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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

New Every Morning~October 9

Started by Pat, October 09, 2003, 12:14:15 AM

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Morning Devotional...

The child Samuel grew before the Lord.
1 Samuel 2:21

The child Samuel grew on, and was in favor both with the Lord, and also with men.
1 Samuel 2:26

Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him, and did let none of his words fall to the ground.
1 Samuel 3:19

The little boy, Samuel, was growing physically. Each "little coat" had to be replaced by a larger one, on his mother's annual visits (2:19).

Pleasing as such development was, even more delightful was his growth in his relationship with the Lord.

The challenge is: Are we growing "in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ"? (2 Pet. 3:18).
                                                                          --G. Hall

More about Jesus let me learn,
more of His holy will discern;
Spirit of God, my Teacher be,
showing the things of Christ to me.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"



Thank you Pat for the devotional.  It is so important for new Christians and older Christians to grow in the Lord.

After I lead someone to Christ, I tell them how to grow in the Lord.  They are baby Christians now and it is important to:

1. Read their Bible every day.
2. Pray  
3. Fellowship with other believers.
4. Worship (at a bible believing church)
5. Witness.

In no time at all the baby Christian will be talking to others about Christ.

God bless.

The Lord is my light and my salvation Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?  
Ps. 27:1

Lee Kirkwood


No we don't.  We now have two cats that sleep inside at night, and CAT NAP ;) during the day.  There are too many predators where we live and they wouldn't stand a chance against them.

Predator list:  Skunk, Racoon, Bobcat, Coyotes, Cougars, and Bear.

And like your home, our cats own two humans.

Lee Kirkwood

Dear Ria........

Well now young lady, let's both listen to what I am telling you in Swedish and it isn't spelled right......"Yag Alskaday"  I have a hunch you understood.

I happen to understand every post you write, and I love reading them.  You have many, many, brothers and sisters in the Lord who are praying for you.

Here's a quote from "Our Daily Bread" for today:  "Safety is not found in the absence of danger, but in the presence of God".

Lee Kirkwood


What a story.  Your message spoke loud and clear. I'm super careful about cleanliness and food handling.  Of course I'm the one who always gets the dirty fork in a restaurant.  I wonder if I should throw away all the forks?  ;D :D ;) There are very few restaurants I will eat at.  

SWIMMING?  Our Fall is here.  Rain in Oregon means rain in Idaho in two days or less.  It's 48 degrees tonight and dropping.


8.30 a.m.  :D

Thanks Pat, I truly pray that none of my words of witness "fall to the ground."

I started to "see" Hannah making those little coats in my minds eye...Did she send letters to Eli like..."I am coming for my annual visit, please tell me what Samuel's size is now?" or did the angels tell her, or was she a clever guesser?  Just a thought!


Goodmorning LEE. Another one on C.P. who seems to exist without much sleep....Lovely to read about your "animals"....Gosh, how amazing!

Goodmorning to everyone.  It is a beautiful crisp sunny morning here...Praise God!.

                          ME GLAD.

                           ME GLAD
                            ME GLAD.

Do you know this chorus folks, I have been singing it since I got up today. Praise God!  :D

I have much to do..........Speak later.

Love and blessings in  the Name of Jesus',


Goedemorgen allemaal / Good morning all 9.50AM

Thank you Pat for your devotional i think we all must
grow phisically grow in our Lord.

Liz thank you for the good poem yesterday

Lee thank you for praying but i can not understand
wath you have in the other language what language is it.

I have had a good night at 1.ooAM i wake up and i have taken a look on CP and then i have sleep till
I have not a lot pain today Thanks God

Today my son may put away the tape from his foot and
when he then has no pain with walk he may monday
at work again. He is very happy.

Do not fear the darkness that is gathering all around,
For the Lord is with you, and in Him true peace is found;
When you're facing trouble, or when tragedy seems near,
Jesus is the only one to drive away your fear.

God bless you all and He is with you all
Bye for now
Love Ria :)


Thanks, Pat, for the devotional.  As we daily grow stronger by the reading of His Word, prayer and fellowship with other Christians we will be able to give more glory to God for the things He has done in our witness to others of His Son, Jesus Christ and how He is THE only Way for eternal life.
This is my prayer today that I will be able to let others know of Him.
In part of my reading this AM..I found these verses:  God's promise to us.
....I will bless them and the places surrounding my hill. I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing.  Ezekial 34:26
......For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on you offspring and my blessing on you descendants.  Isaiah 44:3

 May each of us experience  and share  "Showers of Blessing" today.

Goedemorgen allemaal Ria.

And to you, too, Jenny who gave me the song to sing this morning!

Hello, Lee,I pray that you are asleep as you seem to stay up rather late at night.  Or was it early in the AM that you just get up.  Whatever..have a blessed day!
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life.  No man cometh unto the Father but by me.  John 14:6

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is just becoming daylight here in Georgia and it is almost 8 am.  I just heard on the news this morning that we should be seeing some sunshine this afternoon and that will be welcome.  I didn't feel up to attending choir practice last evening, something I really don't like to miss, but retired early and am feeling better this morning.  I don't have anything important on my schedule today so will just find things to do here in my office.

Pat, hope you have a good trip to London today and don't come home with another sore jaw.  Have you finished with the extractions?  Another fine devotional this morning.  The verse at the end is a wonderful prayer and a wonderful goal.

Glad to see everyone posting late yesterday and today.  Ria, glad to see you had a good night and are not experiencing as much pain today.  Just be careful what you do.  Also hope your son will be able to walk without discomfort when the tape is removed.  Sometimes we don't realize who much we really appreciate working until we are prevented from doing so.  

Jenny, the verse you cited "This is the day the Lord has made" we often recite as a part of our worship or it is used somewhere in the service.  I don't recall singing it but probably have done so.

It is time to go for morning coffee.  See you all later.


I need to finish some housework and then go to coffee with Don who meets a friend - a retired pastor.  I feel like a Martha instead of a Mary so many times as the kitchen floor needs a good wash - company coming.  Do you see how the housework is ever on the mind of a "Martha person"?  

Larry:  You were right to stay home and relax last night.  You are just doing what your body tells you to do.  I have tried but cannot find, so far, the Mile A Minute pattern that Pat is using.  Tomorrow, the quilt club at the Loveland Methodist Church may have an answer for me.  

Lee:  I have tried so hard to learn Swedish so I could speak to my relatives.  When we were there for the first time last year, I was so emotional that I could barely talk at times and could not remember but a few words.  What is Jag Alsaday?  

Have a joyful day,  Carol


Thanks Pat and good morning to all..Not certain what the day will be like as it is 6:30 AM and still dark.  Not dark here tho'...

Glad you are feeling some better this day Ria.  Lee and Ria seem to have the same 'Our Daily Bread' that I use and share a liking for the poems of author Hess.  Shows how similar we Christians are in our spiritual life!

Thanks for the kind words Jenny.  Since you think it is of some value, will post the poem in Poetry.  Once in awhile I let them out of the drawer...not often.

Will come back again in few hours to read the posts and enjoy the fellowship.  Hope all will have a happy and safe day.  Liz.


Good moorning/afternoon!  It's good to see that several of you are "up and at 'em" and have plans for your day.  We will finish tiling the kitchen today, then take a few days' break before starting the other two rooms.

It is very foggy here, and so damp that the moisture is clinging to the window screens and dripping on the air conditioner.  It really feels like fall this morning.

Yes, Lee I do go swimming most weekday mornings.....but NOT outdoors!  It is an indoor pool in town.  It belongs to Grant County Recreation, and we really enjoy being able to use it.  I want to maintain my health and mobility for as long as possible.  I praise God continually for the gift of good health.

Ria, I'm glad Marcel will be able to return to work soon.  I would get very restless if I weren't able to work.  I hope you are having a great day today, too.

Carol, I know what you mean about the "Martha syndrome."  I'm far from a perfect housekeeper, but there are certain things that really 'bug' me if I can't get them done when I want.  But enjoy, anyway!  That floor will still be there needing your attention when you get home. ;)

Pat, the story of Hannah and Samuel is one of my favorites in the Bible.  I especially love the time God was speaking to Samuel in the night, and he kept thinking it was Eli calling him, and running to see what he wanted.  We need Samuels today!

Jenny, I hope you have a great day and get all you want to do accomplished.

Sonja, my goodness!  With all the exercise you get, you will just fade away, or blow away!  I love how you interact with and enjoy your kids.  Bless you!

Well, my coffee is ready, so I'm going to get a cup.
My book Rising Above available at


I have my cup of tea and am able to sit for a few minutes.  

Last night was the best night with the girls in quite some time.  They all are sick at this point, John is back on the road and will get more sleep than at home.  Melaura has bronchitis.  Today she is not coughing as much as yesterday.  This is a good thing.

We woke up to a huge fog blanket over the hills.  It was really pretty.  The fog has lifted and I think we are into Indian Summer. The sun is shining and the sky is clear.  Yesterday we didn't need coats outside at all, and that was very nice.  The trees are coloured but not at their peek yet.  Our Father is such a wonderful artist.

It seems we have our wood problem solved.  A neighbour wants one of the cars we are junking and he has a terra jet for sale.  The price is right and Woohoo we are set at last.  God is good.  On Monday John and I brought in some wood we bought and we cut and stacked it. We have a little cutting to do.  I don't tiink there is a muscle that doesn't ache. HAHA I am out of shape!

There seems to be a lot of colds and flu's going around this year.  Everybody take care and up the Vitimin C and hot drinks.  

God Bless all


Good Morning, Thank you Pat for the devotion. I too love the story of Hannah and Samuel. I don'tknow that I could have that kind of faith to give up my first born son to be raised by another and only see him once a year.

I will be going to work shortly, it is not raining at the moment but it maight be later.

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


I just want to share a little conversation I had with my daughter Chandraya. She is 4 turning 5.

I was walking her to church which is a block away yesterday evening and was reading Genesis 1:31 to her.  I would point at different things along the way like flowers, trees, dogs, cats and such and ask her if God had made them.  She said yes to all of them.

When we got in the church parking lot I asked her "Did God make you?" She said, "Yes, with ingredients!" I said, "he did, what kind of ingredients?"  She had said "Sugar and spice and everything nice!"  She was pretty serious about her answer and then skipped in to church to meet her friends.  

God has blessed me with 4 wonderful children.  Each day is a treasure for me because of them.

Have a good day all!

Chris & Margit Saunders


Thank you Pat for the reminder to keep my kids growing in the Lord.  Reading, math , science and history are all important, but they won't get us that personal relationship with our Lord.  God must come first in everything we do.


Quote from: Chris & Margit Saunders on October 09, 2003, 11:03:25 AM
There you go Jenny. :)

Chris, this is the perfect song to have my daugther listen to. Thank you!!!  If you read the little story I wrote you will see it is what I am teaching her.  ;D


5.30 PM

Lee it is Swedisch what you have writen that can i not
read. Tell me what there is writen

And i have this day no pain

My son his tape is from his foot and he has no pain
with walking.

Have all a good afternoon and evening
Love Ria


Just rushing off to London to the Dental College...

Sonja, what a sweet little girl you have.  I can hardly wait till I see your four little ones.  (I know one is very tall!!!)

I don't have time to reply to everyone as I plan a 2 hour journey so must be off.

Hope you all have a great day in here and I hope that there are many, many messages to read when I get home tonight.

Here's a message from Chris to Liz...

Liz, regarding your brother, I wrote this a few years ago.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Etta Sue

Mieka ~ We didn't have Chinese last evening for dinner.  We had a salad at Steak 'n' Shake.  BUT today I believe we are going to have Chinese.  So you stay way .............................................> over here!!!!

Karma ~ What is wrong with my PSP8 is that when I click to choose a different color from the Materials Dialog window, the window is too long and I can click on Ok, Cancel or Help at the bottom.  Also when I want to use the JPEG Optimizer, it is too long also and can't click OK at the bottom.  Now I have found that is can click 'Restore', move the window low on the screen, THEN I can select my color or Optimize by clicking OK.  The click 'Maximize' to get a full screen PSP screen again.  BUT I shouldn't have to do that!!!! ............................    HAWAII!!!!!  I wanna go!  Which island is she going to visit?

Liz ~ Your poem is sad but so true today.  I got spankings as a child....didn't hurt me...well, maybe my pride.  There is a big difference between whipping and spanking.  

Marilyn ~ I can't imagine spending 2 hours in a store shopping.  I am Speedy Gonzales when it comes to shopping.  I know what I want....I go get it and get out of there.  I know I miss a lot by doing that but I don't like to, what Ivalou says, mosey-poke!

Sue ~ I agree with you about Mieka.  She will certainly be missed!  I keep praying that she won't have to leave us.  Am I selfish?

Ruth ~ I see you are multi-tasking also.  Dryer and pc!

Pat ~ One of these days you will be smiling like a pig over a slop bucket!!!!  Have a safe trip to London.

Jeanne ~ Looking out my picture window this morning, I noticed that my Tulip Tree sure changed colors over night.  And from the looks of the yard, it dropped a lot of leaves also.  I do believe Fall is upon us!  But I am loving the weather.  I slept with my window open until around 4:30am.  Nice weather.

Judy M ~ I thought the other day.....I don't have a thing bought for Christmas yet!  Perhaps gifts certificates this year!!!!  That seems easy enough and very easy to wrap also.

Janet ~ Don't work too hard tiling today.  Looks like a satifying project when it is done.

Sonja ~ Whew!  I am pooped just reading your post.  I love it now when I read this kind of post from you that I can picture your house, your town.  Great!!

Ruthie ~ I wish I had known you when I became a baby Christian just 5½ years ago.  I needed guidance then....well, still do.  But now I love talking about Christ, My Savior.

Lee ~ I don't know if you know my Ali Cat or not.  She is a frequent visitor to SrNet and on here as well.  Ali is a sweet kitty and I am happy she lets me cater to her!!!  Also, I am the one that gets the bent fork in restaurants.  I am always straightening the tines!!!

Jenny ~ It is warm here today but cloudy and overcast.  God gives us days like today so we will appreciate sunny days when they are here.

Ria ~ I am so happy that you awoke pain-free today.  Seems I wake with a stiff back but after I am up awhile, I am fine.

Kathy ~ What a lovely thought...'Showers of Blessing'.  Gentle enough so that we may absorb each blessing and thank God for them.

Larry ~ I know you enjoy Choir practice but also that you have to listen to your body.  It needed rest.  I am happy that you are much better today.  How was your coffee?  I just finished my second cup.  I drink Hawaiian flavored coffee.  Today was 'Hawaiian Chocolate Raspberry'.  MMMMMmmmmm!

Carol ~ Housework is never done.  My house is so dusty now.  But I love this time of year when I can open up a few windows....then I remember that the farmers are out harvesting corn and beans.  All that dust comes in the house.  Oh, well.  I have all winter to get it dusted!!!

JudyB ~ Do you heat solely with wood?  Or is your wood burner an accessory to a furnace?  I can't imagine chopping wood.  Never have done that except when camping.

Sonja ~ God certainly made each one of your children with 'sugar and spice and every thing nice'.  Even the boys!!!!

Chris & Margit ~ Good morning!!!  God bless you.

I went to bed last evening.  I like to read until I read a few lines over and over, then shut off the light.  I heard a faint sound.  Then I realized it was my clock radio.  The radio was shut off but it was ON!!! I purchased two of these clock radios years ago when Tony started driving to high school so he would not be late for school.  Tony will be 43 in January!!!  Great clock radio.  But now I will be on the hunt of a new one today!!  Can't be late for church Sunday.  Also, like I told will be Chinese today....God willing.

"I used to have a handle on life, but then it fell off."


.                                                                                 :-\

Etta Sue

Pat ~ I saw you running out the door so I fixed your post #19.  It was showing some 's.  Hope you didn't mind that I fixed them for you.   ::)


Hi to everyone
I enjoy coming in here to read the messages and the devotion that always seems to be the one for any particular day.

Thanks Pat for all your work and have a good trip to London, those are the types of visits (to the Dentist) I do not like.

I have a praise this morning, my Daughter was between jobs had an interview last week and starts a new job this morning.  She is a computer programer, and I was sure she would find some work, but the Lord always comes through in perfect timing.

Raining here in Texas again, hoping to see some sun later in the day or tomorrow.  
Have a nice day.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding; In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths.
Proverb 3:5-6


Mieka you are saying nothing are you sad
i love you dear Mieka

Hugs  and Blessings and a :-*

Lot os Love Ria ;)


The picture and smile are great Mieka.  Would love to hear you say something....seems my computer has pals who are also causing trouble today.

Thanks for the poem Pat.  It clearly expresses what so many of us want God to hear.

Etta Sue, looove your quotes!

Sonja, your story was sweet and you must be a tender mother to your children.  That will never change.  One day I realized that I'm no longer young and wrote this little poem.  Promise not to bore you folks with any more in future:


The wonder of children
 came into my life
And filled it with joy
 despite years of strife.
Who can be worthy
 of such trusting love?
Surely a gentle God
 sends wisdom from above-

Time has passed swiftly,
 nature's so perverse;
Now adults hold my hand,
 positions are reversed.        


Now I get to enjoy my granddaughter and that is great.  So the blessings go on and on...

Read something cute the other day:
Be kind to your kids, they will get to choose your nursing home!  

Turning off the computer now, so you all are spared from any further ramblings.....Liz.


6.15 p.m.

Just popping in before I cook myself something for tea....

CHRIS thank-you, I thought you'd know that one.  Very popular with us over here isn't it?

ETTA SUE You are a multi-talented lady.  Thanks for the colourful posting....Hope Jerry continues well.  Send him my Best Wishes.

PAT I heard from Kay today. She's feeling so well.  Busy doing washing etc.,  She told me about the time when she and Norman took Bibles to China.  He's still a very busy man in ministry.

RIA so glad that Marcel is improving.

LIZ Another gifted lady...Thank-you for the poems. You must share your gifts.

MARILYN you must take me shopping.  I would love it. I used to take ages just looking, not buying, even in food shops. Mostly things are delivered to me now. You are such a sweetheart to Bea.......Love to her from me.

BOOTS, SONJA, LARRY EVERYONE.. Hello. Keep posting, I will catch up with all of you in God's good timing.

The Lord Bless and keep you all,
'Til tomorrow.


Quote from: Liz on October 09, 2003, 01:08:12 PM


The wonder of children
 came into my life
And filled it with joy
 despite years of strife.
Who can be worthy
 of such trusting love?
Surely a gentle God
 sends wisdom from above-

Time has passed swiftly,
 nature's so perverse;
Now adults hold my hand,
 positions are reversed.        


This is a beautiful poem.  I got a teary eyed reading it.  Thanks for sharing it.  (((hug)))


Sonja, please give that sweet little Chandraya a big hug for me, and a little  :-*, too.  And tell her she has that right---those are the ingredients He used!  Your kids are all so special, thanks for sharing them with us here!  ((((hugs)))) to you!

Mieka, I think Etta Sue has eaten now, so you can come back over

here!   ;)
My book Rising Above available at


Liz thank you for the beautiful poem i love poems

Lee you say to me young lady but i am 52 yer in your
eyes may be i am young but when i ask my son he is
21 i think not that he will say you are young

But you are 75 ? but you look not 75

Bye love Ria :)