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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

New Every Morning~September 23

Started by Pat, September 23, 2003, 12:19:26 AM

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Urgent Prayer Needed
for Papa John

Please join us as we pray for Papa John who has been admitted to the Coronary Unit in his local hospital.

Please join us here[/b]

    Have you signed our Guest Book?  
    We'd love to see YOUR name in it.

      Check out our Member Testimonies! [/size][/list]

      Link of the day...[/font]

      • Leading Little Ones to God  This is the internet version of the book that Jack and I used as our children grew up for our Family Devotions.  It's a terrific study to use with children and new Christians as well.
      • Creation Moment Listen to a Daily Online Publication of Creation Moments International

      Verse for Today...[/font]
        "that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."[/color]
        ~Romans 10:9 NKJV~

        Quote of the Day...[/font]
           "Better a holy discord than a profane concord."
          ~Thomas Adams~[/list]

          Some News We Should Know About...

          • Egypt attempts to close Copt church WASHINGTON – Egyptian state and central security officers and soldiers attacked a small historic Coptic church in Assiut during Mass, arresting several deacons and others, throwing communion bread on the floor and stepping on it with their boots, according to reports received by the U.S. Copts Association.

          From our forums...

          • My Underwater World  See Janet's photos all taken under water when she and her husband went on a diving expedition.

          • Techniques and Critiques  "How can I make this photo better?" Got a picture you think could be improved? Want to know what others' opinions are? Post it in this forum and let other members of the community offer their two cents on it.

          Morning Devotional...

          This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.
          1 Timothy 1:15

          If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself.
          John 14:3

          Present-day believers find themselves in the valley between these two mountaintops.

          Christ has come and it is our privilege to explore and enjoy all that He is and has done.

          But there is more: resting securely on the first mountain, we anticipate His coming, when we shall awake in His likeness (Ps. 17:15)--home at last!
                                                                                      --Edwin Fesche

          I wake in the morning with thoughts of His love,
          Who is living for me in the glory above;
          In glad hope awaiting 'till He calls me away,
          And that keeps me bright as I go through the day.

          "Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


          It was also the birthday yesterday of one of our members and I had this card ready to post and completely forgot!

          So now, it's a BELATED WISH, Joan Scales!

          "Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


          7.50 a.m.

          Pat thank-you for the Devotional and the tap-ins.

          "Suffer the little children" seems apt this morning...Thank-you for the posting-up of two of my grandsons in Photographs.

          I didn't intend posting so early today but I read your message re Papa John and went straight to Prayers. I will be praying for him today and as the Lord leads.

          Such tragic news re the Coptic Church.  I pray for them.  So bravely they hold onto the True faith. It is getting harder for us all. The Verse for Today Pat, Rom 10:9 Is for us all such comfort and encouragement.

          Its a sunny morning here in leafy Warwickshire, England.  Very, very cold however.  The first day of Autumn, Officially!

          RIA I am first!  Goedemorgen. Tot straks!

          IAIN Still thinking and praying for you brother.

          Love and Joyfilled best wishes,
          IN JESUS' NAME.....


          Good morning all

          Pat thank you for the devotional and for the message about Papa John.
          Papa John i am worry about you.
          I Pray for you and Cornelia and your family

          Ruth Ann i am happy that the scan was good.
          I also pray for you

          Kathy thank you for praying for my father.

          Janet beautiful photo's under water thank you

          The beautiful weather is over now we have autumn.
          The hole night is was raining. And now sometimes the
          sun and then it is raining and it is cold.

          My pastor is coming this morning
          Bye for now
          Maybe i come back
          Love Ria


          Good Morning to you all today....I just dropped in for a quick hello and to say that Papa John is being well looked after  in the hospital and in here as we all lift him up before the Lord these days.

          am off now....God bless you all and I pray you all have a great day in giving thanks for what the Lord has done.


          HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOAN![/size]
          I just dropped in to say a quick hello, and let you know I have an interview this afternoon at 2:00pm.  I could really use the extra prayers on this one, it's really tiring being unemployed for any length of time.

          Thank you all for the support, and I'll be thinking of and praying for Papa John as well.  God bless you.  Jen.


          Good Morning: I woke up at 3 a.m. and started praying for the people involved  in the airpane explosion last night. I finally got out of bed at 5 a.m. So I am here early.

          Yesterday at work, I tried to discuss my physical limitations with the lady I have been having problems with. She called the IHSS  office and complained that I am taking too many breaks to sit down and rest without mentioning mylimitations or telling them about her own violation of the contract with regard to specific things that a caregiver is not supposed to do. So I have typed out the original agreement as to myduties and will give it to her tomorrow as well as send one to the IHSS office.

          Today my doctor appointment is at 2:45 this afternoon. Please pray that I will get the prescription for the Wellbutrin and my prosthesis.  I will most  likely take my computer to the shop this morning, so if I don't get bvack on line today that will be the reason.

          Y-all have a Blessed day and I will talk to you later.

          "Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
          Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website

          Mary Frances

          Thanks Pat, for this morning's devotional, the inspirational links, and for letting me know about Papa John.  

          May you all have a good day filled wih God's many blessings.

          Mary Frances  


          Folks - I wrote the following a little over a year ago when I was in a similar position in which Papa John finds himself at present.

          I had no intention of writing here today as for once I am busy with work and happy to be so. The first time in three years!! Thank you Lord.

          It may be that one soul may be blessed through the following words. Such is my prayer as I remember Papa John just now.

          'No man, when he hath lighted a candle, putteth it in a secret place, neither under a bushel, but on a candlestick, that they which come in may see the light.'

          Luke 11:33

          How I wish that my life would shine as a bright light in a dark place. I long to reflect the image of my Saviour and be given liberty to tell all who come across my path about His way of salvation.

          Often when I should speak, I am silent, and at other times I have spoken and I wished that I had kept my mouth shut!

          Last week I once more experienced a tightness in my chest and horrific palpitations. The doctor advised me to go into hospital for observation. I declined the offer and told him that if I felt really bad then I would make my way into Accident and Emergency. Thankfully that was not necessary.

          This time I experienced great fear and anxiety. Why? Simple! I was scared stiff of dying! How can you say that being a Christian? Well I don't truly know, but that was my experience.

          I had no fear in meeting my Maker nor of experiencing the delights that awaited me in Immanuel's Land, however these things were almost completely overshadowed by fear.

          Real, dreadful and horrible fear. I put my head on my pillow at night and I wondered if I would ever see my wife and children again. The more I thought about it, the more anxious I became and the more violent the palpitations became.

          I was literally awaiting my last breath. I have never been as scared as this in all my life. When sleep did come it was not for any length of time. I rejoiced to see each new dawn and to hear my children rise with their alarm clocks. I was even glad to see the cat!

          My soul seemed for these days to be paralysed. I could not think properly and as a result I could do no work. I longed for word of my operation. I also longed for comfort from fellow Christians whether by Email or by phone.

          Normally I receive a plentiful number of emails from fellow Christians. Some ask for advice, some ask for guidance, some send new links and others write for fellowship. I truly enjoy this correspondence and I love to meet new Christians, even if only by email.

          Last week however, my inbox remained almost empty!
          I also spent time looking for suitable texts to see if I could bring comfort to myself. I regard this as folly on my part. I was given a wonderful text the day I had my heart attack. 'With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.'

          I could not lay hold on this for myself last week!
          It is strange how we are made to learn certain lessons in life. All the anxiety in the world will not add one second to my time on this earth. So much of my time is wasted by trivialities and nonsense. How far I am from being a shining light!

          It is strange, but the healthier we are the less time we seem to have for the Lord! I know this may not be everyone's experience, but I don't think that I am too far from the mark in general terms.

          You see, when in health we have a great tendency to busy ourselves with things that do not really matter. Things which are quite lawful and even pleasant to do, but of no real benefit to the kingdom of God. We are supposed to be different after all, but can our neighbours spot the difference?

          Does my life carry a fragrance of heaven? Can people see that I have been with Jesus? Is there a reflection of holiness in my walk? I had plenty of time these past few days to ponder these questions.
          What promises are made on beds of sickness regarding what we will do for the Lord if only our health is restored!

          Once more I am caught speaking when I should be listening!

          Resolutions of reformation and commitment were my daily diet. I can say that my desires have more of a cutting edge to them today. I long to be like Jesus, I long for souls to be saved (especially within these four walls).

          Revival was much on my mind and I am now earnestly praying to witness that in our villages and towns. I truly hope that just as the candle needs to burn to issue it's light, that much of the dross in my life was burned away last week and that a more effective witness and brighter life will result.

          For those of you in good health, praise the Lord! Rejoice in the Lord for each moment that is pain free. May sickness and worry be kept far removed from you and your family. Give the Lord the good days and they will become your best days.

          I am so thankful to be alive today and share these few thoughts with you. Anxiety is still will me, yet I am in good hands. He does all things well and although it is cloudy the sun is doing it's best to break through!

          'Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.' Psalm 90:12

          P.S. You will forgive me for not posting as regularly as I had been, but friends prayers are being answered with employment and I must take advantage while it lasts.

          P.P.S. No need to do anything to this one Al.


          Your brother in Christ



          I forgot to tell you all that Last night Al posted 2 prayer requests for me with regard to the explosion on the aircraft at the airport, which is less than 5 minutes from my house. And For a Pastor's family in Eureka.
          I have updated and corrected both requests this morning as best I could.
          "Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
          Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


          3.50 p.m.

          Iain.  I wasn't coming in again  today and then here I am.....

          Truly there have been times when I have felt my last moments were here and I was afraid...I have placed my hands on my head and called upon the precious blood of Jesus and He has given me peace and has calmed my troubled heart.  I have been through the "tunnel" and He brought me back...It wasn't my time......At that time I do not recall fear, I was beyond that.....just peace...His Peace.  

          Despite these things  I admit there are still times when that  "liar" whom we all know puts me under condemnation and fear sets in..............I AM NOT GOOD ENOUGH...I WILL NEVER GET THERE.......True if it were of myself.........I have no power of myself to save myself...............THANK-GOD FOR HIS MOST PERFECT GIFT................JESUS CHRIST OUR SAVIOUR

          All I have to do is to believe in Him...Praise God!  Then Death has no sting.

          I am glad you have work Iain.  We love your devotionals whenever, surely "QUALITY" not "QUANTITY"......is the order of the day here.......

          Your light is shining never fear.  I can feel it's heat from here............The "Rays" are so bright.

          Love to you and Papa John
          and special prayers for Marilyn. She has a lot to cope with again.

          MARY FRANCIS Hello, lovely to see you again.

          Love also to all our dear Ones on C.P.

          Ruth Ann Bice

          I'll make this brief, since I'm at work.

          I phoned Papa John this morning. He says many thanks for the prayers and told me his chest pains ahve subsided. They're doing an arteriogram this afternoon and if blockages are observed, will most likely do some stents.

          Of course, the hospital bed isn't comfortable for his aching back.

          So we need to continue prayers on his behalf.

          Ruth Ann
          ...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

          Etta Sue

          Good morning all.  I am here with a heavy heart.  I am praying for Papa John, for the airplane explosion, for Trish and recovery from her surgery but giving praise for Ruth Ann's brain!  

          It is cool today.  But very sunny.  I forgot that this house has solar heat so I turned it on and it is running.  It doesn't do a lot of good, couldn't possible heat the house, but it does take a chill off.  Maybe I should have the pc in the dining room where the heat comes out of the ceiling.   ::)  

          I am talking to Jerry on IM.  He is fine this morning.  I am not feeling the greatest....maybe it was something in the Chinese food yesterday but I do have to mow this afternoon.  Soon, I hope, the mowing will be over for the year.  

          I pray that all of you have a wonderful day today in everything you do.

          »ïÏï«,¸¸,»ïÏï«,¸¸,»ïÏï«,¸¸,»ïÏï«,¸¸,»ïÏï«,¸¸,»ïÏï«,¸¸,»ïÏï«,¸¸,»ïÏï«,¸¸,»ïÏï« "Nothing is impossible to the people who don't have to do it themselves."


          Thank you pat for telling all of us about Psps John.  I have and will be praying.  Please keep us updated.

          I have company coming today so I am not going to read all the prayer requests, but know I am praying for everyone.  

          Pat, do you have the hymn Bless Be The Tie That Binds? I would love to sing it.  We have a tie here on CP that is worldwide!

          Bye for now


          BLEST BE THE TIE[/b][/color][/size]
          (Click to hear music)

          Author:  John Fawcett, 1740-1817
          Musician:  Hans G. Nageli, 1773-1836
          Arr. By Lowell Mason, 1792-1872

          Acts 4:32
          And the multitude of them that believed
          were of one heart and of one soul:
          neither said any of them that ought of the things
          which he possessed was his own;
          but they had all things common.

          Blest be the tie that binds
          Our hearts in Christian love;
          The fellowship of kindred minds
          Is like that to that above.

          Before our Father's throne
          We pour our ardent prayers;
          Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one
          Our comforts and our cares.

          We share each other's woes,
          Our mutual burdens bear;
          And often for each other flows
          The sympathizing tear.

          When we asunder part,
          It gives us inward pain;
          But we shall still be joined in heart,
          And hope to meet again.

          This glorious hope revives
          Our courage by the way;
          While each in expectation lives,
          And longs to see the day.

          From sorrow, toil and pain,
          And sin, we shall be free,
          And perfect love and friendship reign
          Through all eternity.

          "Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


          Good morning to all of you! I was out of town and offline since Friday, so I just got caught up on all the messages. Of course, I am in prayer for our dear Papa John. And, for my friend, Marilyn. Jenny, your message was so comforting to me; I have felt that same way so many times, and also reacted the same way you did! God takes away all out fears when we let Him! I pray God is with each of you today,
          Love in Him,


          HISTORY OF THE HYMN[/size]

          Blest be the tie that binds
          Our hearts in Christian love;
          The fellowship of kindred minds
          Is like to that above.

          Before our Father's throne
          We pour our ardent prayers;
          Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one,
          Our comforts and our cares.

          We share our mutual woes;
          Our mutual burdens bear;
          And often for each other flows
          The sympathising tear.

          When we asunder part,
          It gives us inward pain;
          But we shall still be joined in heart,
          And hope to meet again.

          The Reverend John Fawcett was the minister of the Baptist church at Wainsgate, England.

          In his time he was one of the greatest scholars in the land and an able preacher. He wrote several books, published a volume of hymns and founded a school for the education and training of young preachers.

          An essay on 'Anger' written by him so impressed George III that the king offered him any benefit a monarch could confer.

          John Fawcett had been left an orphan at the age of 12. He had to work very hard during his youth, regularly putting in 14 hours a day in what was termed in those days a 'sweat shop'. By candle light he learned to read and studied hard to improve his education.

          Ordained at 25 he had taken the little church with its 100 members for a modest salary; paid partly in potatoes and wool.

          Now, after seven years, he had received a call to the great Carter Lane church in London and was preparing to make the move.

          The day came to say farewell to his congregation. The horse and dray stood outside his house and, one by one, the items of furniture were loaded.

          Finally, the last item was hoised up and made secure. The Reverend Fawcett began his round of farewells. There were young couples he had joined in marriage; those whom he had comforted through sickness and trial; the children he has held on his knee; and the old whose sorrows he had shared.

          They were a humble people; few of them could either read or write, but they loved their minister and their devotion to him finally overcame.

          The drayman was instructed to unload - John Fawcett would stay a little longer. He stayed, in fact, for another 54 years until his death in 1817.

          He never did take up the offer from King George III. Commenting on the incident he said he 'needed nothing a king could supply,' so long as he could live among the people he loved ... those humble people whose devotion had inspired him to write his famous hymn.

          "Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


          Regarding the crash at the airport:

          See Al Moak's post in the Have You Prayed About It?

          Whewww... That's such good news!

          "Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"



          WELCOME Running the Road!!

          We're REALLY so very glad to see you!

          "Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

          Chris & Margit Saunders

          Lord be gracious to Papa John,
          thank You for your grace towards Iain, and send the work in, but not overmuch!
          Remember all who have asked You for help on this board, Your family in Christ cannot live without You!

          Adversity is not simply a tool. It is God's most effective tool for the advancement of our spiritual lives. The circumstances and events that we see as setbacks are oftentimes the very things that launch us into periods of intense spiritual growth. Once we begin to understand this, and accept it as a spiritual fact of life, adversity becomes easier to bear.

          Charles Stanley
          In Touch


          Hello, I was just posting for a second before the blond bombshell woke up.  ;)

          I hope everyone is having a wonderful day.  It is beautiful and sunny here in Western NC.  Perhaps when Travis wakes up we will take a walk or something.

          Sorry so short, but time is limited right now,  :-\, I'll try to get back in this evening.

          love youns

          running the road

          Thank You All;

          Please pray for me. I think that I may be turning away from my God. I am going through a very difficult time right now and I feel my faith slipping through my fingers. I have prayed long and hard about some tough decisions that I need to make and it seems that my prayers go unanswered. I have read my Bible for guidance and I do not know where to look.



          I hope that Joan Scales will check in later...

          So for when she gets here, here's some music for her![/b]


          "Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

          joyce robson

          I ran right over to the prayer forum .

          Thanks for informing me , Pat.

          In New Jersey we weathered the storm pretty well; so much so that I left Friday with beautiful warm sunny skies --80 degrees temp and when to Penna.

          There I was greeted with downed trees, no electicity and no

          In fact, today , another storm hit through and I am waiting to see if the other tree that we didn't get a chance to cut down(it was leaning towards the creek) made it through this storm.

          Kathy, I think you said something about NC weather.l  My daughter is in Fayetteville, NC -her neighborhood was hit fairly good--only a broken window but lots and lots of wind.
          Pretty scary as she chose to stay put until it was too late to
          get in car and drive.

          Praise the good LORD for HIS love for us as HE gave us the strength in this storm.

          Take care and as always,
          Love in Christ,


          joyce robson

          I forgot to wish a belated birthday to Joan.

          I also want to say Hi to all new comers.

          Prayers for the ones who are not "feeling up to speed"

          I went to a state fair this weekend and a delightful church group was there sharing what our names mean to the Lord.

          They also had sung a lovely song that my husbands loves.

          Pat, if you have the time to share it--On the Wings of a Snow White Dove.

          Take care,

          Love in CHrist,



          Welcome running the road i will pray for you

          Happy Birthday Joan

          Ruth Ann thank you for the message about Papa John
          I pray for him

          Iain  i also am praying for you my brother


          joyce robson


          I read your post and I felt the following thoughts:

          It always seems like we have not enough time to spend with our Lord and the devil takes the time to just get in there and make us think that we are not worthy of HIS love.

          the devil, the greatest manipulator of lies will always try his best to take one of God's children away.

          A message that I read has helped me and I would like to share it with you.

          Since genuine peace is not dependent upon outward circumstances, it is possible to experience a tranquility beyond our comprehension, even in the midst of life's most tragic moments.

          But this real peace is not possible unless there exists absolutely no impediment between us and God—and the only way the barrier of sin and self can be removed is through the Cross of Calvary.

          If we would simply bring our struggles and needs to the foot of the Cross, we would find an abundant source of peace.

          A heart at rest is not rooted in some worldly principle or philosophy; it can be realized only through an intimate relationship with the person of Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 2:14-15)

          The Devil will take every opportunity to destroy our calm by drawing attention away from Christ to things that may seem important at the time, but in reality have no other purpose than to distract.

          Don't waste your life looking for peace in all the wrong places—just remember, the Prince of Peace is its only true source.

          I will be praying for you,

          Love in Christ,



          Quote from: running the road on September 23, 2003, 12:57:04 PM
          Thank You All;

          Please pray for me. I think that I may be turning away from my God. I am going through a very difficult time right now and I feel my faith slipping through my fingers. I have prayed long and hard about some tough decisions that I need to make and it seems that my prayers go unanswered. I have read my Bible for guidance and I do not know where to look.


          Running, I think we have all had times where we felt we were losing our faith.  Sometimes it is because we are turning away from him.  Other times, though, it is because we have to completely trust God.  I guess an example would be my 20 mos. old son.  He likes to climb up on the beds, then slide off.  Sometimes, he will say, "help" even though I am right behind him.  I am not touching him, but I am ready to catch him should he fall.

          Perhaps that is where God is right now.  He is not "touching" you (ie== the 'unanswered prayers'), but He IS right behind you to keep you from falling.

          There was a time in my walk when I questioned whether or not God even existed, much less was a loving guiding father.  He did not stop loving me or pursuing me.

          The fact that you are willing to post your doubts here shows me that you are seeking His face.  And if you are seeking Him, that probably means that He is pursuing you for a greater relationship than you have at the moment.

          Don't lose heart, He is not finished with you yet.

          And welcome to Christian Photographers!

          Chris & Margit Saunders

          Running the road,
          I dont know whether you are a jogger or a motorbiker!
          I would like to help you in any way that I can brother, but I don't have enough information and I guess some of it is personal, all I can say is, don't live your life on feelings, but live the cleanest life you can and depend on Jesus for the rest, and always, like king Hezekia, Isaiah ch 37 v 14, lay you decisions before Him, then go with the flow.

          Three men were walking on a wall  
           Feeling, Faith and Fact,  
           When Feeling got an awful fall!  
           And Faith was taken back.  
           So close was Faith to Feeling,  
           He stumbled and fell too  
           But Fact remained and  
           pulled Faith back  
           And Faith brought back Feeling too."
          Regards Chris.

          Larry Hanna

          Hi everyone, once again am late getting here.  I stopped by and read the postings regarding Papa John and then read the message in NEM before I had to leave to go to sing with the group at Calvin Cove.  This morning a friend called saying she needed help getting her Internet connection to work so I made a quick trip to her house and got her set up.  She hasn't used the computer much and a PC very little as she had an old Mac computer before she got the PC.  Pat got on a jury yesterday and the case is suppose to last 2 or 3 days.  Know she will be exhausted when she gets home.  Our daughter is suppose to fix supper and if she doesn't will have to take Pat out to eat this evening.

          It was good news that Papa John had not had a heart attack and he was not in pain this morning.  

          Since I can't remember what I have read and don't have the time now to go back, I will make this brief today.