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Psalm 19:14

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JennyW: Hello Janet! I check every day. I wish everyone would get going again! I miss seeing pictures and reading posts! 2025-01-24, 06:54:04

Janet: Hello, Friends!  Let's get this going again!  I miss  hearing from all of you! 2025-01-23, 19:26:16

Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Thoughts for the Month--January 2018

Started by Larry Hanna, January 05, 2018, 11:22:33 AM

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Larry Hanna...
...yes good question...I know that with yoga and-or Pilates sessions these MS therapy Centres usually run two, one following the other...Which then allows us to choose either the sitting down session, which would be suitable to wheelchair users, the other session for those able to stand but, I dont know about this Gong Therapy session as to what options if any it will give..all I have now been told is to bring a blanket with me...the blanket is to cover ourselves rather than to lay on, I am assuming..
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Jackie, I misread what you said.  You meant the session the link was for was not the one you would be attending and I mistook it to mean you would not be attending a Gong Bath (interesting name!)
at all.  Surely, they would plan on helping people up off the floor, wouldn't they?

I'm staying in again today.  By doing so, I hope to be completely over whatever this is by tomorrow!  Too many times, I have not waited long enough, and then got worse again.  I don 't want to make that mistake this time!

Larry, I'm so sorry to read that your Pat is ill, and will pray for a rapid recovery for her.  She's had enough problems already!

Chris and Margit, so good to see a posting from you!  It's been too long.  Please come chat with us again soon. And you, too, Ruth V.!

Carol, glad your grandson is doing well, hope he will have no lasting damage!

I'm going to make myself (and Darrel) a big dark leafy greens salad.  Just what the eye doctor ordered!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


JudyB:  Thank you for setting up the notice from Jeanne's son.  I do hope you and John are well and winter hasn't been too tough on you this year. 

Larry:  Pat has bronchitis - sorry, I hope that she really is feeling better today and recovers soon.  I found the broth in  Campbell's Chicken Won Ton soup so soothing - add only 3/4 can of water if you think she would like a bowl of chicken soup.

It is nice to see some familiar names in here - RuthV, Chris and Margrit!  Please stop by and let us know how you are faring? 

Janet:  You are still in prayer.  Keep on going out the door  and visit a lot-  as to grandson, he has already seen the trainer/medical person and will see a doctor too.  They take wonderful care of the sports - think of their liability if they didn't. 

Don downloaded a little app on the laptop and it is called Adblock Plus - it surely is holding advertising down - the irritating pop-up ads I mean.  Free download.   

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. It is going to be a rainy and chilly day with the temperatures going down during the day and staying in the mid-30's.  They say we are going to have some light snow later this morning but it should melt as it hits the ground and pavement. 

I have a very sick wife as she definitely has the flu to go with the bronchitis.  I was able to get her to eat a little applesauce and a piece of toast this morning.  I just fixed a bowl of jello (the first I have ever mixed up I think).  The only thing besides taking care of her is to finish up the grocery order so I can pick it up tomorrow and to take care of Pat.  This evening I will meet the rest of the family for Wednesday night dinner at the Church.  They will not be coming out this evening.  Jennifer has a friend from Kentucky visiting with her for a few days and she will be my guest at dinner this evening.  I am hopeful I can avoid catching the flu from her.  One advantage of us both using the CPAP machines is that we don't breath on each other during the night. 

Jackie, when I read about the Gong Therapy it inidcated the leader provided mats for the floor and the participates provided their own pillows and a blanket.  I have a lot of difficulty standing up when I have to get down on my knees and getting up from laying on the floor would be difficult.  I have to have something to push myself up with to get up as my legs are not very strong. 

Janet, wise to stay in until you feel back up to doing things. There is very little that we do that can't be done on another day.  Pat is very weak with this flu and still doesn't have much of a voice.  We had a baked potato with butter and sour cream along with a small lettuce salad for our dinner last night. 

Carol, I just checked and we do have some cream of chicken soup so maybe she will try some of that later today. I have used the Adblock Plus for sometimes and it does help. 


Prayer for Pat!  Larry,  take care of yourself as well.

We are invited to our friend's house for dinner along with her cousin & husband.  I promised a cole slaw salad so there is red and green cabbage plus in this salad.  Too many times this happens to me and it happened again yesterday.  Someone stole my grocery cart.  Yes, I had one red cabbage, one green cabbage, plus two green apples.  I park the cart to give people space & lo and behold - it disappears, never to be found again.  My friend was there to verify the incident.  Don't ask me why but this happens too often.  I forgive them.

:coffee:  It is windy and in the low 40's here - since October, the temperatures have been way above normal, rain is needed. 

Larry:  That was Campbell's Chicken Won Ton soup - it has a thinner broth.


Larry Hanna...
...my thoughts are with your lady wife Pat...can you not call a doctor from your-her GP surgery to pay a home visit?

...Larry, if I was to go down, it is something I have to do in my own way to get myself back up...it is no good someone holding out their arm or hand for me..that wouldn't help me at all...But I do have to say, that if I had nothing to grab hold off, I would not be able to get myself up, I would need something firm-stable to grip onto, I would also have to turn my body around, and most probably get up via my knees...I haven't needed to give this a try outdoors yet, only indoors...but there was one time a few months back that I took Toby downhill whilst holding onto my walker, stopped briefly to speak to our parkhome site manager and Toby swung me around and almost pulled me down...if I had gone down there I would have fallen on some grass with open space around me...I am so thankful I never went down, although I did lose my balance though..If I had of gone down, I know not even with the parkhome managers help, he wouldn't have gotten me up...in fact I dont think anything would have..

...you forgive them but...can they forgive themselves? that is the question...re, your grocery cart...

...do whatever it takes and in your own time...I can only offer one piece of advise and that is...." listen to your body..." then act on what it is telling you..

...Janet, yes, I too am into dark leafy greens, recommended by Dr Terry Wahls...I am part following her and Professor George Jelinek, they both give good advice...

...sounds like you need a third opinion, re, your eyesight-eye test...
Got my hair cut today...got rid of six months growth...it is now shorter and layered...I feel much lighter...

I keep expecting Jeanne Lee to pop in and make a posting - a reply...oh how I wish it was possible... :(
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


I do not need a third opinion about my eyes. My eye Dr. filled the form and I have it. It states that I do not need any glasses for driving that my distance sight is no problem driving. So now I  can go to DMV and prove to them that their machine is not a good judge to go by, and take my written test and get on with my driving.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


...I misread that...your Ophthalmologist opinion is what is important, they have your true result......
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Yes larry, I am still doing taxes..... I noticed that the Canada Revenue Agency is not opening up their online submissions until February 26th.... I think last year it was February 20, 2017 when I filed mine!! (so I have a wee bit more time to work on other things)
Marilyn, My husband had the same problem in 2003-2004 and needed our Ophthalmologist to fill out a form to prove the machine wrong...
We are still young enough (LOL) not to have to take the written tests!!


I'm just stopping by to say hello.  Still not feeling well, but we did go to lunch at the Sr. Ctr. today, then saw our heart Dr. for a checkup, which went fine for us both.  I guess we will go to the Wed.
night dinner at church.

I don't have much to say, so I'm not saying much.  :)
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

I'm catching up on the computer. Haven't even turned it on for a number of days.

Not much to say, so I'll sign off, hoping that our Lord's presence will be felt by every person participating in this site.

Love to all,
Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is a cold 21 degrees here this morning but will get into the upper 40's late this afternoon.  We did have snow all morning yesterday but nothing accumulated in our area nor did the roads get slick.  Today will be a sunny day. All I have planned for today besides trying to see that Pat is well taken care of is to go to coffee and then attend the Wisdom group and finally stop to pick up an online grocery order at Walmart.  Pat is really not feeling any better this morning but did get a good nights sleep and had slept several hours during the day yesterday.  I just fixed her a scrambled egg with a little cheese on it wrapped in a tortilla .  In fact I fixed it twice as the first time I put some seasoning on it like she always does but it was too salty for her so we threw it out and fixed her another. 

Carol, I don't think I have ever had anyone take my grocery cart.  Glad you didn't have many items in it so you would have to repeat too many steps.  Was the store short on grocery carts? I am going to get some chicken while I am out and make some chicken soup as Pat thinks that sounds good (of course she hasn't had any chicken soup that I have made so that remains to be seen.  This will be a first for me.)

Jackie, as far as I know we have no doctors that will make a home visit and we can get to a prompt care facility as there are two close by.  However, it will have to be her decision.  I suggested it yesterday afternoon but until she makes the decision it won't be happening.  I just checked and there are a number of websites and videos available showing ways an older person can get up from a fall.  You might finds some of the ideas helpful.  I just searched for "How to get up from a fall". 

Marilyn, glad to see you have the necessary paperwork so you will be able to continue to drive.

Ruth V, have they shortened up the time you have to file or just given tax filer a shorter period of time.  I can never file until mid-March as always one document I need is late in arriving although we do get non-final reports earlier so can get ready after being sure the amounts haven't changed. 

Janet, glad you felt up to going to lunch and hopefully to the Wednesday night dinner at your church.  Those are two meals you didn't need to prepare.  Sure hope today finds you feeling better. 

Ruth Ann, just good to see your posting.  I guess you have had a lot of that wintry mixture called snow. 


Larry Hanna...
...I will do a search for how to get up from a fall when you have Multiple Sclerosis...Ahh think I may have found one...although no mention if there isn't anything to grab hold of such as out in the open...


  ...Larry, similar situation here, at one time many years ago it was quite the norm for a GP doctor to do a home visit, now they have made it so much harder in what they stipulate...if they can get out of doing it, they will...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Jane Walker

Good morning!   :wave:  I have been reading, and praying for, all the difficulties and illness reported by all of you, my friends.  I also have been struggling for quite a while with some issues, but have refrained from interfering here when there are already so many situations for which to be concerned.  However, within the past week, it seems there is more than I can bear alone.   

For some time I have been concerned for my grandson, Bryan.  He has been diagnosed Bipolar, and 100% disabled with PTSD.  He has always been difficult to deal with because of ADHD and other problems.  His mother, Joy, watched over him and helped him "remember" to pay bills, keep appointments, etc.  But she has been gone for over a year, now, and he has been floating in the wind.

Ever since Joy died, Bryan has been in trouble in one way or another.  Recently John (his step-dad) wrote that he has "been homeless for 2-3 months" and has whatever he still owns in storage but he doesn't think Bryan will remember to pay the storage fees, so will probably lose that, too. John has never had a favorable view or attitude toward Bryan (Joy always ran interference between the two) so he has no sympathy now.  In fact, he told me "don't feel sorry for him, he did this to himself" ... How can I not care ... he is my grandson.

Bryan won't ask for help ... and he hates having anyone telling him what to do ... so I suppose I should let him crash and burn by himself, but that hurts me more than it does him.  John says he showed up at his house over the weekend with some friends whom John had invited to be his guests.  Bryan had gone to their home and asked if he could stay there and they told him okay for a couple nights ... John said that turned into a few weeks. 

John has kept me updated on Bryan, periodically since Joy's death, but he is planning to relocate to "somewhere off the grid" in Missouri, where he has been building a cabin.  Once he is gone, I will have no one from whom I can get information.  This is really causing a heavy heart on this Grandma.  I pray, and I would appreciate prayers from anyone else who knows me and this situation.  Thank you for letting me unload a bit here.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


Jane, I will certainly be praying for you and for Bryan.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


...I shall say a prayer on your behalf for a solution all around, that like a new jigsaw, all pieces will fit together in the end for everyone......My late father would always say..." a problem aired, is a problem shared..."
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Oh, dear Jane, you are always welcome to unload here.  We are friends, and friends help each other, in whatever ways we can.  While we cannot help Bryan, in material ways, we can pray for him--and for you.  We Grandmas do hurt for our grandkids, and always love and want to help them.  It's sad that John doesn't seem to understand the underlying reasons for Bryan's seeming irresponsibility, but he doesn't and likely never will, so that avenue of help is closed to him.  Has he contacted Veterans' organizations that may be able to help him?  He should never have gotten into the service with those problems, but that's water under the bridge. They accepted him, now his problem is greatly increased by the PTSD.  So there should be some kind of help available for him.  Does he have the desire and opportunity to try to find help for himself?  If not, maybe you could search online and see if you can find something that sounds promising.  (I'm grasping at straws here, not knowing anything about Bryan other than what you have told us.)  They help all kinds of people--illegals, criminals, sex offenders, etc., so they certainly should help a former service member!!  All of this may not be of any help at all, but please know we do care, Jane!  And come in and unload just any time you need to!

I'm feeling somewhat better today, so by taking it easy for a couple more days, I hope to be completely cleared of this crud.  (Whatever it is!)

Larry, I'm sorry Pat isn't feeling better.  Isn't it a wonderful plan God had--marriage?  When one of us feels bad,
the other is able to help, but if you're single, then who will help?  (Yes, thinking of the scripture about that.)

We both have appointments in a few minutes; gotta run!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Jane Walker

This is a quote from John's message to me:

"He won't seek help from agencies like the VA. He won't be anywhere where they tell him what to do. His belongings are in a storage locker up here he says but don't know if he remembers to pay the rent. He is poised to lose everything but is too depressed to deal with it. He slept almost the entire time he was here."

As John's guests were leaving, Bryan had their son go with him to retrieve his truck which had been parked at a motel for a while.  There had been threats to have it towed, I guess, so he ended up bringing it to John's.  But John said he couldn't park it at his place "leave it on the street" ... then, as John was leaving for golf the next morning he saw the cops getting ready to tow it so he talked them out of it and has it parked on his property "down by the creek" .... he says "Now I'm sorry I did since I know he will never pick it up. I am packing to move to MO and can't deal with more junk. So I am giving him 2 weeks to come get it or I will have it towed."   

This is all I know ....  I have no way to get in contact with Bryan .... I don't know where he is.  :(

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


Good morning, everyone.  I am not feeling well this morning, but hope to begin feeling better.  I got bad news yesterday, my sister passed away, in Arkansas.  She was in a nursing home for several years, as she was having strokes. The last one took away her ability to talk, so she had poor quality of life after that. I can't go, travel is out of the question right now. 
This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.   Ps 118:24

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

It is good to take a moment to check in.

Jane, I'm so sorry about Bryan. I will pray that God will reveal a way for you to reach him. I well remember our conversation at the Georgia Bash.

Today I'm working on a data project and will leave to see about my sister in law's cat in a few moments. I hope the last snow has melted enough to make it safer for me to go to her apartment.

Y'all have a good rest of the day.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


Reading the messages today certainly can put little annoying things into a different perspective.  My issues are minimal compared to so many.  May the Peace be with you!

Jane:  Prayers for Bryan - hearts are hurting for his situation. 

Janice:  Sincere sympathy on the loss of your sister.   


It is almost embarrassing for me to admit - I came in here to grouse about the backyard mess a herd of Javelina (like a hog) made last night.  They even ate fabric cushions on our two rockers.  So, we found something to ring the perimeter of the yard and it is like a coyote odor which is their enemy.  I only hope it doesn't attract coyotes. 

Ruth Ann:  Take care on the slippery snow.  this year, the snow seems to be landing more southern than usual. 

Larry:  Is Pat feeling better?  The flu is rampant here - and we are trying to stay away from crowds.  Does Pat knit?  I bought some yarn and may start a winter scarf - perhaps.  The large crock pot has a ham bone simmering with split peas and it tastes like it will be good tonight.  My only sewing at the moment is to finish 3 pairs of hot pads for gifts. 


Larry - Carol...
...they are saying the same here in UK as well, about the flu...I refrain from having the flu jab because it is controversial - debatable as to whether it is safe for us with MS to have it...may cause a relapse...It is also my choice not to..
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


They have just this minute said on our tv news that UK is in the the grip of the worst flu season in seven years..
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Early to rise - it is still dark outside.  I tried to check if animals were roaming in the yard and could not see any movement - however, I will not put the trash out until it is light here. 

It has to be so difficult for the people in California losing everything in their homes and they also have mud covered lots.  We get heavy news barrages of events and then nothing - on to whatever the media chooses to mention. 

Yesterday was the first day since October that I did not have an allergy headache.  My doctor appointment is at the end of this month so it will be wonderful to get this solved.  Thinking that yesterday was a Praise Day!

My goal for today is to make enough cooked oatmeal with dried cranberries and freeze portions - call two dear friends and first go and read devotions.  Yesterday was spent organizing and cleaning under the sinks, laundry.   

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. It looks like our really cold whether, for us, is probably over for a few days at least.  We should get up to around 60 degrees this afternoon. I have nothing on the agenda for today unless Pat decides to go to Prompt Care (which she just decided to do).  However, she seems to be feeling better this morning and last evening ate a decent meal.  She had a long nap after her shower yesterday afternoon.  Later she came to bed for a couple of hours and then had a coughing spell and got up and spent the rest of the night sleeping on and off in her easy chair.  Hopefully the worst of this flu is over for her although most people continue with the cough for a few weeks. 

Jackie, glad you found an article on getting up when you have MS.  Maybe when you go outside, which is probably not a wise idea by yourself, you could carry a whistle in your pocket or around your neck to help get someone's attention were you to fall.  Making housecalls isn't a good use of a doctor's time since they can see several patients in the time that it would take to make a housecall.  There seems to be such a demand for the doctor's time anymore that it probably isn't reasonable to do housecalls. 

Jane, so glad you shared your deep concerns with us so that we can at least pray for Brian and for you.  We love our families, including our cyber family here,  and it is indeed painful to see situations like you describe. It is very difficult to help someone who isn't willing to be helped and Bryan is an adult.  I so wish I had some words of comfort for you. 

Janet, are you suffering from a bad cough to go with the crud?  You may be battling the flu as so many people are.  I sense that Pat is feeling better today but still has a long ways to go.  She doesn't think she has ever run any temperature.  I was thinking yesterday what a blessing it is that during this time Pat isn't well that I seem to have found some new strength so that I can be of more help to her.   

Janice, you have my condolences in the lose of your sister. 

Ruth Ann, is your sister-in-law again in the hospital and thus your need to look after the cat.  With ice and snow doing that makes it dangerous for you to deal with the responsibility. 

Carol, those javelinas are making your lives miserable.  I hope you fix works to keep them away. I do think Pat is feeling better but it is just going to take time for her to recover.  Apparently the flu is bad all over the country.  Pat does not knit and never has.  She used to croquet but now she only deals with quilting and small projects with material.  She recently has been working on pot holders.  We are using the Instant Pot today to add some humidity into our living area as it is down to 16%.  We just leave the lid off of it and leave the lid off of it.  We also decided to not wipe down our shower as we have been doing so that hopefully it will add some moisture to the house. The housekeeper always cleans the shower so don't know why we worry about soup buildup during the two week period. Since we use CPAP machines with the water tank on them we do get moisture during the night. So glad you finally had a day without a headache.

Jackie, I can understand your concern about getting the flu shot.  However, it is important dealing with heart issues.  The flu strain keep mutating so it is difficult for them to come up with flu shots that can address what is happening but hopefully the shot lessens the severity of the flu if you get it. 


Not long back from my first session of the Gong Bath Therapy...It is very Buddhist or Tibetan, ( can I say that on a Christian site? )...the sounds - sound-waves lasted an hour....the use of three large gongs...I will definitely go again...
...It was a small group of just four...we lay on a leather wide black bed at height, two or three pillows....we cover our body or part body with a blanket..I took my fleece nightgown - dressing gown...All I know is my walking was better going out, than it was coming in...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Janice, my sincere condolences on the loss of your sister.  I know you would like to go, but I'm sure everyone understands that it just isn't possible for you to do so.  (((hugs))).

Carol, those awful wild hogs!!  Ugh!!  I'm glad we do not have that problem.

Jane, it's easy to understand John's frustration with Bryan, but it doesn't help your concern.  I wish I had answers for you, but I don't have the wisdom needed for that.

Larry, I have no idea if this stuff I have been having is the flu or not.  I do have an annoying cough that's still hanging on, along with congestion in my head.  It got up to 74* here today!!  That makes me feel better!

Jackie, glad you feel you got some benefit from the gong bath therapy.  Whatever helps!

Ruth Ann, always glad to read your posts!

Back to my packing!!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is going to be a lovely day getting up to 60 degrees and sunny.  I expect this to be a very quiet day of rest.  For the first time since I started using the oxygen at night I got up tired this morning.  I don't plan to go anywhere.  Pat saw the PA yesterday morning and got some medication.  She doesn't have the flu but rather bronchitis.  I think the medicine is working as she seems better this morning and isn't coughing as much.  Unfortunately our son does have the flu but did get to the doctor's office quickly and got a prescription for the Tama-Flu medication.

Janet, you symptoms sound a lot like what Pat has been experiencing with weakness and coughing.  I bet the nice warm day yesterday was welcome.

Jane Walker

Sorry the flu has hit so hard here in our little community .... please take care of yourselves and follow all the doctor's orders.  I understand it is a serious epidemic across the U.S. -- worst in years.

I wish to thank all of you for your concern and prayers.  I admit I had reached a very low point, emotionally.  I saw a quote the other day that said there is a fine line between giving up and letting go ... well, I have chosen to let this go.  I will always care for and about my family, and that includes the granddaughters who have chosen to cut me out of their lives. Now I will add Bryan.  I know there is nothing I can do and I will still pray for each of them.  They know where I am and how to contact me.  They also have people around them with whom they are in touch.  Bryan knows where he can get help ... he also is in a place where he grew up and has many people there who care about him and are there for him if and when he decides to let them help.  I am not giving up hope but I am letting go.

Now I have three grandkids (and as many great grandkids) with whom I have no contact. As Larry pointed out: They are all adults.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!