
Help us Congratulate the Winner of Mini Challenge #106~My Favorite Things
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Help us Congratulate the Winner of Mini Challenge #106~My Favorite Things
Congratulations Fotobirder!
Bird Photos In Snow

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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

New Every Morning~Apr. 28

Started by Pat, April 27, 2003, 11:53:46 PM

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Check out our Member Testimonies! [/size]

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  • Creation Moment Listen to the Creation Moment every day for a new creation moment!  We can learn a lot from these!  Terrific if you are home schooling.

Verse for Today...[/font]
    "for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost."[/color]
    ~Luke 19:10 NKJV~

    Quote of the Day...[/font]
       "One today is worth two tomorrows."
      ~William Secker~[/list]

      Some News We Should Know About...
      • Was Tariq Aziz the coalition's mole?
        Iraq's former deputy prime minister, now in US hands, was the urbane public face of the Saddam regime. But he may have helped the allies to target his ex-boss, reports Con Coughlin.  Saddam Hussein's security chiefs placed members of Tariq Aziz's family under arrest shortly before the start of the war to make sure that the former Iraqi deputy prime minister did not defect to the West, The Telegraph can reveal."

      From our forums...

      • Signs of Spring We're almost at the end of the month and the end of our "Signs of Spring" photo challenge!  Hurry and post them.  If you don't have a web page, let me know!

      • FREE BOOKS Pay only the postage!!

      Morning Devotional...

      God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain.                                         Revelation 21:4

      Here is the everlasting joy of the redeemed.

      Because the Redeemer Himself wept and suffered and died, His saints shall one day live in a deathless, tearless land, where sorrow and pain are unknown.

      In the City foursquare, those things which have made earth a sad place shall forever be things of the past.

                                                                                            ~Jim Flanigan~

      God shall wipe away all tears;
      There's no death, no pain nor fears;
      And they count not times by years,
      For there is no night there.

      --John R. Clements

      "Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

      Jane Walker

      I'm here! ;D

      Just stopping by on my to some other place...I shall return.

      Have a good night and an even greater tomorrow!
      Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


      Pat - I don't have any photos yet.  It is only about 4-5 minutes from where we live now and in the same school district.  We didn't want the girls to have to change schools.

      I have to tell you all the story of our house hunt and how God worked this out, and in my belief  put us in the right place at just the right time.

      We had been looking for houses for a couple weeks, and really couldn't find what we "thought" we were looking for...too expensive, too new, too big, too small... whatever - nothing seemed right.  

      Myron and the girls went to the beach for the weekend, and the Saturday they were gone I spent a lot of really quality time in prayer and meditation about a lot of things, including the house hunt.  I told God (I'm sure He is glad I cleared this up with Him ;))   that if it wasn't meant to be for us to have a house right now, I understood and we would be content to stay in the rental another year or so.  I just asked that He make it clear and lead us in the right direction.

      On Sunday morning, Myron called from the beach to tell me that my stepmother, who is our real estate agent, had gotten an e-mail about a house that we had looked at a couple weeks before.  I didn't like the house at all the first time we looked at it and had not given it a second thought.  The e-mail said the price had been reduced and they were having an open house that day.  Myron wanted me to go back over and look at it again.  The open house was from 2-4 and at about 3:45, I decided to run over just to apease Myron because I knew I didn't like the house.

      I walked into the house and it was as if I had never seen it before - I just couldn't believe it.  I loved everything about it.  I couldn't wait for Myron to get home so I could tell him.  We all went back the next day to look again and let the girls see it.  We made an offer, the people accepted and here we are only three weeks later ready to move in.

      The girls both have friends just down the street, our pastor lives three doors down, our music minister one street over and youth minister around the corner - church members everywhere!  We can't wait to get moved in and stay, at least until we are entertaining our grandchildren!  ;D (Our children are only 8 and 12!)

      Thanks for letting me share about our latest blessing.


      (wow - sorry for the long post)


      Good morning everyone.  It's good to see Cindy registering and it was a good testimony about how the Lord has provided a new house for you and yours.  Perhaps we ought to place answers to prayer in the Have Your Prayed About It folder.  What an encouragement that would be!

      That was a great devotional this morning.  We do look forward to leaving all of the miseries of this world behind us.  We have to remember, of course, that while here on earth we have a work to accomplish - to overcome our sin and then lead others into a saving knowledge of the Lord.

      I missed posting yesterday because of a migraine.  I read all of the posts, but could hardly think so decided to stay quiet.

      Sorry for not being able to reply to everyone, but I do pray that everyone has a great day.  If we allow God to be involved in it, it is bound to be great.

      God bless all.


      Jane Walker

      Ah, Anthony ... migraines can be sooo miserable!   :'(
      I do hope you are feeling better today.  Have a good day ... I'm ready for bed.  What a turned around world we live in.     :-\

      Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


      Good morning everyone.  I'm hoping everyone had a restful, good weekend.

      Cindy-is this a house you're looking at buying?  I'll be praying for you.

      Pat-how's the new cat settling in, have you named him or her yet?

      Anthony-I can sympathize with you, I woke up with a migraine this morning, accompanied by a sore throat.  I'll be praying for you.

      Papa John-how are you settling back in at home from vacation?  Has your back been feeling any better lately?

      Mieka-How are you?  I've been praying for you and your family.

      Judy McKenna-I haven't seen you too much lately.  I would like to meet with you and Pat and my mom as well.  We'll have to see if we can find a time when all four of us are free.  I hear you met my younger sister and my dad when they were at Pat's fixing her outdoor piping! :D.

      Sonja-my prayers go out to you and your family.  I hope you know that people are caring about you and praying for you here.  God bless you.

      Well, I know I didn't cover everyone, and I apologize to all whom I've forgotten.  I must be off to work.  Have a great day everyone, and may you see God's blessings.  Jen.


      Good Morning Everyone!

      Well, I had a great sleep last night!

      I'm so glad that you're ok, Anthony.  I sort of thought maybe it was that (migraine) that was the problem.  Glad you're feeling better today and are able to post.

      Hi Jen!  Hope your head is better soon!  Have a great day at work.

      Nice to see you last night, Jane!  Now it's time to "wakey, wakey!"  

      Cindy, what a great testimony of the Lord at work.  That was such a blessing to read.  Thanks so much for sharing that with us all.  Nice that the girls won't need to change schools.  Sometimes that's difficult for kids to do.

      Well, lost to do today.  Talk to you a little later.

      "Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

      Larry Hanna

      Hi everyone.  

      Cindy, I am so glad that your housing situation has worked out so well.  The excitement is evident in your posting.  Don't envy you the move.  Before we moved to this house about 7 years ago we had to move into a rental for 2 months while this house was completed and then move again.  Since we knew we had to do that we left as much packed as possible.  We were glad to get settled and have no plans on moving again.

      Pat, another fine devotional this morning.  Our Saviour suffered so we won't have to when we get to Heaven.  What wonderful knowledge and such a great thing to look forward to when our days on the earth are finished.  

      Anthony and Jane, I can certainly feel for you having to suffer with the migranes.  I had them for years but in my mid-fifties they stopped.  This has been a pattern on my Father's side of the family as both my Grandfather and Father had the same thing happen.  Now both of my children have them periodically.  I used to get them mainly on weekends when I could relax from the pressure of my work.  Sure don't miss them and the only headaches I get these days are sinus ones and they are mild.

      I have spoken to the garage that should be fixing my daughter's car today.  She was able to drive it the few miles to the repair shop yesterday and thus avoided a second towing charge.  I hope they can get it repaired today.  Hopefully the roofer will this morning and put in the exhaust turbines in my roof.  I will be gone all afternoon as am coaching a workshop on computer file management out our computer learning center.  My job is easy as I get to be at the computer to demonstrate what the instructor says.

      See you all later.


      I couldn't believe how many posts there were this morning when I returned from shopping.  And to think that Jane is so many hours different  to over here :D

      Mercychild, it was good to see you posting this morning.  How's that  garden of yours doing?  You will have to take a photograph and let us all have a look.

      Hi Pat, this seems an early start.  I hope you manage to get everything done that you need to.

      Thanks everyone for the thoughts about the migraines.  It's strange, but even while we are feeling lousy, we can still be full of hope and joy.  That's something that I cannot explain, but I am sure that others on the group understand.

      Have a great morning/afternoon everyone.



      Larry, we must have been posting at the same time.  I am glad that you don't get those nasty things anymore.  Mine might have been made worse by the fact that I fell out of bed during Saturday night ;D  They say there's a first time for everything. 8)  Have a good day today Larry.


      Jack suffered migraines as well, Larry, and it seems as if it was the same pattern.  It was usually on Sunday when he was relaxing after church that one would come on with a vengeance.

      "Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


      Pat Scott: Thank you for today's devotion.  It is good to know that we are still watched over.  

      Anthony:  I have always heard that migraines can be so miserable and long-lasting.  Two years ago, I began experiencing allergy headaches which come on suddenly - it is in the springtime and summer when things are in bloom.  I try to keep on top of the situation by using an allery nose spray, and sometimes an allergy pain  pill.  It is just a nuisance.  Glad that you are better.

      Cindy:  I was  interested in your house story as one of our sons wants to buy a house and he has been so discouraged with the company not giving raises this year.  One thing to be thankful for in his case is that he survived the job layoff - over 350 people lost their jobs.  Your house sounds just perfect after all.  

      I have a physical this morning and my doctor, a young asian-American is just tops.  She always gives me a hug and spends a good deal of time with each patient.  Most of all, she is terrifically smart and rated very highly.  I am thankful that she took me on 7 years ago as now her practice is full.  Carol


      Sounds like you all had a very profitable weekend and the Lord has been good to us all.

      Pat thanks for the devotional this morning..It sure will be soooo nice to meet our Saviour in heaven and find a place where there will be no more tears, our heartache and no more pain....and to be able to meet our loved ones who have gotten the privilege to be with our Lord before us......
      Oh what a day that will be...when we go to meet Him in the sky.....I cannot wait.

      Good morning Anthony...sorry to hear about that nasty ole migraine...they sure are not nice to have and i pray that yours does subside and you can enjoy the rest of the day without the pain!

      Good morning to the rest of you who have dropped by to say hello and all. and Please forgive me if I don't remember your not very good with names and such.
      I pray that you all have a great day and remember to "PRAY WITHOUT CEASING AND IN EVERYTHING GIVE THANKS"
      God bless you all and take care.

      Papa John

      Good morning.

      Good to see everyone here today.  We have a beautiful sunshiny morning here.

      Pat, it is always comforting to read about the promise of a home in heaven.  The older we get the more we realize how short this life is.  But the life over there is forever.  There won't be any sorrows or pain.  And by the way, there won't be any back aches!

      Cornelia called and made a doctor appointment for me this afternoon.  

      --- Papa John    ;D
      Eph 2:8-9  For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- not by works, so that no one can boast.(NIV)

      <img src="" border=0
      alt="Click for Nashville, Tennessee Forecast" height=41 width=127>

      Al Moak

      Thank You, Father, for the job Myron likes so well and for the house You graciously supplied to them to bless the needs of the whole family!  Oh how gracious You are, Lord!


      Good Morning everyone.
      Pat thank you for the devotional this morning. I agree with others who have posted before me, What a glorious day it will be when we go home to be withthe Lord, No more sufferring, no pain, no tears, no sickness or disease.

      Anthony sorry to hear about you migraine, I used to have them sometimes I would be down for days.

      PapaJohn, Ipray you Doctor appt. will go just fine and they will find the cause of your backaches.

      Cindy, good news about you house, we have missed your posts and photos.

      Larry, I hope your daughters car gets fixed today too, I know how it is to be without a car. I live so far out and everything here is so far and feww between it was hard for me to get a ride to work with my car in the shop. One time I had to find rides for 4 days. That was my other car not the current on.

      Jane how do you do your signature. Is there a place on the web to copy it from?

      To all I have left out God bless each one of you.

      I need to get ready to go out  20 miles to that couples house this morning before igo to the library.

      Jeanne our libray isn't that big it just looks that way, it is real crowded on the inside. The countyis getting ready to expand it 1000 square feet. You wouldn't have to worry much about working there, we are't that busy either, and usually there are at least 4 of us there.

      "Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
      Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


      Good morning, friends!  At least I got here early enough in the day to say hello.  I was here late last night but too tired to talk.  

      Anthony, I'm sorry you had a migraine yesterday, and I hope none today!  My daughter has them occasionally, and the light is blinding to her.  It was bad when she could not play the organ at church.  

      Earl is having a real struggle with pain, his meds are not working or else something else is going on.  He jammed his neck about 20 years ago, and has been taking 800 mg ibuprofen twice a day since then.  Doctor had him quit taking it awhile back because it was beginning to affect kidney function.  New med is making him sick (Dr. Janice speaking here!!  haha)  and is not controlling the pain.  He will see the doctor again this Wednesday.  

      We had a visiting preacher yesterday, our pastor was away leading a marriage seminar at Ruidoso for the weekend.  I went to the 8:00 AM service since Earl was not able to go.  We usually go to the 10:30.  

      Beautiful spring day today!  The Lord is so gracious and good.

      Have a great day, all of you.
      Love in Jesus,   Janice
      This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.   Ps 118:24


      Wow, it is only 10:00 here in Kansas, and we are already on page 2 of the posts here in NEM!!  Great!

      We have been to the pool and had our swim.  While we were there, they brought in a class of kids--I'd judge about second graders, to swim, and the noise level was suddenly elevated!   ;D  But I love kids, and didn't mind at all; I enjoy hearing their happy voices.  Darrel and I were the only adults in the pool at the time, and we each had a lane to swim in so no problem.  Some of the adults get all bent our of shape if the kids come while they are swimming.  Personally, I am more than happy to see the kids getting some exercise!

      Cindy, I loved your story about the house!  God truly works in mysterious ways to bring about His blessings in our lives.  I know you and Myron and the girls will really enjoy living in that neighborhood.  And you will be blessings to them there, as well.  It's just wonderful to have you posting again, I have really missed you! :-*

      I picked up flowers for my pots that set in front of the house when I was at Yardmaster the other day, so I want to get them planted today.  It is cool and overcast, so a perfect kind of weather for transplanting.  Then I hope to go get Abby to keep until tomorrow evening.  She has preschool on M-W-F mornings.  She was disappointed she couldn't come home with me on Friday because we were going to the alumni thing on Saturday.

      Good news!  (At least it is to me!)  Curtis talked me through finding those photos that were hiding, on MSN yesterday.  He's such a sweetheart!  He did say he hopes I remember how to do it this time!   ;) :-\

      Anyway, I will be back later after I get things done around here!  I hope you all have a great day, and Papa John, I hope your doctor is able to do something to relieve your back pain.  That's no fun at all!
      My book Rising Above available at

      Jane Walker

      Okay, PAT~I'm up and attem this morning!  I have a "problem" to attend to.  I didn't mention it last night but there's another pipe broken/leaking from the water heater!  My water heater is in a closet on outside the house.  A year ago, I had to have it replaced, and a pipe fixed.  Last month, another pipe was leaking and I had it replaced...these are both at the top of the water heater, so not so difficult to get at, and my neighbor across the street is a very kind gentleman who attends to a lot of the plumbing and electrical work for us "Li'l Ol' Ladies" here.  Last night he came over and determined the water is rushing out somewhere under the flooring in the closet...under the waterheater!  He turned off the power and water and said he'd be back this morning to drain the water heater, lift it out of there and pull up the flooring to see if (hopefully) the leak is right there.  If it is farther back under the house he won't be able to fix it and I'll have to call someone else (who charges $$$ an hour just for labor) to come dig under the house to get to the plumbing.  ::) :o ::) :-\

      Sorry, didn't mean to dump my tale of woe on y'all ... maybe you can pray, with me, that the broken pipe will be easily accessable and fixed!

      Marilyn~  I did get my signature "designed" from someone on the internet (free) but I can't remember who or where.   :-[  I have the .gif on my website so I just copy the URL here.  Maybe it can be done with PSP  ???

      I need to get ready for my adventure with the broken pipe now, so I'll see y'all later ....

      Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!

      Etta Sue

      What a great devotion.  It went right along with our pastor's sermon yesterday.  Christians should look forward to dying on this earth so they will live eternally in heaven.  

      I know I will miss someone because I didn't use NotePad this morning.  I am so surprised to how many have posted already and it is only 10:30am EST.  

      For Myron's great job and for the family finding 'their' new home.

      Migraine's...PTL that I have never had a migraine.  The only migraine that I have is what I call razzle-dazzles...flickering colored thingies in my vision that last between 15-30 minutes.  The doctor told me they were migraines without the headache.  I have had them for 42 years...ever since I was pregnant for Tony.  So I will take the razzle-dazzles since it seems such a terrific pain with the true migraine.

      Papa John ~ I pray the doctor finds your back on the mend.  Nothing like surgery...maybe some pain medications.

      I am getting behinder and behinder so I had better move on to the rest of CP....

      "He who laughs last didn't get the joke."


      I just wanted to gree everyone who has posted this morning (and everyone who has lurked too).

      Carol, I hope everything goes well with the physical.  I have visions of the doctor testing you while you do a hundred push-ups as we Brits tend to think of a physical as being a time for exercises.  Whatever, I trust it all goes well.

      Paulette, thanks for your scripture quote.  To pray without ceasing and rejoice evermore, what a lovely commandment to be given.  Have a great day too.

      Papa John, I sure hope that the doctor can help out with the back ache.  It is surprising just what some specialists can do.  These events sure make the thought of heaven an even more wonderful prospect don't they?

      Al, thanks for your praise message re Myron's job.  Yes, I am sure that we can all  remember when Myron and Cindy were praying for a job.  Praise God from whom all blessings flow.  

      Marilyn, it's good to see you this morning.  I hope you have a great day, but your 20 mile journey before work sounds a bit tough.  I hope the roads aren't as busy as the ones round by where I live.

      Janice, I can never work out why the light is so blinding during a migraine.  I have sunglasses and put them on, even during the night.  It's very strange.  

      I was sorry to hear about your husband.  To be in pain for such a long time sounds very nasty.  I do hope that the doctor finds out what is going on.  God bless the both of you.

      Janet, I am glad that you like the sound of the children enjoying themselves.  The only time I feel uncomfortable is when I can't hear the children laughing and having fun.  

      I am glad that Curtis figured things out for you.  That's what grandkids are for.  It will be nice for you to keep Abby for a day or two.  I wish I could see Geraldine a bit more.  We spoke on the phone and she had been canooing with a group for kids who are like her.  She had a good time.

      Jane, isn't it nasty when things go wrong with the house?  We used to rent our home off the local authority.  It was more expensive than buying it, but when anything went wrong, they would put it right.  It's different now of course.  I  hope everything goes well with your problem.

      Etta Sue, good to see you today.  I noticed Jerry logged on earlier.  Perhaps he will post later on.

      I have been thinking today about Jan who used to post.  I do pray that all is well with her.  I would love to see  her post again.  It's funny how people come to mind like that.  And I wonder how Meika is today.  The Lord bless you Meika if you happen to  look in.

      God bless all.



      Good Morning Everyone!!

      I wanted to share something that has touched me.

      I don't know why, but when I heard the News that the NBC news reporter David Bloom had passed away, it struck me with a force. I'm not sure why?

      This weekend the family and I were out in town and my husband and kids ran into a sandwich shop to grab lunch, I wanted to sit and wait ( warmly) in the van. I was listening to Christian Family Radio and the announcer began to share a story of David Bloom.

      His family and co-workers were very grieved by his passing which is very understandable. Bloom was raised in a church but, two years ago he began to go to a mens fellowship and accepted the Lord.
      The announcer went on to tell how Chuck Colson also attended this mens fellowship and got to know David Bloom.
      It was also shared how moments before he passed away, he was inside the tank listening to a devotional that had been left on his phone.
      It's my prayer that the many, many people that knew Bloom through work will be touched by his life and devotion to God.

      When I heard this story I cried. It is so good to see Gods hand in the lives of those in the spot light.

      Hope you all have a nice day in the Lord.


      Hi Denise.  I see you are logged on too.  I hope all is well.


      Ms Karmat said:"But God, you said you would heal him."  It was as if God said, "Did you believe that I could?"  Of course I did, and it was like He gave me a peace that said, "That's all I expect.  Believe that I can."

      Ms Karmat I thank you for these words. It is my most sad times when I wonder why this most kind God will take away the things of this life I treasure most of all.

      I was taught to pray far before I can remember it. I was only Buddhist in China. I did not know a nother way. Now most all my family is a Christian.  My brother Chris is a Catholic Christian, and  It was my wish to learn his heart.

      Today I have the seeds of his friendship. They have grown into the 40 friends I have found here in all of you. Today I share the love of God. and I undarstand these seeds must grow in every heart.

      I thank you all for sharing the stories and for the love you have shown to me in such a short time here. Without my Chris I might not have found you.
      Today I undarstand this kind God.
      Today is a funeral and tomorrow a grave day. For me this is a day of prayer. I thank you all for your thoughts and prayers this week. My heart is warm with friends.

      Al Moak

      Dear Mieka - thank you so very much for coming on here and telling us how you're getting on.  Oh that we might focus intently upon God Himself.  Oh that we might so love Him that all else in life may become secondary, for then our losses will be of only secondary things or people.  He must be all to us.  Even for others we thank Him and trust Him to care for us.


      Hello everyone, I am at work so this will be short, I suppose.

      I, too, suffer from migraines.  They started when I was about 14, and I usually have 10 or 12 a year.  Or I did until I had Travis, now they are far less frequent.  If I eat too much salt, have too much caffeine (caffeinated drinks are a guarantee), don't have enough sleep, or look at the computer monitor while sitting in the dark, or if I have a combo of these things, I will get one.  I have also noticed that if one is coming on, and I see the color red (like red lights, or red words) illuminated, bang there it is.  Usually, if I can catch it in time 2 or 3 extra strength or arthritis strength tylenol, a bunch of water, and a lot of sleep will get rid of it.  I rarely wake up with one, but when I do, it is a doozy!!!!

      Mieka, I am praying that God will sustain you, and let you feel His love in a new and very real way during this trying time.

      To others, going by memory, so I am not ignoring you, just can't remember.  :-\

      have a great day!


      Denise, thank you for your message.  I have not heard about this tragedy, but it is wonderful to know that there are people all over the world, in every walk of life who have come to know the Lord.  It is so good to hear that this man was listening to a devotional when it all happened.  Thank you for telling us about it.

      Meika, thank you for thinking to post a message while you are going through all of this.  I'm so glad that God is searching you out and bringing you into contact with people who can witness to you about Him.

      Karma, I am constantly surprised by how many people get migraines.  I can recognise some of the things that can bring them on.  Being over-tired; caffeine; the computer monitor.  We will have to be more vigilant in the future.  It's good to see  you posting sister.

      See you all later.



      I hope no-one minds me bringing this rather private thought to the group.  I was thinking again of the morning's devotional.  I heard a few days ago that a very old friend of mine had gone to be with the Lord.  She was older than I am, but still very young to be taken from us.  I was feeling a bit shocked, but when I read the devotional this morning, I remembered her favourite song that she often used to sing (she used to pastor a church).  Does anyone know this one?

      My heart can sing when I pause to remember
      A heartache here is but a stepping stone
      Along a trail that's winding always upward,
      This troubled world is not my final home.

      But until then my heart will go on singing,
      Until then with joy I'll carry on,
      Until the day my eyes behold the city,
      Until the day God calls me home.

      The things of earth will dim and lose their value
      If we recall they're borrowed for awhile;
      And things of earth that cause the heart to tremble,
      Remembered there will only bring a smile.

      But until then my heart will go on singing,
      Until then with joy I'll carry on,
      Until the day my eyes behold the city,
      Until the day God calls me home.

      This weary world with all its toil and struggle
      May take its toll of misery and strife;
      The soul of man is like a waiting falcon;
      When it's released, it's destined for the skies.

      But until then my heart will go on singing,
      Until then with joy I'll carry on,
      Until the day my eyes behold the city,
      Until the day God calls me home.

      Here's a link to the tune:

      Until Then



      That's a beautiful hymn, Anthony.  I'm sorry that you went through a recent loss of a close friend.  It's good when you feel that you can come here and share that news with us.

      I think I had that hymn posted before but I'll have to see and do it again if I don't have it.  I just love the words to it.

      Now, have you all seen the new addition to our site???

      Have a look in the Photography Section!

      Let me know what you think!

      "Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


      Well here I am at the library, I was at home for about 10 minutes and checked the posts here then left, went to the local Taco King Resturant and got a Green chili burito an Iced tea for lunch, brought it with me and now it's time to get to work. This morning I was wahing windows and cleaning cupboards. All the stuff I  don't like to do unless necessary.. LOL

      go to get to work now. more later

      "Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
      Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


      Pat, that's a great addition to the site.  I've got the corner pieces on the fountain photograph.  Need a bit of work to finish it off :D

      Good thinking to add it.
