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Help us Congratulate the Winner of Mini Challenge #106~My Favorite Things
Congratulations Fotobirder!
Bird Photos In Snow

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JennyW: Hello Janet! I check every day. I wish everyone would get going again! I miss seeing pictures and reading posts! 2025-01-24, 06:54:04

Janet: Hello, Friends!  Let's get this going again!  I miss  hearing from all of you! 2025-01-23, 19:26:16

Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Nita's Sister and Cancer

Started by JudyB, January 14, 2013, 09:59:36 PM

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Jeanne Lee

Nita - Jane - I have run out of words to express how blessed I feel with Faye's testimony. 
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Jane Walker

Jeanne - many people are feeling the same "loss of words" ... I know I do.  Faye is one very special person, and her beautiful testimony just keeps blessing us all!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!

Jane Walker

Most recent from

How do I even begin to tell you how awesome my day has been?

This morning sister Nita, her daughter Kim and two of Kim's little ones, Megan and Ryan, were here. Such precious babies.. they both made me laugh a lot.

This afternoon sister Pam, her daughter Makenzie and her son Dylan and his sweet wife Kellianne were here. It was so good to visit with them.

And I had some amazing and powerful prayer warriors lay hands on me and lift me and my whole family up in prayer.

My dear friend, Chris Shoopman, is an elder in the Bikers for Christ organization. He called me last week and indicated that he felt strongly that the elders of the group should lay hands on and pray for me and my family and he invited us to a meeting of the elders they were having today.

Nita, Kim and her kids, Raymon and Christy, Vince, a friend of Christy's and Angela and Letitia from work and I all went to the meeting place.

The prayers were intensely powerful and the presence of God filled the room.... These men are the elders of different Bikers For Christ groups throughout Oregon and one from Washington. ...Each of them prayed separately as they laid hands on my family and friends and me. We could feel the love and faith in Christ in these precious soldiers of God.

It was truly amazing watching these bikers, complete with tattoos and leathers and hearts so full of love.. lifting me and my family and friends up to Jesus.... Lots of hugging and tears and big smiles....

Thank you for arranging this Chris. I love you so very very much.

It was such a blessing to my entire family
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!

Jane Walker

Sunday evening ......


My Dear Cousin from Prescott, Arizona, Caara Chantrel, and her ex but still dear friend, Oscar Holiday came to visit me today. This is one of the cousins my sisters and I recently reconnected with after lots of years apart. I'm so thankful that happened and it was so good to see her today.

I'm pretty sure I have the best family in the world :)

Joelene Rackley, Grandson Raymer's other momma and two of his siblings came by this afternoon. They brought their newest family member, a 10 week old pug and it was so much fun to watch him and our two dogs learning to relate. Kimo.. our little terrier wanted him to play and they were soon chasing each other around the room. Callie, our pit mix wanted to mother him and in no time the baby was chewing on Callie's lips and nose and tail and Callie was licking him all over. ;)

The rest of the day I pretty much slept.. haven't been able to stay awake for some reason.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!

Jane Walker

About an hour ago from

I guess sharing my journey would include the bad with the good.

Yesterday afternoon I started having sharp pain. It felt like it was running from my back through my chest. For awhile pain meds eased it but later as the meds started wearing off the pain seemed to be more centered in my chest... so we called an ambulance.

The medics checked me over and said there were none of the regular signs of a heart attack. They thought it sounded more like a pulled muscle.

This morning the pain was worse.. I couldn't even get out of bed until I'd had TWO pain pills.... and Christy and I went in to the emergency room while the pills were still working.

We discovered my lung had filled up again... This time even more fluid than before. They again drained off 1 1/2 liters but the doctor said there is probably an additional 4 more liters that needs to be drained off. They won't do more than 1 1/2 liters at one time so they want to do it again in a week.

As before when they drained my lung there was immediate relief in my breathing. Plus I was actually hungry tonight. That doesn't happen often so that was a big plus.

Thank you for your continued prayers Dear Family and Friends
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


There is so little that can be said. I'm praying seems at these times almost lame.  However as I read her Journal I AM praying.


But prayer is the mightiest weapon of all!  More prayers from Kansas!
My book Rising Above available at

Jeanne Lee

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Jane Walker

This just in from

I can't believe we're at the end of January already. Wasn't the new year last week?

Today was a much better day than yesterday.

I got a beautiful letter from a nephew today. I bawled all the way through it but it was a good cry. You never know how important things you do with or say to your children.. nieces and nephews.. cousins or other children.. can affect them later in life. Skeet can't come see me right now but his letter meant so much to me. I truly believe that everything we do or say teach children a lesson during their learning years.. whether good or bad. Its so important to set a good example.

Colossians 3:17
And whatever you do, whether by speech or action, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

I Don't know which of you prayed for a rainbow for me today but thanks so much. It landed in my front yard, hung around for quite a while and was beautiful.

Some friends stopped by this evening. It was so good to see you Tony and Duare.

A Hospice nurse will be by to visit tomorrow. I don't know everything they have to offer yet but everyone I've talked to say their service is wonderful.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


I read all the posts, including Faye's notes.  I find the tears falling so hard that they are soaking my sweater...and yet the joy I feel knowing that Faye is not only certain of where she is going, but at peace with the fact her earthly life is immense!!

I will definitely be praying for Faye and her family.

Search me oh God, and know my heart. Teach me and know my anxious thoughts. Look for the hurtful ways in me, and lead me in the way...everlasting.

Jane Walker

Bonnie, this is immense .... You surely understand where Faye is at the moment and for eternity!  She posted in FB tonight that she will not be able to post for a while until they drain more fluid from her lungs because she gets exhausted so easily.  Keep the prayers going for the family as this journey continues. 
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!

Jane Walker

Faye has managed to post again on Facebook .... Yesterday she wrote a quick comment that her husband had accepted Christ into his heart.  We all rejoice, as does heaven, at this wonderful news.


I feel stronger today. Was able to eat a few bites yesterday and today. Thank you Jesus.

I did get signed up for Hospice. They are a wonderful organization. I've had two nurses visit me and a social worker and a Chaplin. They are part of the team. They have someone available 24/7 for the patient or their family. They brought me a shower chair because i get so tired standing in the shower... And a friend (thanks Letitia) brought me a walker it make it easier to get to the shower.

Jesus continues to be my constant companion. I sleep a lot and in my sleep he gives me glimpses.. I don't know of what..I don't actually see it but I feel like I would if I could take one more step.. or open the door a little wider...I've asked him to give a little tug to pull me through :) but he isn't ready yet. I guess he has more for me to do. But I do know that its a beautiful and peaceful place and I can't wait to get there.

One huge thing that had been left undone was for my husband to accept Him as his savior! Talk about a fantastic reason for staying earthbound awhile longer :) He got on his knees beside me, weeping...confessed that he was a sinner, confessed that he believed Jesus was the son of God and asked God to forgive him and come into his heart. Have we got a good and merciful God or what?
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


Oh, WOW!!  Yes!  He is a good, loving and merciful God!  And now your dear husband will be forever with you in heaven!  Thank you for sharing that, I am just stunned at His goodness, and His timing.  Praise His name forever.  And lots of hugs and prayers for you, dear one.  :-*     :clap: :xox:
My book Rising Above available at


 Faye's daughter in law, Tina, had posted that wanting her to stay longer was selfish she knew.  I think I feel the same.  She so wants to be there with Jesus....and I could never wish she stay longer here, especially if she came to a place of suffering.  I'm so very grateful that so far, God has given her a path to the end without that.

She is so loved.  Even in all this, I think how she is preparing everyone with every post...getting us ready so that when she leaves, we will have already journeyed with her as far as the Lord would let us go...and felt the pain of losing her, and then her joy at going.

I'd love to have a peek at what she almost sees. :)  He is so very near......and already reaching for her.

Jane Walker

Yes, Nita, I feel the same way ... but God is allowing Faye to "show us the way" and to know that she is at peace and even anticipating this last leg of the journey Home.  It seems only "natural" for us to selfishly want to hang on to her ... but, our Father knows best.  I believe He and Faye are working together to help prepare us for the letting go..... He will also heal the pain ... I know that .... I know that.   :'(
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


Tears are flowing as I read of her husbands salvation.....Ohhh God is sooo GOOD!

joyce robson



Luke 15:10  (NIV)

"In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."

Rejoicing too.....

Jane Walker

From Faye, during the night.....

Just a quick update. Will get into more detail tomorrow.

Sunday I got pretty sick. So exhausted I couldn't get from my chair to the bathroom. We knew it was because my lung was so full but my appointment with the specialist wasn't until Tuesday.

Long story short... Sister Pam and Daughter Christy convinced the right people that we were not waiting until Tuesday, and Monday they took another 1 1/2 liters of fluid off my lung and after my appointment with the dr today they took yet another 1 1/2 liters off.

I feel so much better tonight. Was able to eat a little and am getting some energy back.

Thanks again for all your prayers and kind words. :)
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


Prayers continue for you, dear one, and for all those who love you, as well.  Thanks so much for sharing your journey with us.
My book Rising Above available at

Jane Walker

This evening:


Still feeling better today. Especially notice it in my strength and my ability to eat without getting sick.

The plan at this point is to put a permanent tube in my lung so the fluid can be drained without going in with a needle each time. There is good news and bad news that goes along with that. The good news is that the Hospice nurses can do the procedure here at home and we can keep it drained off well enough so I should be comfortable more of the time.

The bad news (but only temporary) is that they can't put the stint in until the lung fills up again. So I have an appointment on Wed next week to see the doctor and then they will put the stint in on Friday. This means a few days of feeling pretty yucky again next week.

I really like this new doctor.. the pulmonary specialist (who has a long name that I can't remember yet) She seems very confident and compassionate.

I took advantage of feeling stronger today and went by the office to pick up a few personal items... plus get some paperwork notarized. It was bitter-sweet. It was sad sitting in my office looking over 25 years worth of my history with the agency. But it was wonderful seeing everyone and getting lots of hugs.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!

Jane Walker

Faye is a most wonderful friend ... and loving sister to our Nita ... I have been reposting her facebook messages here, with permision, and each time you all make comments or respond to these posts I have relayed them to her.  Here is how she replied on facebook this evening:

I am in a constant state of amazement ... I don't even have words to describe how thankful I am to be where I am right now. How could it be that I am so blessed?

Precious Father, I am so humbled to be your servant and that lives have been touched through words you have given to me. I submit myself totally to you... use me... teach me how to serve you better. Praise you Father. Amen

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!

Jeanne Lee

Thank you, Jane.  Faye is indeed an inspiration. 
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I have directed others, who are dealing with, or have a family member dealing with cancer, here to read.  Even though they are not members they can read and be blessed.  Please continue your journal, my prayer is that others will come to a full knowledge of Christ through your writings.

Jane Walker

Last night, Faye asked for prayer as she was feeling anxious and wrote that the enemy was trying to steal her peace.  Of course, many of us immediately responded.  This evening this is what she wrote:

You guys are absolutely amazing. I'm so glad that I can share this journey with you all. When I reached out to you last night you took the term "I got your back" to a totally different dimension.

It was awesome to wake up and see all your prayers going up for me. Satan doesn't stand a chance against this army :)

I am doing so much better today. The anxiety attack came as a surprise last night. It was the first time since I was diagnosed that something like this happened and it threw me for a loop I guess.
What a blessing to have such a wonderful support team to turn to :)

Thank you thank you thank you

about an hour ago near Roseburg
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!

Jeanne Lee

Jane, of course we know all prayers are heard and all are answered.  But it is so rewarding to see positive results like this. 

When I am wakeful during the night and ask "Who needs prayer, Lord?", I am given names.  Last night Faye was there, so even though I hadn't seen her request and didn't know of any particular, pressing problem, her need was given to me and I was able to join my prayers to those of others.   What an awesome God we serve!
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Jane Walker

Yes, indeed, Jeanne .... What an awesome God we serve!  Thank you.   :)
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


Amen, amen and amen!  And God bless us, every one!  Thanks, Faye for the opportunity of praying for and with you!
My book Rising Above available at

Al Moak

Can't ask for better than the subject s in this forum - prayer, prayer, praler......

Jane Walker

Today Faye had a port implanted so the fluid could be drained from her lung.  The Hospice nurse will be able to drain her lungs in her home, so the discomfort (putting it mildly) will be managed much better. 

This is what Faye posted, on Facebook, about an hour ago:

Faye Perry Pekas

I'm home. Procedure was successful and I feel so much better. My strength is coming back. Right now I'm just very sleepy so will sleep for a bit and try to eat. Expect to feel very much better then. Love and hugs to you all.

about an hour ago near Green, OR

Donald Hostler Yay Faye, so happy to hear you have some relief!! Love you
49 minutes ago · Like..

Sue Perry-Anderson Good News!!! So glad you are feeling better and can Breath again.
44 minutes ago · Like..

Karri L Anderson Love you Faye. Glad to hear your doing better now. So happy it worked.
17 minutes ago · Like..

Gayle Distefano yea, glad to see you are home, so happy you are keeping in touch with everyone. enjoy the sunshine, love.

5 minutes ago · Like
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!