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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

New Every Morning~July 4

Started by Pat, July 04, 2003, 02:36:01 AM

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  • Due to much pain medication, I will not be putting in a devotional but rather will let Iain's be the main one today.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Jane Walker

PAT~I am so sorry that you are in pain.   :'(  Is it okay if I pray for you?  Whatever the problem or cause of the pain you are feeling, I know that HE knows all about it and He has already paid for all of it at Calvary.  Let Him give you rest tonight and peace and His comforting arms around you until this, too, shall pass.  Love in Christ.  

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


Thanks Jane!

It was quite the trip to the Dental College.  They had to cut some of the bone today to remove a tooth.  I'm sure that tomorrow, I'll be much better.  

I appreciate your prayers tonight.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Jane Walker

God bless you, Pat ... He loves you, y'know.  Rest in Him tonight.  
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


Pat - I hope sis that the pain has eased. No wonder you are tired when you have to go all the way to London just to visit the dentist!!

I thought that my post was too long as I was writing and I nearly scrapped it!

Happy 4th of July to all across the Pond. Have a great day.


'Return to thine own house, and shew how great things God hath done unto thee.'

Luke Chapter 8 Verse 39

Well do I remember when first I met the Lord. The change in my life was extraordinary. For months I had carried a great burden of guilt and fear. It weighed me down and often I felt that my knees would buckle under the load. I was so scared of dying in this state!

The Lord had started to work in my soul at the end of the previous year. Now I was consumed with being saved. Nothing else mattered. I was desperate! My understanding had been opened and I had started to read my Bible.

I say 'my Bible' but in truth I had to buy one, rather than borrow my mothers! I had had no previous need of a Bible as I did not attend church apart from weddings and the occasion funeral.

Prior to those Evangelical meetings in my home church in Garrabost, I had no thoughts whatsoever about God, heaven, hell or eternity. I was truly dead in trespasses and sin.

I did not own a Bible and my know ledge was limited to what I had learned in Sunday School as a child. That wasn't much knowledge as my mind then had been taken up with football and not on learning!

I came to a point when I realised that I was not only a sinner, but the greatest sinner of all. I was going to face the Judge and He would have been Just in sending me to a lost eternity.

I wanted desperately to be saved but I could not fit the pieces of the jigsaw into place. I was dealing with God and I just did not know where this Jesus fitted in!!

When the penny finally dropped and light entered my needy soul the joy was unspeakable. Release, freedom, life, forgiveness and an Advocate on Judgement Day!!

The Lord had set me free. He had forgiven me for all my sins and now I was righteous in His eyes. I was clothed with garments so bright I felt that my face was shining!

I had such a feeling of elation and relief that I honestly believed that if I touched someone else they would be able to feel it also!

I could not wait to tell others about what had happened. I spoke to every one I met and told them my story. Some I remember shed a tear while others laughed me to scorn.

As time went by it became more difficult to witness and to tell people about the Lord and His Salvation. My boldness was being replaced with embarrassment.

Life would be far easier if I just kept my mouth shut. If they ask me then I'll tell them but if not, why rock the boat? If I keep the law then all will be well and as long I do not backslide then no one can point the finger at me.

I was all for 'hassle free Christianity!'

I could easily follow why Legion wanted to go with His Lord and away from the village where there was no hiding. Everybody had known about Legion. He was the topic of local gossip.How were they going to accept what he was to tell them?

It would be far easier going somewhere new where people did not know him. There he would gladly tell his story without fear.

'Return to thine own house.'

The Lord could not have asked a more difficult thing for Legion to do. We are no different. The hardest place for us to witness is in our own home. We must though. It is imperative!

There is no way that we can allow our loved ones to go to a lost eternity. We must do all that we can to win them for Christ.

A word of warning here. We must at all times be aware of the sovereignty of Christ. Salvation is all of grace! It does not run in the blood. If our loved ones are eventually lost, then we must put our Amen to that. This requires great grace!

Remember, we could not even save ourselves, how then can we save others?

I was desperate to serve the Lord in my life, preferable somewhere other than this Island! Preferably somewhere other than Scotland! You see I had enjoyed telling folk in Romania about the Lord and there was no embarrassment attached to my witness. I simply told everyone that I met about Jesus. It was easy because nobody knew me!

It was so difficult to tell those at home and in my village the same story. I feared the embarrassment, the laughing, the scorn and the snide remarks. For much of the time I kept my big mouth shut.

God had other plans!

It took several health problems and 'shouts' from the Lord before I eventually listened. I was not going anywhere! If I was to serve God it was to be here in my own home and I had better get used to it.

It's not 'cool' for Dad to be building 'Christian' websites. It is even worse that he has his own 'Christian' website. I mean, how embarrassing is that? Not only that but he has put his testimony on the site for the whole world to see!!

Dad's can be so embarrassing!

'Why can't you just be normal Da?' 'Why do you have to talk to everyone about Jesus?' 'Nobody else does it, why should you?' 'Why can't you just take photos and leave the text out of it?' 'Why do you keep asking folk in the street for their testimony?' 'Da, you are such an embarrassment!'

I love my kids with all my heart and I have prayed for their souls since first I realised that they had been conceived. They have been surrounded in prayer and they also know their Bibles.

I know that I have been an embarrassment to them, but as they get older I am finding that respect for their Da and what he believes is slowly creeping in.

They are beginning to see that I am not ashamed to have Christ as my Lord in my life and in a strange way they are proud of that.

I have often felt as though I have taken my last breath on this earth, only to pull through. This has made me so aware of the nearness of eternity. We are all but a breath away.  

Since I no longer hold back on spiritual matters I have found that the Lord has given me courage to go and speak to those who had frightened me before.

If we are naturally shy it is no excuse for not telling His Story to others. We may not be as bold as others but openings will come and when they do, we must speak.

There are many who would love to see 'so and so' saved, yet they are happy to leave the witness to someone else. What if there is no one else?

What should I fear? God is on my side and it is His Story that I am telling. If people shun me, then so be it. Their blood is no longer on my hands. This to me is now a reality.

I simply cannot afford to allow folk to walk away and not tell them about salvation. It may the last time they will ever hear it.

For many, it may the first and only time that they will hear it.

Like Legion, we have a story to tell and come what may, we must begin at home. Then it must be our relations, our friends, our neighbours, our workmates and even our enemies.

The Lord used Legion in a mighty way. His witness was truly blessed and when Jesus made a return visit to that part of the country, they were all waiting for Him.

Will my embarrassment prevent telling someone about Jesus? Will a red face send a friend or a loved one to a lost eternity? Them that honour me, I will honour.

'Return to thine own house and shew how great things God hath done unto thee.


Your brother in Christ



Good morning everyone.  

Iain-thank you for the devotional this morning, certainly thought-provoking.

Pat, I'm hoping you feel better soon.  If you need anything, you know you can call me.

Marilyn-congratulations on the Budget deal.  When do you move officially?

Janet-been having a few problems with you posts?  Lol, well hopefully the problem will solve itself, how's Beth doing?

Happy fourth of July to all our United States brothers and sisters.


Good Morning: Well Iain  you have posted some thoughts that are very close to home for me. My youngest son  is one who was raised (by Me) to have a lot of new age ideas. He quit going to church with me when he was 12, that was before I knew Jesus. His salvation is questionable to say the least. I have talked to him about the Lord but so far he hasn't accepted fully what I have been telling him. However, we will have many hours in the truck together as we drive up north next Saturday, I will be talking to him again about the Lord if he doesn't kick me out of the truck I am determined that he will be saved by the time we get there. I have another son who believes and was saved as a child but is not necessarily living for theLord. He is one of those "good " people who think being a good person is all that is needed, his children are not saved.
I know it was hard for my children to really believe that what I had was real. because of the way I had led my life in the past.

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Here is a verse I received in my email this morning
I know this refirs to the bounty of blessings we receive but boy did I laugh.  Yeaterday it was one of the girls jobs to make sure the van was clear and no swim stuff was left in.  Well it rainned a heavy rain last night and when I got up this morning I found all the windows and the van door (the slider) open.  When she went out to close things up (closing the gate after the horses were gone), she found that the seats were just damp!

Pat I am sorry you are in such pain, Keep ice on your jaw, it will help with the swelling and pain.

Iain thank you for the devotional, I am going to read it in more detail in a bit.

All of you, Have a good day and enjoy the blessings he will shower down on you.

To our friends south of the border,  Happy 4th of July!

Have a great and Godly day

Al Moak

Thank you, brother Iain, for that challenge.  The question is quite simple: do we love God most or do we love the approval of men most?  Of course there are many other aspects to the situation - we should be tactful, we should let our good works speak for us, we should wait for people to question us . . .  But the truth of the matter is that we need boldness born out of love for our Lord.  May our God give each of us that boldness!


Thank you all for your prayers.  We got back from Denver at 5:00am.  It was a long drive.  Every thing went well with the infusion.  He didn't react at all.  I also got to see my mom. She came with us to the hospital. God is so good.

I had better run.  Zachery and I have a pie baking contest to enter.  I hope we are able to get it done.
Have a good day everyone.

Etta Sue

Judy Mc ~ Good morning.  Glad to see you are back home.  Missed you.

Papa John ~ It makes my heart smile when I read of you and Cornelia still getting out.  Thank God for Cornelia's recovery.  

mercychild ~ I do wish you would take it easy on that leg.  My, when the doctor says to stay off of it for two to three weeks, I think that I would try my best to do that.  Two to three weeks means it will take a long time to heal.  Two to three days, a short time.  So take it easy.  You don't want to have problems the rest of your life with that leg.  My son ignored a back injury way back when and still has flare ups!!!  

Marilyn ~ Did you get anything in writing about the cost of the U-haul?  Hope they don't 'up' it when you get it.  That is negative thinking.  Think positive, Etta Sue.  My, won't it be great when you get the U-haul for $500???

Janet ~ Don't you hate it when your pc acts up?  Keeps us out of touch with our cyberfriends!!!  Hope your pc or ISP has a miraculous cure today!

JudyB ~ Do you ever feel guilty when things seems to be good all the time?  I do.  Maybe that is what a positive attitude means.  My mother always told me...'No matter how bad things seem, it could be worse.  Thank God for what you have been dealt.'  There is a scripture verse in that, I think, too!

Pat ~ So glad that you got home safe and sound.  I know that having a tooth extracted and then driving all that way would be hard on anyone.  Just happy that you are safe and sound.

Jane ~ Good seems to always be in here when someone needs your prayers at that very time.  I am sure that Pat rested better after prayers when heavenward for her pain.

Iain ~ What a powerful message!  I can relate to a lot of your message.  You would never know by my posts but I am a very shy crowds.  I am a great talker one on one but I physically get sick if I think I have to get up in front of others to talk or even to walk across a room full of people to be excused.  I pray that I will take your message as my own and that some day, I, too, will witness to others the message of Christ Jesus.

Al ~ I wish I had known you when I was 'seeking' Christ.  Once I started studying and reading the Bible, I was like a sponge.  I read it like all books...front to back.  I remember even asking and thinking...'What has Christ got to do with all of this?'  I even asked what does it take to become a Christian?  And I still can't believe that no one told me.  Or how to know you are a Christian?  No one told me.  It is still so ironic to me.  It took me months to figure it all out and then it all fell into place.  Plunk!  A bright light turned on.  Now I'm thankful every day for the gift God gives us in Christ, the forgiveness of sins, the promise of everlasting life, the promise He will be with us each day, the assurance that we are His children and He is our Father.  

I pray that everyone has a wonderful and safe 4th of July.  Ivalou and I are going to Conner Prairie to 'The Symphony on the Prairie' and fireworks.  It will be crowed so our friends are picking us up around 3PM.  It will be a long day.  It is hot and humid...suppose to get to 92°F.  It is 86°F now, 66% humidity with a heat index of 93° right now! Whew!!!


"Your final exit will be your greatest entrance."

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  Pat, so sorry to read that you are having so much pain.  That procedure sounds very unpleasant.  It sounds like you needed someone to drive you to the dentist as that must have been a very unpleasant trip back unless the deadening was still in effect.

Iain, I am certainly glad that you didn't erase your testimony this morning.  What a wonderful sharing and I am sure that most of us can relate very well to what you have said.  

Judy, glad to see you back posting and hope you are resting better now at night.  

Jen, I don't think your doctor was telling you to stay off your leg for several weeks just to hear himself talk.  He obviously know that such rest is important to your healing and I do hope you will listen and try to follow his advice.  While several weeks seems like a long time when we are young, it really is a very short time in our life and you certainly don't want to live with pain in this knee for the rest of your life if it can be prevented.  I'll get off my soapbox now!   ::)

Etta Sue, the concert sound like fun but I don't envy you the late afternoon heat.  Sure hope you have a place to wait that is shaded and that you have a place to sit.  I will be watching my fireworks on tv this evening and hearing them as they are fired off not far from here.  Mr. Tiggers really hates them and expect he will spend the evening under the bed trying to hide from the noise.  In Georgia it is illegal for individuals to have or fire off any type of fireworks but it doesn't seem to deter people from doing so.

Sonja, sure happy to hear that the treatment went well for Zachery and that he is up to helping you make a pie for the contest.  I will be praying for him that the treatment produces good results.

Judyb, this time of the year your car seats will dry out quickly.  It sounds like you took the occurrence with good humor.

We have no paticular plans for this holiday.  Pat is going to grill some hamburgers and chicken before long.  Our grill is on the side of the house where the afternoon sun hits and it gets too hot to grill out in the evening.  This will be our first grilled food of the season and we didn't use the grill much last year.

Hope everyone has a good day.


Etta Sue: yes I did get it in writing off the internet and printed it out. I did the same with Budget, but when I called the local outlet for the truck I was told that the quotes from the internet were to hard for her to figure out how to do. and that the discounts for making my reservation on the internet didn't count. All that was baloney. I am going to email the main office and complain.
I've been doing lots of laundry, actually washing all my bedding, blankets and pillows. I can only put in 2 pillows at a time and the feather pillows not at all. I want everything to be clean whenI move into the new place.

I am not doing anything today, just staying here at home where I will be cool. Supposed to be 108-110 today.

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Well, here I am...  I'm still in my night clothes and I might even crawl back between the covers.

Thanks so much Iain.  What a message you left today!  I hope that we all read it very carefully and take it to heart.

I just won't mention everyone today.  My jaw is throbbing and it's time for another tablet.  Iain, I must travel that far to have the work done at the Dental College.  There are many, many dentists here in Guelph but they all charge so much and since Jack passed away, I just can't afford it.

All that work yesterday having surgery cost me only $24.00 and that to me is just amazing!  I have a great student too.  I'd love for us all to pray for him.  His name is Jawad Tawil and he's from Syria.  He was a dentist in Syria and then came to the USA and worked in Boston, MA for 3 years and then decided to come to Canada.  So that he can be licenced for our country, he must go to the Dental University for two years so really I have a wonderful student working on me!

I must go and take a tablet and I'll be back later.  I didn't have to go to Hamilton today either.  (The Lord knew I'd not feel like it!)  The radiation machine that Larry uses was broken so they phoned him and told him not to come till Monday.

Thanks for all the nice messages.  I'm so sorry about your cousin, Larry.  But for him it's wonderful that he's rejoicing and worshipping his Saviour.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Etta Sue and Al-I know I should do what the doctor says, but I've been exercising on it all week, and it hasn't done any harm, even the doctor said it was healing.  I'm not too worried about it, it doesn't hurt, the swelling has gone down, and range of motion has increased.

Pat-sounds like you've been pretty busy.  Good to see you on again this morning.

Sonja-glad to hear that everything went well for you in Denver.  Want to bring your winning pie my way? ;)

Jane Walker

Hey PAT!   I think maybe Iain was thinking you had to go all the way to London England for your dental work!    :o   :P

Hi Etta Sue ... I often roam around here late at night cuz I figure all y'all are in bed and I won't be bothering anyone.   :P  

I am staying to myself today, as in all the other days, and will be reading and thinking and studying and...stuff!  I may make a cd of worship music for my pastor Bev ... she has been in pain for a long time from an infection in her body ... we are praying her healing will be manifested soon because she has suffered long enough.  She has faith and KNOWS she is healed ... the healing has not been manifested as yet.

Hope all y'all have a great day with the Lord.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


Pat - I do pray that your pain will soon ease. Looks like Jane was the only one to pick up on my sad sense of humour!


Yes Larry they have dried out quite well, and Yes there is no need to get worked up about this.  There are far too many things that we need to be worked up about without letting a thisng like this get me down.

I know a pastor who has said that we cannot receive God's blessings if we have a negative attitude.  There are too many people in this world that are negative and and nothing seems to go right for them.  If we look at the bright side we are open to receive the blessiongs.

Well folks I will be away for a few days I have to go south with John to drive for him.  He has 2 courses to teach in Kitchener.  Then we will be picking up his mother to spend time with us.   She is an elderly lady of 81 and it will be a challenge having her here with the girls and their excitement.

God bless all

Papa John

A beautiful day here today this 4th of July.  This is one of our great summer holidays.  We got up early again this morning and went to the Lipscomb Lectures.  We heard two very good speakers and then visited the various displays and booths.

Later today we will have a cook out with hamburgers and hot dogs etc.  We will have daughters, sons-in-law, grandchildren and several others.  We always enjoy it when the family comes in.

I hope you all have a good day.  I am thankful today and every day for God's promise to us in Christ.  He gave his life for us that we might be saved.  

Heb 5:8-9  Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered  and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him (NIV)

--- Papa John    ;D          <:))))><<

Eph 2:8-9  For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- not by works, so that no one can boast.(NIV)

<img src="" border=0
alt="Click for Nashville, Tennessee Forecast" height=41 width=127>



We won 1st place.

We made a Cherry Supreme Pie.
1 can of sweetened condensed milk
1/3 Cup lemon juice.
1 can lightly sweetened or tart cherrys well drained
2 cups whipped cream
1/2 cup cut walnuts

Mix the sweetened condensed milk and lemon juice till thick.  Fold the rest of ingrediants, put in a pie crust and chill.

This is a pie my mom made for Thanksgiving when I was a little kid.  It is really good and easy to make.


Well done sis and Zachery!!


Chris & Margit Saunders

Pat, we pray that you will soon be restored to your usual good health and strength.
Good preaching as usual Iain, well said bro,
we are proud of you! ;)
Regards to all, Chris and Margit.


Zachery and Sonja.

Maybe you should post the recipe in the recipe discussion under deserts.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website

Jane Walker

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


Chrismar - You guys look great. Time you stared to post angain Chris. You both have much to offer. No point in keeping all those good thoughts to yourselves.


Jerry L. Sowers

Congratulations Sonja and Zachary!!!! ;)

Not too much going on here today or tonight! No one to watch fireworks with so I will stay home. I did take a trip to Wally World in Greenfield this afternoon and spent more than I intended, but thats okay! I was in hopes Nascar Busch cars were televised tonight, but that isn't the case. I will listen on the radio I guess, MRN 1260am on the dial. Tomorrow the Craftsman Trucks will be on the Speed channel and MRN, but I gave up my satellite dish and  don't have cable so I will probably listen to it on radio also. Tomorrow night The cup cars will be on NBC so I will watch that, Sonja, Daytona--Pepsi 400 7:00pm EST I don't know how that relates to your time.


Congratulations to Zachary and Sonja!  Now, I'll put some coffee on and we'll all have a piece of your pie and some coffee, how does that sound?


Thanks for the good wishes.   My jaw is still swollen and my face looks like a one-sided chipmunk!

Great to see you posting in here, Chris!  I agree with Iain that I'd be so pleased to see you posting in here each day.

Sonja and Zachery!

That's just wonderful that you won the 1st prize!  I agree that it would be nice to have a piece right now!

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"