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JennyW: Hello Janet! I check every day. I wish everyone would get going again! I miss seeing pictures and reading posts! 2025-01-24, 06:54:04

Janet: Hello, Friends!  Let's get this going again!  I miss  hearing from all of you! 2025-01-23, 19:26:16

Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Thoughts for the Month - March 2017

Started by Jeanne Lee, March 01, 2017, 08:44:11 AM

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One of the younger cats chewed through the power cord for the router last week, I had another cord from the old router and he chewed through that today, so I am using my cell phone for a hot spot to be on Wi Fi .

Freckles and I are participating in a Circus with all the other Furry f?riend teams at on of the residential car Facilities today. We will have our dogs all dressed up for St. Patric ks day and have them do  the tricks that they know. The Care home usually makes  Organic  grain free treats for the dogs and cookies for their humans, We were there last at Halloween.

Yesterday we went to the Hospital to visit the patients and give them some doggy therapy. they are always so glad to see us., Especially if we have dressed up the dogs in their finery like hats, socks and  scarves. Freckles doesn't wear socks, her legs are too skinny for anyone other than babies socks and she will n ot let me pout anything on her feet or even mess with her feet. However she is very good at the groomer when the trim her toenails.

Well I have gone on enough about Freckles and my adventures for today.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is an overcast 55 degree morning but headed into the low 70's this afternoon.  The only thing on my calendar is to make a quick trip at Aldi's and then go on to Walmart to pick up the online order that Pat placed.  I will take it easy the rest of the day and watch some of the NCAA College basketball games.  There have been some really good games so far and some that were not competitive at all. 

Jackie, I liked your graphic and hope you also had a nice day yesterday and the same today.

Janet,  I agree with you on the DNA test. The way I get to CP each day is I have an icon (and a bookmark would work the same way) set to this setting:  .  This brings you to the page for "Thoughts for the Month" and you should see a little "new" emblem.  Click on it and you will go to the message following your last posting.  You can copy the link and go to your desktop and right click in an empty space and then select new and and Shortcut and paste the link in the space for the URL and on the second link identify it as CP.  I hope this helps and if you need assistance just give me a call and I will walk you thought the process.  You can call me on FaceTime from your iPhone.  Nice you could spend some one on one time with Curtis.

Marilyn, it is frustrating when we find our cat has chewed through something.  I had that happen with a set of ear buds I had left on the bed.  Our cat also left teeth marks in our aluminum blinds in the lower slats.  I figured I would need to get them repaired when we sold but fortunately that was not requested.  I bet the dogs in the Circus were really cute.  Did you take pictures?


I didn't take pictures this year but some were taken. I did get a new power cord for the router at Radio Shack, which is  closing, the store was almost empty the only thins left were the various parts is cables, plugs etc.

Music practice was fun+ last night. We just kind of did what everr came to someones mind to sing in  addition to what will be sung on Sunday. We will be having our St Patrick's luncheon after church tomorrow.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  The sun is coming up on a clear day after an overcast day yesterday.  We will only get into the mid-60's today.  Pat had a rough night trying to find a comfortable way to sleep and has decided to not go to Sunday School and Church with me this morning.  After church I will stop at Walmart and pick up the grocery order that was suppose to be ready yesterday but wasn't when I got there at our assigned time.  My guess is that the employee responsible for getting the orders together probably had not shown up for work Friday night.  I will get something to bring home for our main meal.  I enjoyed the basketball games I watched in the afternoon and early evening and look forward to some more good games today. 

I read all the posting late last evening so will limit my comments today. 


Happy Sunday!  This site would not take my log-in for several days and today - it works :cheer:

One of my brothers came for a short visit yesterday - he drove an RV and pulled a vehicle from Washington - Chelan to be precise.  He is a volunteer fireman so will most likely be working this season but this year is more driving a truck with supplies, etc.

Speaking of fires, one son had to use a hose and help a neighbor with a field fire fairly close.  It is so dry, hot and windy - just south of Denver.  We have a ravine in the back of our house and so glad a fire department is about a  mile away. 

Still recuperating for all the visiting friends and relatives and more to come we will have to go home to rest.  Don has a long VA appointment tomorrow - it is about 20 degrees above normal temps here now so that is not what we are used to at home. 

Janet:  Take care of yourself.

Larry:  So sorry that Pat is having problems with sleeping comfortably.  She and I could be sewing or chatting at night time.  Maybe.   

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  The day has started out beautifully.  I slept in this morning until after 8 am, something I very seldom do.  I was so tired when I got home from Church yesterday that I put my sub in the refrigerator and had it later in the afternoon after resting for two hours plus.  Walmart did have our order ready for pickup yesterday.  I did watch some really good basketball games and now see that South Carolina beat Duke so will go on in the Tourney.  They played too late to stay up and watch them in the win.  Today I plan on attending my noon meeting and then at 4 pm Pat has an MRI if she can stand to lay on the table long enough.  Tonight is our monthly men's meeting at Church but I have decided to not attend.  We will likely eat out tonight after the MRI.

Carol, short visits are nice aren't they in comparison to long visits.  Glad you got to visit with your brother.  Having a fire close to a person's home would be very frightening.  Hope Don's appointment doesn't totally exhaust him today.  You all stay cool. 

Jeanne Lee

It's spring today!  And for at least a couple of days it will feel like it with temperatures in the mid to upper 40's.  Then of course, as normal, it will be back to low 20's for a couple of days.  But at least this time of year it will continue to get warmer.  Until it gets to "hot" and I complain about that.   :D

My furnace has a new blower and my church is paying 2/3 of the cost.  One more blessing from a Heavenly Father who is looking out for me.   :thumbsup:
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127


Chatting with a friend today and she said so many came to her birthday party that she could not hear a word anyone said.  Full house - she is withing walking distance here and we were wise to skip her party.

Larry:  Best to Pat as she has an MRI today.  Don has a procedure at the VA (other end of town) later this afternoon.  Great that you were able to watch the games. 

Off to make more Lemon Bread and Banana Bread- lemons are so plentiful around here and they  are from a friend's tree. 


Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  I am fine but am running late and I want to go and see if I can find a new easy chair.  If I wait I won't have the energy later today.  I will be back.


Just checking in - we sat and star-gazed last night.  What a wonder!

Larry Hanna

This was a nice morning to get out to shop and this afternoon it is going to get into the 80's again.  My shopping trip was successful and after sitting in probably 20 different recliners I found the one that fit my neck just right.  A week from tomorrow it will be delivered.  It is leather and has the motorized recline feature rather than the lever.  We are giving the chair I am replacing to our granddaughter's boyfriend who just purchased a home and has little furniture.  Our granddaughter is coming out this evening to fix dinner for us and it is much appreciated. 

Pat was able to tolerate the MRI yesterday afternoon but said she know has a good idea of what a sausage feels like being in that MRI tube with no room left over.  We did eat out afterwards and went to Pizza Hut and got a visit a few minutes with our son as they were not very busy.  Looking forward to a restful rest of the day.


Hello, Friends.  This has been a tough day.  Beth is not doing well, is losing weight rapidly, already down 35# and they wanted me to come in and discuss a feeding tube.  I went yesterday to talk to her about it.  I told her it needs to be her decision.  Not mine.  Not John's.  Hers.  And after reading the material they gave me, I don't really see a lot of advantage to having one, and several dangers.  She will try to decide by tomorrow.

In the meantime, John is very sick.  He's losing weight, and is so thin he doesn't have any to spare.  He has a lot of trouble with his stomach, and some other things besides.  I have been begging him to go to a doctor, but he won't.  He gets colds often, too, and his color is just awful.  What to do?  What to do?  In desperation, I wrote an email to his eldest sister this afternoon, so I hope she answers.

Since both of them are in very fragile state, we decided to cancel those two trips we had booked back to back, as we really are concerned about being gone for an entire month right now.  Thank God, we do have the trip insurance, so won't lose our money, except for the insurance part.

I'm sorry to be a gloomy Gussie tonight.  I'm beat, and headed to bed now.  Yes, at 7:21 PM.  Goodness.But it's necessary if I am to keep going--and I can't stop.  Too many depending on me.
My book Rising Above available at


Janet:  This time is so stressful for you and Darrel - just know that many others are praying for you and your family.  If anyone asks you "what can I do" - let them help as it will make them feel better and it may ease a moment in your lives. 

Larry Hanna

It is another beautiful morning but will only get into the low 70's this afternoon.  We had a severe thunderstorm last night but we needed the rain.  I was pretty useless yesterday and guess buying the recliner was as much excitement as I could take.  I spent most of the rest of the day laying down.  Our granddaughter did fix a delicious chicken dish for us along with a vegetable and salad.  Today Pat is going to attend her craft group at Church and while she is there I will go on down for coffee at the cafe.  She did get the report on her MRI and I could understand enough of it to know that her back is not in good shape. 

Janet, I am glad that Beth can make her own decision on the feeding tube.  Believe me I pretty much understand the difficult days ahead for you.  I found if I turned it over to God to help me through the day it really helped during those difficult times.  Sorry to learn that John is also very ill and have to wonder if he refuses to see the doctor because he wants to spend as much time as possible with Beth at this point.  I will be praying for you all.

Carol, your comment about letting others help is so sound. 

Jeanne Lee

Janet, you are right that you need all the rest you can get.  It is much more draining when a loved one suffers than when it is one's self and you're no help to anyone if you get sick.  The advice to accept help from those who offer with "What can I do?" is indeed sound advice, as difficult as it is for someone as independent as you are. 

We know God is always in charge, although it is so difficult to "let go and let God".  I pray you will find the strength and peace to do just that.  Remember, God loves you and so do we.
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127


Awww.... Janet, I'm so sorry that you are going through this with both Beth and John.  I hope that his sister writes back to you soon and that she'll be a good help. 

I will be praying for you all in this situation.  I'm so sorry....  :(

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


#76 heart goes out to you, your Beth, and to John, so much issues all going on at the same time, if you are not careful Janet, this will make YOU ill yourself...As an MS sufferer myself I can fully understand what you are witnessing from your Beth, and how you can feel so helpless, but you are not helpless, you support her as and when, to the best possible way you can, and believe you me, that is all the assurance your Beth is needing...

I may have my medical issues but, on this gloriously sunny morning, ( even though I haven't ventured out into it ) I have to be truly thankful that I have managed to reach yet, another Birthday.....I just hope and pray this time next year I am here to witness the sun shining and the birds singing outside, like I am today....I have now outlived both my parents, my father by just six months...Our God surely must have a purpose for me, as I have yet to know what that purpose is...but hey, I am still here... but I am fully aware my type of PPMS will get worse...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Janet I am praying for our family situation. I know the heartache it bring  when it is one of your children who is suffering and there is nothing you can do to stop the suffering.  I too am going through a situation with Gilber and family.  It is heartbreaking. I am over 200 miles away and wish I could be there with my son.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Been glued to our breaking tv news for the last three hours, another suspected terrorist attack....

Marilyn....prayers go out to you also, I cant imagine what is must be like being separated of so many miles away, when all you really want is to be there with that person and giving them a hug...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Larry sorry to hear Pat's MRI scan report does not read well...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


It's been a long day, but not as stressful as yesterday.  I had a follow-up appointment with the eye specialist who removed the little cancer from my eye, which meant a trip to Garden City.  They were swamped and we had to wait over two hours for a five minute appointment.

But while we were doing our shopping, the Care Home called to tell me that Beth is being taken over to the hospital to have a Doppler scan of her right leg/foot, as that foot is very swollen and painful, and they suspect blood clots.  AND---drum roll!!---she told me Beth had eaten 100% of her lunch, made up of pureed foods!  :thumbsup: :D ;D :) <3.  We had talked to her about that yesterday and she promised to try the pureed foods, after they told her they wouldn't give her the pre-made, frozen ones, but would puree the fresh homemade stuff for her!  What a relief that is!  I know she realized she was in danger of dying if she doesn't get the nutrition she needs, and the literature they gave us sounds like a tube can cause as many problems as it can help.  So if she continues to eat, she will not have to face that decision.  I stopped by when we got back to town and went in to see her.  She looked SO much better, so ....satisfied!  I said, "It feels good to have your tummy full, doesn't it?" and she agreed.  Poor girl, she has been HUNGRY!

In desperation, I wrote an email to John's sister and told her how sick he's been and how often, and that he hasn't seen a doctor since he moved her nearly two years ago!  His other sister called me today and I filled her in more.  She told me on FB that she had called John.  I asked if he agreed to see a doctor and she said she had begged and cried, so she hoped so!  There is more to his story, we are really afraid for him if he doesn't get help soon.  His sister said, "He's a stubborn man!"  No kidding!

Carol, thank you for the advice re accepting help--and I promise to do that!  I'm really thankful for the gal who cleans for us a couple hours a week.

Thank you all so much for your concern and your prayers.  This is a safe and caring place to talk, and I love and appreciate all of you so much.

Larry, I just now saw your offer of help to put something on my desktop to help me find this place easier.  Thanks so much!  I will wait and get you to help me put it on my new computer, which is supposed to arrive tomorrow!

Again, I'm beat, and heading to bed.  G'night all!
My book Rising Above available at


Janet.....quoting: she told me Beth had eaten 100% of her lunch..." that is music to my ears, good news indeed...and quoting:  I said, "It feels good to have your tummy full, doesn't it?" and she agreed.  Poor girl, she has been HUNGRY!.." again thank the Lord, she is now not in denial over her lack of eating...

Sorry to also hear you spent part of yesterday with your specialist removing " the little cancer from your eye.." I hope and pray all was successful...

Now if only we, or someone could break the stubbornness of John...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It looks like it is going to be another nice day but getting only into the low 60's.  I plan on picking up medicine this morning at Walmart on my way to get my friend to take to coffee.  After I take him home I plan on going back to the church for the Wisdom group meeting.  I have a couple of chores to do in the kitchen if I have any energy left after a full morning.

I have a neighbor across the street from me whose home is under contract and the neighbors on one side of me listed their home yesterday.  I think they will probably be moving back to Texas where they have a home.  At least that is what he told me sometime ago if he decided to retire from his job as a nuclear engineer at the Savannah River Project.  They have only been here a little over a year.  I will hate to see both families leave as they are good neighbors.

I almost forgot that the college basketball playoffs continue today so know what I will be doing this afternoon and this evening. 

Jeanne, you stated the situation very well in that I think most parents would gladly take on the ails of our children if we could and there comes a time when one should let others help us out over those tough times. 

Jackie, a belated Happy Birthday wish to you.  I don't keep an  eye on the calendar for such events so am often a little late with my good wishes but they are no less sincere.  I hope you enjoyed a wonderful day.  Of course God has a purposes for your life one of which is sharing a bit of your time with us.  Numerous folks in S&F's have been missing you and asking if you are OK.  I hope you will continue too post there as you have many friends.  I guess no country is now safe from the terrorist attacks.  How our world has changed since 9/11.

Marilyn, is Gilbert getting worse?  You haven't said much about him that I remember other than your visit to he and his family at Christmas time. 

Janet, glad yesterday wasn't as stressful for you as Tuesday had been and that Beth is getting some nutrition.  Sure hope she isn't suffering with blood clots.   Was the cancer in the eye or around it?  Hope that wasn't a painful procedure.  Glad you heard back for John's family but there is probably little they can do other than encourage him to seek medical assistance.  You can't help someone who won't help themselves. What kind of new computer are you getting? 


Larry Hanna....oh, I haven't left S & Fs, I am there every day, just post elsewhere,....I have to come check on news of Joan, I have been in and out so many times....I just cant comprehend how these last couple of weeks have panned out.....I know if Joan was shown a " penguin " yes a penguin, I know that would work its magic, she so loves anything penguin...Larry, you may have noticed I posted a card under  the " birthdays " heading, as we seem to have lost our "Tranquil Cove " which may have been a better place to have homed the card for Joan..

Sorry to hear of the possibility of losing two sets of neighbours...I thought our new neighbours across the way had moved in but the place is empty at the windows and so many vans have been outside fitting carpets and so forth, our new neighbours seem to be having a complete refitting, not sure why as this was-is the only parkhome I had set foot in and I personally thought the place was immaculate but, maybe it is now being adaptively personalised for the mother who is moving in with them, as I understand, it is the mother who has cancer not one of the couple who I had originally thought, not yet sure of her age....Although occasionally one can be spotted coming and spending time in the home, as and when the workers or delivery turns up, guess to supervise....still haven't seen the mother nor the dog... :dogrun:

Thank you for my belated Birthday wishes...

Oh yes, terrible of the innocent lives lost, re, yesterdays " terrorist " attack in London...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on a bright and sunny morning here in South Carolina.  We expect to get up to about 78 ยบ today with zero chance or rain.  Other than the housekeeper coming today this should be a pretty quiet day as have nothing on the calendar.  We might go out to eat our main meal today but that has not yet been decided.  Yesterday was a very enjoyable day for me as I felt good and like doing things for the first time in several days.  I enjoyed the early evening basketball games but didn't stay up to watch the late games. 

Jackie, glad to see you are keeping an eye on S&F and I personally miss seeing your postings there but glad you are posting here in Christian Photographers.  I know we are all very concerned about our Joan and hope each day to see good news about her recovery.  The changing of neighbors is inevitable in this day and age.  We certainly have done our share of moving from State to State or going from a large home to a rental while our new retirement home was built to that new home and then conditions changed and we moved here to be near our son.  We never know what the future may hold for us. Hope you will like your new neighbors and I hope our new neighbors will be as nice as the old ones. 

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  We are suppose to have a cloudy day today but get up into the 70's without any rain.  Pat and I went to a Chinese Buffet yesterday evening for our large meal for the day.  It was OK and we will probably go back again although Pat ended up later in the evening with an upset stomach.  She thinks the food she ate may have been too greasy.  She seems fine this morning.  When I went to the kitchen this morning I got things ready for Pat's scrambled eggs but had to cut up a red and a yellow pepper so I could put some of it in the eggs.  I am trying to recover as that took quite awhile.  I think next time I will get out the little food chopper and see if that isn't easier.  After I rest awhile I want to fix up my frozen fruit as I haven't had any of it for quite awhile.  I think that will probably be it for today.  Pat said yesterday she was going to fix some vegetable soup for our main meal today.  I will likely watch some golf this afternoon and then watch the beginning of the Elite Eight basketball tourney.  Both North and South Carolina Universities won their games by a nice margin last night. 

I see no one has posted since I posted yesterday.  Janet, I did see the picture of Beth's foot that you posted on Facebook.  That is really something and don't think I have ever seen a foot so swollen. 


Just this minute back from church, on this Mothering Sunday...nothing else on my today agenda...wishing all an enjoyable Sunday..
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is another cloudy day with a 20% chance of rain but we will be in the 70's again this afternoon.  Pat will not be going to Sunday School and Church with me this morning as is in a lot of pain.  I had a very pleasant surprise yesterday afternoon.  I had tuned in to the golf channel and then thought it might be on CBS so turned there only to find the Division II National Basketball Championship being played and there was my Alma Mater playing and they won the National Championship for the first time ever.  The football team has won 4 of the last 8 National Championships.  This was a nice achievement for Northwest Missouri State University from which I graduated in 1962.  There were about 3,000 students there when I was attending and they now have 6,500 students.  Division II is for the smaller Universities. I did watch the two Division I basketball games played last night and will watch the last two that are on tonight.  This will establish the Final Four teams to play for the Division I National Championship.

Jackie, good to see you posting as I wondered if this was going to be three days in a row I would be writing to myself.  You are back from church and I have yet to attend this morning.


Larry Hanna...remember the saying...." third time lucky..."  ;)
...sorry to read your Pat isnt up to joining you in church this morning, due to being in pain...I can surely sympathise as when I had to get out of the pew, I sit at the isle end, and with just a very short walk to take the bread and wine, my MS seemed to be playing up more, so a bit tough going with the odd swerves...Could be worse I suppose, there was one elderly lady, opposite pew isle who they had to bring the bread and wine to her...
...I should assume you are now on the verge of walking out of the door...
I can see this forum was very active at one time, where did they all go? :thinking:
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly