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Bird Photos In Snow

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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

New Every Morning~July 31

Started by Pat, July 31, 2003, 12:25:48 AM

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In heaven is no warfare but all well-fare.[/color]
~John Boys~

Morning Devotional...

The Worst Smelling Flower![/color]

"Then God said, "Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed is in itself..."
Genesis 1:11

The voodoo lily is native to Southeast Asia, although it is sometimes sold in the west as a curiosity. When it flowers, the voodoo lily sends up a fleshy, purple spike that can be three feet long. Besides being one of the worst smelling flowers you'll ever experience, the spike has another amazing ability.

The spike of the voodoo lily generates a number of hormones that, when heated, smell like rotting meat. It does this because the flies that pollinate the lily feed on decaying flesh. The smell draws them in to look for food, and in the process pollinate the lily. The flower stalk is able to generate plenty of heat that creates its awful smell. Temperatures inside the flowers can reach 110 degrees F. In order to generate this much heat, the voodoo lily actually operates at a metabolic rate similar to that of a hummingbird in flight! This frantic rate continues only until the flower is pollinated.

As a matter of interest, while the voodoo lily is the most dramatic of heat-producing plants, several common household plants that are related to the voodoo lily also produce heat when flowering. These include the dieffenbachia and the philodendron.

Scripture offers a very modest account of God's creative activity. Incredibly imaginative and intricate designs are included in the simple statement, "Let the earth bring forth grass..."

Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus Christ, You are the Instrument through which the creation was made, I thank You for the wonder-inspiring beauty and diversity around us. But most of all, I thank You that You cared so much for Your creation that when we fell into sin, You gave up Your life to save us. Amen.

From Creation Moments[/b]

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


That is too cool.  Isn't God amazing.  As Marilyn is famous for saying, "Who wudda thunk?"  Only God could come up with something like that!

I hope everyone has a good day.  I have a doctor's appointment (yuck) and several errands to run, so I may be in for a moment or two throughout the day.   I will try to jump in tomorrow night, though!

Our God is an Awesome God!!!!


My goodness a voodoo lily, I wonder what it looks like?  Sounds really interesting though>  God has created so many different plants and we look and think there is no way this could have evolved.  I was talking to my a friend this weekend about evolution.  I was so indoctrinated by the school system that I totally believed that the earth was millions of years old.   That God had created it in 6 days and each day was a million or more years!  Ang's comment was that that was what she used to believe as well and she agreed that our God was big enough to preform all the miracles of creation in 6 twenty four hour days.

Well this has been a long day of driving.  I spent a super evening at my brother's home going through some pictures dating back from 1955 to 1957.  I was able to add some names where they were missing.  He has many slides he is individually cleaning and then scanning.  I have seen pictures that I had forgotten about!

Pat and Judy Mc when do you leave?

Well have a good day all,  I am off to bed.


Interesting post Pat. Glad we do not have 'smellivision!' I love learning about these things. Our God is awesome.


'And it was now dark, and Jesus was not come to them.'

John 6:17

We have gone from yesterday's wonderful calm to stormy weather again! The difference in 24 hours is remarkable. Our garden looked so colourful and bright yesterday morning, while today the plants look bedraggled. The sea that was mirror like is now raging.

So much for summer!

Darkness and storms are unfortunately the portion of many of God's chosen these day. Sudden bereavement or a slip backwards, unanswered prayer or the entanglement of this world and of sin. Many are also perplexed by the question of Guidance. Which way should we go?

It has been the days and nights of almost constant darkness and loneliness without the comforting presence of Jesus that has made me appreciate the little things in life a lot more. It matters not whether it is sunshine or storms outside, I am thankful for each new day.

The hungry soul of the Christian is never satisfied with anything less than the tangible presence of Christ. Days and nights apart from Him whom our soul loves are an agony and heartache beyond simple words.

I yearn to walk closely with my Saviour. My inconsistency abhors me. There is an aching void within whenever I lose sight of my Best Friend.

When I do lose sight, darkness descends upon my soul as a thick cloud. Once more I find that I have allowed the world to replace Christ upon the throne of my heart. It promises so much, yet fails every time to deliver.  

We are part of a generation that is always wanting more. We never seem to be satisfied with our portion. It may simply be a case of trying to keep up with the Jones' or is it simply greed?

We may have to learn the disappointment of gaining such vanities many a time. Their emptiness adds to our sorrow. The child of God will eventually be left with one cry in his soul. Evermore Lord give us this bread! Christ alone satisfies the soul that longing is and the sooner that we recognise this, the easier our life will become.

Alone in the midst of a storm, the wind contrary, no light to be seen and the One whom they love is not present with them. This was no ordinary gale this was a howler!

How could Jesus leave them alone in such darkness?

Jesus had no doubt given them instructions to head for Capernaum. If we are doing God's will, how is it that these things are happening in our lives?

Have you asked that question before? Why are these things happening to me? I am sure that one answer that your mind will bring before you is that it is as a result of your sin. There is not a moment that goes past that we are not sinning. Where then does that argument leave us?

Well if it is not my sin, then why are these things happening? Why is my life so hard and my heart so sore? Why is it always darkness and never light? Why is it always hard providences that I have to face instead of great blessings and favour as others enjoy?

Why is it that when I long most for Christ, He seems further away than ever?

Faith must be exercised if it is to grow. Hope must be shattered from time to time if it is to find true security upon the Rock and its anchor within the veil. Love must experience a broken heart in order to love with a pure heart fervently.

He may leave us for a time in the storms and in the darkness, but He will come. He does come. He never leaves His own for any length of time, though it may seem endless to us!

Perhaps today will be the day when at last our longing souls will be satisfied. He may come at an hour and in a manner that we had not expected. Would the disciples have even thought of Him coming walking upon the sea?

It only takes an act of love from a friend, a loving touch or better still, a word in season and our darkness is made light before us. Crooked paths are made straight, rough places smooth and sins blotted out.

As He approaches your soul today my friend, may you also hear the words that the disciples heard on that dark, stormy night. It is I, be not afraid.

I have often said that I would rather me in the midst of a storm with Jesus than to be standing alone on the shore.


Your brother in Christ



England 9.30 a.m.

Iain.....Thank-you.  Surely the Lord is in this Place.

"Behind a frowning providence He hides a smiling face" came to mind as I read today's devotional.

I too find like Paul, "that which I do I would not" and in truth I cannot help myself.  The Lord has reminded me much lately to "take every thought captive".  I am being pruned and I don't like it either......it hurts!

The weather has broken here too Iain...raining and sticky. Mind you the gardens round here are very dry and need some water.

When Iain talks about the inclement weather on Lewis, I can truly SEE it.  I look at the amazing pictures on his site.  Thank-you Iain for this sharing of another of your gifts.

Today I have some tidying up jobs to do after the family visit of yesterday....and some letters to write (pen and paper ones).

I've just received a wonderful letter from Esther Korson in Jerusalem.  She is a mighty prophetess of the Lord...the new Esther as she is called.  Do you folks know her? She's a Jewish believer in Jesus, from Arizona....i.e. English Tea Shop....Jerusalem....So I must spend time in prayer and writing to her.  She is in the midst of the Battle.

God bless all of you and thanks for the "Wishes" for yesterday......I've filed them.......Such a joy, to keep.....Yes Al, for a Year.



England. 9.45 a.m.

Pat.  Thankyou also.  I have been reading Mrs. C.E. Cowman....."One views nothing but the mellow golden brown of the dried grass, broken by the dusty grey, green sage and here and there a deep dead umber of dried up shrubs................

bend down and peer into that parched grass and an entire new creation of God's handiwork will come into perspective within the withered tangle .....even the little unpretentious weeds that would scarcely capture your glance when in bloom, develop forms of quaint beauty as the capsules ripen".

What a great God we worship. He uses everything....I especially like the reference to the "tangle"......God uses the tangles in our lives, He straightens out what is withered and tangled in us.

"Tangles, tangles, tangles I was in.  I was born in tangles because of Adam's sin.
But when the Saviour found me,
He undid all the knots,
I am so glad, I am so free.......Of Tangles".

Thanks Judy....."One day is as a thousand"
to our God.........six days and then He rested........and it was up to us....what a mess we made of it....until Jesus came and said "It is finished".  Gosh it takes me all day to do a few small household jobs. How awesome to look at God's handiwork, all in six days!!! All on His Own  too.


Any news re Pam's baby yet?

Pray God all goes well.

Thinking of you all Ruth Ann,
Love Jenny.


Such wonderfully edifying words this morning! Thanks to Iain, Pat , Jenny, Judy and Karmat for sharing them.
"There is no "Testimony" without the "Test."
Words that I have come to hold onto when I am in a "stormy season".
Things are going very well for me these days.
I've had a record month in commissions and by the 15th of August will be caught up on all the bills!
My other website, CreationsCreations.com is getting closer to being ready for business with each passing day. I am trusting God to continue in me the forward movement I am experiencing.

I pray that all have a wonderful day in the Lord. May those who are traveling have safe passage to and from thier destinations. May there be opportunity to share the love of Christ as we walk through this glorious day that our Father in Heaven has graced us with.

"Opposition is a powerful instrument to develop our relationship with God.
It moves us closer to Him and makes us more susceptible  to His shaping"

Taken from "A Beakon In The Darkness" by David Roper

Even after all this time,
the sun has never said to the earth,
"You Owe Me"...
Look what happens with a love like that,
It lights the world"



I seem to have missed this yesterday.

Thanks for the devotional Iain..walking through the valleys and knowing that He is there is so comforting to me today.   Sometimes I seem to be taking 2 steps backward to my 1 step forward.  

Will see you later.  Must go to work.

Have a blessed day to all.  
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life.  No man cometh unto the Father but by me.  John 14:6

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  This is the day I have been looking forward to as it completes the 7 weeks of daily treatments I have been taking to build up my heart.  I know that the treatments have helped as am now able to walk to the end of my street and back without angina, just get pretty tired.  The time has gone quickly and I understand the building of new blood vessels will continue for sometime.

Pat, that flower mentioned in your devotional this morning is something better read about then seen, or at least it seems so.  It is truly amazing the vast differences in plants and animals and everything in God's creation.  

Iain, the weather like life experiences can change drastically overnight and yet our Savior and God is always the same and unchanging.  

Jenny, a belated Happy Birthday wish to you.  I am one of those who forgets to look at the calendar that is available here on CP.  It sounds like you had a memorable day of celebration with family.


Good morning!  Much good food here already this morning.

I have a busy day today.  Darrel and I are doing a "Discover Scuba" at the pool for the staff there from 8 to noon, then I have my little painting class this afternoon.

I hope all of you feel strongly the presence of the Lord as you go through your day.

Love is an act of faith, and whoever is of little faith is also of little love.
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Very interesting facts Pat, I find them fascinating.  And what a good analogy too!  


Pat:  Thank you for your interesting post this morning!  

Larry:  Super!  You made it through the long weeks of travel and procedures.  How nice for you to have your "time" back now.  



Pat thanks for your post isn't God's creation wonderful.

Iain you had so much to say, and so much to carry me through the day.

Larry:  Praise the Lord that you are feeling better and will continue to improve.

Pat yes I am finished with the childrens camp and as I had said it being my last year with them ( some 25 - 30 yrs).  I was presented with a paper school bus signed by all and also given many hugs as they each departed for their individual homes.

I am not retiring from the job of School Bus driving, but just the camp.  

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.  Proverbs 3:6


Good morning. Wow so  many "devotionals" this morning. Thanks Pat for the info on the voodoo flower, I have seen it on TV when It was dispalyed in LA.

Thank you Iain; Last Sunday my Pastor preached part 1 of a sermon on those moments in our lives that we say "Whay is this happing to me again?" He spoke of the possible reason why they happen and this Sunday he will speak on the positve outcomes we can look forward to by the "testing" moments.

Jenny; your thought this morning are also thought provoking.

Larry so good to hear you are through with your treatments and getting better.

Judy, I too thought it earth was millions of years old until I began to really read the Bible and took it literally to be the truth. Then I saw a program by Kent Hovind from www.drdino.com

I can't stay on the computer very long this morning as I am expecting a phone call from Edith Bolton from SN. She has been vacationing a short distance from here and has promised to stop by on her was back to Pine Grove, Ca. She will be calling me this morning before I go to work.

Gitsie is better today, been outside and has just jumped up into the chair. Hans't eaten her breakfast yet.

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website

Etta Sue

When I read this morning's devotion..."Then God said, "Let the earth bring forth grass,", I laughed....wierd sense of humor.  If could bale all the grass I have cut this year, I would have barnsful of bales.  I am praying for hot weather so my brother won't have to mow every 4-5 days while I am on vacation.  I have heard of that stinking flower.  Glad they aren't as plentiful as dandelions!!

Larry ~ I know it may have seemed a long 7 weeks but it does seem like it was quick.  Glad it is over for you and you continue getter better and better each day.

Great to see Iain. I am praying that this means you are feeling better.

Happy Belated Birthday, Jenny!!!!
Karma ~ Great story you heard on the radio!!!

I got home a little late last evening and didn't post last night.  I have two loads of laundry on the line and plan to see Jerry earlier today.  My SIL is having a jewelry party this evening and want to go to it.  

God Bless All of You!!!


"You've reached middle age when all you exercise is caution."

Al Moak

Thank you so very much, Iain, for the devotional.  It reminds me of the old Scotch Divine, Samuel Rutherford, who said, "Grace groweth best in winter."  We don't have to like it, but we will eventually be thankful for it.


Hi everyone,
I am not yet done reading everything, so I will be back. But I do have a pictures of this flower in the devotional.   8)

I hope it is a wonderful day for everyone.  ;D

Chris & Margit Saunders

Well done Mieka!!!  hahaaaaaaaa
very quick thinking.
regards Chris and Margit  :)

joyce robson

Hi to all,

Haven't had a chance to look at all the postings since I was here last.

A big welcome to all newcomers.

My thoughts and prayers to all who have not been feeling well.

I will be going to the Prayer forum and see how everyone is doing.

I have had a crazy, hectic week since I was here last but with the LORD's help; I am at peace with the decisions/trials that He is handing me at this time.

Take care and hope to join you later on.

Love in Christ,


Thanks so much for posting that link to the photo of the "stinky" flower!
Such a beautiful thing with such an awful smell..
Isn't that so typical of the world today...so many things look so inviting, but in reality are not what they seem.

Larry - so glad your treatments are done - will pray for continued good health.

Blessings to all.
Even after all this time,
the sun has never said to the earth,
"You Owe Me"...
Look what happens with a love like that,
It lights the world"


A big thank-you to Mieka for the link to the stinky plant....but oh so beautiful! :)

I am so glad that your treatments are done with, Larry.(but not as glad as you must be ;D)

Off to the prayer forum.
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life.  No man cometh unto the Father but by me.  John 14:6

Larry Hanna

Thanks everyone for the kind comments.  I did finish up the treatments today and the nurse/technician said she was going to suggest to my doctor that I would probably benefit from another 10-15 treatments.  However, that will not occur at this time.  The growth of the blood vessels apparently continues after the treatments.  One of the devices they use to measure progress is a sensor that is put on your finger to measure pulse pressure tracings.  The nurse told me today that when I started the treatments she could not get a reading from me but after the treatments she is getting a .5 to .8 reading.  I asked her what a normal reading is for people without heart disease and she said is was around 2.4.  So I have made some progress.  I suppose my low readings relate to the fact that my heart is weak and doesn't pump with a lot of pressure.  

Hope everyone has a nice evening.


Thanks Mieka for that link to the plant in today's Creation Moments.  Not sure if I want to be close enough to smell it though.   ;D

I had an IM from Ruth Ann...

QuotePam's pains are 5 minutes apart, so they've gone to walk at a beautiful greenway. ....

...Could you please pass along that we may go to the hospital today and that we still need prayer for my special request.

So, let's keep Ruth Ann in our prayers today please.

I had an email from Janice...

QuoteI'm sorry I have not been in touch, have spent so much time at hospital and too tired to spend much time on the computer...

Earl is still in hospital.  He did well through the surgery, and is still doing quite well except for one thing.  They removed the catheter yesterday morning at 6:00 and he went without any relief for 9 hours (the water works would not work!) so they put in another catheter mid-afternoon.  We both hope and pray it will be better today, and he can come home by tonight.  He is so patient!  

As it turned out, he is in the same room and bed I was in earlier this month!  Our pastor asked if we had put down a deposit on that room!!  haha.  I told him maybe we ought to put our name on the door, but then thought better - that would mean we intended to use it again.  :-)

So, let's now please remember to pray for both Janice and Earl...

So many important prayer requests before us day by day...

Let's remember Papa John and his back as well..

Thank you so very much, Iain, for the devotional this morning.  I know that you are very, very busy and not feeling well so we must all remember to pray for you as well.  I know that there are many who come in here daily in order to read your devotional so you are missed when we don't have one.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Jeanne Lee

Greetings all.  Another beautiful day. ;D

This afternoon I went over to church to take care of the candles and what a job I got into!  Normally the collars at the top of the candles need to be cleaned of wax each time they get changed and it didn't look like it had been done for quite some time.   And today the holders and saucers were just terrible, too.  Somebody has been using new candles without freezing them first and they've been dripping like crazy.  Since I didn't have a screw drive with me I couldn't get them off the candelabra to clean them so I have to go back tomorrow and finish the job.  Meanwhile, I have two boxes of candles in the freezer and hopefully they'll burn cleaner and it won't be as much of a job the next time.  I also need to take over more dishwashing liquid and a couple of old toothbrushes so I can do the job right. :o

I probably won't be around long tonight - Gene was in Glens Falls this afternoon so he stopped and picked up Book Six. ;D
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127


Good evening!  today has been a good day at the Shuford household.   I had a doctor's appointment this morning, and the doctor seems to think I am normal.  I asked him if he meant healthy, and he just grinned.  Not sure what that meant.   :o

I hope all is going well for you.  I have enjoyed reading the posts today, though I haven't had time post myself.  It seems Travis's naps (my posting time) are getting shorter and shorter each day.  His newest "trick" is to say "Go GO" at green lights (ok, ok, he says it at red lights too!).  Makes trips in the car definitely interesting.

I started trying to respond to everyone, adn kept getting lost!  :-\  Please know that I read each post, and enjoy "keeping in touch" with each of you!


Well, I sure don't know where this month has gone!  It's now August 1 and the summer is on it's last legs!

Time to lock this door and open tomorrow's...

Click here[/b]

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"