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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

New Every Morning~April 16

Started by Pat, April 16, 2003, 12:05:38 AM

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Link of the day...[/font]

  • Keys for Kids  If you have young children or grandchildren, you'll find this an interesting site.

Creation Moment Listen to the Creation Moment every day for a new creation moment!  We can learn a lot from these!  Terrific if you are home schooling. [/list]

Verse for Today...[/font]
    "This is why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their full time to governing. Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor."[/color]
    ~Romans 13:6 and 7 NIV~

    Quote of the Day...[/font]
       "Where reason cannot wade there faith may swim."
      ~Thomas Watson~[/list]

      Some News We Should Know About...
        Pentagon Muslims Angered by Rev. Graham Invitation
        WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Muslims at the Pentagon are incensed by what they say is an insensitive invitation to evangelist Rev. Franklin Graham, who has called Islam an "evil religion," to preach on Good Friday at the Defense Department.

        Photo Moment: A Skier Tries To Escape Avalanche  [/b]   [/list]

        From our forums...
        • Our "Through the Bible in one Year" is well on it's way!  How are you doing with it?  Want to join us?
          We started at Genesis

        • Christian Resources Check out our latest category...  Book Nook, Christian Music and Christian Links on the WWW.

        • Bi-Monthly Photo Challenge Dig out your Spring Photos and post them in our new Photo Challenge.

        Morning Devotional...

        Cause me to hear Thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in Thee do I trust.                                     Psalm 143:8

        When you first awake in the morning, and even before you open your eyes, do you speak to the Lord?

        Do you thank Him for preserving you through the night?

        Do you praise Him for another day and ask for guidance for the same?

        Do you listen to His voice as He speaks to you from His precious Word?

        Is your soul content to rest in His love?
                                                                                 --E. MacLelland

        May the Saviour's love and merit
        Fill our hearts both night and day,
        And the unction of His Spirit
        All our thoughts and actions sway.

        --P. Doddridge

        "Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

        Jane Walker

        PAT~ Today's devotional is "right up my alley" (wonder where that expression came from  ???)

        I probably am the "odd ball" around here, but I don't even sleep in my bedroom ... out here on the couch so I can see the day begin before I even get up!  I love to watch as daylight comes and see the majestic trees and clouds and sky ... And I always say "THIS is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it"  Then I get myself a cup of tea and settle down to be with the Lord for a while.  I read my Bible and pray and just enjoy His presence.  See.... I can do this because I live alone here and have no one to interfere or dictate how things "should" be.   ;)

        I have been out and about most of the day (yesterday for all y'all) and the girl who takes care of my yard came to plant an azalea that I got for my birthday.  She did some weeding, too, but had to stop because it started raining on her.  She'll be back next week with a purple clematis to add to my side yard.  I'll really, really, try to get some pictures of all this Spring beauty. [soon ... I promise ... soon!  8)]

        I'll be back later.  I think I will settle down in my recliner for a while and just muse .... hmmmmmm

        Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


        Good morning everyone.  Thank you Pat for putting the devotional together.  I just read through the whole of the psalm.  One thing that struck me was that David knew such extremities in his spiritual.  At one time he was praising God on the psaltery and the harp and then he is in the depths as recorded here in psalm 143.  It reminds me of the devotional from yesterday - we are not always on the mountain top, but if we plunge into the valley, He is still with us.  This brings great encouragement to me anyway.

        Sonja God bless you sister.  It must be very difficult trying to fit everything into your schedule, but I do hope you are able to take up Pat's suggestion and just say Hi everybody once in a while.  I look forward to taking more part in the photography forum in the days to come.

        Anyway, God bless everyone and see y'all later on.


        Hey - I just lost my newbie status.  Praise the Lord!!!


        Good morning to you all.
        Well we have another day to thank and praise our God Who giveth all things!

        What a great morning this morning to hear the birds singing...I have really missed that...

        Pat...thanks for the devotional this mornning.....you know quite often i wake up in the mornings thinking about things but not the things of the Lord....shame on me....but that is something that I will start right now.....thanking Him for the day and for keeping me through the night.....

        Anthony.....that is sooo true...we are not always on the mountain top and when we are down...Christ is always there with us....

        wow Jane...that sounds like a lovely way to begin the day ...watching the sun rise....I would love to do that..but my day begins in the dark and I am able to watch my children rise one by one and am blessed by them as well.

        Good morning to you dear Pat as well....I didn't forget you.....how was your visit with your daughter last night? Hope all is well with you.....call you later today.
        IN His Grace.


        Good morning everyone, I have just time for a quick post before I have to run out the door for work.  Pat, that was a great devotional, and it's a wonderful reminder how we take each morning for granted sometimes, not even thinking of our Father until we're in "quiet time mode".  At least with myself anyway.  But God has been merciful, and teaching me.  Aww, I'm out of time already, but I'll pop in later this evening.  Have a great day everyone!  Jen.

        Larry Hanna

        Hi everyone.   :)

        Pat, just a few minutes ago I read the Franklin Graham article in our morning newspaper as I ate breakfast.  He has been asked to speak at the Pentagon but some of the muslim employees there have expressed concern over previous comments he has made.  I am sure they would also express concern if they had read his book "The Name" as he had some strong coments.

        It is another beautiful day here in Georgia and Pat and I are planning on going to a new shopping center a few miles from us that opened this last year.  She is looking for a pair of summer shoes.  I guess she should have them as it is sort of frowned upon to go out in public barefoot!   ;D

        Pat did have the medical tests yesterday.  As she has done three times now, she must have this one test done again in six months as they are keeping a close eye on something.  It apparently hasn't changed since last time and that is good news.  The results of her other test will take awhile.  After she finished there we ate lunch out and then I went to Calvin Cove and she went to the library.  There were about 10 people at Calvin Cove and they seemed to enjoy the singing.

        To give you an idea of the county where we live, our school system has a budget for next year of $1.29 billion.  They are adding 6,000 new students a year and currently have about 120,000 enrolled.  They have to add 1400 teaches next year and one of the middle schools is using over 80 portable classrooms.  There was an article in the Sunday paper about the highway that runs through our little town of Grayson.  It is considered the must congested in the State.  It is congested for about 7 hours a day, is a two lane road and they don't plan to do anything about it before 2006 because prior plans were stopped due to the air pollution in Atlanta.

        My Bible reading this week has been the beginning of first Chronicles.  I have to admit I have sort of skimmed over these first 6 chapters and didn't listen to them as they are just a list of names that trace Israel's family record back to Adam.  I think after today's reading it will become more interesting.  Papa John, are you and Cornelia going to read each of these names when you get to this part of the Bible?

        I hope everyone has a good day as God watches over us and protects us.  


        Papa John

        Good morning.  Another beautiful day here on the Gulf of Mexico.

        Larry, yes we will plow through all the names.  I'm sure that more often than not our pronunciation will not be correct.  But we just go on with it.

        Thanks for the devotional Pat.  Good to see each one this morning.

        I will have to say that we have been on the mountain top most of our married life.  God has blessed us so especially in these years of retirement.  We have been through some hard times.  I had a stroke which has slowed me down some.  Cornelia had a heart attack.  But even with these set backs we have been blessed and we thank God for each day.

        - - -  Papa John     ;D
        Eph 2:8-9  For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- not by works, so that no one can boast.(NIV)

        <img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/language/www/US/TN/Nashville.gif" border=0
        alt="Click for Nashville, Tennessee Forecast" height=41 width=127>

        Etta Sue

        This morning's devotion really hit me today.  After a fitfull starting to last night's rest that ended in a blissful rest, I woke thanking God for the wonderful ending and a new beginning for the day.  My cold was at its peak when I went to bed but I do believe I am on the mend now.  

        Today was trash day.  I got to see Barb (SIL) and Libby (their dog).  I don't know if she (Libby) remembered me after being away 3 months or that I was a warm body to cuddle up too... ;) But I was glad to see both of them.  But as soon as I got back in the house, I got my cup of coffee and sat down to read my morning scriptures.  My day starts by reading scripture and thanking God for a new day.   Jane, that is my beginning to new days.

        Funny, that I have not had my Real player work right until this morning to listen to the Creation Moments.  I have been told that I am too trusting...but maybe I will live longer by looking for the good instead of the bad... ::)

        Marilyn ~ It sounds like your camera has some bells and whistles.  Almost TMI (too much information)!  But the price sounds good.  It is a start and you will enjoy it as we will enjoy your photos that will be taken with it.

        Larry ~ Sounds like you have a growing county as I have.  I am on the outskirts of my county, so the growth isn't next door.  But if I go 7 miles south, it is one house on top of another and one school after another.  But it does make my heart smile to see so many new churches being built.  So there are pluses in progress.

        Anthony ~ I didn't even realize we had the 'Jr. Member' status.   ???

        Paulette & Jen ~ I see your day is starting early, as usual.  It does seem you have active lives.  I remember those days... ;)

        Papa John ~ I, too, feel like I have been on top of the mountain most of my life.  My first valley was when my dad was killed and mom was hospitalized for 2 months due to an auto accident.  It was devastating.  But I truly believe if it were the other way around, dad would never have left the hospital alive and we would have lost both very close together.  We had Mom 14 more years.  As for health, I thank God every day that my bladder cancer is 100% controllable.  I must remember that he doesn't give us more than we can endure.

        Even before AC...accepting Christ...my favorite saying is 'When I awake in the morning, I have two choices...to have a good day or a bad day...I choose a good day.'

        "There's only one endeavor in which you can start at the top, and that's digging a hole."


        Good Morning: I know I said I wouldn't be able tostop in this morning but I just couldn't start my daywithout stopping here first. I got up a little earlier just so i would have the time tosay good morrning.

        Pat the devotional is something I do every morning, I like to layin bed and just meditate upon the Lord and thank Him that He has kept me through the night and blessed me with another day here on earth to see His beauty in all that my eyes will see this day. Then I get up put the dogs out, let them back in and fix their breakfast before I sitdown to my quiet time with he Lord, for prayers and Bible reading.

        Karmat Thank youfor the reviews on the camera that I bought. We'll see how it works out for a beginner like me. I will ceck out the lick when Iget back home today.

        Good Etta sue Isee you posted while I am typing.

        Ok I have toget ready togo now. BTW the windshield on my car is iced up so I have toclean that off too.


        "Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
        Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website

        Jerry L. Sowers

        Jane ~ When I lived in Florida, I had the most spectacular view of the morning Sun and day breaking. My apt faced east and I was surrounded by big tall oak trees. I worked different shifts as I was a rotation shift foreman, so I came home many mornings in time to sit on my front porch and view the day breaking! What joy it was to see the first rays of sun streaking through the out stretched arms (limbs) of the old oak trees.

        Papa John ~ I feel exactly the same way and have always given the Lord the credit for being able to arise from my serious and dangerous situations. God is always with us, no matter the situation.

        Jerry L. Sowers

        Gosh this is such a busy place, we may have to install traffic cops. We might have a collision from everyone posting at the same time. To those I missed the first time around, Good-morning, God Bless you in your daily endeavors.

        I would like to post my Daily Encounter again today for all to read. I found it to be quite profound in that the Blood Keeps On Cleaning! The blood in our bodies clean out all the harmful things as it courses through and the Daily Encounter is about the Blood of Jesus keeps cleaning out the harmful things in our lives.

        I hope this isn't too long!


        "How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the
        eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge
        your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?
        ... And almost all things are by the law purged with blood;
        and without shedding of blood is no remission [forgiveness
        of sins]" (Hebrews 9:14, 22, KJV).

        I can certainly identify with Dr. Paul Brand who said, "I
        used to think it strange that the Bible keeps talking about
        the cleansing power of the blood (1Peter 1:2). It seemed to
        me that blood was messy stuff. I needed to wash my white
        lab coats if they became stained with blood. Today, I love
        the analogy; it is so true of the body. The blood is
        constantly cleansing every cell, and washing away all the
        debris that accumulates all the time. I like Paul's phrase
        in Hebrews 9:14, "How much more shall the blood of Christ
        purge [cleanse] your conscience from dead works?"

        God's Word also says, "The life of the flesh is in the
        blood" (Leviticus 17:11 KJV). When Jesus died on the cross
        on Good Friday so long ago, he gave his life and shed his
        blood so we could be cleansed from every sin and stain and
        made pure in God's sight--so we would be able to live with
        him forever in Heaven.

        Suggested prayer: "Dear God, how can I ever thank you
        enough for dying on the cross and shedding your blood so I
        could be forgiven of every sin and stain and make pure in
        your sight and thereby qualified for Heaven. Because you
        gave your life and died for me, I give my life to live for
        you. So help me God to do this. Thank you for hearing and
        answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus' name, amen."

        1. Dr. Paul Brand in God's Forever Feast, Discovery House,


        When copying, please include the following: From
           Daily Encounter (c) Dick Innes 2003. Subscribe
           from: http://www.actsweb.org/subscribe.htm

        May God be with all of you and protect you in whatever or where ever your day takes you!


        I put this new chorus in last evening but I didn't hear any of you singing!   :-\

        Let's try again.  It's to the tune of Londonderry Air or O Danny Boy...

        If on my Soul a Trace of Sin Remaineth

        If on my soul a trace of sin remaineth,
        If on my hands a stain may yet be seen;
        If one dark thought a wearied mind retaineth,
        O wash me, Lord, till every part be clean.

        For I would live that men may see thyself in me,
        I would in faith ascend thy holy hill,
        And with my thoughts in tune with thy divinity,
        Would learn how best to do thy holy will.

        "Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


        Good afternoon everyone.  I have enjoyed reading everyone's post, but I am a bit behind with things so I apologise for not replying to all.

        We popped out today to a local National Trust Property.  The weather is glorious here at the moment and it was a real treat to be able to be out in the hot sun.  I posted some photos in the challenge area that I hope are fitting for the challenge.

        Everyone is talking about how God has blessed them through their lives.  It reminds me of the song, Every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before.  What a lovely thought to turn into a song.

        Well, I must get some work done in the house.  Look forward to reading more posts later in the evening.

        God bless,


        Jane Walker

        Well ... I often awake "in the dark" but that just allows me more time to anticipate the first light of dawn.  I can lie here and see all God has to offer, through my big bay windows.  They face northeast.  And... JERRY, I have tall, beautiful, stately pine trees surrounding me here.   :)  There are many other trees here, too, but the first ones I can see in the morning (and the last at night) are the pines just across the pond from my place.

        God is sooo  GOOD!  All the time!!  

        I have already had my tea and finished reading the book of Job in The Message.  I was only "supposed to" read two chapters, but I didn't want to stop in the middle of God's conversation with Job, nor reading the ending! :D  God restored and healed Job when he prayed for his friends!

        I have a few things to ponder today, and then this evening is our Wednesday evening service.  I'll be in and out here most of the day, but can't promise that I'll have much to say.    :-\

        Oops, almost forgot: Marilyn I noticed, on our weather report, that there was heavy rain all along the west coast ... as far as L.A.  I thought y'all could use a little sample of our Spring weather, but didn't mean for it to come all at once and cause so much problems.   :o  As you said, the other day, it's just getting you ready for when you move north in a few months     ::)

        Y'all take care and have an awesome day!

        Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!

        Papa John

        Jerry, I always enjoy your posts.  I have noted your optimistic outlook on life before.  I have often thought that when the final heart attack, stroke, or whatever comes to take me away I will have victory again.  It may be a time of mourning for my family and friends but it will be a home coming for me and I live looking forward to seeing loved ones who have already made the journey.

        Ps 23:1-6  The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.  He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.  He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.  Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.  Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.  Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.  (KJV)

        It never gets old, does it?

        --- Papa John    ;D
        Eph 2:8-9  For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- not by works, so that no one can boast.(NIV)

        <img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/language/www/US/TN/Nashville.gif" border=0
        alt="Click for Nashville, Tennessee Forecast" height=41 width=127>


        Well, Good Morning to you all...

        I have an Avon order I'm trying to get packed.  I had to giggle or grumble last evening when I started to unpack it.  I ordered 90 (or 9 bundles of 10) brochures to give out to my customers and as I started to unpack my order onto my dining room table, I opened one box and there were 3 boxes that said, "Set of 4 dinner plates).  I thought to myself that I hadn't remembered ordering those!!  So I then opened yet another box and then another and each had three boxes of four dinner plates!

        So, here I am with NINE boxes each containing FOUR dinner plates and no brochures!!!!  (Want to come for dinner tonight?  I have enough plates!!!!)  ::) :o :o :o

        The manager will have to look after this and get me some brochures!!!

        Nice you're no longer a "newbie", Anthony!  You never were to us anyway!!!

        Jane, "right up my alley".... I, too, wonder where that comes from.  Hmmmm....  Does anyone know?  I often just stay on the living room couch, Jane.  I didn't know anyone else did!  

        Hi, my dear friend, Paulette...  I'll look forward to your call.  Yes, our Lord is truly great and the friends He brings into our lives are so very special.

        It's great to know that you've had such a happy life, Papa John!  I, too, have enjoyed most of mine as well.  Certainly there have been some valleys but most have been walking along the ridges or life.  Strange too that when we hiked in the UK, Jack was always a "high level" walker whereas I was called a "valley bottom scraper"! :-\  We each had different views though when we got home and developed our photos!

        Thanks for keeping us posted on Pat's tests, Larry.  Glad that there was no change.  Also, that was so interesting reading about the statistics in your area.  Wasn't that an interesting article about Franklin Graham?

        Enjoy your day at work, Jen!  See you soon!

        Hi to both of you, Etta Sue and Marilyn.  God bless you today.

        Now, Jerry....  I must say that reading your Daily Encounter today sure put a smile on my face!  What a subject and oh, how it is needed.  Many years ago, we went through a problem at a church we attended where a speaker preached from the pulpit saying that if Christ was alive today and was killed it could be by hanging or by electrocution.  Jack took a very important stand back then as did our youngest son as we quoted the verse in the Bible, "without the shedding of blood there is no remission...".

        Thanks for bringing that in here today, Jerry.  Thank you... Thank you!!!

        "Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


        How nice to find my way back here!  I had to delete two other sites on Favorites to get here

        We are headed out the door and treating a single agnostic friend to lunch - she is a good friend and very kind.  I go very slow when discussing anything with religion but she knows my stand.

        Pat:  As for Don's medical status - we just do not know anything yet so I don't feel comfortable posting in Pray about it - both of us an dthe children are praying.

        Must go - it is so nice to see everyone.

        Welcome to the newcomers!  Carol


        Hello, hello, hello!

        I'm at work, but as it is another terribly slow day, I'll just hang out on the puter for awhile.  I do have my camera with me, so I may see what I can get into afterwhile, when the light is a little more interesting!

        I was going to respond to each individual, but then my brain got crowded, and all I could do was throw things.  Hmmmm.

        I will respond with this -- Ya'll can watch all the sunrises you want!  I am more of a sunset person myself.   ;)

        Take care, and I will be around!

        Jane Walker

        Well hey!!!  I like the sunsets, too!    8)   And I like the mornings and evenings and noon times and all the in-between times, too!    :D  I just love all of creation ... because I REALLY LOVE the Creator!

        Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


        What a blessing to read here today....from the devotional through the posts of each, I found  a thread of God's goodness and His absolute concern for each place we find ourselves in our lives on earth.  The mountains are His.....the valleys are His. :)

        Pat....you said, Jack was always a "high level" walker whereas I was called a "valley bottom scraper".

        We each had different views though when we got home and developed our photos

           Isn't that the wonderful truth?  God allows us incredible mountain experiences, and we see and process images of His Glory that we could not find anywhere else......but then in the valley, or wilderness, or times of testing, He shows us His glory in another view....pictures we process, changing us forever.  I find that I've learned lessons in times as this, that I couldn't have learned on the moutain top.  Brokeness happens in the valleys, and I've found, for myself, I have grown more fully His in times as these.  I think it takes both for us to get a more complete understanding of our Father's provision in all and over all.

         So I long for the Mountain top experiences, but I know the battles, for me, are fought and won, in the valleys.

          God is so good.  He knows what we need for each day.  I don't have Jane's wonderful view each morning, but I do thank the Lord for this, His day, and for allowing me to walk in it with Him.  

            What wonderful testimonies of God's goodness I find here. :)   I will remember names one of these days.  I read something and think I want to comment, then forgot who said what so am afraid to mention anyone. haha   Guess I'll start writing things down.  Is that how you remember?



        Hi my good friend, Nita...

        Try clicking on the Reply button.  You then have a nice blue box to type in but...

        if you scroll to below that blue box and below where it says "Disable Smilies" below....

        you'll see "Topic Summary"...

        There you'll see many of the posts in the thread and that's how I "remember" people's name!   :-[

        "Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

        Jane Walker

        AHA, PAT!  So that's how you do it!    ???

        By the way ... What are you serving for dinner?  I'm getting my coat on, and I'll be there soon .... (I wish)
        Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


        Thanks Pat.  That will make a difference.  And speaking of making a difference.....

         Thanks for the dinner invitation.  And brand new plates!

          Can I ride with you, Jane?


        Pat, how long have you been selling Avon??  I just signed up to be an "Independent Sales Consultant" for Mary Kay.  The irony is that I wear no cosmetics, whatsoever.   :o


        If it's steak and kidney pie count me in :D

        Another way to see who wrote what, is to open another window on the computer and then switch between the window that shows your reply and the other window with everyone's messages in.  I find that easier than having to scroll down.

        I was going to stay and reply to everyone, but I noticed that Karma is in one of her throwing moods, so I am off to the photography sections ;D

        See y'all later.



        Well I am back from my  meeting It lasted about 1 1/2 hours. The subject wat the need for us in the Senior Employment Program to find other jobs outside the program sowe will no longer be on it. Doesn't apply to me since I am moving and if the job is still open withthe company Al works for Ihave a job, too.

        It is nice to see how many have been here since I left you earlier. Jerry I loved you devotion also, If it wasn't for the Blood that was shed for us where would any of us be. IMO we would still be filthy in our sins,but that wonderful blood has wased us white as now.

        PapaJohn the 23 rd Psalm is one that I pray every day and night.

        When I got home Isaw that BeBe wasn't in the spot where I had her chained, as I shut off the car her she came dragging her chain, she had broken it again. The strength in her "pulling" is unbelieveable at times. I have another place where I chain her to go potty, to an old tire and rim with 3 huge rock on top of it and another big piece of ecment. She can drag that around the yard too. I will be so glad to get up north where the yard is fenced and she no longer has to be on a chain when she is outside.

        More Later.

        "Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
        Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


        Good afternoon everyone, I see a few people online.  Hope everyone's had a good day.  It was a rather slow day at work, but tomorrow will make up for it.  We are closed for Good Friday so we have to get all our deliveries done tomorrow, in 5 or 6 cities.  :)  But I like doing the deliveries.  Once again, I'm on and off, my mom and I are going out for a while.  I'll probably be back on later tonight.  God bless.  Jen.


        Hi Everyone!

        Supper's on!  (And no one's here to eat off all these new plates!  HAHAHAHA)

        I went to the store to buy a box cutter and ended up getting some much needed groceries and two easter lilies...one for me and one for a friend.

        Now, I better go and use the box cutter...  (I've made a little flyer to put in my Avon orders and there are 3 on a page)

        Great idea, Anthony to have two windows open!

        "Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

        Larry Hanna

        Hi everyone.  Have read the postings since this morning.  Pat and I went to the new shopping center but she didn't find any shoes that she felt were comfortable.  She did find some earrings in an Accessories store (what that had to do with shoes I am sure I don't know!  ::))We ate lunch there and then came home.  Will head for choir practice shortly.

        Etta Sue, your comments about
        Quote"I have two choices...to have a good day or a bad day...I choose a good day"
        reminds me of something I read years ago and that has stayed with me.  Basically it said we have to make the conscious decision to let something upset us and we control how long it does so.  Whether we decide to take something someone says or does as a reason to become angry or upset with them is purely in our control.  I have also probably been too trusting of others in my life but, you know, it hasn't hurt me a bit.  I have been disappointed sometimes when that trust turns out to be unearned.

        Papa John, I agree with you on your feelings when our last day on this earth comes about.  I well remember the nights before my heart operations and then this last March when the doctor had told Pat that I likely couldn't stand another heart attack and he was concerned about putting the stent in later that day as plaque breaking loose could cause a heart attack.  I can honestly say I had no fear before these procedures as I knew where I would be going.  I was thankful to God that he saw me through each of these times as I wasn't ready to leave my family but God's will be done.

        Nita, I know what you mean about reading the postings and thinking of things to comment about and then when you get to the end not remembering who said what.  Since I usually don't take notes or write as I read (as I am doing today) I can't remember what to say.  I believe we all understand that we are not being slighted by others if our names aren't mentioned in every post.  However, I must admit I worry a bit that folks will think I am ignoring them if I don't mention their names.  Be assured that is not the case.  

        Marilyn, can BeBe jump?  Hope you will have a high fence.  

        I got a publication today from the Alzheimer's Association and I read something that I want to share with you all.  This was a caregiver's tip but has application to anyone who comes in contact with a person suffering dementia.  

        Quote...It is so important to remember that this is still a person who has feelings no matter what form they take.

        We must remember that inside that body, which is gradually losing its ability to control itself, is a real person.  A soul still remains of the one you once knew!  Adapt to their needs, don't make them adapt to your.  When you remember this, it's not hard to treat them as a person who still has needs, someone who had hopes and dreams, someone who feels, someone who is still capable of giving and receiving love.  The least we can do, but perhaps the very most important, is to allow them to maintain the dignity we all deserve!  Source: caregiver.com

        Hope you all have a wonderful evening.  See you tomorrow.



        Your quote reminds me of some time I spent volunteering at a Nursing/Assisted Living Center with some students.  Most of their residents had some form of dementia.  We were told if they started talking to us, and it made no sense, it was better to go along with them, rather than make them understand "reality."  At first, I didn't understand.  Then, I met "John."  John was relatively young, early 50's, but was already suffering severe dementia.  He was a veteran, adn very proud of it.  Every morning, he woke up and looked for his fatigues, but the family would not "allow" him to wear them, feeling that he needed to release the past.  His days were spent in frustration and near fear because he was afraid of getting in trouble.  I believe everyone's life would have been more peaceful if they had just gotten him a uniform.  :-\  

        At that point, I realized it may not be "real" reality, but it is all they know, and to try and convince them otherwise is scary, frustrating, and as your quote pointed out, robs them of their dignity.

        <karmat jumps off the soapbox>