
Help us Congratulate the Winner of Mini Challenge #106~My Favorite Things
Congratulations Fotobirder!
Bird Photos In Snow

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Help us Congratulate the Winner of Mini Challenge #106~My Favorite Things
Congratulations Fotobirder!
Bird Photos In Snow

Today's Verse

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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

New Every Morning~October 7

Started by Pat, October 07, 2003, 12:37:26 AM

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Please continue to pray for Papa John
who had suffered a set back but the news today seems a wee bit better!

Let's pray this morning for him
and his dear family that he will continue to improve.

Please join us here[/b][/color]

Morning Devotional...

His name shall be called Wonderful...
Isaiah 9:6

Redeemed with...the precious blood of Christ.
1 Peter 1:18-19

Beautiful...are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings.
Isa. 52:7

His name is wonderful because He is a wonderful person.

His blood is precious because it was the only blood that could atone for the sins of the world.

His feet are beautiful because they were pierced to carry the glad tidings of salvation to mankind.

Let us worship Him today.
                                                                       --Milton Haack

O Jesus, King most wonderful,
Thou Conqueror renowned,
Thou Sweetness most ineffable,
In whom all joys are found!

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


9.15 a.m.

Pat thank-you.

     "Thy sweetness quite ineffable"......I can smell the "Perfumes".........PRAISE HIM"!

WONDERFUL NEWS RE PAPA JOHN.  Prayers will continue for him over here too.

I have just had a glimpse at last nights postings. ...last afternoon/evening to most of you.  I will go back and read more carefully later as it's a dull, cold rainy day.  Winter with a vengeance is near. I went across the park yesterday afternoon to the little shop and had a funny spell. It was obviously too cold for me to venture forth.  Those are the times when I leave it to God. Tomorrow is another day....."Fear not I am with you" Jesus whispers to me. He is my best pal.  He understands!

LIZ re your brother.  Tell him that Jesus never  sent anyone to hell!
You are a "seed planter"..I agree with Lee.

"My work was to plant the seed in your hearts, and Apollos' work was to water it, but it was God , not we, who made the garden grow in  your hearts.The person  who does the planting or watering isn't very important but God is important because He is the One who makes things grow.......YOU ARE GOD'S GARDEN NOT OURS; YOU ARE GOD'S BUILDING NOT OURS".  1 Cor 3:6-9.

As I read your posts from yesterday I was reminded of the song from a musical.,
    Getting to know you,
     Getting to know all about you.
      Putting it my way........but nicely.
      You are precisely.
      My CUP OF TEA.
        ......................Everyone on C.P. You are!

I noticed a lot of talk about cups of tea, so that's where I am going.

Looking forward to learning more about you all.

Love in Jesus' Name.


Goedemorgen allemaal / Good morning all 10.45 AM

Pat thank you for your devotional his morning and
also for the good news about Papa John but he and
his dears are still in my prayers.

I am feeling me a lot better today no feever more
i am happy because tomorrow i must go to the
hospital for my osteoporosis.

Jenny how was the first day of Chris in his new job.

Janet are you the hole year diving or only in the summer.

Judy B  i wish you all in your home a good health.

WE have had very bath weather this night storm and
rain and hail. Sometimes i wake up.

First we have wash our windows insite now we must
do outsite. But it is dark outsite i think we must wait.

I wish
you all a blessed day

Bye for now
Maybe i come back this day
Love Ria :)


10.45 a.m in England.
I am drinking tea again!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
                       RE CHRISTOPHER
He loves the new job and is going to come in and see you all soon to tell you about it.

Speak later dear brothers and sisters.


Your devotion said so much in so few words. Thanks, Pat

Jenny, how good it was to hear that Chris liked his job! Don't overdo on the tea this morning.  I've had my coffee and now am ready to face the day!

Praise God, Ria, for your feeling better.  I don't think I would was the windows outside today as it might make your sorethroat worse.  Just wait until another day.

Have a great day to all of you!
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life.  No man cometh unto the Father but by me.  John 14:6


Speak Lord; for thy servant heareth.'

1 Samuel 3:9

Life can be so frantic these days that we have a tendency to shut our ears to much of what is being said to us. I am not just talking about when my mother in law speaks to me! I am talking about the little things that really matter. I am to busy doing things that I forget about caring and more importantly I forget about my relationship with my Saviour Redeemer.

I have been feeling pretty flat these last few days and I longed to hear His voice. I just wanted to be alone and apart with Him. Trying to find a silent spot in this world is difficult. Most of the noise comes from within! Many voices wrestling for my attention, yet I only want to hear the One.

I want to hear the Voice that makes everything right. The Voice that calms the storms, that gives courage to the faint hearted and the One that turns the flicker within me into a flame.

I remember years ago when I had not long started to follow the Lord, due to my ignorance in matters of Scripture and doctrine I steeped myself in study. I devoured books that I would have difficulty using as reference books today!

I had a hunger and thirst for knowledge. I thought then that I was living the perfect Christian life. Looking back, was this Theological gluttony?

Rarely did I witness to a stranger about the Gospel. My prayer life was limited to the confines of self. Good works abounded where others could see but doing something good with my right hand while my left hand worked in the shadows was not on. I relished going to friends houses for fellowships, especially around Communion times. I loved to show off my theological prowess in front of seasoned elders.

My fellowship did not focus on Christ, it centred around me! I thought that I was the 'bees knees' and look out anyone who dared to contradict me! I shudder at the thought today.

I reckoned that I was a great 'defender of the faith' and a fine Christian to boot, but how deceived can a person be?

Never did I sit back for a moment and say, 'speak Lord, for thy servant heareth!'

I did not have time for anyone but myself!

It is a good exercise to question how I live. My desire is to shine for Christ and whether I am able to speak to people or not about my faith, there should be a fragrance about me that is different from the rest of the world. I like the saying, 'preach Christ, use words if you have to.'

There are many, am I sure, who, like me could 'talk the talk' but do not 'walk the walk.'

I am more limited now as to what I can do and I find this very frustrating. I should have done more when I was able to do it! I cannot however 'look back in anger' as they say. I must get on with my life as it is today.

I love nothing better than to sit at the feet of my Saviour. The world may go past at a hundred miles an hour but when found in that posture all is well. It is the place I love the most and that is where I long be each day. I have learned more there than I have in all my study of books!

It is a battle for me to find that position and when I do, I fear losing it! Have you ever been so blessed by the Lord in your soul as you lie upon your pillow that you fear going to sleep in case He is gone when you awake?

Often I am distracted by events around me and often by my own feelings. It would be easy to use this as an excuse for not 'fighting' to be still each day. Many of you may wonder what I mean by 'fighting to be still.'

Well in the year 2003 and with the saturation of the sin in my heart, I constantly find it a struggle both to find time and the energy to be alone with Jesus.

It is a fight, a constant battle but one to which I have become accustomed. The greatest battle I have is with myself as I am my own worst enemy. When minutes pass into hours, and hours pass into days and I have not given precious time to being alone with Christ then life becomes absolutely miserable.

I become weak, afraid and useless. I have many difficulties in my life, and as a result I cannot possibly do without His love, comfort, guidance and friendship. He is the best companion possible in this life, yet so often I turn my back on Him to follow my worthless ways.

Oh my soul will you ever learn?

I can waste so much time seeking the Lord in places where He is not to be found. He is never found in unbelief! I become frustrated when I cannot find what I am looking for and I have a great tendency to give up and say 'what is the use!' My souls asks, 'where is He?'  He is right beside me! Always!!! It is not Christ that has moved it is I!

I may search high and low, north and south for Jesus but if I do not go by the way of the Cross, then He will not be found!

Christ would be found a lot quicker if 'I' did not get in the way!

Such is the nature of the tender loving care of our Saviour that He will wait and wait and wait for perhaps days, months or even years until we finally turn to Him in earnest. He will give us a prod or a smile now and then but often we misread these things. It is the 'little things' in life that really matter!

I can be so caught up in my own little world that nothing else really matters. Is that the way Christ would have me live? Is that the spirit of Christ? Love is all about giving and for some of us, all we have left to give is ourselves. Would I have given what Hannah gave the Lord?

Am I willing to sacrifice my Isaac? Do I present my body a living sacrifice each day? Will I constantly be 'dreaming' of being a better Christian, or will I start this day by listening to the words of Wisdom. Will I learn to sit at the feet of Jesus and listen or will I put it off for yet another day? I have these choices to make each day.

What I have been trying so inadequately to say is this. Let us seek to be quiet of spirit so that we will hear what God is saying to us. If we manage to nurture such a spirit then it will matter little what difficulties or problems will come our way.

We will know that it is all planned by God and we will be able to say with a heart infused with Christ, 'it is the Lord, let him do what seemeth him good.'

Can I encourage you my brother or sister with this thought. The more time that we spend at the feet of Jesus the more time we will have for others and the more productive our lives will be. We will get more done in a day than we ever thought possible.

Many in this world will never know the work that we do in His Name, but what does that matter? We are here to reflect His glory, not to take it from Him.


Your brother in Christ



Thank-you IAIN I have just called in...and your words this morning fit again.  I had asked Jesus to Show Himself in  new way to me today. He is always there ,always showing me something new.  It's my fault, when I don't sense His nearness.,wash your spiritual eyes out Jennifer!
Lord I am so sorry. You always give me just what I need.  

Some of us can't walk far.  Some can't see well.  Some can't hear too well BUT we are part of THE BODY OF CHRIST together we fit like hand in glove and our Governor apportions the duties as He thinks fit.  ALL THE WORK GETS DONE IAIN. A wise general knows how and when to use all of His soldiers.

I too have been there, got the tee-shirt as far as Bible studies, prayer meetings, so many Christian works.  Now I can't physically do all those things..Yes, sometimes the "enemy" tries to put me under condemnation but he is a liar. Getting anywhere is a challenge. I do not have a car.    BUT "Today I am doing a new thing".  It's time for something new. The Joy of the Lord is my strength.

I have my intercessions.  I can still give, in many other small ways.  Not seen to human eye,. but of great importance to the Lord. I am a part of the "Whole".

I was very interested to read about a man with Cerebral palsy on yesterdays posts.  See Iain how mightily the Lord uses him, Because of and inspite of his disability....WONDERFUL!  I will have to go back in to get his name...was it David folks?


...........................The above is actually a well as a scripture..I love it and sing it lots!


Super news this morning about Papa John!  

Iain:  and Jenny:   Reading your posts this morning and I wish you good health today in your walks with the Lord.  

It is still dark and I need coffee.  Carol


Iain thank you for your devotional you are so good.

Kathy i don't wash the windows outsite the rain is that
doing for me
And this afternoon i duck down to pack something out the bookcase and then pain in my back.
I do nothing more this day.

I wish you all a good afternoon out a raining Holland


Good Morning to all. Pat, Iain and Jenny thank you for your words this morning. I too have been one to devour books and think I knew so much more than others, talk the talk and fail to walk the walk. I am growing now becoming more humble and walking closer with the Lord.

Praise the Lord for the good new about Papa John.What wonderful news.

I am off to vote this morning before I go to Bea's house. Please pray with me that Arnold does not get elected as Governor of California. On thew news it was reported that in the absentee ballots he is way ahead. Pray that the Christians will get  out there and stop this man who believes in Pro Choice and Gay marriage.

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Good Morning Everyone...

I'm thrilled to see that our Iain posted his thoughts this morning...and what thoughts!

QuoteThe more time that we spend at the feet of Jesus the more time we will have for others and the more productive our lives will be. We will get more done in a day than we ever thought possible.

Oh, that we'll spend more and more time at the feet of our Saviour!  

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Chris & Margit Saunders

Dear Liz,
regarding your brother, you shouldn't worry about this, many a time it is the joy within you that witnesses to people.
They want to know why nothing gets you down, and why even in the midst of seeming calamities you can go on trusting God and rejoicing that all things are under His control.
Either they wonder how we can keep on praising Him, or they think we are crazy lol!
A customer of mine  to whom I had the chance to witness quite recently said, " well if that's what you believe, then great, but it's not for me!"
She just wanted to leave this life and be obliterated!
No afterlife for her, and she had been brought up as a Roman Catholic, and had seen and experienced the abuses of the nuns and priests, and wanted none of it, (I do feel so sad for those who have been brought up in religious slavery, at the first chance they run as far from religion as they possibly can, they equate religion with God.)
So dear friend, just live the life that God has given you, a life of joy and praise and thankfullness,  for I believe God calls whom He will, and they cannot resist His call.
I was certainly not looking for Him when He captured me!
And I praise  Him for that  day, to which I still look back in awe and amazement at His beautiful grace.
Regards, Chris.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  I was so relieved to read Pat's posting of the news regarding Papa John.  It sounds like he should be on the road to recovery and I know Cornelia and his family, as well as his many friends, are praising God for bringing him through this trial.

Pat and Iain, more food for the soul in your devotional messages this morning and Jenny I always appreciate your comments, as I do the comments of others.

Today is Calvin Cove day and then have nothing else on my schedule.  This is a fairly quiet week for me, which I enjoy.


Good morning for some, afternoon for others and evening for a few of you.

Iain, I enjoyed your devotion today.  Wow, it always hits home.  Thank you!  God bless you brother.

Pat thank you for the devotion.  I hope you are having a great day!  

I have lots to do today.  Have a great day all.
God bless you all.

Etta Sue

I started out keeping notes so I could respond to each of you but then I realized that I would have a very long post since I last posted on page 1 of 5 YESTERDAY!!!  

Praise God!!!  Papa John is responding to everyone and his kisser is working for Cornelia.  That sure made my heart smile when I read that post.

Congratulations, Sonja!!!  You are a super photographer!  Your imagination and your eye for great pictures is mind-boggling!

Jerry and I worked on my A-frame for my porch swing yesterday.  This is what he was working on when he had his stroke.  Since he had sanded it down to the metal, it was rusting.  So I sanded it again and put the primer is on the A-frame.  Hopefully this afternoon, I can spray the paint on and the A-frame will be done.  Then I start on the seat.  Now, you know...this project will be like a baseball game where the winning pitcher gets all the credit for the game even if he only pitched the last inning.  Since I will be the one to finish, I will get all the credit for refinishing this swing!!!!!!!   ::) ::) 8) :o ???

Also Jerry hasn't driven since his stroke.  He drove back to the woods and back yesterday.  That was an advance for him.

?º°`°º?ø,¸¸,ø?º°`°º?ø?º°`°º?ø,¸¸,ø?º°`°º?ø?º°`°º?ø,¸¸,ø?º°`°º?ø?º°` "There is a destiny which makes us brothers; none goes his way alone; all that we send into the lives of others comes back into our own."


What great news of Jerry, Etta Sue.  I'm so happy that he's progressing so well.  These little steps will also encourage him so much.  I know that steps like these encouraged Jack.

So, Jerry, we're all pulling for you, brother!

(Etta Sue, did you take photos of the steps to refinishing your swing???)

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Praise God for the good news of Papa John's improvement!  He hears and answers prayer.....and the prayers continue for our dear friends.

Pat, Iain, Chris, and all you others who have offered words of wisdom for this day, I thank you.  Yes, sometimes we are only the sowers of the seed, others come by and water it, but God gives the increase.  We may not see it, but God always sees what we do for him.  If we witness, and that witness is spurned, God still rewards us for our obedience to Him.

Darrel has alarm calls to run today, and I moved my class to today to help one lady who can't come on Thursday, so that gives the tile mortar a day to dry before we grout it.  And us some time to rest! ;)

I am praying about the outcome in the California election today.  Please, California Christian residents, get out and vote for Tom McClintock!

I am going to see if there are any new photos.

My book Rising Above available at


 ;D Hi Soni, I am glad to see you win a nother ribbon on the DPC  ;D

Mr Iain, you are wonderful.

Ms Ria, I thank you for your kindness, I am glad you did find the CP.

Mum Pat  ;D I love you.

Hello to Mr Hanna mr Chris and Ms Margit   ;D and Ms Carol it is nice to see you are here today.

Ms Jenny you are each day more happy than the next. It is a joy to me.  (((hug)))

I will go to the mission today in the Los Angeles to give them much food from my party. Many times I will go to help them to prepare the foods they feed to the hungry. I have found many wonderful people at this place, but even with so much love there is fear all around. it is a very bad part of the city. Many asleep on the ground with out a blankets. many have no more in this life they can lose. I have many friends in this dark place that I know now for some years. Today I must tell them I must go away soon. I cry so easy from small things at times. I know this will be a hard day for me.

My heart it is very happy. How wonderful to know my Papa John was at the door to the heaven, He did look in.  :-\ Perhaps his new home in the Heaven is SO big it will not be ready for him for many years. (I Love You Papa John)
I pray for you and Ms Cornelia that you are safe now and you will grow strong.  :)

and I love you God, I thank you for this day!  8)

oh my, I have take a long time to make my post, Hi Ms Janet and Ms Etta Sue :-\ ::)


Hello, sweet Mieka! May God go with you and guide you this day as you go to help others.  You have such a kind heart.
My book Rising Above available at


Hi sweet "Daughter Mieka".  I love you so much!  I just wish I were there to give you a great big hug!

I'm waiting for lots and lots of photos from you, sweetie!  

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Thanks Pat.  So good to read your posting Iain.  Hope that your health is improving.

Thanks to all for the kind words.  Didn't mean to be a bother.  I have always found that humor helps to ease the pain of life and my brother also shares that philosophy.  Have always 'talked the talk' in moderation, but 'walk the talk' with conviction.  Possibly that is why he calmed down and closed by saying he hoped that I wouldn't change.  Life can be difficult for people without the Lord.  They can't always understand how it can still be difficult for those who are Christians.  Like those old Timex watch ads, 'We take a licking, but go on ticking.'  

The sun is sort of out today and think it will be a good time to have a walk before the showers start again.  

Here is a little poem that is in my devotional this morning.  Makes me think of all of you folks:

I long to have a caring heart-
To show God's love to those in need:
So help me, Lord, to share a part
Of all I have through word and deed.    -Hess

God Bless and thanks, Liz.


What a poem, Liz!

I'd love to have the full poem if that's just a part of it.


I long to have a caring heart-
To show God's love to those in need:
So help me, Lord, to share a part
Of all I have through word and deed.    


What a sad day for a town very close to Guelph (Elmira).  There will be a large funeral on Friday for one of our local hockey players who died in Georgia after an horrendous car accident.  His name is Snyder and he played for the Atlanta Thrashers.

Larry, did you hear of this accident?

The funeral will be held in the Elmira Mennonite Church.  

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


I am very down on this moment i have now a lot pain in my back. But when i am down i always listen to a song it is not a Christian song but i love this song
The boy who is singing this has a beautiful voice;

Help me trough the night

Help me, help me trough the night
I don't need your help in the daytime
Then i get my dreams under control
Call me a looser or a clown
Whoe turned his world so upside-down that i need help
So help me, help me trough the night

Show me, show me, show me there is light
Show me there is a reason for tomorrow
Then i get myself under control
Who turned his world so upside-down that i need help
So help me, help me trough the night

Tell me, tell me , all is well
Just explain the sence of all the sufering
Then i get myself under control
Call me a looser or a clown
Who turned his world so upside -down that i need help
So help me, help me trough the night.

I know i get a sleepless night with this pain and i know
from where my help is coming. But sometimes then i am feeling me so lonely and then everything is so dark
But the voice of this voice is making me so calm.

Maybe i come back this evening it is 6.50PM
Ria :-[


Now i have a long time read in the Bible

and i found this

Isaiah 60.20

Your sun will never set again and your moon will
wane no more
The Lord will be your everlastig light
and your days of sorrow will end.

And Isaiah 60 : 1

Arise, shine for your light has come
and the glorie of the Lord rises upon you.

I am very happy with my English Bible i am the person
who have send me the Bible very thankfull God Bless



And i have read this little poem i think it is coming out
te same book:

My life was dark untill the Light shone in,
That Light was Christ, who saved me from my sin;
His light that I've received I want to share'And let it shine to people everywhere



Hi, all! Sorry I'm late getting here, but I'm still trying to get things caught up from last week. Pat, Iain, and Jenny, your words are such a blessing; you always know what we need to hear! I was so happy to hear of Papa Johns' improvement; God is good, all the time! God bless all of you,
Love in Him,
Hi to Ria and Mieka; I really like to read your posts, and Etta Sue, I like your little pen writing and the cat signing your name at the bottom of your posts! You folks are so talented to add all those!


Larry Hanna

Pat, the car crash and now the death of the hockey player has been in the news since the car crash several days ago.  He was riding with another team mate in that person's $180,000 car and the driver was going over 80 miles and hour in a 35 mile per hour zone, lost control of the car and it hit a wall or something that cut the car into two pieces.  The driver had a broken jaw but the other player was thrown from the car and suffered a terrible head injury.  The driver has now been charged with vehicilur homicide.  Such a senseless event.  There is no indication that alcohol played a part in this tragedy, just excessive speed and very poor judgment.  



Larry that's terrible.  Showing off, nothing alcohol.  Another waste of a life.  Lord have mercy.

Christopher isvery tired tonight.  He will be posting later in the week. He's had his own upset this afternoon.  As you know he started a new job yesterday. It is at the Inland Revenue.  Today Mr. Prescott the Deputy Prime Minister was there on a visit and there was a bomb scare.  The whole building was emptied and Chris was waiting in the cold for hours.  I understand tonight that a bag with wires hanging from it was later removed.
Prior to this the building had a fire drill., so much excitement and harrassment for him today.

Hello Cami. Nice to see you again dear.

Liz I like that "We take a licking but we go on  ticking". Never heard it before.


It is 11 .m. here and time for bed.
See you all tomorrow.

The Lord Bless you all this night.
Love Jenny.


Hi Jenny:

The name of the man with cerebal palsy is David Ring.  If you every get a chance to hear him on the TV or anywhere, you would be blessed.  

He would say, (it seemed with great difficulty),  "I've got cerebal palsy, what's your excuse"   When he was a little boy his mother got sick and he cried out to God "Please God don't take my mama!"  

Today he is married with children, which is another miracle.  It shows that IF GOD CALLS US, HE WILL EQUIP US TO DO THE JOB.

Whenever David Ring would speak, everyone would cry, all over the auditorium.  But God used him to win souls to the Lord and get Christians back on track.

I am on my way to EE.   I would appreciate if you would pray for me that the Holy Spirit would go before as I go out into the community witnessing about our wonderful Lord and Saviour.

Thank you   Ruthie
The Lord is my light and my salvation Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?  
Ps. 27:1