan and PJ.. it makes my heart happy when I listen to the songs. I love you very much.... they also made cards for me.

And, of course, I am constantly touched by comments on Facebook. Knowing that words I write touch other's lives is such a blessing for me. Not that I can take any of the credit for that.. The credit all belongs to God and I get the joy and privilege of knowing he is using me in this small way to touch others.

I am forever grateful for all your prayers. Your prayers and your love constantly sustain me. I am so blessed to have each of you in my life.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!