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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

Thoughts for the Month - July 2017

Started by Jeanne Lee, July 02, 2017, 10:44:50 AM

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This is a warmer morning and no doubt the A/C will begin early.  It isn't calm and quiet either.  Very windy.  Last night our son who lives in walking distance drove his cherished jeep here to show us his work.  He took on a job that many mechanics wouldn't even try - and researched the "how to" - it turned out great.  We will be staying with his elderly dog next month for one week.  We had planned to make a trip to Montana but had not told anyone so we just said yes so our very generous boy could get away.  Happy to see him get a vacation break. 

Tonight, 3 of Don's friends will be here for cribbage.  This is my usual quilting meeting at another house this time. 

Liz:  I hope you find a reasonably priced hearing aid.  It is such a shame that these are so expensive.  Nice to see you posting.  Are you having decent weather?  We are hot every afternoon in the Denver area. 

Don picked up a pamphlet from the VA hospital - it is Rick Warren titled "What on earth am I here for?"  The first sentence is, "It's not about you".  ---- Isn't that the truth?  Now to have a  :coffee: and read the good writing.   


Good morning--just barely!

My little girls have gone home now, so our house is quiet again.  Darrel asked me if all little girls were that "screechy"  and I told him "Pretty much!"  They do giggle and squeal a lot while playing!

There is a lady coming to see me this afternoon who works with the visually impaired.  A long-time friend gave me her number and told me I should contact her and 'get my foot in the door' in case I need specialized products to help me see if the Macular Degeneration progresses.

I'm not sure I would have the energy to keep the girls for a whole week!  Boy, they have a lot of it! They had a really fun time, and that's what I wanted for them; plus the two older ones got art projects finished to enter in their fair which starts today.

I think I will take a little nap before the cleaning lady comes!  TTYL!
My book Rising Above available at

Ruth Ann Bice


What a good time for me to be at the computer tonight. I have been refreshed by reading your messages.

I'll be seeing the doctor tomorrow for him to determine whether I should continue taking the new blood pressure medication. I think it's causing me to sleep too much.

I was giving thanks earlier for being able to speak by way of the computer to my son who lives in the Philippines.

Also I'm thankful for this group. Liz, my goodness how time flies! So good to see you.

Y'all have a good evening.

Love to everyone,
Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone. The morning started out sunny but now we have an overcast sky with more cloudy weather predicted for today and the high up around 90 degrees. 

Nothing on the schedule for me today so expect to stay home all day.  Pat may go to her gifts group in a little while but she hasn't said whether she is feeling up to going or not.  I did get to Costco yesterday morning and made fast work of it as was able to get an electric cart.  However, by the time I got home and unloaded the car I was really done in and rested most of the rest of the day.  This evening Scott and Jennifer should be out for dinner and to spend a few hours with us.

Carol, your son restoring the jeep sounds a lot like our son who restored a Datsun sports model car several years ago.  It is his pride and joy although he doesn't drive it.  I think it is over 40 years old. I am pretty sure he wouldn't attempt to do that now as his age is catching up with him.  It sounds like your son helped you settle your question about the Montana trip.  Hope Don enjoyed the cribbage and you your quilting group.  It is always nice to be with friends who have a common interest.  Have you read Rick Warren's books? 

Janet, I don't think the screechy noises are limited to little girls.  We have a lot of little boys and girls at our Wednesday night dinner at Church and they love to run and play and they are not quiet. It sounds like a good idea to set up the contact for the specialized products and then hope and pray they would never be needed.  I think a week long visit of grandchildren perhaps should be limited to the grandparents and not the great grandparents. 

Ruth Ann, I hope you get some good answers from your doctor today. Glad the computer provides you a way to stay in touch with your son.  Do you use Skype so you can have visual contact?


Finally touched base a brother who had a birthday on Sunday.  He is about to sell the huge RV after last winter's trip which resulted in the two of them waiting out a snowstorm.  Good Idea! 

Our dessert last night was a choice of lactose-free ice cream and strawberries as well as Snickerdoodles.  That ice cream was very good.  Yes, we did talk quilting and so much more.  Don won several games of cribbage and gave the two new guys one of his home-made pens.  They liked the chocolate covered nuts for a snack.  so, now that decision is over  ;)  No more cheese and crackers - just little snacks. 

Such appalling news this morning of a young man deliberately leaving a baby in a parking lot.  Praying for the family - he was arrested.   the baby is in hospital.

Ruth Ann:  Don uses SKYPE for hearing regular calls clearer. 

Larry:  Yes, I have always like Rick Warren's messages.  Enjoy your day.

Janet:  Good idea to find the latest treatment and care for macular degeneration.  Hugs


Hey, everybody!  We have been running around again today.  Darrel had a urology appointment in Liberal, then we went on to Hooker and I got my nails done, then back by way of Hugoton and stopped at the grocery store.  I wanted to go by the fair, but they were still closed for judging.  Anyway, we made a full day of it, including eating lunch at the new IHOP in Liberal.  We did stop by and visit son-in-law Jeff for a few minutes--oh, yes!  Got the car washed, too.   ;D

Larry, your mention of the electric cart made me remember that while in Walmart today, a lady on one of those crashed into an end cap just close by Darrel.  She laughed and said, "I'm not a good driver!" He said he could tell that!  Then she said she got her driver's license out of a Cracker Jack box.  Hope she learns to manage better and doesn't hit anyone!

Liz, I must apologize for not asking about your daughter--and your granddaughter.  I do hope they are doing well.

And------I have a bit of GOOD news about Beth!!!  She gained FIVE POUNDS last week!!!  So I guess John taking her to the fair every day to eat, and then to Garden City on Saturday to eat at IHOP was a good thing!  So she weighs 122 now, up from 117.  Thank you, Jesus!

Horrible news about the semi trailer full of illegals left locked on a Walmart parking lot in San Antonio. They were screaming and begging for water, and when the back was finally opened several jumped out and ran away.  Eight people were dead, and another died after getting to hospital.  They estimate that well over 100 had been packed into that trailer in the suffocating heat, with NO water!  The driver was arrested, of course.  Each person had paid him Mega_bucks for smuggling them across the border.

:o :o I cannot believe this--football on TV already!!  How can they stand to play in this heat??  Florida State vs North Carolina, I'm sure it's pre-season or something.

I had to chuckle at little Chelsea the other evening.  I had taken them to McDonalds for supper, and they were surprised I was taking them inside to eat, rather than letting them eat in the car or bringing it home.  Chelsea looked at me so seriously and asked, "Do you ever get mad?"  So it makes me wonder what prompted that question! 

The lady who came to see me about low vision was very interesting.  She is legally blind herself,
but manages well.  She does have a driver--strange fellow who never said one word, even though I talked to him.  Anyway, Mignon said when she was born she weighed five pounds, and every time she opened her eyes she would cry.  They didn't suspect her eyes hurt, but she said her mother took her to a healing meeting where they prayed for her.  Then when she took her to the Dr. for her 6-weeks checkup, he asked her, "What did you do to this baby?"  She had two older sisters, and her mom thought one of them may have dropped the baby, but she just asked, "Why?"  The doctor told her that when the baby was born, she had no spine and he thought the mom would have to carry her against her body until she got too big to handle, then she would be bedfast, but now she had a normal spine!!
WOW!!  God is still in the miracle business!  She said when she was six, her mom took her back to see that doctor, so she could meet him and he could see how she was doing, and the doctor said, "There's that miracle baby!!"  So she has managed on her own, even with really terrible eyesight problems,
but with no spine, she certainly couldn't have!

Okay, sorry, too long again!  Guess I tend to get carried away at times.  See you another day!
My book Rising Above available at


Wow Janet, what a wonderful  miracle
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Larry Hanna

Hi everyone. It looks like we will be having another pretty warm day getting up into the mid-90's.  Yesterday afternoon we had a fairly brief period of rain.  However, about 5 miles away where my son lives there was a bad storm with very heavy rain, high winds and they lost electrical power for about 2 1/2 hours.  They came out a bit early to get in where it was cool and we enjoyed a nice supper that Pat had prepared with a little help from me.  She was having severe pain in the lower back so it was a quite unpleasant time for her. I am not sure how much longer we can be fixing meals like this.  Fortunately the Wednesday night dinners at Church will resume the first Wednesday of September. 

Scott put up a small wind chime where the birds had been building their multistory nest in one corner of the porch that is covered and protected and hopefully that will deter them from building in the future.  We have another corner of the porch where we will put one but have to find one small enough to fit.

I will go to coffee in a few minutes but will pass on the Wisdom Group today at Church as need to save my energy for our Sunday School Party early this evening.  We are all old in the class so will meet at 5:30 and it will last 60-90 minutes so we will all be home before dark.  The party is being catered by the same place that catered it last year.  I just hope Pat is feeling up to attending.  If not, I will bring her meal home to her as we have already paid for our meals.

Carol, where does your brother live?  Is he the one who is still fighting fires or do I have this mixed up with someone else's brother? I would much rather have chocolate covered nuts for a snack than cheese and crackers.  Did your "so much more" exceed your quilting efforts?  :)

Janet, I thought your Fair was over.  Is this at another location?  Good news on the weight gain for Beth.  I expect by now the food served at the home is getting pretty repetitive and boring for Beth.  The electric carts are a bit difficult to drive until you get used to them and you don't want to turn corners too close to the displays.  I have clicked the corner of displays a time or two and sometimes they have so much stuff stacked in the aisles you can hardly get around them.  I like that ladies sense of humor.  You sure the football game was just a rerun.  I haven't seen anything about any preseason games and don't think the teams are allowed to do that.  I think the first games of the season will be right after September 1st.  Quite a story about the lady born without a spine. 

Jeanne Lee

Dreary today with promises of some showers and possible thunder storms, the "worst" day all week.  Of course, this is the only day this week I need to go out.  My Dr. appointment to find out the result of the CT scan is this afternoon. 

Where is Jackie?  It's not like her to miss so many days of posting.  I hope it's not because she's had such a setback she isn't well enough to let us know. 

Janet, great news about Beth.  Five pounds in a week is a wonderful weight gain for her.  (Wish I could take off that much!   :D)
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Jeanne Lee...
...thank you for noticing I am missing, yes, I thought I was coming out of my setback, but seemed to go a tad back into it, which has been making me feel as I am getting that one step nearer to specialised care...yet so far today, the spasms have been holding back but I am not back to where I was before my recent MS setback of a week or two ago, if any of this is still making some sense....Has been making me really ratty, yes, rattier than my usual self....
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Yesterday, although I thought to try this before, but as always these things I think of often slip my I decided to give these a try, five toe ankle socks, yes I ordered a pair of white cotton " Vibram " white " sports " ( no, not so I can go ahead and do sporty things ) but so I can separate my burning, skin raw, and painful toes, ( Peripheral Neuropathy, ) so they dont keep rubbing together, the bare skin....not sure yet whether these are working as my feet have been a tad more comfortable today as was the same as yesterday, so too soon to know whether they will be worth the money, or another tasteless brainwave of an Idea of mine but, I will try anything if it gets rid of my toe pain of normally an every day discomfort that simply drives me crazy....I ordered them on the internet yesterday lunchtime today they dropped through my letter box, not bad from a first time delivery with a new company I have not ordered from before...And I dont even care how funny I look wearing them......
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Jeanne Lee

Jackie, it certainly sounds as though those socks should help.  Let us know how it works.

I'm just waiting for my ride to the latest doctor appointment.  This one for the results of the CT scan to see about the Non-hodgkins lymphoma and the tiny spots on my lung.
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I rarely post but am feeling restless and my head is spinning from all the data about hearing aids.  Have sort of settled on one brand and it will depend on what two different clinics come up with for a price....horrendous costs and such is life!  My lack of hearing is just too hard on my daughter and family.

Yes, Squeek is very old....we found out older than told in the beg. when we bought her from the granddaugher of a friend.  She is either 21 or 22 according to our vet.  Read about a cat in England that is in 30 something.....Go Squeek!!

I used to write poetry but have not done so in years.  Have been feeling so sick about the new lately....both US and Canada.  Sat down and wrote this poorly done poem...

     Listen to the noise
     Polluting our air.
     Sounds of a world
     Driven by despair.

     The Gentle voice of God
     Lost in the din
     Of boastful corruption,
     Fast increasing sin.

     When will it end
     This horrible strife-
     We must call upon Jesus
     To find peace in life.
Well, as Janet would say, that ends my soap box for the day.

Wendy and Amanda are doing the best they can.  Amanda is very busy with her work at the Cancer Clinic, a grand boyfriend who is a RN at another hospital, and many friends.
Wendy is of course always in pain, not helped much by menopause these days.  She works very hard in their beautiful garden and is always cheerful.  Especially with me in a dither about all this data on hearing aids.....

So now Jane, I have posted twice this year.  Come on out of your corner and give an update!

God Bless


Liz, I think that is a lovely poem!  And so true of today.  Glad to hear Amanda is doing so well, and shall renew my prayers for Wendy.  I think it's terrible that they charge such exorbitant pries for hearing aids.  I know they have to research the technology to build them, but there isn't $10 worth of material in them!  They could lower the price to a fourth of what it is and still make money.  (Hearing aid gospel according to Janet.  ^-^)

Larry, our fair is over.  The one I spoke about yesterday is the Stevens County Fair in Hugoton where my daughter lives.  It is this week.  ;)  They have to try to stagger the times, as often there aren't enough judges to go around if all the fairs are the same week.

My sweet hubby got the new dishwasher installed this morning!  He had to get down on the floor and back up probably at least 20 times in the process, so he might be sore!  He was happy he could do it--and so am I!

My painting buddy Dee called and asked if I could meet her for lunch today.  We were just finishing up the dishwasher installation, so it worked out great, and we had a nice little visit.

Jackie, I'm sorry you have a bit of a backset with the leg problems.  Those things can really weary a person.  I hope the toe socks help with the painful toes!

Jeanne, I hope your visit to the doctor brings good news for you!
My book Rising Above available at


...I like your poem, it sums up our turmoil of a world perfectly....I think that is all we ask, is to live a peaceful life, and in a peaceful world...well one day it will be that peace....

...happy to read that your Beth has gained some weight, maybe all this junk food has been doing the long as she is eating, that is what matters....I do know that Dr Terry Wahls has a daily food protocol that she follows and now very much lectures on...I do try to get some greens, fruit and fish into my life...

Jeanne Lee...
...wishing for a good and clear outcome to your recent CT Scan...

...was it his baby or had he taken - stolen it?

Larry Hanna...
...sorry to read that your Pat is suffering back pain, I know she is suffering what seems to be a serious illness...Larry regards to fixing meals, I have a few Weight Watcher ready meals in my freezer that can quickly be popped into the microwave and ready in 7-8 minutes...would that be feasible for you and Pat, rather than fixing meals...

...sorry to read that your Keith if having his share of medical problems and having to have various tests...

Not sure if these toe socks will help, just feels that I like my feet and toes to feel free, they just feel a bit restraining, but I will see tomorrow if the feet become troublesome, today hasn't been so bad, one of my less painless days...

Time here in UK is now just past eleven coming up to the witching hour, time I was tucked up warm and snug in bed, with a book of course, not that I read for long before I start dozing off...So Is shall say a good night and God Bless...and hope that tomorrow is a better day than today was, for all... :sleep:
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Hm just taken my socks off, they dont come high but have left a darkish purple colour ring - line, around both feet at the front, kindof lower than where my ankles are and with swelling above....The socks didn't feel tight but now I am moving my feet around I dont want to get deep vein thrombosis although I think that is the leg not the feet but as I do suffer swollen ugly feet, with small purple veins over the tops....I need to be careful, especially If I am now toddling off to my bed...I need to get my blood circulation back...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Jeanne Lee

My doctor visit didn't turn out quite as I had hoped.  The 7mm spot that showed up on my lung in April has grown to 9mm - not exactly good news.  So another CT scan in September and if it has grown again a PET scan to be sure whether or not it's cancer.  All in God's hands, of course - all I need to do is "let go and let Him"!   :)
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Noise - we just turned the t.v. off.  Now, they even fast talk through weather - for Pete's Sake! 

Liz:  Perfect timing on your poetry.  We are retired and still everything is so noisy and fast around us.  Thanks for your reminder.  Good wishes on your hearing aid search.  Remember, they can be returned with a certain amount of time if they do not work well. 

Larry:  My brother is in Chelan, Washington - where they had quite a few fires last year.  He is a volunteer and mainly drives a truck or mops up a fire and also responds to car accidents.  I wonder if there is something in your area where you could buy a couple of pre-made meals and freeze them.  That would be easy with a light salad.  Ask if anyone at church would consider doing it several times a week and have a take-away hamburger another night.  Just thinking . 

Jackie:  Should you be propping your feet up more during the day?  How about trying a cold compress to ease the swelling?  -- The baby was his child - he is young but that is no excuse and I hope they don't go easy on him. 

Jeanne Lee:  Take care. 

We had fresh corn on the cob tonight and it was nice but not as sweet as we would normally expect from local corn.  Another afternoon typical shower and maybe a storm too is brewing.  Don is going to fix biscuits and gravy in the morning for our dear friend, who appears weaker every time we see him. 


Jeanne Lee... sorry to read it wasn't the best news you were expecting to hear...putting you through yet another stressful wait of another couple of months...these issues sure plays havoc with our lives and our you rightly say, all in the loving and caring hands of our maker, our God our Father....

...first thing I looked for when I woke this morning, my usual time of 5.15am was...are my feet looking more like normal, I am relieved to say, yes they do...I do often raise my feet on a foot stall but only when I am sitting in the lounge watching tv, not at the computer....The elastic around the sock is widely elasticated, the socks come low, but something I will be aware of if indeed I risk wearing them again, otherwise I have a bottle of castor oil which I read that is good for foot Neuropathy, I have used it before and it does make my bone dry feet feel a lot more comfortable, relieves the tightness but, it is oil, not a greasy oil but my feet will need cleaning more often, and its my feet that is the hardest part for me to reach, bending my neck, L'hermittes...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone. It is a hot and humid day here in South Carolina and will get into the mid 90's this afternoon.  Fortunately it is predicted to be cloudy later today.  I made a quick trip to Walmart to get a prescription for Pat and to pick up a couple of hardware items before it got too hot this morning.  Fortunately there was a riding cart available.  Still not feeling at all peppy.  Fortunately I have nothing else to do today.  The housekeeper is here so soon we will have a spic and span house again.

We had a very nice time at our Sunday School party last evening.  Almost all of the regular attendees on Sunday made it to the party.  The food was delicious and I was able to fix a plate full of food to bring home so our supper tonight is all set.  Pat was feeling better yesterday and seems to be OK today.   

Jeanne, sorry the results of the CT were not what you wanted to hear. 

Jackie, the daughter-in-law of my best friend was dealing with cancer and it caused her many problems with her feet.  She wore those 5-toed socks and it really gave her relief. I hope you will be able to tolerate them and that they provide you relief.  Was sorry to see you have suffered a setback.  Our daughter had Peripheral Neuropathy and her legs ached so badly and the muscles would get as hard as rocks.  When we were with her she always asked Pat to rub her legs and that seems to give her some relief.  She also used one of the hand wand type massager's on her legs.  In the past we have used TV type dinners but not for quite awhile as Pat is trying to avoid carbs as much as she can.  However, thanks for the suggestion.

Liz, you have captured the state of our world  and the only way we will find peace today in your poem. Jesus is the answer. So sorry to read that Wendy suffers such pain.  Is Amanda still doing her art work?

Janet, thanks for the info on the fair.  I expect you would enjoy being at a fair where you didn't have to work.  Glad the new dishwasher has been installed. 

Carol, I am watching much less news on TV or other programs besides the national news at 6:30 and then we usually watch Wheel of Fortune.  I sometimes will also watch Jeopardy but Pat really doesn't care for it.  The last four evening we have just turned the TV off and listened to our individual audiobooks.  I thought it was your brother who fought fires.  We could get some prepacked meals but again they have carbs. We have very plain meals anymore with mainly meat or fish, a vegetable and often a salad.  I don't eat very much anymore so that is OK with me.  I try to have the pasta and things like that when we eat out but we need to cut that back as well as it is hard for Pat to get meals without the carbs. I also appreciate your suggestion.


R.I.P little Angel Charlie Gard....   
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Poor baby; poor parents.  It's terrible they wouldn't even allow them to take their own baby home to die in private.  We live in such a broken, sin-sick world.

Larry, I don't watch much other than the nightly news, either, but I get more than enough of it via emails!  If I'm feeling tired or not well, I can get down and discouraged pretty easily, so it's good not to watch the BAD news.  I always say.....BUT GOD........

I had a lovely date for lunch!  Grandson Curtis asked me to eat with him, as he is here in town doing work.  I always love some one on one time with him!  :)  Darrel was doing something and didn't choose to go with me, and that's okay.  :)

Larry, my sister Jeanie has been overweight for years, and just kept gaining slowly.  The first of this year she decided to go low carb, and has been faithful with it and has lost about 42# so far.  I'm proud of her for sticking with it so long, as she never did before.  I didn't realize that's what Pat is doing.
Good for her!  I hope your energy returns soon.

My, it feels like a steam bath outdoors here!  Whew!  It's only 85* but so muggy after the wonderful rain.  I should NOT be complaining!  (I'm sorry, Lord.)

My book Rising Above available at


...I agree, so many many decision makers...

Ahh Janet, go ahead and complain, we all have our favourite weather....and God made our changeable weathers, so as to keep everyone happy...He knew what He was doing... ;D
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone. We have a 60% chance of some rain this morning and I sure hope it does rain and I won't need to turn the sprinklers on for watering on Monday.  However, it will be in the 90's again today.  I just had a quiet day yesterday and expect to have the same today as am very short of breath. 

We are having a couple over this evening for a visit.  They attend our Sunday School class and we want to get to know them better.  We are doing a meal as that is just too hard and if they are agreeable we will perhaps go out to eat with them occasionally.  We really haven't developed a social circle of friends other than those we know from Church and see at Church. 

Jackie and Janet, it is sad that we are no longer allowed to make many of our own decisions such as in the case of that poor family.  Regarding listening to the news, personally I want to stay informed but I sure don't need the same "breaking news" story told to me 50 times a day.  My memory may be less than it was but I remember the basics.  Nice you could have that special time with Curtis.  Those are times to be treasured.  Good news regarding your sisters weight lose.  Our heat pump does a great job of heating and cooling but a terrible job in getting the humidity out of the air.  This morning our little gauge shows we have 76% humidity in the house and while it is   78% humidity outside.

Jackie, you are so right about God giving us all kinds of weather so everyone has weather they like on occasion.  :)


God blessed us with another half-inch of rain last night!   I am so grateful for that, as it is pleasantly cool so far today.  I'm sure it will be steamy when the clouds roll away, but will enjoy it while it lasts!

We have the first load-or partial load-of dishes in the new dishwasher, as we were anxious to see how well it does.  It's a lot more complicated than the old one, as every cycle is adjustable in several ways.
And it requires the use of a drying agent, which the other didn't.  I'm sure I will get used to the differences soon enough.

I don't plan to do much other than rest today, as have had a couple nights of not much sleep and am feeling tired.
My book Rising Above available at

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone. It looks like we will be getting a break on the hot weather with it staying in the high 80's this afternoon.  Yesterday was a total wipe out for me as spent most of the morning and early afternoon laying down.  Our friends did come over for a couple of hours early in the evening.  We found out we have much in common with them.  We plan to go out to eat with them on occasion as they often eat out on Friday nights and we do also. I plan on going to Sunday School and Church this morning and then getting something to bring home for lunch.  Pat is not going as has a stabbing pain in her back again and didn't think she could sit still in the hard chairs or the pews.  Later this afternoon I will watch the conclusion of the RBC Gold Championship being played on a beautiful course in close to Ontario.

Janet, glad you had some more rain.  I have to wonder why our appliances are becoming so sophisticated. We have several different dials of menus on our LG washing machine and we basically use the same setting all of the time.  However, I have to say it is the best washer we have ever owned and spins the clothes almost dry so it takes very little time to finish drying them. 


Happy Sunday morning, everybody!

Larry, when our washer conked out, we also got the LG one.  I was really unsure how it could clean the clothes well without an agitator, but, as you said, it really does a good job, and there isn't much drying to be done!  When we bought this dishwasher, the guy explained to us how the new washer works, and it was very interesting.  They had one with a glass lid so you could watch what it's doing, and Darrel wanted that one, but I didn't.  Now I wish we had gotten it!  The dishes came out of the new dishwasher sparkling clean, so once I learn all it's differences, I think I'll like it really well.  Like you, I don't see why they want to make everything so sophisticated, as I too use the same settings almost all the time.

Good news!  Beth told John yesterday she wanted to go home.  He said, "Where?" and she said, "Home.  Mom."  So he brought her out to see us!  They hadn't been in our house since Christmas!
Beth is looking so much better, as Darrel said, so much better it's almost scary!  But we're so thankful,
and hope it will continue.  I fed her a whole bowlful of homemade ice cream, and she ate with no problems at all!  Yes, John had some, too.  ;)  Just a week earlier, at the fair, she could hardly eat ice cream at all, because of the thick mucus, so that is a wonderful blessing.  They were planning to go see Cars 3 at the movies last night.  Thank you, Lord, thank you!!!

It's time to go to church, but I wanted to share the good news before I left!
My book Rising Above available at


Janet:  Super news on Beth visiting "home". 

It looks like another afternoon storm is about to arrive.  Yesterday, it was predicted but actually landed miles away and there was flooding in some areas.

Our daughter drove here with both dogs and stayed overnight.  We treated her to a birthday dinner out - expecting a certain place to be open and we were surprised to see For Lease signs.  So, we ended up at a glorified hamburger place - it was good anyway.  We chatted with both grands on the cell phone.  Pampered the dogs with a few walks and treats. 

A small pot of chicken soup is simmering - it just seemed the right thing to make. 

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone. We had a glorious day yesterday with the high only getting to 85 degrees and low humidity.  Yesterday afternoon the humidity was on 44%.  It looks like today will also be very nice only getting up to around 90 degrees and so far only 50% humidity.  We have no rain in the forecast. 

Only two things on the schedule for today.  The chair lift technician is due around 10 am.  It has been well over a year since he was last here and a couple of small problems have developed that need attention as well as regular maintenance.  Then probably this afternoon I will make a quick trip to Aldi's for a few items.  I had another exhausted day yesterday and went to bed about 8 pm and didn't get up this morning until around 8 am.  I did enjoy Sunday School and Church yesterday. 

Janet, what brand of dishwasher did you buy?  We sure wish we had been able to bring our new LG range with us when we moved as Pat liked it much better than the new one that is in this house.  I hope you continue to like your new dishwasher.  I guess every new appliance has a learning period involved.  That is good news that Beth is doing better.  It sounds like getting out to the Fair was helpful to her.  I hope she and John enjoyed the movie and it is wonderful that he can take her to see the movies.  Glad you shared the good news.

Carol, it is frustrating to go someplace we have planned to go only to find them closed or out of business.  I am sure the restaurant business is a very competitive one and is certainly hard work for all concerned.  Glad you were able to visit with your daughter and celebrate her birthday.   


Thank you, Carol.  Good you had a nice visit with your daughter and the "grand-dogs."  Sorry your restaurant of choice was closed, but nice you had a good meal anyway.  Sometimes those little hole-in-the-wall places have the best food!

Larry, the dishwasher is the top of the line Kitchen Aid.  We had a Maytag which lasted twice as long as people tell me we had a right to expect, so I'm expecting this one to go even longer!  I hope you are feeling stronger today.

Today we are going to Dodge City to pick up Darrel's shoes from the VA.

I am reading the book The Worst Hard Time, the story of the dust bowl.  I was raised in the epicenter of that disaster, but, being born in 1940, I thankfully missed the worst of it.  Knowing so much more by reading this book makes me wish I could talk to my parents about it.  They certainly went through the worst of it!  There was a documentary made in 1937 called The Plow that Broke the Plains, and I googled it and it is on youtube, so when I have time I want to watch it.  There are numerous families talked about in the book whose names I recognize, and a few I actually remember from years ago.
My book Rising Above available at