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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

New Every Morning~May 14

Started by Pat, May 14, 2003, 12:14:29 AM

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Morning Devotional...

The Lord appeared again in Shiloh.        1 Samuel 3:21

In this world where things are constantly changing, sometimes it's good to have an "again" like this in one's life.

Jonah needed it--he had fled from God's presence (or so he thought!) but God wasn't finished with him. That is why the word of the Lord came to him again (Jonah 3:1).

In our verse, Samuel had the experience of a midnight call from God, the trauma of a family crisis, and the beginning of his ministry.

In such times of change we need, on a regular basis, to enjoy and expect the renewed presence of God in our lives.

Wait on Him and He will meet your need--again.
                                                                                 --Craig Funston--

In our sickness and our health,
in our want or in our wealth,
If we look to God in prayer,
He is present everywhere.
--Oliver Holden--

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Meika said:

QuoteIt is a wory for me when everyone will want to pray for me here. I wonder if I do something SO wrong that God must help. It is a puzzle to me at times.

Meika, even if we have been christians for 40 years we need the Lord to guide us and protect us every day of our lives.  We are helpless without His help, so we come each day to pray for ourselves and for those who God puts on our hearts.  There is a sense that all christians are like babes in that we cannot face the temptations of the day in our own strength.  Don't worry too much about people praying for you, I hope they pray for me too - I really need it :)



The devotional this morning was so wonderful.  The preacher at our church last Sunday mentioned that backsliding can occur very gradually.  Firstly we usually become less regular in our private devotions, i.e. we knock off prayer and bible reading.  How I need to truly wait upon the Lord throughout each day.

Thanks for putting the devotional up Pat.



Good morning everyone.....wow just finished going over yesterday's posts....my goodness it took me 1/2 an hour to read them all.....whoooweee....what great questions you  ask Mieka....and what great answers have come about through your questions.

About talking to and worshipping the cross....I think Pat answered that very honestly....God does tell us in His word that we should not worship idols....anything that is manmade and anything that is not God...there is only one true God and He is invisible in the physical sense...but the whole world shouts out His praises in many ways.

Good morning to you Anthony....good to see your post so bright and early and I pray you are well and things are going good with the new camera.....God bless you brother and yes we are praying for you on a daily basis.....:)

Great devotion Pat....quite often we tend to flee from God's presence when we decide to do things our own way and in our own timing cause we are impatient and lacking in trust .....I am always doin that that the Lord is sooo patient with me....but He also reminds me through His word that what I am doing is not right....anything that we do that takes us away from Him is sin.....so we always need the prayers of others to help us.....


Paulette, I was so surprised to see you posting so early in the morning.  I hope that all is well with you.  I tend to agree about your views on idolatry.  It is also true that things that are not tangible can be idols to us too.  I hope no-one misunderstands me with what I am about to say, but some of the thoughts expressed on Mother's day cause me to wonder sometimes.  When I think of some of the mothers who live by me I don't see anything magical about them.  Many of them need a good spanking they are so naughty and anti-social.  If we set any group of people up on a pedastle, we are in danger of idolising those people.  Idolatry can show itself in many forms.  We must be on our guard against all forms of idolatry.

Thank you for your prayers Paulette and please tell Jen that we are thinking of her very much.  She is sorely missed.

God bless,



Good Morning Everyone...

Lots to do today so this is a "just drop in and say 'Hi'" visit to you all!

Great to see you Paulette and Anthony!

Have a good day everyone!

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Good morning to all!

I am stopping in to greet all of you and wish you a great day---today and tomorrow.  We are leaving around noon to go and move Curtis home from college for the summer.  Tonight we will stay at my youngest daughter's in Salina, then on to Manhattan in the morning.  We will probably get home rather late tomorrow night.  At least, that's the plan!

I'm here earlier because we didn't go for our usual swim this morning. :(

Larry, I am thinking of you and hoping for good news.

Janice, how is Earl today?  We are still praying for you both.

My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Papa John

Good morning.  Good to see each one today.  Pat, thanks for the devotional.  When I read it I thought of how God used to speak to his people through prophets but now God comes to us today through Jesus Christ.

1 Sam 3:20-21  And all Israel from Dan to Beersheba recognized that Samuel was attested as a prophet of the LORD. The LORD continued to appear at Shiloh, and there he revealed himself to Samuel through his word.  (NIV)

Heb 1:1-2  In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways,  but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe.  (NIV)

Anthony, I understand and appreciate what you said about worshiping our mothers.  I believe there is another sense in which we worship our mothers and there is nothing wrong with it.  We love them, respect them, and honor them.  
Rom 13:7  Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor. (NIV)

I hope you all have a good day today.

--- Papa John    ;D          

Eph 2:8-9  For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- not by works, so that no one can boast.(NIV)

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Good Morning Anthony Paulette and Janet. By the way just where has Jen been? I am going in to work for a couple of hours this morning because I need 2 more hours to make my hours up to 50 for the pay period, then I am going to get my hair trimmed for the last time before I leave here in July. It is cloudy here in the desert this morning and it is predicted that there will be thunderstorms and a light chance of rain even though it is expected to be 85 F later today. So after I shut down the computer I will be unplugging it as well.Don't want to take any chances of power surges wiping it out.

Pat thank you for the devotional today it is so crucial that we depend on God and seek His face in all that we do. So manytimes Christians, though they do not realize it, depend on themselves instead of trusting in and waiting on God. There are times when I am guilty of this and God has to spank me to bring me back to wait upon Him. He spanks me through His word. Well of to the other forums here.  
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  I have just read through the messages that I had not seen for yesterday plus those posted already today.  

Mieka, I don't believe we can have to much prayer offered in our behalf.  I also know that many people have prayed for me and I will never know who they are but I certainly do receive comfort in knowing that is happening.  

Pat, another great devotional and I particularly liked the little poem at the end.  Thanks for posting these each day.

Janet, I know you will be glad to have Curtis home for the summer.  Doesn't the school year go by quickly.  Our traffic situation in our little town is so much easier when school is out and it gets out on the 28th.  Anyway, hope you have a nice trip and don't lift anything too heavy, let Curtis do the lifting.

I am trying to get things rolling on the EECP treatments but from something I read on the web last night I may have to wait awhile since I just had the heart catherization.  I have a call in to the place that does the treatments and hope to hear back from them today.

I will try to get back later.  Hope everyone has a good day and those that are ill have a better day today.


Good Morning to all!  Meika does ask good questions and good answers have been given.

Received an email from Russia yesterday about a new convert of one year, Natalie, who is under persecution from her family and friends for becoming a Christian.  Prayers for her are requested.

Hi to Pat, and thanks for the great devotional.

Hebrews 4:13  "Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight.  Everything is uncovered and laid bare befoe the eyes of him to whom we must give account."


Hi Joan!  I'm so happy that your posting problems are all ironed out now.  We'll have to remember to pray for Natalie in Russia.

Great to see you posting, Larry.  Keep us posted on the treatments, ok?

Thanks for the added little devotional, Papa John.  I liked what you said about Mothers as well.  I sure enjoyed my weekend with my kids.

Marilyn, will you get another photo taken after your new "do" at the hairdresser?  

Well, I want you all to CLICK HERE[/b] and see our first POSTCARD!  I think that Etta Sue has done a marvelous job!  I haven't even begun to think of one yet.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Al Moak

The word that has come to my mind is the word superstition.  My dictionary defines it as "a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation; an irational sbject attitude of mind toward the supernatural, nature, ..."  The reason God prohibited idos, etc. was superstition - He knew that we have a strong tendency toward "fear of the unknown," etc.  And He knew that we have a tendency to "worship" what we fear.  If there is any of that in anything we do, then there is a tendency to idolize, and we must try our very best to avoid any such thing.  I personally know that I might have a superstitious tendency, so I don't use the cross, statues, or any such thing.  I will not judge others in this regard, though I might warn my brothers/sisters not to place themselves in positions that might result in idolatry because of our weaknesses.  The Word of God, pure and objectively complete is enough for any of us - we need no other reminders.  May God therefore turn our eyes upon the written Word and through it reveal Jesus to us. And may that move us to worship only Him.


Pat you probably won't even be able to tell I've had my hair cut. I am letting it grow and my hairdresser has only been trimming it while the layers grow out to get it all one length. But I will take my camera and have her take a photo, then as soon as my new cable arrives I will download and post it. BTW Pat, I hear you are a collector of recipes.

Sonja How is Zachery doing with his new diet.?

Janet I pray you will have a safe trip.

Joan I will remember Natalie in my prayers.

Papa John thank you for you additions to the devotional. I remember that the comandment of "Honor thy father and thy mother" comes with  promise of a long life. I feel that by celebrating Father's day and Mother's day we are obeying that commandment. WE are not idolizing them but honoring them.

My grandchildren gave me a Jesus night lite for Christmas a year ago. I have told them that Jesus lives at my house. They have also given me angel figurines as gifts. Thier other grand mother is  making a collection of fairies for my g-daughter, which I do not approve of, but I have said nothing about it. If you recall they are a  different denomination than I and I see things that they do that I would not do. But I am not their judge, that is between them and God. I am not the "worldly" person I used to be, I got rid of all the secular tapes and movies that I had and have replaced them with all Christian music and movies. It is a rare thing to hear secular music in my house.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Etta Sue

Mieka ~
QuoteI only talk to the Buddah like I talk to the other things in my life. He is not at all a Idol for me. I know it is a bother for some that I have him at all, because I am from China and it is a culture there.

My life is quite different today. I am a Christian, I will try hard to be a good one. I have still Many many many questions.

I think I am still on the right path.

I was trying to put myself in your shoes.  When you came to America, did you bring very many possessions with you?  (No need to answer that) I don't know what kind of life you had in China but you surely do have some good memories of life there.  IF I were to go to a different country and was not able to take many possessions...what would I take with me?  I would take the things that were most dearest to my heart at that time.  We all change and we all learn.  Thank God, you are learning of Jesus and that He is the I AM.  Even still, us humans have a tendency to hold onto the past even when we know that the past is gone.  

I think I have the right thoughts but I am terrible at putting my thoughts into words at times.  I know we are not to store up possessions so why do we have homes that hold more than the necessities of life?  I am sitting here thinking, if I were to move into a one room apartment (or nursing home  :(), what would I take with me that would fit into that room?  

Mieka ~ I truly believe you are on the right path.  We are both about the same age in our Christian life.  We are both learning.  God Bless You.

Anthony ~ I may not understand your meaning on Mother's Day.  I didn't/don't idolize my mother.  I didn't/don't worship my mother.  I did/do respect my mother.  I do/did honor my mother.  I don't remember of ever being angry with my mother that I would not talk to her.  She was my mother.  There are just some things that I could not say or do against my mother no matter what she did or said.  The same goes for my father.  I don't know about other parents, but I respected and honored mine.  And I wouldn't put my parents in the same group of ALL parents.  Mine were special... ;)

Marilyn ~ After your new do, why don't you practice taking a self/time lapsed image of yourself!  

Larry ~ I am so glad to see you posting this morning.  I truly want to believe that if we knew how many were praying for our behalf, we would be astounded!  My prayers are with you.

I had a wonderful early morning talking with Ivalou.  We have such a great friendship and I am so thankful that I am just 50 steps away.  She is my sound board...we can discuss just about anything.  We could fix the whole world if the whole world would listen to us.   ;D  :D  ;)

It is cool and gloomy in Indiana.  A great day to get a good book and read.  I started 'Armageddon' last night.  Sounds like a great day to get into it more.

God Bless All of You and I pray I have not offended anyone with my posts.  

"On Mother's Day, I think moms should be able to wake up and say to themselves:  I'm not just a housewife, I'm a domestic goddess!"


Good Morning everyone!

It is a beautiful day here.  I can't wait to go outside and play.  hehe..

Anthony~What are you plans for the day?  Are you loading up with those batteries.  :o ;D  Are you taking pictures for the new challenge on DPC?  I have taken some.  I think I will take some more later today.  I am never satisfied.  ::)

Marilyn~Zachery is doing better with his diet.  I spoke with a nutritionist or dietition, what ever they are called and we found out more about what he can and can not eat.  And lettuce is something he should not be eating.  All his fruits and vegies must be cooked, this is just untill his intestines heal.  About 3 months.Thanks for asking.  
I am so excited for you about your camera.  I can't wait to see the pictures.  What is taking that mailman soooo long!!!   ;) ;D

Hello Pat, Papa John, Joan, Larry, and tenderheart.  It is good to see you posting.  
I hope you all have a good day.  

Etta Sue

Al ~ Thank you for your words.  I know there are somethings that are old sayings that WERE very much superstitions at one time...Knock on wood...don't walk under a ladder...throw salt over your left shoulder if you spill salt...say "Bread & Butter' if you are walking with someone and a pole or something comes between you...step on a crack, break your Mother's back...etc.  You know, I still say and do some of these things but they are not done because I believe I will have good luck or bad luck.  They are just sayings that have been handed down through the years and bring memories of the past seeing my granddad throwing salt over his shoulder, mom knocking on wood, playing on the sidewalk at school, walking hand in hand with my first boy friend and being around ladders on this farm as a kid.  God knows what is in my heart and what I am thinking.  Words are just that...words for teaching and learning.  It is our thoughts that have meaning.  Am I wrong?

Also has anyone noticed that when you post, the next page is your post on that forum?  I like that.

Etta Sue

It didn't do it that time.... :(


Hi Etta Sue!

(That's a great postcard by the way! and I really mean that!)

As far as posting a message, I went to the Control Panel last evening and ticked something that said "Return to the Topic" so hopefully this is what you're speaking of and I like that too.

I'll see if it happens with this post!

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Yep!  I like that too!

It takes you after posting to the bottom of the page where your post is.

Glad you like it.

So many people like me have typos that we'd like to correct but not seeing our post, we didn't see our mistakes or errors in whatever we were saying so hopefully this will help us edit, etc.    (HAHAHA!  It was really for me I did this!  LOL)

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Etta Sue

Good morning, Pat.  I noticed it last evening when I was posting my postcard.  I really like that.  Saves a little time when posting.

And thank you very much for the compliment on the post card.  It was fun doing and a learning experiment also.  I have done that with my Greeting Card software but this was a first with PSP.  We all need warm fuzzies once in a while.


I am going to have to try it now and see if it works.

Sorry Etta Sue for taking you spot. ;D


It didn't work for me.  oh well I don't mind clicking into  New every morning and the on 2 page and then scrolling down.  Really it isn't a bother at all.  

<sonja stretches her fingers because of a cramp>


they are both a very nice cards. Ms Etta Sue, you did not take long at all to do yours. I fear I might not have time to do one for these two challenge. I will be going away next week and I have much to do still. (and i do not have a camera this week)


Well, it's good to see everyone posting today.  I have just returned from visiting a friend with multiple sclerosis who is having a particularly bad time.  His name is Nigel if anyone would like to remember him in prayer.  He is a strong believer and full of faith, but is really having trouble.

Sonja, I still haven't got my camera back from the shop yet.  They are acting very badly and I hope they will return my goods soon.

With regards to honouring mothers.  I don't like honouring particular groups, because within all groups there are evil people.  So to set a group of people up as being special doesn't seem right to me.  It is right to show respect to our parents, but there are some male parents too and I do not understand why mothers are shown more respect than fathers.  This to me is being involved in the sin of respecting persons.  I realise that people will disagree, but I feel strongly about these things and I am glad that churches in the UK don't give gifts out during mother's day, we just treat it like any other worship service and devote our time to praising the Almighty God.

Well, I am off to look at the other forums and to see if any more photographs have been posted.



 ??? It is a strange thought to me Mr Anthony.

I will honor you as my friend and give you a flower.  ;D I think love should be everywhere and I honor the ones I love and respect.
I know I am to Honor my Mother and Father.
I hope God will undarstand I Honor the ones I think of as My parents, every day, and on mother/father day too.


Well, Anthony, if you click on the calendar above, you'll see that over here we have Father's Day on June 15 and I forget but there's Grandparents' Day too somewhere along the line.

These days were very special to Jack and I during our 40 years of marriage and Jack taught the kids that honouring their mother was something that they should do always but it was so nice to get a special card and maybe a plant on Mother's Day.  

And I did the same for Father's Day.  (Grandparents Day is something that for me is relatively new).

Cards for Jack and I were very, very special little momentos during our life and we shared them every opportunity we could get.  Some of our times in the 40 years together were very poor ones indeed as far as our income was concerned and when gifts were definitely out of the question but always a card could either be purchased or made and I cherished each and every one of them I received.  I still have many of them too.

I know that when we lived in Ireland, Mother's Day and Father's Day were almost unheard of but instead there was a "Mothering Sunday" where mothers were honoured during a church service but nothing like we have over here but Jack and I still recognized these days and in fact, I had cards for his parents flown over so that we could celebrate their day with them.  

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Mieka, That was a great reply.  You are so good with words.  

Anthony~there is a Father's Day too.  It is next month.  

I agree that there are bad mothers and bad fathers out there that do not need to ge honored, but there is those good parents that try hard to do what God wants.  I think those parents should be reconized and honored.  They go through a whole year of getting up going to work or preparing dinners, getting kids dressed and schooled.  Never mind.  I guess you have to be a parent to understand the meaning behind it.  :)


Well, I'm off to dig up some raspberry canes to make room for my Square Foot Gardening boxes.  If I don't do it now, it will be too late to plant anything!

Talk to you all later!

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


I am sending the camera back today.
1. it is not the one I ordered.
2. the flash doesn't work.
3 the modes don't change like they are supposed to.

What do I want with a camrera that doesn't do what it is supposed to do. I called the company and got the retuned Merchandise address and wrote them a letter telling the what is wrong with it. It is a childs toy. Can  you tell I am upset. Now lets all pray that they send my order ASAP so they will have a satisfied customer.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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