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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

New Every Morning~October 11

Started by Pat, October 11, 2003, 12:47:37 AM

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Lee Kirkwood


I've been beaten by older men than you, and they'll do it again.  I don't play to a handicap for my own reasons, and if you can, it would be my pleasure to go a round, but I'd fight you all the way. ;D

Oh yes, and I never get  >:(

Lee Kirkwood


Job 22:1-30 is Eliphaz' accusing Job of being a wicked man and he really gets in there and attacks Job heavily, accusing Job that his own sins were the reason for his suffering (Of course he was wrong).  Eliphaz told Job to repent of his sins and a life of blessings would be restored to him.  Obviously (And unfortunately) Eliphaz believed Job wasn't innocent, and was in Job's face over it.  Unfortunately, Eliphaz, like men of today, was too quick to judge, and by man's standards, put words in God's mouth.  "Pray to Him Job, and God will hear you, and after He hears you then Job, He'll restore all you've lost and your suffering will cease "Pay your vows" (Everything you have ever vowed to God in promises".  Eliphaz didn't say, but it must have sounded to Job that Eliphaz was saying: "Shame on you Job" (My words).

Poor misguided Eliphaz had no idea that one of the greatest Spiritual warfares in heaven and on earth was taking place.

Marilyn, I've paraphrased the Word.


Lee: Okay so Vows are promises we have made to God. Like "you do this and I'll do that."Thanks Lee. I don't know why the Lord put that scripture in my head as I was waking up this morning but there has to be a reason for it. I sure hope the light comes on soon.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Thanks for that, Lee.  

I just started reading the book of Job yesterday.  

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


This was one of Jack's favourites...

(Click title for music)

The Bible stands like a rock undaunted
'Mid the raging storms of time;
Its pages burn with the truth eternal,
And they glow with a light sublime.

The Bible stands tho the hills may tumble,
It will firmly stand when the earth shall crumble,
I will plant my feet on its firm foundation,
For the bible stands.

The Bible stands like a mountain tow'ring
Far above the works of men;
Its truth by none ever was refuted,
And destroy it they never can.

The Bible stands, and it will forever
When the world has passed away;
By inspiration it has been given;
All its precepts I will obey.

The Bible stands ev'ry test we give it
For its Author is divine;
By grace alone I expect to live it
And to prove it and make it mine.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


I wish you all tomorrrow a happy Thanksgiving Day

In Holland it is now Sunday it is 1.25AM
time for me to go to bed.

I wish you all a good evening and also a goodnight

Till tomorrow

Bye lots of love RIA


Etta Sue
I did not know exactly where your home was located, but did not think it that far from Evansvile.  So you are north by a bunch.

I live halfway between Dallas Texas and Shreveport La.  just off Interstate 20 a few miles.  Lufkin is probably 80 miles south and west of me.

Lee, it would be nice to play a round of golf with you, but I am not accustomed to having an Elk or Moose (which ever that thing was in the picture) sharing the golf course with me.  ;D ;D

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding; In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths.
Proverb 3:5-6


"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


I'm home again!  It was a long drive to Jetmore for my painting meeting.  I stopped along the way and picked up two of the other ladies.  We painted watercolor greeting cards, it was fun.

Today is my hubby's birthday, so I need to figure out what nice something I can do for him.  He had steaks all ready to grill when I walked in the door at 5:20.  He had asked if I had any idea what time I'd be home, and I told him my best guess was somewhere around 5.  I would have been here by then, but I stopped to fill the car with gas. :)

I'm going to take a quick look in the photo section, see you tomorrow!
My book Rising Above available at

Jeanne Lee

It looks like today was the last of our Indian Summer warmth with temperatures in the 70's and we took the air conditioners out of the windows.  And what a mess those windows were!   :-\  Oh well, if I really buckle down I may get my fall cleaning done - last fall that is.   ;D

Boots, belated congratulations on 50 years of wedded bliss.  Gene and I are both on our second "go-round" and only have 14 years behind us.  If we ever made 50 we'd be 107 and 111 years old.   ::)  (I'm glad I was able to help you on SN, way back when!  ;))
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127


Say Lee up here in the north we call moose "swamp donkeys".   ::) This is a nick name us northerners have given them.  John has had mose walk across the fron of the truck as he has been barreling down the highway.  We are accostomed  to check for red eyes on the side of the road as we drive, I have missed many deer this way.  Where there is one there are two.

Boots in my driving days we have been in your neck of the woods.  As I read the directions off to John we both realized we could have stopped for a coffee with you.  Tea for me please. ;D

We have had another glorious day.  The trees are in full colour and the sky is clear.  We have been told that the cold weather is coming probably in the next day or two.  WE can enjoy the warmth while we have it.

Have a good evening all.
Love JudyB

Judy McKenna

Jeanne - isn't it good getting things like windows, walls etc you a good feeling.

We wentr to Staples this afternoon, and bought a new printer.  This is the 3rd one in 5 years  I hope this one lasts better than the previous ones.

This time I convinced Norm to buy a good quality one.

we also bought a new key board., as this one I'm using is so loud.  Everytime I hit the space bar, it "thumps".  I'd like to get a scanner, guess it dosen't make sense to get one if I don't have a digital camera does it.

I see I've missed your birthday Etta Sue., I hope it was a good one.

I'll try and do better!
"I am too blessed to be stressed".


Judy, you won't use a scanner when you have a digital camera.  It's now you use a scanner when you want to digitalize the photos you have in the frames on the walls and in those photo albums of yours.

You never use a scanner for the digital camera.

So go and get one!

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Judy McKenna

Ohhh., I'll do that!  Now I'll have to ask the sales rep how to use it., and how to email them to you!
"I am too blessed to be stressed".


"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


I was just reading over Iain's devotional again.  Sometimes it's good to read it twice, three times or more.  This stood out when I just read it.


Like a penny dropping, I knew there and then that I was on the side of the King. Christ the Saviour of sinners was my Saviour. He had died for me and all my sins were forgiven.

I was saved there and then and I have never doubted that salvation since.

What about the day YOU were saved?  What a wonderful day that was, would you agree?  To realize that Christ died for you and that all of your sins were forgiven?  Oh, what a happy day!

I just so enjoyed going back and reading Iain's wonderful devotional again.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Judy McKenna

Thank you Pat... I'll take you up on the offer... and you can come for supper.

Etta Sue - wow... you live 24 miles from your church?? and I complain because I live 7 miles from mine!

Etta Sue:  Did you happen to see Oprah the day she went to Nacoguches?  Apparently there was a lady in a previous audience who said EVERYBODY loves what did Oprah do?  she went to Nacoguches., the whole town turned out to see her.  It was a really heart warming episode.

Oprah has changed her format a lot (for the better) I'd say.  She has interesting topics, such as the one I mentioned; more family oriented shows.

Its nice to know that there are programs like that on at the time-slots when the children come home from school.

Our church is starting the 40 days of Purpose too.  Apparently we are to purchase a work book.  I don't know too much about it yet.  I'm not too sure I will even like the way the services will go.  We absolutely never have what you would call an Evangelistic service anymore.

Do your churches have an "Altar Call"?  I mentioned this to someone from church just last week.  They replied :" thats old fashioned"!!
"I am too blessed to be stressed".


I know it's not "morning" right now, but I just want to say hello to everyone  :)

I hope everybody has a good Sunday tomorrow!

I heard a cool song a couple of days back, with lyrics something like this...

"If we're the body of Christ, why aren't His arms reaching out?????"

Kinda hit home for me.  Waaaayyyy too self centered in what I do.
I survived open heart surgery.... :)

Check out my blog at


Nice to see you posting in here, Bernard.  Have you looked at our Autumn Colours Challenge[/b]???

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Judy: we have an "Altar Call" every Sunday.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Hello hello hello!!

I was going to comment to a couple of people, but now don't remember what it was.  Sorry about that.

I do remember that "The Anchor Holds" is sung by Ray Boltz, if that helps anyone find the music.

We went riding today; got some color pictures.  Would show them to you, but they are still on the camera.  Pull up a chair and you can look at the LCD, okay?

Have a good evening; I'm going to go look at some pics.


Yes Pat, I remember it well.  Somehow that joy comes and goes....but have found that it never really departs.  Jesus is always there, even when we neglect him....

Our church doesn't have Altar Calls now...each new minister brings their own agenda.  Have always felt it to be a necessary part of the church service.  Sometimes that invitation was all people needed to prompt them to make a decision for Christ.

Have a nice evening and God Bless.  Liz


Bernard, it is good to see you posting.  I will try to get my husband to start posting again.

We had a fantastic day.  I got lots of pictures of the family and have posted them if anyone is interested.  I am so glad I don't have to pay someone $200.00 to take them.  

Hope you are all having a good evening.

Wow!  :o I just looked at the time.  9:00pm. I better get the kids ready for


"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"



"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Hello ya'll
Today's been busy busy busy trying to get everything cleaned and rearranged. means i'm going to have to alter how i clean on thursdays. i finally got my room cleaned was going to rearrage it but haven't had time and now it is to late and dad has went to bed(have to have him help b/c things are too large and heavy for me to move with out dragging them and scratching up the floor) so how has everyone been today? i've been alright sore and tired now think i might actually sleep tonight. tomorrow we got church, domenics baptism then a youth rally. so it should be busy i'll leave the house around 9 tomorrow morning and get back around 8 or 9 tomorrow night! so i will talk with ya'll later!


(Click title to hear music)

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found;
Was blind, but now I see.

'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come;
'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promised good to me,
His Word my hope secures;
He will my Shield and Portion be,
As long as life endures.

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess, within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.

The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,
The sun forbear to shine;
But God, Who called me here below,
Shall be forever mine.

When we've been there ten thousand years,
Bright shining as the sun,
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we'd first begun.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Imagine with me back to the year 1746. A ship is docking on the coast of West Africa. Its purpose is to snatch unsuspecting people and sell them as slaves in the far off countries. The captain of this ship is known far and wide for his debauchery, vulgarity and blasphemy.

But one day in 1748, while reading the book "The Imitation of Christ" by Thomas a Kempis, our captain comes face to face with his sin and turns his life over to Jesus, the Savior of sinners.

Our captain is John Newton. After his conversion and dedication to Christ, he became a pastor and hymn writer.

His most famous of hymns, "Amazing Grace", is a testimonial of his conversion to Christ.


"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Lee Kirkwood

Actually Pat, I think your picture was for the birds. ;)