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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

New Every Morning~August 27

Started by Pat, August 27, 2003, 12:23:37 AM

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Link of the day...[/font]
    Have you signed our Guest Book?  We'd love to see YOUR name in it. [/size][/list]

    Link of the day...[/font]

    • Creation Moment Listen to the Creation Moment every day for a new creation moment!  We can learn a lot from these!  Terrific if you are home schooling.

    Verse for Today...[/font]
      "who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,"[/color]
      ~Hebrews 1:3 NKJV~

      Quote of the Day...[/font]
         "Sin presents temptation as an immediate good."
        ~John Owen~[/list]

        Some News We Should Know About...
        • 'Jesus Christ' banned at town hall GREAT FALLS, S.C. (AP) - Town leaders plan to appeal a federal judge's decision that bars council members from mentioning Christ in prayers at council meetings, but the mayor says that the council will abide by the decision in the meantime.  :o ::)

        From our forums...

        Morning Devotional...

        Little children, keep yourselves from idols. 1 John 5:21

        Living in our modern society, we seldom think of idols as anything more than images of wood or stone, and we may well thank God that we have been spared from that sin.

        But more broadly, an idol is anything which comes between my soul and the Saviour.

        Is there anything or anyone that has taken higher priority than the Lord in my life? It is an idol.

        Perhaps we are covetous, which is idolatry (Eph. 5:5).

        May we be content with such things as we have, and thank the Lord for present possessions and pleasures.
                                                                                      --R. E. Harlow

        O this is what I covet--
        Thy sweet, approving smile;
        Earth's horde, if I should love it,
        Would but my heart beguile.  [/color]
        --Wm. Blane

        Do you find the links and news items of interest?  Please let me know.

        "Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


         8)  Do you find the links and news items of interest?  Please let me know.
        I do find every word a interest to me ms Pat.  8)

        I do wish for everyone a very good day today.



        Pat I do find the items of interest and food for prayers....

        Great Falls is doing the same as this City Council...They Banned Christmas a few years ago and called it Winter Fest....It's back again now though until their next stupid idea!  They don't want to offend the multi-cultural population, most of whom don't care anyway. The Hindus and the Moslems have their marches and feasts, the Council don't bann them!

        Political Correctness is going mad in this country. England won't know it's going downhill until it reaches the bottom and it will be too late then.

        WONDERFUL NEWS FOR CHRISTIANS FOLKS, We know the end of this story.  THE LORD JESUS CHRIST is coming back soon for His Bride.....................Maranatha!

        Many years ago we used to sing a chorus:-

                          WHO IS ON THE LORD'S SIDE
                            WHO HAS SEEN THE KING?

        Does Pat know this one I wonder?

        Lovely to see you again Mieka...Please Keep in touch. We missed you.

        Love and prayers to Brother Iain.  Hope he's benefitting from the rest.

        Love to all you dear folks,
        In Jesus' Name.



        Good morning all 10.45AM
        I thank you for the devotional this morning Pat
        Mieka i am glad that i can see you an tell about you
        It is cold in Holland this night we have had a very little
        bit rain. Now the sun is shining. I hope we are getting more rain.
        I think we are going to the autumn and winter i don't like that. Sprintime that is beautiful.

        Yesterday there has been an bursting of a dike in Holland. There was a weakness in the dike trough the
        very dry weather.
        2000 people must be evacuete.
        Now they are pump the water away.
        But all the people they have an big damage.
        And the assurance companys are not paying this.
        They say this is an natural disasterent that are they never paying.
        There is an fund and they must pay now if they have
        enough money. Others we are hoping that the
        government will help.
        Can you understand this all?
        May be i come back this day
        Greetings an blessings for your all   RIA


        'Remember Lot's wife.'

        Luke 17:32

        Visiting a widow last week I was telling her that it is a wonderful thing to have nothing but good memories of a departed loved one.

        How many families in our day and age can say that? Broken homes and broken marriages are the norm now and with each break up there is an ongoing effect upon the children.

        Though my father was young when he died (relatively speaking), I am so thankful for happy, warm and blessed memories of him. I can say the same about my mother although we fought like cat and dog for most of the time!

        They were always there for me when I needed them. Often I shunned their advice thinking that they were just 'nagging' at me. Now as a father myself I can see where they were coming from. Though it has been 8 years since she passed away I still have to check myself at times as I head to the phone to call her.

        I had no intention whatsoever today of writing anything. I find it so difficult to concentrate on anything when I am in pain. I was lying down on the settee feeling sorry for myself and wallowing in the 'poor mes' when I decided to check my Email.

        I had a nice surprise awaiting me. An Email from a brother in Romania. He was preparing a lesson for his Sunday School class on the above text when he decided to drop me a line.

        He talked about what he liked to remember and what he truly wanted to forget. It was this that got me thinking.

        I sometimes dread when I look back upon my Christian life. What have I done? What have I achieved? Have I honoured my Saviour in any way? Has His precious blood been shed for me in vain?

        I do not think that there is a Christian alive who has made as many mistakes in life as I have. Two decades of living upon dreams that were never going to be realised yet still I clung on to them.

        It marred and affected every decision that I made. Had God allowed me to follow my dreams then I cannot but wonder what calamities I would have caused.

        Thankfully the trail of destruction is a narrow one. Although my family suffered. By far the greatest suffering has fallen upon my own shoulders. I am not looking for sympathy.

        I am trying to make sure that you do not follow my mistakes!

        Instead of waiting, I would push on; instead of going forward I would hold back; when it was time to speak I was silent and noisy when I should have remained quiet.

        I cringe when people ask my advice for direction and guidance. I am the last person to ask. Like the car sticker says, 'Don't follow me, follow Jesus.'

        Now I have come to a new path in my life and step by step I have started down this new road.  It is not the path of my choosing.

        It has taken hard lessons and many painful slamming of doors before I have ventured thus far, but I do not wish to look back. Decisions have been made and now I must stick to them.

        Let the Good Shepherd do with me as He pleases. Not my will but thine be done.

        Today I can honestly say, He has done all things well.

        Even being set aside in pain can prove to be a blessed rest in a world of turmoil. I would much rather my health, yet I have no intention of fighting with my Maker today.

        Each day is a brand new start, a new beginning for each Christian. We do not know what the future may hold for us. We have nothing to fear if our trust in in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

        Looking ahead can be frightening however I would rather have Jesus than silver or gold.

        Thank you all for your prayerful support.


        Your brother in Christ



        12.15 p.m.

        Double Drat this one Marilyn

        I lost my post. It went offline....

        Iain. Thanks so much for giving us your time and lifting up your head for awhile.

        I have felt quite poorly for a few days and am trying to give myself works to do to take my mind off ME....

        Indeed I didn't intend coming back on today but am a bit delayed in showering etc., having been studying "Scanners".....Yes Pat...still at it!

        Iain I feel I am the most sinful person on the earth but years ago another Christian told me that it is a vanity to feel that way.  Is this so Pastor Al and Why?

        Don't despair Brother, if you were the most sinful person I think you wouldn't bother about it as much as you do.....Think of St. Paul.....He thought he was....

        "Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ .
        .......................and not only so but we glory in tribulations also knowing that tribulation worketh patience and patience experience and experience HOPE: and HOPE maketh not ashamed because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit which is given unto us" Rom 5: 1-5.

        Please Heavenly Father speak to Iain in the wilderness and give him Your Peace and a mighty touch in his body. Let him see Your hand even in this situation. In Jesus' Name.  Amen!

        Please Lift Yourself up for Iain and all who need You this day Amen!

        Larry Hanna

        Hi everyone.  Just a quick check in this morning.

        I want to welcome the several new folks we had joining us yesterday: Angela, Ajewel, apersonwhoneedhelp and  Anne Coughey.  Hope I haven't missed anyone.  I look forward to your participating with us here.

        Mieka, good to see your posts yesterday and this morning.

        Iain, good to see you posting again but sure sorry to hear that the pain continues to be so persistent.  I know that can really bring a person down.  

        Hope to be back later.


        Good Morning> Thank Pat for the devotional, I enjoy the links you post and have bookmarked some of them.

        Iain: We are praying for you Brother, thanks for stopping  by this morning to let us know how you are doing. I say amen to Jenny's prayer for you.

        Not much new here on the Northern coast of California today. It is still very early.

        I will return in a little while.

        "Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
        Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


        Good morning to you all this wonderful day here in Canada!! God bless each and everyone of you who comes and goes......

        Pat...thanks for the devotions this morning....

        Brother Iaian.....God bless your heart for sharing the things you do.....the Lord has certainly brought to the place where He wants you to be.....if we were to choose these things...we certainly would not choose what God has given us or placed us in........

        Brother Larry....good to see you this morning as usual and to let you know how much I appreciate your teachings...

        may the Lord grant you peace, love and great fellowship in this group here......


        I am  back from a daily walk/prayer - one of the best things about going on a morning walk is all the free time to pray.  

        Iain:  Your message: I sometimes dread when I look back upon my Christian life. What have I done? What have I achieved? Have I honoured my Saviour in any way? Has His precious blood been shed for me in vain
        How often in my life that I think the very same thoughts.  There must be more that I can do.  

        Etta Sue:  I have not microwaved fake eggs yet.  Soon.   ;)

        Ria:  A break in the dike in your country.  I have not heard of that problem.  All from being so dry this year.  I wish you will have rain too and the proper amount of rain.  I have been to Amsterdam and consider it a most interesting city.  




        Yes Me Again!

        I wasn't comin g back today but I do think I should.  I've had a lovely ride upto the little shopping centre and ot some good food bargains from a super little veggie shop which also sells specials of other things.
        I got some nice Dog Food  the French Cesar. Also some lovely soaps....I love buying soap!  Even if I can't use it on my skin I can pop it into my undies drawer.

        The sun has come out this afternoon and it is lovely and warm with a nice cool breeze blowing also.....Just my sort of weather...

        Well the day started off slow and dull but you never know what a day may bring and I am off to water my little garden now before I peel the potatoes for another "Mashed Surprise" for Christopher, you know, of the "tonsillitis". He's still taking eating very slowly.....POOR BABY!

        Absolutely will not be here tonight.  Must finish knitting my cardi...I do want it for this Winter....

        Thought I'd join Tenderheart and be thankful for this lovely day...Hi there Tenderheart and Carol...........

        Be in touch later Marilyn.


        Papa John

        Good morning Pat, Mieka, Jenny, Ria,  Iain, Larry, Carol, Paulette, and Marilyn.  Looks like another wonderful day here.

        Brother Iain, I am sorry about your pain and I sense that sometimes you are discouraged.  But remember that with God's help we can be useful in His service.

        Heb 13:5-6  Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said,   "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."  So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?" (NIV)

        I believe we should try as much as we can to look on the bright side.  Obviously God wants us to rejoice as Christians.  I always like to go to passages like this when I am discouraged.

        1 Pet 1:3-7
        3   Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
        4   and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade-- kept in heaven for you,
        5   who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.
        6   In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.
        7   These have come so that your faith-- of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire-- may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.

        --- Papa John    ;D          

        Eph 2:8-9  For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- not by works, so that no one can boast.(NIV)

        <img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/language/www/US/TN/Nashville.gif" border=0
        alt="Click for Nashville, Tennessee Forecast" height=41 width=127>

        Etta Sue

        Good morning, All.  With all the grumbling and noise in our western skies, I decided to make this short today.  We are in need of rain.  I don't know if it has rained or not...this house is so sound, I can't hear raindrops.  

        PWNH ~ I think Iain's message today is just what you need.  Look up to Christ for your answers.  Other's opinions are just that, opinions.  Seek Him for your answers.  And even the old adage...if it doesn't FEEL right, it probably isn't.  

        Mieka ~ So glad to see you here today.  Love your posts.  They always make my heart smile.

        Jerry just got up...yes, it is almost 10am.  He said, Good Morning!  Well, yes, it still is.

        "Never lose your head in a battle--you won't have a place to put your helmet."


        Welcome Kay!

        We're so happy to be able to welcome you here![/b]

        "Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


        Yes Carol there is broken a dike in the middle of Holland
        i am living in the north.
        But now our government has say the would not pay
        the people must pay by them self.
        And our government always are saying we must do something on the dikes in Holland they must be higher
        and stronger. Because te water level will be higher in the coming years. That is coming trough the chancing of
        the climat.
        Iain tahnk you for your words ia am happy to see you back




        Perhaps i haven taken a look on the birthday calender
        and i saw it is your birthday today
        Have a nice day



        This is just me, Pat.

        I've created a "Test" registration to test out some of the features of the forums.

        (No need to welcome me!)   ;D


         ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

        WE welcome you Test Pat! ! !


        Well I am back into schooling full time again.  I have added a subject a day, so by Friday they should be up to full steam.

        Ria I have read Mom all the posts from you.  She really enjoys them.

        Have a good day everyone, will be back later!

        Meika Welcome back I missed you!


        Did you read her the one from me, Judy? ;)

        "Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


        Hi, everybody! Pat, I really liked your post today, but it reminded me of how I have to be! Iain, I was so glad to see you, but I am sorry that you are still in pain; I am praying for that! My friend, Mieka, so happy to see you again! I have missed you! Ria, I love reading your posts, and I do hope that you get some rain soon! Jenny, I had to laugh when I read about your knitting a cardi--That is what the Welsh Corgi with the tail is called, and I pictured you knitting a dog! Haha! My little Corgi is like what the Queen has: no tails; Pembrokes.Marilyn, you are still in my prayers, also! Gotta run, I love you all, Cami

        Chris & Margit Saunders

        Dear me, Iain!
        You are surely a terror unto yourself!
        Our Saviour says " Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends, you shall be my friends if you keep My commandments. He laid down His life for YOU.
        And says this," the greatest are these--love God above all, and love your neighbour as yourself."
        We must no strive too hard  to be what He has not asked us to be, a "mustular Christian"= (I must do this, and I must do that!)
        ends up feeling  guilty because he thinks he can never do enough!
        Hence the guilt placed upon a religious person  by  roman catholic doctrines of works and merit.
        God has called us to be His sons and daughters by grace, and if we did no more works ever, it would not stop Him loving us and providing for us!
        Grace is UNMERITED favour.
        We love Him and we try hard to love  the unlovable as best we can and with that grace which He gives us, lol.
        Dear brother, Margit and I and many more, are praying for a healing for your aching body, may God grant you a pain free life very soon, so that your spirit will once more rise above your agony, both physical, and mental, then once again your cheery smiling face will encourage all readers here, and elsewhere, for you are a blessed, gifted preacher whom we all love and appreciate so very much.
        But I wish I was there to give you a kick up the backside!  hahaaaa

        joyce robson

        Hi all,

        Still having a hard time checking in but its my server.

        Wanted to tell Janie I am thinking about you.

        Now I wish I was closer to you ' cause we have a yard full of wood just waiting for whoever needs it.

        My hubby is extremely handy and would be more than willing to help you with your housing "fixer upper".

        We live so far away but can we help in any way; please email me direct if you would like to.

        Meanwhile our prayers to the LORD are being sent to help you with your needs.

        Do say Hi to Nita.

        Trish, oh, dear, you are in my thoughts and I will pray for continous good health.

        All new comers welcome; and to all who are not feeling well; I will add you to my prayer list.

        I am going to check out Al's prayer request for our country; so maybe I will check back in NEM later.

        Take care and as always,

        Love in Christ,


        joyce robson

        Iian great posting and Chris and Margit great reply.

        Marilyn, kick those blues out the door and remember the good LORD above is there for you.

        Sometimes, it is hard to pray and be reassured of HIS love when we are having our trials but then that is where good Christian fellowship comes in handy.

        HE knows that we are in need of Christian fellowship, the kind that is here in the forum, loving, considerate and never , ever  judgemental.

        Love in Christ,



        Hello all!  I'm at work so this will be quick.  I've read all the posts and said a short prayer for each of you, whether you wanted one or not!  ;)

        I'm lurking and reading.  Passively involved, you might say.

        Take care,



        Yes Pat and she enjoys them.

        Chris amd Margit.  Amen and Amen.  A wonderful message and timely too.  God bless you both.

        Perhaps someone can help me out with a passage of scripture.   The one where the Apostle Paul prays over a "thorn in the flesh" and he does not have it removed.  So often we pray for something that God knows in his all lnowingness that it is not good for us.  If we were to have what we want it would prove detrimental.  I wonder???????? What is this passage refirring to?

        The weather has cooled off, we are relaxing in 68 degree weather.  It is to rain for the long weekend.  I need to get my mowing done before the rain.


        "Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

        Chris & Margit Saunders

        Judy 2nd Cor. ch 12.

        PS.I think Karmat is preferable to Kamrat!!!!!!  lol


        Hello to you all!  Have been somewhat productive today cleaning out the basement and readying it for a new ping pong table.  Decided I'm spending too much time sitting in front of this machine.  We had a second hand table down there and enjoyed it greatly, but it broke quite some time back.   My last commission check I vowed we would replace it.  

        Amazing how  cleaning one small area can lead to cleaning various other places.  Started in the area of the finished basement where the table would sit.  In order to really clean there, I had to move stuff into the laundry room - which of course meant I had to clean that.  

        Is that the way it is in our spiritual lives as well?   I'm not sure it's really possible to let God in "a little bit".  I think  once you start cleaning out the old life, one thing just naturally leads to another and you find yourself so changed in many ways never thought possible.    It doesn't happen overnight, but it does feel  good to clean out those dusty corners of our lives!    

        Any others of you here involved in scrapbooking?   I'm just getting started.  I just sent in a CD with over 300 pictures to be printed!  That will keep me busy for a long time!   ::)    How do most of you share your photos?  Online?  On the computer or in albums?

        ~sigh~ Time to get back to work.  I was surprised today to see one of my photos make the POTD (Photo of the Day) on the Shutterbugs site!   :)   It's always a thrill to have one chosen!


        Have a blessed day all!  :)


        Hi Everyone:

        Wow what a lot of interesting subjects to read about!   Imagine a dog who swallowed a knife!  The Creation Research Institue website is fabulous. It will take a while to investigate so much information.  Very interesting.

        Thank you Pat for such interesting reading.

        Will post again later when I have more time.

        Ruthie :)
        The Lord is my light and my salvation Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?  
        Ps. 27:1



        We're so glad to see you!

        "Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"