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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

New Every Morning~July 16

Started by Pat, July 15, 2003, 11:49:32 PM

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Morning Devotional...

Consider Him that endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.                  
Hebrews 12:3

I once heard a marathoner tell how there comes a point in a race when the runner "hits the wall," meaning that his body cannot go on, and every muscle is crying out to give up.

He said that at that point it is the mind that will determine if the race will continue.

So it is spiritually. If our minds have not been disciplined and directed by the Word of God on an ongoing basis, when we "hit the wall" in our spiritual life, we will fail.

May we determine to fill our minds with His Word, and so to discipline our thought life in such a way that we will have victory in the crises of life.                                                                                                                                                                                                --Wm. Burnett

May The Mind of Christ My Savior
(Click to here music)

May the mind of Christ, my Savior,
Live in me from day to day,
By His love and power controlling
All I do and say.

May the Word of God dwell richly
In my heart from hour to hour,
So that all may see I triumph
Only through His power.

May the peace of God my Father
Rule my life in everything,
That I may be calm to comfort
Sick and sorrowing.

May the love of Jesus fill me
As the waters fill the sea;
Him exalting, self abasing,
This is victory.

May I run the race before me,
Strong and brave to face the foe,
Looking only unto Jesus
As I onward go.

May His beauty rest upon me,
As I seek the lost to win,
And may they forget the channel,
Seeing only Him.

--K. B. Wilkinson

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Ruth Ann Bice

Judy, you mentioned the slight film on one eye. I had that develop in both eyes about 3 years after the cataract surgeries. Literally, it's a short appointment and quite amazing how much clearer I could see afterward. I'll be thinking about you.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


Well another day has come and gone.  Thank you for all the birthday greetings, it has been a good day.

I got soaked as I did the last 10minutes of lawn mowing, we had the heavy rain and thunderstorms here too.

Well good night all and have a good sleep to those of you still here.

I am praying for your eyes Judy, there is little worse than eye problems.

Bye for now and God richly bless you


Good Morning folks, from England.

Another glorious, unusually hot  morning here.  I got up at 5 a.m.  My doggie was restless and I was dry so came down for a cup of tea.  The garden looks parched.  I don't know if there will be a ban on  water hosing yet.  If this hot spell continues I expect it will happen.
I really want to thank God for the gift of water and the blessing of plumbing (yes ...blessing).
We are so lucky in the developed world.  Just to be able to have a long shower and cool off
during these hot days is a joy.  So many in this world suffer from drought and famine.  I find myself praising God for the gift of water many times nowadays...especially while I am in the shower.
Jane I am sorry re your eyes.  My own daughter Helen is only 34 and has chronic asthma and hypoglycaemia and now has a blood clot in her eye and floaters.....possibly due to the hypoglycaemia which is a side effect of years of steroids. I will place you onto my prayer list beside Helen. Like you she is a busy person with four sons.
Marilyn I hope you are settling in happily now. I feel sure you are full of eager anticipation at that which the Lord has in store for you there.  He is indeed doing a new thing! Amen and Praise Him!
Oh by the way I found Nicky Cruz's Web Site last night and am enjoying a re-read of his "The Magificent Three". What a wonderful work the Lord did with him.  (Jo take note.)
Love to all of you over there.
From Jenny.

P.S. Oh by the way still no news re my scooter, come on repair man!


JENNY ...England
to Iain..

Iain I am trying to get "Streams in the Desert"...
I read a lot of Spurgeon's books.  Love them!


Pat - Yet another thought provoking post.

Jenny - Good news lass, the good weather has finally spread north! It is superb today! I am heading off with my camera, against Doc's orders! Tee Hee!! Tomorrow it si thunderstorms forecast for up here. No doubt the ones left over from Pat in Canada!

Marilyn - So happy for you sis.

Al - is her coffee any good?


'Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre?'

Mark 16:3

What does today hold for us? The sun is shining here in Stornoway and it is promised to be the warmest day of the year so far. Will I keep to the narrow path today or will I follow Him at a distance? Love would have me draw near to Him and follow as closely as possible.

What love these women had for their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The love in their hearts had drawn them to visit a tomb where their Great Hope had been placed after His crucifixion.

I cannot help but wonder at what perplexing thoughts that would have been racing through their minds. What kind of emotion flowed through their veins as they made their way to the sepulchre?

The great hope of Israel was now dead! The Living One became the dead one! Many had left all to follow Him. Homes, families, employment and now all their hopes and plans for the future were dashed as the Messiah lay in the tomb.

They had watched as He raised others from the dead. They had seen the blind receive their sight, the deaf could hear, the lame walk and lepers were cleansed, yet He had allowed the Roman soldiers to nail Him to a cross and there He had died.

What did the future hold for them now? Where now would they turn?

First things first though. How on earth were they going to move that stone? They had seen it being rolled into position and sealed by the guards. They had witnessed it with their own eyes. It was a real threat to them. An unsurpassable obstacle. There was no way round it.

Making their way to the tomb impossibilities clouded their minds.

Are we worried about what we may have to face today or in the days that lie ahead? Are we fearful of the impossibilities that lie in our path? How are they to be overcome?

Perhaps we know the direction that the Lord wishes us to take However we are well aware that in our own strength the task seems beyond us. Fear and trembling become our companions. In our minds a great obstacle can be seen and it lies in our pathway!

We have not even reached that point in our lives yet in our minds we know it is there awaiting us. Are the lions that roar so loud chained?

Who shall roll us away the stone?

Much time is wasted in our lives by imagining things that may never happen. I am acutely aware of my inabilities and often they stand as an immovable object in my pathway and they paralyse my soul. I become afraid of what MIGHT happen.

I always seem to imagine the worst case scenario, yet I am far from being pessimistic by nature! In fact perhaps I fail all too often by being too optimistic and that causes bitter disappointments. I have known too many of them over the years. It has not been once that my heart has been broken by plans that have not gone my way.

Abraham when he was called to leave Ur of the Chaldees went out not knowing where he was going. He leaned not so much on the promises but upon the Promiser. He looked not at the difficulties but upon the King who was leading him forward on a pathway designed in Eternity.

We too, like good soldiers, once we have received our sealed orders from our Commanding Officer must go forward into battle with unwavering confidence knowing full well that we are in the line of duty appointed to us.

Our lives have been planned from all Eternity. We should have respect and composure in our daily walk, knowing that God has placed us exactly where He would have us be.

For years I fought against this. Seeking to serve the Lord in Romania. It was all that was in my heart. Day after day I yearned to go there. I wasted a decade of my life with this romantic dream. It was not to be.

It took a heart attack to put an end to it. At the time I was absolutely devastated. I had believed with all my heart and soul that God was preparing me to serve Him over there.

How wrong I was! It is not easy for us to hold up our hands and admit that we are wrong.

I cannot put into words the hurt I felt in my soul. My world had come to and end. All my hopes and dreams had been dashed in a moment! I was so confused with the way God had led me.

I am sure that many would have turned away from God after an experience like that, but I could not. Not that I had any great strength, but God had and has His plans for my life and He will not allow my romantic notions, no matter how sound, to get in the way of Him accomplishing His will.

Many have asked me the question, 'How do you know when God wants you to go to a certain place, or to take up a certain calling.' The only answer I can give is to tell them to WAIT! It may take many months or perhaps years but God will show you what He wants and where He wants you to be.

I am thankful now for the way in which He has led me. I no longer regret not going to Romania, rather the opposite. I can truly say, He has done all things well. I have moved on.

I have always had a desire in my heart to serve my King full time. In many ways I am doing that just now, yet I feel that there is more. He has better things planned ahead for me, yet I know not what as yet.

My Christian life has been one of constant learning. The same lessons have been taught over and over again, yet I have been aware that I am not standing still. I have the best Teacher possible though I am His worst pupil.

I have digressed so much now that it is difficult to thread this together properly. Each morning that we rise, we have the choice. We can as these women did, seek Jesus. We may fear the obstacles that lie in our pathway but we must not allow this to prevent us from going forward.

Remember our Lord goes before us and makes straight our path. When the women arrived at the tomb they found that the stone had been moved already. Go forward my friend and face whatever lies in your pathway head on, you may also find that it will be moved before you reach it!

Our God no longer lies in the grave. He is risen! He is alive! May we each know today in our souls, the power of a resurrected Christ. Arise let us go hence.

I pray that for all my brothers and sisters here that your path today will be stone free.


Your brother in Christ


Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.

Iain, such a powerful devotional this morning.  I could just feel your outpouring of your inner feelings in your words.  Hasn't God given you a broader platform than what you thought he wanted you to do in Romania.  Rather than one country, he has opened the world to you via this electronic medium.  You will probably never know the impact of your efforts through your website and even through this one as you share your love of Jesus day by day.  

Pat, your devotional this morning certainly contains the truth that we sometimes hit the bottom but if we continue the race  God will help us.

Jenny, you make a good point about thanking God for the water we enjoy.  How often we just take these things for granted and don't acknowledge the source of our blessings.

Good morning Ruth Ann and everyone who stops by today.  Think I was remiss in not getting my Happy Anniversary wishes stated for Paulette and Dan and also giving a big welcome to Margrit.  

Nothing unusual on the schedule today but always have projects that I am working on so manage to stay pretty busy.  With these treks down to the hospital each day I find my days are quite short.


Good morning all!
Another hot muggy day in Southwest Florida. The recent storms have made for some beautiful clouds overhead. Wonderful photo opportunities abound!
Awesome devotional, Pat. I love that you post the hymns with words and music!
Wish I had time to address each one individually, but work is calling and I haven't showered yet.
Thanks again to all who are faithfully praying for my situation. More good news yesterday. Thought I was going to have to move the end of September, but the landlord has decided not to rebuild on this property for another year. It's really beautiful here. I live on the river and enjoy much quite time with the Lord while sitting on the dock behind my humble apartment.
I'd like to share something I wrote as a dedication in a bible I gave to a dear friend.  Enjoy!

Lamp that fuels eternal flame
Hidden in our hearts became
Proof of God's unfailing love
Living Word sent from above

Shared with others...Power released
Grief and Pain and Sorrow ceased
Truth and Light revealed within
Freedom from the weight of sin.

Lost world needing something more
Word becomes and open door
Vessel now to share His Son
Shine His Light for everyone.

1 John 2:8  "Yet I am writing you a new command; it's truth is seen in him and you because the darkness is passing and the true light is already shining."

Well, I have to run. Blessings to each and every one of you.

Even after all this time,
the sun has never said to the earth,
"You Owe Me"...
Look what happens with a love like that,
It lights the world"


Jenny again in England....1.10 p.m.
and scorching.

Larry Hello and thankyou for your messages. I haven't forgotten you.
I was helped greatly by Iain again  today and even though I have posted I feel I would like you to know how I appreciate his ministry...indeed God has a bigger work for him than he expected and he can do "all things through Christ who strengtheneth him" Amen!

Iain I have a friend, a retired Anglican Minister who had three heart attacks when younger and is now 73.  Your work is just beginning.  St. John was doing heavy work in the mines on Patmos as a slave...........He lived to be a very old man.  We need you.

God bless everyone.
Love Jenny......Again!


Larry:  You are so observant in your post to Iain - consider how many he  is reaching in his devotional posts and his web sites.  We never know how we touch someone's mind and heart.

Iain:  Several times in my life I have thought "This is IT" = "This is where I can Serve" only to have it yanked away and leave me so confused.  Thanks for sharing todays message.



Jenny:  Hi - I see that you are online at the same time.  Tell us more about going to the river.  Carol


 ;D  Good Morning Everyone!!!

I just wanted to say a great big thanks to all of you for all the lovely wishes for our anniversary.

We had a very lovely day together...very casual and relaxed and enjoyable....WOW....25 yrs. together and it just keeps getting better....the Lord has really blessed us both in wonderful ways....and I pray that He will be honored even more so in our lives for the next 25 yrs. as He sees give us that long.

Pat....thanks for the devotions today.....I pray that all is well with you and that you are not too frantic in preparing for you vacation...

well am off to do the laundry now and all the other stuff that piles up....take care to all and have a great day....
In His Grace...Paulette.


Good morning to all of you!  I have been swimming, had breakfast, read NEM, now I must get dressed for the day.  We have a man coming to re-stretch our carpet in the bedroom.  It has some serious wrinkles!  So I have to be ready, and he will be here before very long.

I enjoyed the devotionals, also the talk of day to day activities of our members.  But I am wondering, Sonja, how little Zachery is now?  Please give him a hug and tell him we are still praying for him.

I hope all of you have a great day.  I will stop back by if time permits!
My book Rising Above available at


Good Morning. It is beautiful here on the west coast. I can sit on my porch and hear  the ocean. Gilbert tells me that there is a walking trail just the other side of his house that will take me under the freeway and to the beach, Perhaps I will take Happydog and Bebe for a walk later and see just how far it is.

I have been sleeping so well here, and discovered that the sun doesn't go down as early as it did in the desert where I was surrounded by mountains. It was still light at 9:30 pm. I can see the sunset through the trees and will work on getting some photos. I put the other roll in yesterday that has the Church picnic and some of the scenery on the trip that I took from the window as we were driving along. Don't know if they will be blurred or not.

Have a great day.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website

Etta Sue

Marilyn ~ It is great that you got to meet Al.  And great that your home is already for company and sharing coffee.  See, you already have friends in your new area!  

Papa John ~ We are praying that if surgery is necessary that your recovery will be quick.  We miss you when you are unable to post.  Think how can you rig that laptop so you can post lying down?

Janet ~ Don't you just hate that when it happens?  Seems you have been losing posts quite a lot lately.  Wonder what is happening!  Just keep on trying!

Judy M ~ Glad your doctor appointments went well.  The lazer treatments on your eyes are minor, I guess.  I will probably have to deal with that later in life....

Pat ~ I got my Triptik from AAA for Calgary but just looked at it thoroughly yesterday.  My, but we have a long sister and I.  I doubt if we follow the Triptik coming back towards home because if we do it will be over 4,770 miles!!!!!  And that takes us through the Rockies as far south as Canon City, Colorado, and then home.  Wasn't wanting to go that far but if we don't tire out, we may just do it!!!  I am looking forward to this trip also.....meeting old and new friends!!!

Jane ~ Well, since I haven't seen your black vest, I guess, the new you will suffice.  You will have to explain why the 'Jaywalker' name to me anyway!  I am fairly new to SrNet also.  Also, I will be in a Teal colored 2002 Malibu!!  I will look for a car with Missouri plates on it!  But I think we will recognize each other just fine!!!

Carol ~ I, too, wish you were going to Calgary.  I really haven't checked the list to see who all are going.  I just know it will be a great time for all.

Jeanne Lee ~ Glad you stopped in even if it is late.

Ruth Ann ~ When Ivalou had her cataract surgery, she was told if she saw gray haze again to let them know and they would do the lazer on her eyes.  I guess it is common for this to happen.

Judy B ~ I am so glad you had a wonderful birthday.  Birthdays come around faster than they used to, don't they?

Jenny ~ If I could send you some water for your parched land from Indiana, I sure would.  I am sure there are plenty of farmers around here that would be glad to get rid of their ponds that are drowning their crops.  We had the second highest snowfall last winter and now a very wet spring and summer.  We shouldn't be in any drought this year!!

Iain ~ Good, I am so glad you are going to take some photos.  I love your photos and your world is so picturesque!!!!  What a powerful message again today.  Yes, he can remove all obstacles in our paths...if it is His will.  And Larry, is right.  God can even give you a heart attack to divert someone to do His will.  You have such a way with words in giving one a picture of your thoughts.  The web will reach many, many people and you may never know what your words mean to them but God does.  You are certainly using your 'talents' to spreading the message of God.

Larry ~ I thought of you last evening as I discovered two things about the computer.  I had put some images on a CD but when I went to view them from the CD, nothing showed.  But when I checked it with Nero, it showed 'Full'.  I finally opened up my 'D' drive and clicked on Properties somewhere and selected a different something or can tell I am real computer savvy, can't you?...and voila!!!  I could see the images.  Also for months when I opened anything in My Documents, the text color was pink....very hard to read until it was highlighted.  I discovered how to change that by going to View/Customize this folder/Choose a background picture.  Then changing the color of text, background and text background.  I now have very colorful document windows with black text!!!!  I love it when I solve stuff!

Jo ~ Your world sounds beautiful.  I love reading my Bible verses and devotions early in the morning on my deck.  There are no rivers or streams but there are lots of birds singing to welcome a new day.  So serene to be with God's natural beauty.

Paulette ~ Great that you had a wonderful 25th Anniversary.  Now to strive for the next 25 years.  Sounds like you have a loving relationship with your spouse and your family.

It is very pleasant here today.  It is to get to the mid 80°'s but low humidity.  It is that humidity that gets you down.  Jerry is here and I hear the drill going.  He is using a circular wire brush and is sanding off the old paint on my metal swing set.  Then will repaint it soon.  I even like that shiny bare metal but I know that would soon turn to a orange rust!!!  


"Adolescence is the awkward age when a child is too old to say something cute and too young to say something sensible."

Etta Sue

Papa John

Thank you Pat for the devotional thoughts.  When we are discouraged we need to look to Jesus because we have not suffered anything compared with his sacrifice.

Iain, I had an experience similar to yours.  We went to Romania to work with a close missionary friend.  He and his wife went there as soon as they could get in after the fall of the Communist government.  They have been very successful in establishing a good congregation in Bucharest where they have built a nice building.  Anyway we had planned at least a three month stay but a week after we got there I suffered a stroke and we had to come home.  My friend is still there.  He is now 73 years old and I am 76.  We worked together in Belgium and France 35 years ago.  I think we need to do the best we can to work where God leads us.  

Acts 16:7 When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to. (NIV)

Judy B. I'm glad you had a good birthday.  But when it starts raining you need to go back in the house.

Carol, I think that a week from today I should find out whether I will have surgery.  If that is decided it will be some kind of back surgery.

Marilyn, it seems to me that your situation where you are now is much better than living in the desert

Larry, your remark about the days being so short caught my attention..  I know there is the same number of hours in a day as there used to be when I was young.  But it SEEMS like each day passes away much more quickly now that I have a few years on me.  I hope you have a good day.

--- Papa John    ;D          <:))))><<

Eph 2:8-9  For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- not by works, so that no one can boast.(NIV)

<img src="" border=0
alt="Click for Nashville, Tennessee Forecast" height=41 width=127>


"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


WELCOME Jittery!!

We're REALLY so very glad to see you!

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Ruth Ann Bice

Update on my "almost grandma" status: this morning, Pam wearily said, "Mom, I'm ready to HAVE this baby TODAY!"

Any mothers out there who identify with those words??? <smile>

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


Today was a little later coming home from Hamilton.  Poor Larry was really burning today and I sure appreciate your prayers on his behalf--that he'll first of all realize that there's a Saviour for him to call upon and that if it's the Lord's will that this cancer will be removed from his body.

It was nice to see some posts in here from last night and then our early people from across the big pond!  Jenny, I'm sorry that there's no word yet on that scooter.  Hope there's not a long wait.  Great to have you on here.

Oh, what an outpouring of your love for the Saviour, Iain!  My heart aches for you as you yearn for Romania but as others have said here, the Lord's way is always perfect.  It's just difficult for us to realize that sometimes.  Oh, the numerous people who are being ministered to each day by your words.  I pray that we'll have them each day.  My heartfelt thanks to a precious dear brother in the Lord.

Are you driving yourself now daily, Larry?  I'm praying that the Lord will give you strength as you do this daily trip for your treatments.

Jo, (Shinenlite) it's good to see your morning post.  We're still praying for you in this troublesome time in your life.

Great to have you back home, Carol.  Glad you had such a good time away.

I'm so glad you had such a nice 25th Wedding Anniversary, Paulette!  I remember mine.  It was a nice day.

Nice to see what's going on in your little corner of Kansas, Janet!  I sure hope that that little doggie of Beth's is found soon.

Great to hear about the walking trail, Marilyn.  We'll be looking forward to seeing photos of that beach!

I remember when you went to Romania, Papa John.  I won't forget how you had to hurry home due to that stroke.  Thanks for your added devotional thoughts today.

Well, I'm now on my way to see any new messages in the other forums...

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Oh, Ruth Ann...  My heart goes out to Pam.  

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Ruth - I know plenty Dad's who thought the same way. Tell her not to worry, folk are praying for her and the baby.

BTW - I never felt a thing!!



Hello everyone.  Seems like I remember saying something similar to that when I still had several weeks to go.  Of course, I looked like I was ready, anyway.  

Sorry I haven't been around much.  Like I mentioned the other day, we are having Bible School, and I was so tired when I got home last night, I feel asleep when I laid down to get Travis to bed.   :-\  Anyway . . .

I hope all is going well.  It is hot and humid here.  I am ready for autumn.  I just really do not like hot weather.  but that is just me.

Guess I should get back to work.

Take care all!



This is the Day

Psalm 118:24

This is the day which the LORD hath made;
we will rejoice and be glad in it.

This is the day
This is the day
That the Lord hath made
That the Lord hath made
We will rejoice
We will rejoice
And be glad in it.
And be glad in it.
This is the day
That the Lord hath made
We will rejoice
And be glad in it.
This is the day
This is the day
That the Lord hath made

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


I am going to try posting a different way.  I am so tired of my posts disappearing!

Mieka, where are you??  I miss you!!

We had a fellow come and re-stretch our carpet in the bedroom today, so of course, that entailed moving the furniture out of the way, then after he left, doing a thorough cleaning, and putting it back in place.  Been a while since I have done so much heavy work in one day, and I am feeling it, too.

Judy Mc. I hope tonight finds you like this........zzzzzzzzzzz

I need to pack for a little trip.  Beth and I are going with friends to a Benny Hinn meeting in Colorado Springs.  Please agree with us that Beth will receive her healing there.  Thanks!

I forgot what I said in the last post that winged its way into cyberspace, but, oh, well........It porbably wasn't important in the overall scheme.

My book Rising Above available at

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  Checking back this afternoon to see what has been happening and it is good to see so many postings.

Yes, Pat, I have gone by myself everyday this week and am getting along well.  I think I am definitely seeing progress from the treatments and tomorrow will finish the first 5 of the 7 weeks.

Janet, hope you and Beth have a fine trip.  We will miss your postings.

Welcome Jittery.  We are happy to have you join with us.

I like to listen every afternoon to "Prime Time America" on the Moody Broadcasting Network via the Internet.  It is on for about 90 minutes and they have Christian related topics and music starting at 5 pm Eastern Time.  They deal with many issues relavent to Christians throughout the world.  A very nice program.

Jeanne Lee

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Jeanne Lee

Good evening everyone.  Well,  it's evening here anyway - 5:30 p.m. ;D  It's been a hot, sticky one today and we've agreed it's a good day for a sandwich supper.  Any minute now Gene will be calling - just my name, but I know that will mean he's hungry.;D
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