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Bird Photos In Snow

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Help us Congratulate the Winner of Mini Challenge #106~My Favorite Things
Congratulations Fotobirder!
Bird Photos In Snow

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JennyW: Hello Janet! I check every day. I wish everyone would get going again! I miss seeing pictures and reading posts! 2025-01-24, 06:54:04

Janet: Hello, Friends!  Let's get this going again!  I miss  hearing from all of you! 2025-01-23, 19:26:16

Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Thoughts for the Month--January 2018

Started by Larry Hanna, January 05, 2018, 11:22:33 AM

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Larry Hanna

Let's get 2018 off with a new page for January


It looks like I am the first to post in the new thread. Sun is shining here today, lots of wind a little rain now and then.

I took Keith to the Doctor yesterday he is doing OK She increased his Aricept to 10 mg. Told him to cut way back on the cake and ice cream intake, get more exercise and is referring him to a dermatologist.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  Today is going to be basically a carbon copy of yesterday in terms of the weather.  We are suppose to get to 40 late this afternoon.  I plan on staying home today.  Yesterday I went with Pat on her errands and did the Walmart items as she waited in the car.  We then went to the Dollar Tree so she could get the cards she needed and while she was in there I went down to Office Depot and got the ink I needed for my printer.  It was over $50 for the four small cartridges.  They didn't stock the ones I needed at Walmart but later I found I can order them but then have to pick them up in the store and I am not sure it is worth the effort to save a couple of dollars.

Marilyn, glad that Keith seems to be doing OK.  I bet Keith didn't like the instructions from the doctor about eating the ice cream and cake. 


Break time from cleaning.   :P 

Larry:  Thank you for putting us in a new spot.

Janet:  How did Abbey like her trip to the convention?  I hope she had a good time. 


Carol, I'm taking a break, too, from taking down the little Christmas tree Toni put up for us.  I sort of "missed" Christmas; it went by in a blur for me this time.  I'm doing a little better day by day,trying to do some things in the house, making small decisions, putting things away and losing them.  (Can't find them when I go to get them again.)  I guess all this is part of the grief process, and I'll get through it in my own time and my own way......

I'm also doing laundry, I needed to wash my coat!

Carol, Abby did enjoy her convention (or whatever it was called.)  Several girls she knows from College also went, and four of them roomed together.  I didn't get to talk to her about it much.  She went back to school yesterday, had to be there for a track meet today.  She's not participating, but has to be there for her Sports Medicine class.

Time to haul Christmas stuff upstairs.......
My book Rising Above available at


Good afternoon everyone, I guess it is afternoon, my clock says it is almost 1:00 pm.  I hope it's a good day for y'all.  (There is my Arkansas upbringing again!). It is still cold outside, so I stay indoors most of the time.  I still feel weak, can't seem to gain any strength anymore. The degenerative arthritis in my neck is still at work causing pain.  I am going to appt with my GrDtr's Chiropractor on Thursday.  Sure hope to have good results, nothing else has helped.

My other Gr-dtr and family are in the process of moving to Ft Sill, Oklahoma, a transfer her hubby received from El Paso.  Their furniture is already there, but their appt to sign for the rent house is not until Monday afternoon, so they are here waiting, at her Moms house, just down the street from me.  Using half of my garage for one of the vehicles. It is full of some of their "stuff" so they didn't want to leave it sitting on the driveway there...afraid someone might break in to steal. A friend of theirs found them a rent house in OK near the about "sight unseen!" 😃  The friend did send Patty a video which she made at the house. Apparently they are fortunate to get a house, so few available.
This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.   Ps 118:24

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It was a cold 17 degrees when I got up this morning but suppose to get to 40 this afternoon.  I will be going to Church by myself this morning as Pat's back is really bothering her.  She is up early and using the cold pack on it.  I will bring something back for our main meal of the day.  Yesterday I just stayed home and worked in my office all morning, rested after lunch and then watched the Kansas City Chiefs lose to the Tennessee Titans.  I didn't watch the evening game as it came on too late. 

Janice, the y'all became a part of my vocabulary after I moved to Georgia more than 30 years ago.  I don't even notice it when I hear it anymore although I don't think I actually say it.  :)  Glad your Gr-dtr and family were able to find housing at Ft. Sill.  Is her husband in the military?

Janet, I have that same problem when I clean up and reorganize things, then can't find them without a lot of searching.  I guess the message to me is to leave things where I have had them for a long time.  We each must deal with our grief in our own way.  It sounds like you are keeping pretty busy.  Glad Abby enjoyed her convention.

Carol, we get everything nice and clean and then in a few days it all has to be done again.  Glad you allow yourself breaks from those tasks. 


Well, I am doing something my mother would never allow - that is, sewing on a Sunday.  I just had to get to the cutting, ironing and sewing of a binding on a quilt.   Half of it is ready to be attached.   :crazy: 

Janet  So happy to hear that Abby had a good visit to the "Cow Town" as it was once known.  Now, it is the pot capital as far as I am concerned.  Abby sure keeps busy just like her g-ma.  Praying for peace of mind for you too.  Also, I wanted to mention that our middle grandchild, is majoring in Business and Sports health (am not sure of that last part) . 

Janice:  Military housing doesn't come easy.  How nice they have something decent available .  When Don was in the Air Force, newly married, he found a little and new house for rent and we were asked to water the new lawn.  that was the easy part.  Remembering horses walking in our back yard right through the clothes hanging on the line.  Remembering tumble weeds so high that the front door couldn't be opened - that was Cheyenne.   Good wishes to all of the family.  My heart goes out to our military and family included.

Janice:  I feel for your neck pain because I had surgery and pain for possibly the same.  It 4as such a long time and I went for acupuncture treatments even just a couple of years ago.  A wedge pillow was used after surgery, perhaps that might ease the pain of pulling on your neck area?  Just a thought.

Don and I have been really exhausted for several weeks and our good friend here says the same for her.  We have been wondering if we have Valley Fever - it is common, lasts five years and nothing can be done.  It is in the air we breath and affects lungs.  That is my excuse for taking a nap. 

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  While it is 28 degrees this morning we are to get up to around 50 this afternoon and then the rest of the week will be warmer with possibility of some rain.  Pat thinks the improvement from the shots in her back may be over as yesterday and again this morning she is back to using the ice and taking the muscle relaxants and taking half of a pain tablet.  I just fixed her breakfast and we plan on TV Dinners, which we have in the freezer and they need to be eaten, for our main meal today probably with a little salad.  I have nothing particular on my schedule for today and don't expect to leave the house other than to go to the mailbox this afternoon.  I am looking forward to the Georgia/Alabama college football Championship game tonight and will be pulling for Georgia.  I did watch parts of both of the playoff NFL games yesterday over the weekend.  I was pulling for Carolina to beat New Orleans.  They gave them a tussle but in the end New Orleans won.  However, the Atlanta Falcons won their game on Saturday and will be in the playoffs that start this weekend. 

Carol, five years is a long time to deal with the Valley Fever and sure hope you two don't have it and will be able to get rested up.


Carol, I have never heard of Valley Fever. It will never strike here, these Plains are just that...plain and flat!  I hope you feel better soon. 
Yes, my Gr Dtr is married to a soldier, and this was a transfer. They lived at El Paso (Ft Bliss) for a number of years.  Mixed in with 3 yrs in South Korea.  When they were first married, Richard lwas an Airman stationed at the local Air Force Base. But he was out of the Air Force after awhile.  He had so much time in, that he wanted to finish up enough time to get the retirement so he signed up with the Army.  Last evening Patty sent a photo of the 3 of them standing by a big sign that said in large letters "Welcome to Oklahoma"...I wonder who made the picture?  Must have flagged down .a local person passing by!
This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.   Ps 118:24


Janice, maybe the photo was a "selfie"?  I'm terrible at taking those, must be a knack I need to learn.  I do hope the chiropractic treatment gives you some relief from the terrible neck pain!

Carol, do you anticipate continuing to "move" twice per year as the years keep rolling by?  We have thought some about finding a place in Florida close to Mark, to spend the Winter months.  Won't decide on that before visiting him there to see if we even like it.  He says we are welcome to come stay with them as long as we want, but we wouldn't impose on them like that--visit, yes, but not months!  I cannot imagine spending even three months in another location, but we do travel for a month at a time.  And I'm pretty sure we could get better plane fares from Florida than from Kansas!  I have never heard of Valley Fever before, but it surely doesn't sound good!

Larry, I'm sorry to read that Pat's back pain has returned.  Ugh. I hope she can get some relief from it, and that right soon!

My book Rising Above available at

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  The cold has moved out and we expect to get into the low 60's this afternoon.  It didn't get to freezing last night.  I don't expect to go anywhere today unless Pat feels up to going out for our big meal.  She may not want to do that since we start our Wednesday night dinner tomorrow night at the Church.  Last night I watched Georgia University get beat by Alabama University in the college football championship game.  It was a very entertaining game and went into overtime before Alabama won.  It kept me awake until after midnight, which I something I try to avoid but this was a special event. 

Janice, how many more years does your granddaughter's husband have before he can retire from the military? 

Janet, I haven't got into doing selfie's either and doubt that I ever well other than when I need a photo of myself.  I think I need to change my Avatar to a current picture since I no longer wear glasses all day long. Will you be visiting Mark in Florida this winter.  I have never desired to have a second home as keeping up with one has been enough for me.  Pat has another follow-up appointment with the pain doctor tomorrow but pretty certain she won't be getting any more shots as it would be too soon after the last ones.  She was doing better after using the ice and taking a muscle relaxant. 


Hello again after a long time of being away.
Larry what font size and color  is best ?

Now to explain my long time away, over many years I had been helping with my parents until they passed on and then continued with my remaining aunt, mom's last living sister who did not drive also refused to go to a Dr. I cannot begin to explain it all. She was a very strong lady but thus many tears on my part as she thought that she always new best. The time arrived when she had to go to the hospital 4 times in a very short time span. Home care started and thus increased my stress. She then went to a nursing home which was not of auntie's liking, approx. 7 wks later she passed on to be with her Lord and Saviour. Her home had to be emptied which hubby and I had to do almost totally alone, a plumbing repair was urgent. The house went on the market at a lower price due to the needed expense, she lived in the home for perhaps 50yrs and nothing in the way of maintenance had been done. She new best in all of this. The estate is all most settled and after many years I am finally starting to feel better.

Janet & others that have or are living the same thing I sure know how you feel. My prayers are for all in stress.

Larry: The extreme cold spell here has finally moved on but now we can count on getting snow and freezing rain, not really sure what is best.

I have a chiro. appointment this afternoon and a little house work to get done. cheers to all   
Ruth G
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.  Proverbs 3:6


[size=12pt Janice:  The Valley Fever is in the soil, so we have been told.  Have you ever seen pictures of dust storms in Arizona - there is a lot of open space where tumbleweeds fly by and it has to be so unhealthy when sand is blowing.  ---Both of us started feeling better yesterday.

Janet:  This is a nice time to visit Florida because you can sit outdoors and take a walk outside too - it sounds like Mark wants you to visit. 

Ruth:  You deserve a Rest and Recuperation as well.  You must have the patience of Job - when I think about the relative set in her way. 

Larry:  Glad your Georgia boys won the game.

We are getting messages all about the month of March -with priority for our daughter who will stay one week.  I have a cousin in Florence and we have a mutual relative who is planning to visit for one month.  That is really a long month  ??? 

It is supposed to rain tonight - that would be an oddity in the desert. 



Ruth, good to "see" you here again!  So sorry for your years of stress, dealing with a difficult situation and one so set in her ways.  Now that the estate is nearly settled, I hope you find some peace and some time to do something nice for yourself. 

As to your question, I  find that using Bold, 14 pt. size, and the color of your choice (or black) is easy for everybody to read.  I know you asked Larry, just giving my opinion.   :-[

Jackie, where are you these days???

Carol, Mark is anxious for us to visit, but it's going to be quite a while before we can.  I cannot imagine asking anyone to host us for a whole month, not even Mark!  And YOU must have the patience of a saint yourself!!  My goodness!  :o

Larry, sorry your team lost, but glad it was a close, entertaining game.  Not like the Chiefs, who didn't score at all in the second half.  :-\  I don't think we would buy anything in Florida, maybe consider renting somewhere for a couple months or something like that.  We wouldn't want the work and expense of upkeep on two places, either.

I closed Beth's bank account this morning.  Had no idea they would need a copy of her death certificate for that. :(

Larry, you asked me to let you know about the effects of the Zeal product.  It is living up to all the glowing praise we have heard about it, so far.  I don't think I'd have had a good night's sleep for two or three months without it, nor be able to cope with my grief and sadness.  And Darrel is doing better, has more energy and is noticing he is getting stronger all the time.  We're sold on it, and want to share it with as many people as possible.

Our wonderful chiropractor friend, who spoke at Beth's service, lost his mother last night.  She was diagnosed only two weeks ago with liver cancer that had metastasized to brain and spine.  Poor Dr. Saxon, he's her only child, so has all decisions to make alone.  I'm praying for this dear man.

I have "stuff" to do; better get with it!
My book Rising Above available at


Hello, Everyone, Sorry I have been AW and didn't pass the eye test. They gave me a form to have my eye dr fill out. Since I was only there 3 weeks ago he may just use that exam or perhaps have me come in to be fitted with a light pr of glasses for distance. The lady at DMV told me that the eye dr. machines are much better than theirs so they may just fill out the forms and have me take them back. I sure do need to be able to drive since Keith can't drive.

We met up with some of Keiths boys and families for lunch yesterday, they were in town for their mother's wedding on Sunday.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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I'm sorry to be the bearer of sad news, but Pat just called and asked me to tell you thatJeanne's son, Ken had called to tell her that Jeanie will be going home to Glory very soon.  She is receiving palliative care now; an they are hopeful that her daughter will arrive before she goes.  Pat cannot type because of her arm, so asked me to let you know.   :'(
My book Rising Above available at


" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Ruth Ann Bice

Hello friends,

I'm here and thankful to be able to post and to participate once again.

May God bless each of our loved ones who are ill and who are recovering from pain of one type or another.

Much love to all,
Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


Jackie, thank you for the link to Ken's post.  Better to hear from the source!  I was just trying to follow Pat's instructions, but this is far better.

We plan to go to Garden City today; taking John with us, as we want to look at head stones, and want his input too.  Our weather is predicted to turn nasty later today--cold, VERY windy and a little snow.  Ugh.  We need moisture, but we do not need wind.  Cold, I can take quite well, but not with howling wind!  Sorry, I shouldn't be complaining about the weather.  Remembering what Dr. Tillotson always said, "If you're going to live here, you must make friends with the wind!"  Sigh....

I am thinking of the phrase in a song, "Going down the valley, going one by one...."  So many people I know and several that I love, have gone through that valley this Winter.  I'm getting homesick for Heaven!

Time to wake Darrel and get ready to go to Garden City.  I wish you all sweet blessings for the day.
My book Rising Above available at

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is going to be a truly beautiful day as nice an sunny and going to get up to around 70 degrees.  This is going to be a very busy morning as Pat has an appointment at the pain clinic.  Then we will go to the Credit Union to have the money wired to pay off our house mortgage--no more house payments!  Then if Pat feels up to it we will go to Great Clips so she can get a haircut.  Wednesday is senior day and you save $2 over the regular cost.  While she is there I will go across the street and get some cash from the ATM and make a quick stop at Walmart for a couple of items.  This evening, as I said yesterday, we will go to the Church for the Wednesday night dinner.  After Pat's doctor's appointment yesterday we decided to stop at the Pizza Hut for the Tuesday evening buffet and more specifically just to say hi to our son.  He was busy so we had little time together but got a nice hug as we left.  He and Jennifer will be coming out to the house after dinner. 

Ruth G, so good to see your posting.  You have certainly had your hands full.  Being a caregiver is a very difficult and exhausting experience and it sounds like you have a difficult patient to deal with which didn't help any.  Then dealing with an estate is difficult work.  We did that with my folks property about 17 years ago.  Fortunately things were in very good order and we had an auction company handle the sale of the goods and the house sold easily. Glad you are experiencing a little less cold up your way.   

Carol, glad to see you both were feeling better.  Unfortunately our Georgia football team lost in overtime but it was a great and competitive game. Is your relative planning to stay with you for a whole month? 

Janet, we both use the same setting for posting here in terms of size although I usually just use black.  The nice thing about rental in a resort area would be that if you didn't like the accommodations or you decided not to go in a particular year you are not stuck with a property to tend to.  I had the same experience when I closed Stacey's bank account.  They made a copy of it and gave the original back to me.  I had gotten several copies thinking I would have to provide one for several different places but found I only needed that one copy.  Unfortunately, some way all of those copies accidentally got discarded but I have never needed one since then so haven't ordered a replacement and don't intend to.  Glad to see the Zeal product is working so well for you and Darrel.  Sad about your chiropractaor's mother passed away but sure a blessing she didn't to suffer for a long time.  Hope your trip to Garden City is not impacted by a change in your weather.  I will always remember the wind blowing so much when we lived in Oklahoma.  Is John planning moving back to where his family is located?

Marilyn, you must have been shocked not to pass the eye test.  I sure hope you will be able to continue to drive.

It is very sad to get the news about Jeanne Lee but she has been very ill and has fought a good fight. 

Jackie, that was a beautiful graphic you posted in honor of Jeanne and the statement is right on. 

Ruth Ann, nice to see you participating again.  Keep up the good work. 


Larry Hanna... be honest the graphic I posted was as my every day signature but, in hindsight what wonderful timing...yes I will now be claiming this to our Jeanne Lee...this will now be in honour to her..
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Larry, Yes I was in complete disbelief when I couldn't pass that eye test at DM]V. My Ophthalmologist said I don't need any correction for distance and the lady at DMV said I couldn't see far enough. What? that doesn't make any sense at all, but I sure couldn't read the chart she wanted me to read. I have heard back from my eye Dr's office yet.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Black ink - pt. 14   Let us see what this looks like.  I have used the 12 font size and it sure looks small on this laptop. 

No, no one is asking to stay with us for a full month.  It could be done but this place is small - plus Don deals with hearing loss every day and that would be too stressful.  I have one relative who would like to rent in this community for a month and I know she would think of something for us to do every day so I can't have that happen either just for Don's sake at least. 

Pat:  Praying for healing on your hand problem - We have a friend at home who fell on the ice last year and broke so many bones that her right hand is not as flexible as it should work.  We loaned her a small hand bath that uses paraffin for therapy and hope it eases the pain at least.  It was recommended for therapy on Don's hand after his surgery and it did ease the pain.

We are invited over for a ham dinner tonight and next week I have six of us for dinner.  Taking time now to make at least one phone call to a dear cousin. 


Carol, I misunderstood, as thought this person was requesting to stay a whole month with you!  Whew!

Larry, John doesn't yet know what he wants to do.  So far, he seems content here, and will feel more so when (and if) he ever gets his apartment cleaned and straightened up.  It's a mess!  He does say he wants to be buried beside Beth when that time comes, so we will purchase a double stone.  Maybe he will pay some of the cost.  Everyone keeps asking me what John is going to do, but even John doesn't have the answer to that.

We will go to the Wed. night dinner at church tonight, then to Dr. Saxon's mother's funeral in the morning at 10.

We had a safe trip to and from Garden City, for which I thank the Lord.

I cannot understand why I am getting so many of the thank you notes returned.  With cell phones, and less addresses in the phone book, it is hard to come by correct addresses, it seems.
My book Rising Above available at

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. Our day is starting out with it being around 60 degrees and it will be cloudy all day.  Yesterday was a very nice day to be out and about.  We did accomplish all of the things I wrote about yesterday including paying off the mortgage on our home.  Neither Scott nor Jennifer made it to the dinner at Church last evening but Scott did come over around 8 and visit for a couple of hours.  Today will be my normal Thursday.  I will pick up my friend and we will go to coffee downtown.  I will then bring him home and go back to the Church for the Wisdom group.  That will be it for the day. 

Pat did not get good results from the pain doctor yesterday.  Since the shots haven't held they will not give her any more.  She has an appointment with the surgeon as wants to talk to him again before making a decision about whether to try surgery as he had told her before that surgery would address only a little of her problem since the spinal stenosis is so severe. 

Carol, your font looks fine.  I use the Arial Black font and bold it as well to make it stand out more.  Glad to read that you won't be hosting for an entire month.  Remember that "no" is considered a complete sentence and it isn't necessary to justify why you say it.  I still haven't mastered that very well as may say no but then still say why.  We all are still a work in progress.  :)

Janet, it is probably wise for John to take time to make any decisions about where he will live.  Sorry you are having some of your thank you notes returned.  If folks don't tell you of a new address there is not much you can do about it.     


Good Day fellow prayers!  Rise and shine - it is still dark here so some don't have to get up so soon.

We had a nice dinner at our friends house last night and talked for hours.  Coming out to the car, we are all wary of the javalinas - a woman here was bitten quite badly and in hospital .  They look like an ugly pig but apparently not really a pig. 

Larry:  I find it hard to say "why" because so many do not understand Don's hearing problem - it just is not fair to him.  He doesn't mind but does almost get dizzy when there is too much noise.  I am super happy that you and Pat paid off your mortgage!!!!

Janet:  Take care of yourself and Darrel -

It was so nice of Jeanne Lee's son to post her condition the other day.  May he be comforted by knowing how much she is loved.


Hi everyone, Oboy, is it ever cold and windy outside!  Brrrr.
Today I will go to the chiropractor and hopefully get some help with this awful neck pain. It has brought tears to my eyes more times than once.
Larry, interesting that you are a credit union too.  Actually my late husband was.  He was one of the original members of our CU, being member  number 16.  Dated 1952.  This was way before I met him! I still have his account so I feel sure it is the oldest account there at Cannon FCU now.  (Cannon Air ForceBase) He was a civilian employee there.

This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.   Ps 118:24


Another morning spent attending yet another funeral.  This has been such a season of loss; and still another dear friend in critical condition.  Lord, please help!

Marilyn, I sure know how you felt when you didn't pass your eye test at the DMV, as that happened to me a few years back.  I went to my eye doctor in tears!  He told me from then on to bring the paper to him to fill out, which I have done.  He told me last year he would only sign it if I promised not to drive at night any more.  I promised,
and have kept it, except I did come home a couple of times when I had no choice, and just from town.  Eye problems are no fun, for sure!

Terrible that in Canada now, little children from kindergarten on are being indoctrinated in homosexual, lesbian,
LGBTWHATEVER sinful garbage. So very sad.  And if we do not stay vigilant, it will be happening here soon!

Janice, I'm praying the chiropractor is a really good one and that you will get some much-needed relief from your visit.

My book Rising Above available at


Good evening everyone. I have read the posts, and there is so much sadness..  I speak to Pat quite often, not every day though.

We John and I have had health problems as well, Right now he is battling a flu virus that has attacked his upper respiratory system.  Never one to complain it is hard to see him struggling with the coughing associated with this.

God is good.  In all things He is good.  We never get more than He can handle.

God bless you all and may you experience God's Peace and Grace.