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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

Thoughts for June 2017

Started by Jeanne Lee, June 18, 2017, 10:16:57 AM

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I forgot to say that son's ambulance ride in that winter was not a total of six hours.  It was six hours from when the accident took place.  They had to get him to the vehicle and he had to stay awake to drive his own snowmobile quite a ways.  Then, they had to call for help and get him to a little clinic and the clinic wouldn't take the helicopter out in the storm so the ambulance was the only way to go.  As I have said, it isn't easy to live any long distance from critical care. 


Happy Friday, Y'all!   ;)  It's been a crazy sort of day for me.
My arm was hurting last night, was red, inflamed and swollen around the deep scratches. So I got up, cleaned it good again and reapplied the antibiotic ointment, then covered it with bandages so I wouldn't wipe the ointment off on the sheets!  It took a few hours for me to go to sleep, then I slept later this morning, which threw my day out of whack.

Oh, well, I got to go to the gym, got my hair done, and did the week's laundry, so all is well.  :)  Temp is much lower today, which is lovely!  And it's to stay cooler for almost a week, so that makes us all happy around here!  :)

I did see Beth today; John said the doctor was there on Tuesday and said she has lost more weight.   :'(  He told them to give her a milkshake twice a day with her meals;
something I have been asking them to do for two weeks.  :-\  I feel like nobody listens to me any more!!

Good to read all the posts today.  I won't speak to each one, but know I care and pray for the needs expressed. 

See you tomorrow!
My book Rising Above available at


Larry Hanna...
...thank you such much in least you picked up I was down....just having or knowing someone is or has picked up on my state of mind has helped to bring me back to reality, again I thank you as you wouldn't believe the times I have cried and opened up my soul to whoever up above is listening and asking, no begging, for a sign that I have been heard, and alas, no matter how hard I look out my kitchen window, ( that is where I open up my heart when I am alone, ) I still have not been given any sign, so just knowing that one person has acknowledged my cry's, is all I need to make me know my cry's have not been for nothing...In the meantime I am still awaiting a sign, I wont stop looking...

I was happy to see our ground was wet when I opened the kitchens back door 6.30am this morning...once again Toby got up off the sofa and totally ignored me at the kitchen door, as I was placing the door stop so he could go out whenever he needed, he walked right through the kitchen ignoring me, straight into Richards bedroom, as if I dont exist, then he barked, Richard angrily got out of bed to let him out, once he was in, straight back to his room, he is now curled up next to him, why? as Richard is not the dog lover, Toby will never gets hugs or kisses off of him...I am now living with a dog who totally ignores my existence...I so so miss my three babies, each and every one loved me, as I loved them so so much...

Usually Toby stays curled up on the sofa ignoring that I have gotten up, oh yes he looks at me is aware I am up, most times I will go sit alongside of him, softly stroke him...then he gets down and walks into Richards bedroom...these are now my mornings...There was a time not long ago I woke up to three happy to see me, waggy tails, I would get kisses and I would give hugs to all three, how ones life can change...those days I had a routine, a purpose...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Found this link this morning...I so can identify myself with these stories of MS...I can so relate to these as to the outsiders we can look pretty normal but what goes on inside our uncontrollable bodies tells another story that only we know....Link to stories...scroll down to number 24...Multiple is there for anyone who cares to read...if not please feel free to skip it...

I still do believe that my God, our God wasn't the one who gave me PPMS, I believe it is something I have done to myself, not intentionally but, things we either put into our bodies such as foods, or do to our bodies over a period of time.. as yet no one knows what causes MS, it is not hereditary but maybe in the genes of one of our parents...or even the lack of sunlight they seem to be focusing on...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


A tad too late to have added this to my previous posting, apologies for the three continuous morning postings but...woo-hoo, I have just completed day three of our home kit " NHS Bowel Cancer Screening " the envelope is now ready for posting off to them...they send these on think every second year, or is that every third?...well they ask for two samples on each testing day, then date them not the pleasantest of home kits to do, collecting stool sample but, its done the waiting on the posted results, so far over the years all has been good...     
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone. Hi everyone.  The day is starting out sunny and we have a good chance of some rain this afternoon and evening. It looks like we will get to the low 90s for awhile this afternoon.  I had another good nights sleep of about nine hours and feel good this morning.  Yesterday morning I managed to wear myself down to a nub.  I have a quieter day planned today.  I will attend my 10:30 am meeting and this afternoon tune in to the PGA Golf match.  I did watch quite a bit of it yesterday afternoon.

Jackie, I agree it is good to just laugh at some of our senior moments rather than berate ourselves.  I always tell myself that I was doing the best I could at the moment  and how important was it, usually of no importance.  The nine hours of sleep felt great.  I usually don't have a problem of sleeping even after resting or napping a couple of hours in the afternoons. You might want to print out what you written about the things missing in your medical record or errors there and hand them to your doctor on your next visit.

Carol, glad you had a nice time in the mountains and had no trouble getting home.  Your moose experience sounded like it was enjoyable to watch. Thanks for the clarification on the six hour ride to the hospital. 

Janet, sorry about the pain you had but see you still managed a full days work.  Enjoy the cooler weather.  I hope the milkshakes stop Beth's weight loss.  Are these ice cream milkshakes or nutritional drinks?

Jackie, glad you feel free to express your concerns and health issues and consider this a safe place to share.  I try to read every word of every post but am trying not to be so verbose in my responses (most often fail at this).  Sorry that Toby ignores you and that is sort of surprising for a dog as they are usually so friendly.  Since no one knows the cause of MS please don't put yourself down since you have no way of knowing whether anything you have done in the past was the cause or not.  I have opened the link you shared and will read the info later today.  Hope the results of your home test are good.  I agree it is not a pleasant task but an important one.


Happy Saturday, everyone!  It is wonderfully cool here in my little corner of Kansas today!  :thumbsup:

Jaclie, I do read all of your posts.  I don't always comment, as sometimes I just don't have words to communicate my thoughts adequately.  Having a daughter with both MS and NF, I do understand, maybe more than most, your problems.  I did read the link you gave us about MS, and thank you for that.  I had suspected all along that the MS was responsible for Beth's inability to communicate now, and that reading confirmed it.

Could you get a small dog that will be yours alone?  Surely, if you get a puppy, and love it as you did the others, it would be loyal to you, rather than Richard.  That Toby sounds like a strange dog!  Usually they love those who feed, pet and take care of them.  Anyway, I have no advice re your MS, as we are also learning as we go.  I do know it is devastating to our sweet Beth, so I can empathize with your problems as well.

I got up this morning at 4:30 and had three hours with my Father!  It was (is) wonderful how He never fails to meet me and welcome me with such love.  The nearer I get to my eternal home, the brighter it grows and the more I am drawn to it.  But He tells me He still has things for me to do here, so I am content to wait on His timing.

I think perhaps one thing he has for me is to mentor a young man who is interested in oil painting.  He sent me a picture of his very first painting, and said he would be honored to have me critique his work, offer suggestions and advice.  I have been missing teaching, and that might keep me moving in the right direction.  This was only two nights ago, so we haven't worked out anything yet, but prayers appreciated.

Larry, nine hours sleep is wonderful!  I very seldom get that much, but am trying to go to bed early and read good things before I go to sleep.  It takes me a while to drift off,
then I usually have to get up several times a night, but when I go right back to sleep,
that's okay.  Glad you got your computer going again!

I think I will run out to the Farmers Market and see what's new!  Then I will go by to see Beth.
My book Rising Above available at

Jeanne Lee

Jackie, what "sign" are you seeking and why do you expect it to be outside your kitchen window? 

Can you not find comfort and solace in God's own word?  I do read your posts and keep you in my prayers.  I pray for your peace and strength and for you to receive and accept that whatever you experience is always according to God's will.  He is always in charge.

I always need to remind myself that He will never allow any trials to come my way without also sending me His loving grace and enough of His strength to handle them.
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Jackie my Daughter in law also has MS, She has had it for 14 years and of course it is getting worse. I haven't seen or spoken to her in about 8 month but Gilbert keeps me filled in on how she is doing. Right now they are going through a divorce so things have been pretty nasty between them. She has become an alcoholic since they took away her pain meds and valium because4 she was abusing them.

My health is pretty good considering that I have sleep apnea and use a CPAP machine. I also have COPD but my inhaler keeps that under control. It is Keith who seems to be falling his eye problem and the prostate problem. He seems to be also developing some memory loss and strange ideas at times. Seems to make many excuses fo9r his thoughts and behavior. His kids just laugh and dismiss him except when I email them with my concerns. They know that anything they my say to him will help and go in one of his ears and out the other, he won't even re4member what they say. Sometimes it gets pretty hard for me to deal with and I slip back into the PTSD  and just take Freckles and get out of the house to walk for a good time. He is not verbally abusive or physically abusive to me he is very mellow and caring. PTSD can be very debilitating but I don't let it get that far. Been there done that.

Driving in the car for hours with Keith really gets on my last nerve,  He is constantly telling me I am too close to the white line on the side of the road and to get over when I am practically riding the double  yellow line in the middle of the road. He caused me to almost get into a head on collision last year. Driving home from Bandon in the dark and rain  I was close to the double yellow line  (because he kept telling me to get over more) and so was the car coming toward me and we collided mirrors. Thank you Jesus that is all that happened. The other guy didn't even stop. Keith hasn't driven in more than a year and he has to turn in his license at my request to DMV. He failed the eye test and  took over two hours to try to take the written test and failed that too. He just sat there and looked so confused it was so painful to see him there.

So we all have our problem that we have to deal with. I am so glad that I have freckles and can participate in all the doggy visits to the medical facilities it keeps me busy those and the PSP groups that I have.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Jeanne Lee...
...I need that reassurance that someone up above is listening, taking care of me, and watching over me, so as to verify all will be well, all will turn out right in the end...Jeanne, around three and a half years ago during the three months of looking after my Megan to her final may remember I was threatened with death, ( the person I shall not name, but I think you will guess. )...I not only took myself to the Doctors but also straight into my then local church whereby two ladies arranging flower displays came to my aid, one putting her arms around me, then phoning the local lady vicar who came and sat with me for a good hour...At the end she hugged me as she said a prayer for me...she told me I shall feel Gods presence around me, it may happen when I am out walking the dogs ( the dogs I have now lost,) well I have to admit, to this day I have never felt Gods presence around me but I do still believe someone is, whether it be God or a family member or my guardian angel...I just need that proof, a sign to 100 percent convince me....

It is the kitchen where I pour my heart out, when I am by myself...outside I see greenery and the odd bird, butterfly's and odd times a pheasant so that seems to be where I am most focus but I am fully aware a sign could come from the turning of a page in a book, or turning on the tv to a programme or words that someone is saying, a leaflet dropping through the door...there are so many signs that could come from anywhere if only we look for them...

I do not need 100 percent proof in telling me "their is an after life " nor " the best is yet to come..." I already have my proof that this is true...that life, not as we know it, but that life does carry I said, I have had my proof...Proof number one was the time we had come from the vets after saying goodbye to our Megan, the morning after I sat in silence, no tv on, just crying and thinking and looking at the bed we had taken her in which was on the floor to my right side when, all of a sudden I saw the bed breathing, slowly pummelling like wave, very slowly..I sat mesmerised and just watching, a smile came on my face as I knew it was telling me that her life is carrying on...proof number two was a few months after losing my Petra I heard the person I live with go into the bathroom, I was awake when Petra looking a tad younger came into my bedroom and jumped up onto my bed, this never lasted long but I shouted out..." Petra is here, Petra is here..."
when I got up and was moving around I can honestly tell you for most of that morning I was literally walking on air, I was not on the ground...I know this is hard to believe but this was just so...something I have never ever experience was the strangest of feelings....I know my Petra came back to say her goodbye...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Jeanne Lee

Jackie, I am just so sorry that you cannot simply accept that God loves you, and that you need some sort of tangible sign.  Every word in the Bible is proof that God loves His children, not just proof of eternal life.  I pray you'll be able to find solace as you study it.
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I need that sign because for me, nothing ever changes...over the years I have often opened up my heart but still things seem to stay the same...

...feeding is all Toby needs or want me for...that seems to be my only you know the one thing I would love to do is the one thing I can not do is to walk him...I can play with him but he doesn't really play with toys but does often chew on his Nylabone...he really is a daddies boy...

...oh dear having a back seat driver cant be any need your concentration when you are in the driving seat...

...I am so saddened to read your D-I-L and her hubby are getting a divorce...MS is a disease made worse with stress, stress is to be avoided..

...I know how painful it must be for you to watch your Beth slipping away, having trouble eating, and not communicating well...yes those are  an occurrence of MS although that is not yet something that is affecting me but, I have seen it when I had mid day meals at an MS centre, some could not feed themselves, it, brought it on home what I could expect in the future may or may not happen to me...I guess I am lucky that for PPMS there are no disease modifying treatments-drugs at present, and I am more than happy in not pill-popping...

...I so love your term...a three hours meeting with your special...and special that your time is not up, he has still given you things to do...and he will patiently wait...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Jackie it is she who is divorcing my son ,  She stays up for days  and is so angry all the time that  even the kids don't want her around. She has her own place.  She has been arrested once for DUI and other things n ot specified what yet, She had 9 lbs of marijuana in the truck when they arrested her. They twoed the truck and Gilbert had to go get the truck. She owes some marijuana grower $9000 for  what was taken by the police. IIt is a terrible mess and my son and grandson are the ones suffering. The other day she took up a bamboo pole and was beating my son with it in her drunkeness.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

I'm saddened by the things I hear of the heartaches and trials in our lives. I read a little snippet one day that caught my attention. It is "FROG."


I think of y'all often, and also pray often for each person here.

Sending my love

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


...By the sounds of it, it should be your son divorcing her, not the other way around....what a mess of a situation...always a mess when a child-children are caught up in the middle of it...thank you for being honest and open about part of your life...believe you me, it does help knowing of others problems instead of members keeping them to themselves...I guess once again mentally, I am going through a bad patch...The person I live with is not a communicator, he only talks on his terms, which again is very little...he is a very aggressive and an angry man, then sweetness, sweetness to outsiders, I call him a Jekyll and Hyde...I think for me it more down to frustration, the no one to talk to...I dont even have my dogs to talk to, I talk to myself far far too much...who would believe one could feel so lonely living with someone? but I do...and of course it is very isolated where we now live, off the beaten track and down in very picturesque valley, a picture postcard spot, if only one could get out and about to explore...

As for your grand son caught in the middle...every child needs there mommy but...on this occasion separation is what he is needing, so sad, and something that shouldn't be happening to a child...but a lot goes on between families ( behind closed doors ) that other people will never get to know...I know only too well as I was one of those from the age of seven to my early teens, something I never talk about openly...Yes at the end of the day...God will be the one to deal with it, I still do believe in that..and I hope and pray I am not wrong...

Anyway today is a brand new day...I always say.." no two days are ever the same, " so let our God give us peace and tranquilly and the ableness to see us through another, sometimes troubled day...

Ruth Ann...
...I will do my utmost best to follow your " frog..."
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

size=14pt] Hi everyone. This Sunday morning starts out sunny and pleasant.  We are to get only into the high 80's this afternoon.  We had a couple of fairly brief but good rain showers yesterday afternoon so won't need to use the sprinklers tomorrow. 

I anticipate a very pleasant day as we will go to Sunday School and Church and then out to eat somewhere.  I will rest, listen to Don's classical music program for a couple of hours and watch golf this afternoon. Then we will have a quiet evening.

I don't have a lot of time to spend on the discussions this morning although have read each postings since yesterday. 

Janet, your mentoring of the young man in painting sounds like a worthwhile and rewarding experience ahead for you as you share your talents and knowledge. 

Jeanne, wise words that we all need to take to heart.  God is always there for us and ready to take our hand and guide us but we must do our part as it is us that often withdraw from that hand. 

Marilyn and Jackie, I wish I had words of comfort for each of you.  I know you both are strong women who have had a lot of challenges in this life and it seems that there are few families that are not or have not faced serious challenges. If I were with you I would give you all a big hug as I do care about each and everyone who posts here.  While many of us walk similar paths and can empathize with each other we still have not walked in the other person's shoes.  Jackie, those experience you speak of with the unexplainable may have been those signs that you are looking for as sometimes we get signs and don't recognize them.

Ruth Ann, I liked your FROG piece. 


Good morning!!  And what a lovely, cool one it is here!  Praise God for this respite from the heat and the dry wind!  It stayed so nice and cool all day yesterday that we were able to have the windows open to the refreshing air all day!

Jackie, I have been through a lot of "rough patches" in my now 77 years, but I know and trust Jesus my Savior, and He is always ready to pick us up, brush us off, set our feet on the rock and give us another chance.  The only advice I can offer you is to be quick to confess any wrongs on your part (to God) and try to focus your thoughts on Him.  When you are thinking good thoughts, you cannot dwell on your troubles, for the mind can only think one thing at a time.  We are your friends; we love you, and this is a safe place to vent, so this is only gentle encouragement. 

If I may be so bold as to ask, why do you live with a man who makes you miserable?
I learned long ago that there are far worse things than being lonely, and one of those is to live with someone who makes you miserable.  If it is because of financial restraints,
then I have nothing to advise; but if not, trade him for a sweet dog!  Okay, Janet is off her soap box now!   ;)

Our precious Abby came last evening and took us to dinner, even insisting on paying,
then spent the evening with us.  She grows sweeter, more responsible and respectful all the time.  We love her so much and she makes us proud!  :clap:

It's nice and cool here again today!  Yea, God!

I thought Abby was planning to spend the night with us, so I got busy and cleaned the guest room.  It gets used as a dumping ground for things we don't take time to put in their proper places--in other words, a catch-all!  So I got the bed cleaned off and remade with clean linens, etc.  She wanted to go home so she could attend the college-age Sunday School class at Bethel Friends where she is attending this summer.  But it feels good to walk through and have that room  put to rights again!  So--thanks, Abby!

Darrel got most of the garden replanted yesterday.  Hope it has time to produce.  But it's so good to have this cool spell to give the plants a chance to get established.

Jeanne, good advice!  Marilyn, I understand some of what you're going through.  We are all in that age bracket where we start to have our bodies betray us, and have to watch the declines in our spouses, too.  It's not fun, but God is our strength and shield, a very present help in time of trouble.  When we cry to Him, He will answer and give us the strength to make it through to the end.  And heaven will be worth it all!!

I need to go "put my face on" and finish getting ready for church.  I pray sweet blessings over each of you today, in Jesus' name.
My book Rising Above available at


...I best stay clear in answering your question I always tell myself and he..." it is a need, not a want "... as my late father would often say..." there is a method in my madness..."  ;)

Larry Hanna...
...just your sincere offering of a hug is maybe all I need, thank you....
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone. We have a nice clear morning with little chance of rain today but getting into the high 80's.  Other than a quick trip to Aldi's to pick up a few groceries and produce my day is clear.  I am glad of that as even after a good nights sleep I woke up tired this morning so will plan to have a quiet and restful day.  We did make it to Sunday School and Church yesterday and then ate lunch at Ruby Tuesdays. 

About 3:30 yesterday I tuned in to the PGA Men's golf tournament and it ended up being an exciting one with a playoff required.  Jordan Spieth, who had led throughout the tournament made a spectacular shot from the sand bunker right into the hole to come out the winner.  This was his 10th win on the PGA and he is only 24 years old.  It looks like he is headed to a great career.

Janet, how special to have you granddaughter come and take you out to dinner and then pick up the bill.  In my experience it is always Pat and I who pick up the bill but I have no objection to that as it is just nice to have the time with our son and granddaughter and we can much more afford it than either of them.  Abby certainly is a credit to her parents and I expect you and Darrel also were a fine influence on her over the years. Glad you are having some nice weather.  I hope the replanted garden does well and no more hail to destroy this one.  Nice he had a cooler day to do that hard work. 

Jackie, I have come to enjoy hugs I give and hugs I receive.  It is a gift without price to both parties.  I hope you had a good day yesterday and today will be the same for you.


It was only 63 degrees here this morning!! :)  I enjoyed a brisk two-mile walk outdoors, then just did my stretching in the gym.  It is quite a bit warmer now, but the real heat won't return until tomorrow or the next day.

Larry, I love giving and receiving hugs, too, and it's nice we are old enough now that people don't even raise an eyebrow when we hug someone else's spouse--always including the other spouse, too, if present!  ;)  Yes, I think we had a lot of influence on all three of the close grandkids as they grew up, and we still have really good relationships with all of them.  I'm so grateful to God for that.

I was deeply hurt to learn that my eldest daughter, the one we adopted when her mom (my sister) was killed, was here earlier this month and never even contacted me at all.
She did go visit Beth and John and posted about it on Facebook; thus was I informed,
in a round-about way. I have turned it over to God, Who told me to just stay ready to accept her back and love her (as I always have) as if nothing ever happened like this.So my pain is less about it today.

I must go help Darrel load trash into the pickup!  Later!
My book Rising Above available at


...please dont think I am making light of your remark, because I am not but...please tell me how ...God communicated with you, re: " I have turned it over to God, Who told me to just stay ready to accept her back and love her (as I always have) "
...I have often found myself in similar situations but, as far as I am aware, I have never experienced God telling me what to do, well not in the way God has done with is just that you seem so sure of what HE wants you to do...

I am more inquisitive on the use of your words..." HE TOLD ME..."

Larry Hanna...
...sounds like you are on a roll, three consecutive nights of a good sleep..I believe our body clocks do adjust in playing a tad of catch-up with our very minimal sleep patterns on occasion...

The only recent hugs I have received was from my local vicar, I can tell he is a hugs person...and I must admit his quick hugs sure feel good, indeed any hugs lift our spirit...

" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Jeanne Lee

Chilly, showers, clouds...  unbelievable this is weather for the last week of June.   :o

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Got my hygienist dental appointment this doubt she will give me a lecture on flossing...well she doesn't suffer with the same sensory symptoms I suffer with in my right hand...and of course to the outsiders, my right hand looks normal, the same as my left hand, apart from it did swell a tad a couple of days ago..
She is aware I have MS but, like most people, assumes MS is JUST a walking problem...

Anyway, I hope no medicals, vets, dentist, GP surgery or hospital appointments are on anyone's today agenda...the perfect Idea is to keep as far a distance from them as possible...

" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone. We are suppose to have a partly cloudy to mostly cloudy day and will get up to around 90 degrees this afternoon.  I plan a very restful day today as still feeling weary.  I don't plan on going anywhere today as did get to Aldi's yesterday. 

Last evening when I went to brush my teeth my electric toothbrush bite the dust.  I changed the batteries but that didn't solve the problem so it is time to just get a new electric toothbrush.  I will order it from Amazon and probably have it tomorrow. I have folded a load of laundry that Pat did yesterday and put it away and emptied the dishwasher.  Pat fixed her own breakfast this morning and that was a help.  She seems to be feeling a lot better and not requiring as much help as she did for those many months.

Janet, it sounds like you are enjoying the cool weather. Like for us you know it is but a brief interlude in what is ahead for the summer. We just can never know what someone else (like your older daughter) has in her head at any given time.  Hopefully she will soon contact you and you are wise to just turn it over to God and not dwell on it. These events are a good time for the Serenity Prayer, something I say a lot.

Jackie, I am not Janet but will say I think God often communicates with us through other people who he puts into our lives such as your new vicar who shared a hug with you.  I also sometimes find that thoughts come into my mind at unexpected times that help guide my life.  I will always believe that when Stacey died he put two good friends in the room with us and then to help us when the battery in our car failed that same night at the Hospice facility.  I have no idea whether these words will be of help to you but they are what I believe. I had my fourth good night of sleep last night but the last couple of morning have gotten up feeling tired. I read somewhere that about 80% of people hate to floss and many do not. You know what you can do and not your dentist.

Jeanne, I expect you will soon see some hotter weather.



Jackie, I will do my best to answer your question.  I truly hope I can help you, as I had the same question for many years, re knowing when it is God speaking to me.  Larry gave you some insight already, in saying God uses other people to speak into our lives.  He also speaks to us in "a still, small voice."  Rarely, He even speaks out loud, although He has never done that with me--or with anyone I know!  About four years ago, my sister told me about a DVD course she had been loaned from her pastor, titled "How to Hear the Voice of God."  It sounded so exciting, and I asked her where I could get it; she asked her Pastor and he said to send his to me, as no one was waiting for it at that time.  I listened to it, also talked to Shirley (my sis) a lot about it; and it has truly revolutionized my prayer life!  The speaker's name is Mark Virkler.  Anyway, he says to start journaling your prayers, and then listen quietly in your spirit, and write down whatever impressions you get in your mind.  I never "hear" anything until I put pen to paper, and then the words begin to flow.  At first, I felt like I was just making things up; so it is very valuable to have someone you trust is really close to God to judge your writings.  Shirley's Pastor kindly did that for me, via email, for quite a while, until I felt confident I was really hearing from God.  It is easy to be fooled; I have to be very careful and judge everything by the unfailing truth of God's Word!

This sounds complicated at first, but it gets easier and easier as you gain confidence in Him.  He will correct me when I get off track!  And He does!  I now have dozens of filled journals.  (If anyone really wanted to know the "real me" they could read them and know the deepest thoughts of my heart!)

That's a long answer, but I feel if you can get the kind of breakthrough this has been for me, your whole life will improve.  Mine has!  (((((hugs)))))

I will come back later and post again.  We are in the middle of another mess here today.Darrel was mowing yesterday and discovered one outdoor faucet has been leaking.  Repair involved calling a guy with a backhoe to dig it up--the hole is about four feet deep, three feet wide, and of course made a big mess.  Had to leave water off all night--not on yet--so the water could go down, in the hole, as it was over a foot deep in there.  Now today, he has already been to town three times getting parts to fix it. I am "holding the dumb end" as a friend used to say, and trying to help however I can.
Plumbing is never easy!

See you later!
My book Rising Above available at


Janet and Larry Hanna...
...thank you both so much re, responding to my question that I put to Janet...I have read both of your advise and stories and will re-read again until I take every little detail in, and all is clear... and I can re-enact them by following the same techniques...
I have not long finished reading two bedtime books...Neale Donald Walsch...When God Steps In, Miracles happen...and Matt Morris...How To Live In The Present Moment...( let go of the past and stop worrying about the future ) but, I am not sure I agree with his idea of letting go of the past as there are some things I dont want to let go of, I mean, who wants to let go of the good things?...besides the past is part of where I am at now..

...I understand where you are coming from when you tell your story of events that took place and seemed out of the ordinary on the day-night your Stacey was taken from you...There have been some strange things that have come into my life too such as...the Saturday afternoon my father passed away in hospital, I remember the day well as Watford football stadium was playing their afternoon home match next door....It was a fluke that I phoned into work, a busy day in the betting office, that I wasn't coming into work that day, the bookmakers already knew he was in hospital as I had gone the night before and the night before, well this Saturday was the day he passed away, I had only gotten there in time but luck had it the only couple waiting at the taxi stand allowed me to take their taxi...Then when I got home, I was by myself, I moved an arm chair only to find a dead pigeon between the two, I flipped and hysterically cried out " two deaths in one day..." in the high rise block of flats where I was living at the time, we had a balcony that at some time I must have had the door open when one of the resident balcony pigeons must have gotten in, how long it had been there I have no clue, just that I had found it in decay after my father had passed away within an hour or two or three...Not sure what this was telling me, just that it was strangely timed...and in all the years of living in those block of flats, nothing like that had ever happened before...nor had any pigeon ever flown in..

...thank you for going into the thorough have been most helpful...Oh yes I do believe God uses other people to communicate with us but, I have never heard HIM nor felt Him communicate directly with me...I shall look to see if there is a book available of " How To Hear The Voice Of God..." by Mark Virkler...not a book nor author I have ever come across...

Well teeth have been hygiened... ;D hm, showed up after three months, I still have 50% of bacteria, so she has recommended I go back to see her again in thee months time but the choice she was leaving was down to me...I went ahead and booked the appointment, my Hygenist is originally from Texas...This is a private dentist not an NHS run dental practice so is costing us a bomb each visit and baring in mind I have recently had one filling and one tooth out...

Edited: I found the book, but I am NOT paying that price..... :o not unless God tells me too...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Quick update:  We finally got the new faucet installed, and there appear to be no leaks, Praise God!!  What a dirty, difficult, unhandy job!  Poor Darrel almost pulled his boot off trying to pull his foot out of the sticky, sucking mud.  And so hard for him getting down into the hole and back out.  Without my help, I doubt he could have made it.  I also played gopher--you know, go for this and go for that--to save him getting into and out of the hole several times.  We will not fill in the hole again until we are certain there are no leaks.  Sure don't want to do that again!!  He is now looking for a steel stake of some kind to drive down beside the pipe on the faucet, to help hold  it steady.  I expect it will take us several "goes" to get the dirt (right now all is mud!) back into the hole.  We never could have dug it out by ourselves, with only shovels!  So glad that nasty job is nearly done!
My book Rising Above available at

Jeanne Lee

Jackie, my two cents on the subject of hearing God.

It is always easy to ask God to show us His will in any situation.  It is not always easy to stop long enough to listen.  I often find myself trying to tell Him how to answer my request.  But I've found He always knows best, even if I don't especially like it at the time.  For me at least, it's a case of slow down, be quiet and "listen".

And of course, there are also the instances when ideas just seem to come "out of the blue", such as a sudden need to pray for someone without knowing why - often in the middle of the night when I can't seem to fall back to sleep. 

You see, Jackie, there are many ways in which God speaks to us.  Its just a matter of recognizing His voice and letting Him lead us according to His will.

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Jeanne Lee

Janet, what is it with you and water problems!   ;D
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Water problems, water problems, I have my own daily water problems to deal with.... ;D

Jeanne Lee...
... I have often in the past had the same dream pattern of the family home I grew up in...When alive, my father would always make blaring coal fires to be proud of from any outsiders who visited, such as the Insurance man visitor I remember who would always remark over the heat the fire was throwing out in our cold winters, think we were the envy of the street...Well I have often had the same dream of going towards this house and knowing whether my father was in the front room or not by the glow of the room, even with the curtains open or closed, or if he wasn't there.. If I was walking towards the house and their was no glow I knew he wouldn't be there...Now I always seemed aware throughout these same dreams that my father was no longer with me, but I knew he had come back alive whenever I saw the front room glowing with the coal fire burning...then I felt safe in knowing I had somewhere to stop off at, although I dont have recollections that I ever went inside, nor talking to him, just that he was home...Now I can take this as my father trying to still connect with me, as when I dream this I do take some comfort...Now my question this Gods doing, is it HIS way of communicating? it is not always easy deciphering a dream..
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly