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Bird Photos In Snow

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Bird Photos In Snow

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JennyW: Hello Janet! I check every day. I wish everyone would get going again! I miss seeing pictures and reading posts! 2025-01-24, 06:54:04

Janet: Hello, Friends!  Let's get this going again!  I miss  hearing from all of you! 2025-01-23, 19:26:16

Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Thoughts for the Month--January 2018

Started by Larry Hanna, January 05, 2018, 11:22:33 AM

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Janice:  Sorry for your neck pain - so aggravating.  Do they give you any exercise?  The cold weather doesn't help you at all.  Prayers for your ease.

Janet:  These are overwhelming times for you and Darrel.  Be sure to take time for your own recovery. 

JudyB.  So sorry that John has this year's flu.  It is so hard to get through a season of cold and flu - take care yourself.  Hi to John.  Miss his messages. 

I spent a very long time watching YouTube video of the funeral for the officer killed in line of duty at Highlands Ranch, Colorado.  The funeral was at the huge church we attend - wishing I could have been there to help in any way.  It is such a long video first showing all the cars and police just parking and walking.  I did watch the widow while she read a letter to her husband.  Peace be with the family. 

The music and solo singing in the background - I recognized the voice.  We usually sit in the separate chapel - otherwise, it is "too much" for Don's hearing.  Thank goodness the weather was decent as the line outdoors was huge, never stopping.  It was not a church service - it was a Police service and rightly so.  A long line of policemen each brought a long-stemmed white flower and placed it in a very large bowl.  Then, they would salute the casket (draped with our flag).  Very sad. 



This is a day that I should have stayed home due to the terrible weather, it started out as rain then freezing rain then on to the wind and blowing snow now I am home. I did feel it necessary to go the bank and lawyers although it could have waited until next week. My we sometimes fail to be patient.

Marilyn I trust you get the eye situation resolved soon.

Larry: What a wonderful feeling when the debt load is gone, in fact we are experiencing a little of the same right now as well.

I wish improved health to all. Now on to prepare dinner.
Ruth g 

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.  Proverbs 3:6

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. After a day of rain and now a night that got down to 31 we are expecting it to get to 50 this afternoon with sun all day.  After two days of cloudy weather the sun will be welcome.  We did go out to Dairy Queen for their $5 lunch special yesterday.  I plan on attending a meeting this morning and making a quick stop at Aldi's and then late this afternoon will likely watch the football games.  They don't start until about 4:30. 

I know I wrote a posting here yesterday but it must not have posted and I didn't notice. 

Janet, sorry to see that you have lost another friend and had to attend a funeral so soon after your own loss.  Sure glad you are still able to drive during the daytime.  I agree with you on some of the things that are being taught small children in school. 

Judy, sure nice to see your posting here and hope your health problems are improving.  So sorry to read that John is battling a flu virus.  Almost every night now on the National news they have a short story about how severe the flu is here in the USA.  One of my coffee drinking friends mentioned on Thursday that his cardiologist had suggested that he avoid going to Church or other places with a large number of people because of the flu.  I probably should consider the same thing but attending Church is a big part of my life. 

Carol, they showed just a snippet of the funeral for the officer in Highlands Ranch on the news the day of the funeral.  I particularly noted that the procession of police and firemen took up almost a mile. 

Ruth, you sound like me in your going to the bank and lawyers as when I have something I have decided to do I want to get it done and don't like to wait. Sure glad you got safely home as that freezing rain can be so dangerous.  You are right it sure is a good feeling to once again know my home is paid for.  The peace of mind is worth what it may cost of us lost interest on the investments we used but that could also vanish quickly if the markets go down.  Glad you are also experiencing a little of the same feeling.


Done a short morning walk, the first time out I guess in a month....was tough going as both legs were trying to buckle on me...and to make matters worse, I never saw one person to even talk too...but for a few minutes I got out to breathe some fresh air, and to take in what would be some fantastic views that circle our stuck down in the valley site...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Had another ( mental ) MS body messed up, cant get hold of anyone..GP surgery closed, the MS helpline closed, my homelife took another dose of abuse, shouting - threatening at each others face....he makes sure he picks his moments...when I am in pain and practically crawling from room to room...Someone very close to us ( our forums, I shan't name the person, ) once gave me some good advice and help, round four years ago...I never took it - acted upon it then, then MS came along, followed by moving with him, downsizing, to clear my heavy debts..Previously staying to see out my three dogs, now no dogs, no debts, yet I am still trapped...
As they say..." tomorrow is another day..."
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Jackie, I am sending prayer upward for your situation.

Ruth, I am always happy to see your posts. I wondered what had happened to you and why you quit posting. So good to see you back.

I still have to get the form filled out that the accountant sent us for our taxes. Plus other legal stuff to get taken care of while Keith is still able to understand what they are and why it is necessary. he is doing well so far and had an increase in the Aricept to 10 mg from 5. There are things that we have to get his name off of like the house and his Corvette, not use the bank accounts since they are joint accounts, I will have to ask an attorney.

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


I'm sorry for the problems among us.  I decided it might do me good to go to my painting group today, so I drove to Lakin, about 30 miles, to my friend's house who drives the long part.  (I give her gas money.)  The project wasn't one I would choose, but it only cost $1.00, so that's fine.  It was painted on wrapping paper!  It was good to see my painting friends again after many months, but I think I need to drop out, because of my eyesight. It's really hard for me to drive; then part of the time I couldn't even see when my brush touched the surface of the paper.  :(

When I got home I was feeling pretty bum, and am feeling worse now.  Maybe a cold, not sure, but it's only 2 1/2 weeks until we leave on that big trip, and I surely do NOT need to be sick!  I'm ready to go to bed and really hope I can sleep and feel better in the morning.

Love and prayers to each of you.
My book Rising Above available at


Janet Oil of Oregano, quick. A natural antibiotic.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  We are back to winter temperatures again today.  It was 26 degrees when I arose and will only get up to the low 40's this afternoon.  The only thing on the agenda is going to Sunday School and Church.  I will bring the devotional for our Sunday School this morning and perhaps lead the singing of the two hymns, which I have done for the last two weeks.  I no longer have a strong voice but can read the music and sing on key and we have a microphone.  After Church I will stop somewhere and bring something home for our main meal of the day.  Pat has come down with a bit of bronchitis and has been doing a lot of coughing.  However, she has been using Zicam and she thinks the cough is better this morning.  Her back is feeling better this morning also and she didn't start the day with the icepack.  Hopefully she will be able to enjoy a good day.

Jackie, glad to see you were able to get outside but sorry to see your legs didn't want to cooperate.  So sorry your day was so difficult and will put you in my prayers. 

Marilyn, it seems there is never an end to the paperwork.  You are wise to attend to the legal stuff now rather than struggling with it later.  Glad to see the Aricept is helping. 

Janet, glad you were able to be with your painting group yesterday but sorry to see you feel you may have to give that up as you are such a good artist and know you enjoy doing it.  I hope you are not coming down with a cold. 

I am reposting a message from Jeanne Lee's son in case you haven't seen it as she has been a wonderful friend to all of us for many years and gave unselfishly to our discussions:

This is Ken again,

It's with a heavy heart that I tell her dear friends, Jeanne Lee passed at 9:00 AM Thursday morning, Jan 11, 2018.

Alice (her daughter) and I were at her side when she passed very peacefully.  The last words she spoke to me Monday, were, "What would I do without you?" She paused a moment, took a breath and then said "I'm going to be with Jesus soon". 

Her friends, her family and her faith gave her so much joy and comfort. She considered all of you her family. Pat, she loved you and thought of you as the sister she never had.   

My brain tells me I will miss her less as time move on, my heart is not so sure. There will never be a day that goes by I will not think of her.  She was a good friend and a dedicated mother.

Per her wishes, she will be cremated and there will be no memorial service other than a mention during Sunday's church service.

Ken Corson



Larry, thank you for sharing Ken's very sad news.  Jeanne was so loved, and will be so missed.  I note that she passed away exactly one month after my Beth.  By the time we join them, they will have met and become fast friends.  This news saddens me, as I feel the loss of her prayers, and her friendship.

I hope Pat does have a better day today.  Glad you feel like singing, and the microphone should help you to be heard.  I know your church appreciates what you do for the Lord in their midst.  You are a blessing!

Marilyn, I have no Oil of Oregano, and there's no place here that I know of, to get any.  I did take Zicam, and the Zeal should be a big help.  I didn't go to church this morning, as felt it wouldn't be wise to do so.  I'm sure John is wondering where we are!  I tried to call him, but he leaves for church early, and I missed him.  Will call later.

I'm so sad for Pat H. hearing about Jeanne.  She loved her so much, even though they'd never met in person. I feel that way about several on this site, too.

Since I am home today I plan to begin getting my things together for the upcoming trip.  We really need to pack carefully, as there are weight limits.  So no unnecessary items, and a minimum of clothes!

Time for my Zeal and more water.  Go away, cold!
My book Rising Above available at

Jane Walker

I, just now, received the notice about Jeanne's passing and realize I needed to be here during this time.  I have been reading, nearly every day, on both forums -- this and Seniors and Friends -- but have found it just about more than I can manage to join in the discussions.  My input seems so anemic and I am at a loss for words to add or be of comfort or otherwise.

Jeanne was among the very first to welcome me to the big WWW ... she helped me in so many ways.  When we were all learning HTML, making our web pages, downloading and posting graphics, and so much more.  I was on AOL back then and everything seemed contrary to the other carriers ... she was so patient and longsuffering in helping me figure out the code to be able to keep up with everyone else.  There have been a few times when I have been privileged to speak with her on the phone.  I can't imagine being without those moments.  I know that is a selfish thing to say.  Everyone of us will miss her deeply, but I know her heart was always turned toward Heaven.  RIP dear Jeanne Lee. 
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


We will all miss Jeanne.  Sending prayers and love to the family. 


We cannot go to church for perhaps another month because..... the flu and a terrible cough are at the highest level in this area right now.  Many events are being cancelled - and that is the right decision. 

Right now, we are concerned & praying for a full recovery for grandson's concussion at a hockey game.  He is being well cared for with the dark room no sound room therapy.  I will find out more later. 

We have been invited to drive to Lake Havasu and stay over a night with a cousin at a time-share they were given.  Problem is - the drive is 6 1/2 hours each way and I will have to say no as that is too taxing at this point. It did sound nice for a change.  We will meet them later in the week. 

Don is enjoying the Vikings game!  I have been quilting pot holders for gifts. 


I think the hardest part to take in, is that we are aware members are ill, have longterm illnesses to deal with but, what we dont know is how bad they are, or how long they have been dealing with it in silence from us..Well that is until we lose them, then it really shocks the system, because we think they will be here forever...
...I too will miss her and her smiling face...

I will say a is midnight...wishing our members a peaceful and restful sleep...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Just thought that rather that re-typing my thoughts about my close friend, Jeanne with my painful arm and in a cast, I will repost what I wrote:

Oh Jeanne, Jeanne, Jeanne!!  How I will miss you my dear, dear friend. 

June 1996 was when we became close, close friends two months after SeniorNet started...22 years!

Three days before she went Home to Glory, we spoke on the telephone sharing how both of us were so ill but somehow together we'd keep going with what had to be done on the websites. 

We prayed together for each other and for some of our members who were ill or had other problems.  Just before hanging up, Jeanne said, "My God hath done all things well!"  and then,  "Pat, I'm sure I can look after things until you are well enough to do things.",

About three days later, I got the phone call from Ken.    :'(

I have no idea how we'll be able to even begin to fill Jeanne's size 12 shoes.  We always kidded each other when we compared our feet size--mine are size 13!

It will take time to get things working like Jeanne and I envisioned but with my illness (since November 1,2015), taking up such a huge space in my day to day life, it's certainly going to be difficult.

Again my dear friend Jeanne, I love you and will remember you fondly in the years to come.   <3 


"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


It is with mixed emotions I read about Jeanne.  Sad for our respective loss and for the empty chair in the family, however rejoicing that she is no longer in pain and is with her Savior.

Prayers go out to the family, during this time of mourning.


I am so saddened. I will miss you Jeanne. God bless you. My prayers are being said for your family

God first. Friends next . Self last.


Soon leaving for an MS therapy Centre...this is my nearest and only choice which is 46 -47 miles away...a 2 hour 40 - 50 minute two way journey, which takes us into the next county.... Went there once before soon after I moved here but thought the journey too long, and too far, too many buildings near to it, ( not particularly an inviting area ) and the parking was diabolical...Oh well, if I want some communication, a therapy or two, I have no choice...Apparently a nearer centre closed 2 months before I moved here, because of lack of funds, isn't that the norm... ::) same as our hospitals and care-homes...or any places that help or look after the needy or disadvantaged...

Of course the person who is taking me will be welcomed, little will they know that he was volatile to me recently and at a time when my MS was at one of its usual he will " talk all sweetness and light " although it was another short episode, that given time, I will and do, revert back to my usual MS state...The nerves in my legs are still going " ten to the dozen..." but this is my norm...

...bless you, it is so heartening to know that you both pray-prayed for your members-our Christian family...
...Big heart-big feet, what more can I say...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


I meant to have said..." heartwarming " not heartening, apologies but too late to correct, time ran out...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. We have a very crisp but sunny day here in South Carolina and are not to get above the mid-40's after getting down into the mid-20's last night.  I plan on staying inside and warm today.  Nothing on the calendar that demands particular attention so will just work on some non-priority projects here in my office.  Pat's congestion is breaking up a bit but she is still coughing.  It doesn't seem to have turned into a cold. 

Our men's group, with the help of some of the women in the Church, will do the annual Project Warm this coming Friday and Saturday.  They hope to work on 8 or 9 houses that need repair for people who cannot afford to handle the repairs.  The supplies needed are paid for by one of the charities here and the Church supplies the labor.  This is the 7th or 8th year are men's group has done this on an annual basis.

Janet, I am happy to help out in Sunday School and use the talents God has given me to the extent I am able. I don't mind being in front of a group.   I hope you are feeling better this morning and can take things easy this week to give yourself time to get rid of the cold and further rest up.

Jane, just seeing your name appear on a posting is a blessing, at least to me, to know that you are OK.  I think Jeanne was a very intelligent person and was certainly a big help to us and was a wonderful friend and we will miss her.  I remember how active she was in her Church when she was able to attend. 

Carol, I probably should stay away from Church while the flu is rampant but it just isn't likely as it is an integral part of my life and has been since I was 3 years old.  I noticed our attendance was down quite a lot yesterday but heard only one small child coughing and he was well in front of me.  So sorry to hear that your grandson suffered a concussion.  That is such a hard contact sport I suppose that isn't a two unusual occurrence but frightening non-the-less.  That was some game the Vikings played yesterday afternoon and winning on the last play will certainly be memorable for that quarterback and the player who caught the long pass and found the way open in from of him to the goal line.  I really don't understand the reason for them having to bring the players back for the point after since the game was won. 

Jackie, you certainly stayed up late last night.  I don't function well after about 9 pm.  I hope you get some help today from the therapy center.  We do what we have to do. 

Pat, that was a beautiful message.  I agree it will be difficult to pick up all the things that Jeanne and you have done for us here on this site but hopefully we can learn but things do change overtime. 


Larry Hanna...
...the annual membership has been paid...I will be going this Friday for a thing, or I call it a thing as I have yet to see what this is about...but something that interested me last time I went there 18mths or so...This " thing " is called Gong Bath...not actually a bath but, quoting: " A gong bath is a form of sound therapy where the gong is played in a therapeutic way to bring about healing..."
....not sure its weekly though...

The journey over was quite interesting, first a large adult deer stood in the middle of the lane road, but ran back to the wooded bushes just in time as we approached, we did slow down the car on approach...Then at our half way mark, and because my bladder needed to empty, we stopped of at an old country-style pub...of course I had to now order a coffee...I was very taken by its decor as my eyes looked above me, all around the wooden beams there were army hats, so many, all very different, the beams were covered in them... I of course asked the very friendly young staff what was the Idea behind them, what was the story...It just turned out that the locals started it off around 6 years ago, then more hats, berets got added...think one of their grandfathers may have started it off...As I say, the young staff were very welcoming and friendly, nothing was too much trouble...the place was as good as empty, bar 2 working looking men who got out of their van as we arrived, 2 out of 3 coal fires burning...dining tables set...not a large pub, but 3 separate places to go sit...

As for the MS centres therapies, they do counselling, pilate's, reflexology, they do more but these were the ones she mainly mentioned...on the downside, once again the place-the main seating area, looked empty, so no one to talk to but, she did say that therapies were taking place, so that is where they were, I guess...Oh they do supposedly meet midday, Wednesdays and Thursdays for a tea-coffee and snack-lunch, ok if you dont have too far to travel...

Link to Gong Bath....this is not the place I shall be going to...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Pat:  Thank you for all you do for us.  Sending up a prayer for your health.  Prayers for all who have been close to Jeanne - I will remember her positive attitude.


Larry:  We spoke to grandson on Facetime - and he looked great.  It can be rough game at times and the opposing team player had a penalty for hitting after grandson passed the puck to another for a goal (called an assist) - off to sit in a box went the offending player. 

We are trying to set up a visit with a cousin & her husband (a veterinarian who was thrown from a horse - operated on and they found a cancer that was previously undetected so it was a good thing after all ).  Anyway, they are visiting from Minnesota at the end of this month but staying with another cousin. 

At the end of the Vikings football game - the guy who ran in for a last  touchdown to win the game - gave credit to first (Jesus Christ - second to his wife and third the play).  It hasn't been mentioned much in the news - a wonderful Christian value in action. 

Jacqueline:  That sounds like a meditation event.  Is that the purpose?  It is always a wonder to watch wildlife in nature.  Glad that you enjoyed the drive.   


Hello friends,
I am feeling really dizzy and sleepy today, think it's time for a nap for me.  I will not get out today again, as I'm determined to give my body the best chance for a rapid recovery.  I shouldn't be surprised that I am feeling bad, as I know that months of constant stress take a toll on our physical bodies.

Gong Baths.....hmmmm--that's certainly a new one to me!  It sounds like a case of mind over matter.  Or anyway,
something that you would have to believe strongly would help you, or it wouldn't.  Just my opinion, of course.

I need to go visit my friend Maxine, also have another friend in the hospital; but I don't dare go around them until I am completely over whatever this is that is attacking my body.

Much love to you all..........
My book Rising Above available at


When you have MS you give anything a try if indeed it helps...and if this does, I will be grateful...told others MS'ers have benefited...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Here is a link to the page where Jeanne's son posted about her passing.  This will make it easier for people to view and comment.


...not sure what to expect, not sure if its meant to send messages to, or from, the brain, or, messages to the nerves, relating to our MS...I notice it is done by laying on the floor, not sure how we are meant to do that...and if we do, how we are meant to get back up...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


I have not been on in a long time. Judy just messaged me on FaceBook about Ruth Jeanne Lee...  I am so sad for her family..... they will miss her; however she is with her Saviour!! 

Chris & Margit Saunders

Margit and I became friends with Jeanne Lee many years ago, she was a lovely lady, but to be with the Lord is far better, so although she will be greatly missed, she has gone on before, and fond memories of her will remain. God bless and comfort her family.

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is another chilly but beautifully sunny day here in South Carolina and we will be getting into the mid-40's again this afternoon.  It seems to be the normal pattern here for a freeze at night but getting above freezing during the day.  The local weather said we have a chance to get a few snow flurries tomorrow morning during the drive time to work. 

Pat is quite ill with bronchitis.  Last night she got so weak that she had to call me out of a sound sleep to help her get up out of her chair and get into the bedroom. She was so weak she was shaking.  She is stronger this morning but still has a terrible cough and feels bad.  I don't think this is the flu as she has no other symptoms. I have no plans for today other than to be available to help her as she may need.

Jackie, I have never heard of the Gong Bath and my first thought was if you get down on the floor how are you and other suppose to get up.  I did read about with the link you provided. Glad you had an interesting ride yesterday and a stop at a pleasant pub.  At least going there gets you out of the house for a little while and hopefully the opportunity to speak with others. I am confused as to whether you will do the Gong Bath or not. 

RuthV, nice to see your posting and hope you won't be a stranger.  Are you still doing taxes for others? 

Chris & Margit, it is also very good to see your posting and hope you will join us here occasionally and share a little of what is going on in your lives. 

Carol, glad you grandson looked good and you were able to talk with him.  I did see the Viking player give praise to Jesus Christ as the first thing he said.  I have seen a number of other players do the same thing.  Since most of the news seems to be biased against Christians it isn't surprising they didn't show that clip later.

Janet, I am sure glad to read that you are trying to give yourself time to rest and recover.  I do understand about constant stress and know what it can do to us.