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Owner: Jeanne Lee

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Help us Congratulate the Winner of Mini Challenge #106~My Favorite Things
Congratulations Fotobirder!
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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

Thoughts for the Month - October 2017

Started by Jeanne Lee, October 05, 2017, 10:08:56 AM

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Our neighbour electrician is back and installing a sensor light to our outside wall that will light up the blind spot in the centre,
( its the widest part ) of our concrete steps leading to our car...

Its done, but of course he says he will come back tonight when its dark and make adjustments... as I need it to focus at my feet...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone. We are having Internet problems this morning so this will be a brief message for today. Will plan on going to church and I will go to Sunday school and then we will
likely go out to lunch look forward to having a quiet afternoon and evening.

I?ve read the messages since yesterday and with this problem with the Internet I will not post any individual messages this morning as posting from my phone isn?t very easy with the browser I am using. Hope everyone has a nice day.


Just on the computer to search for the obituary of our friend.  We learned that his first name was Ira - and we only knew him by his middle name.  Something is wrong because two different sites were mentioned for the memorial service at the same time on the same day.  Gene would have a good laugh at that mistake. 

We just had mail delivered today - Sunday - it was a gift card for Don as his birthday is approaching. 

Larry:  That was an assist to a team buddy.  It was so fast a person could barely see it.  Grandson is a very unselfish player - we see that over and over again.  We think he will be a coach someday - at least a volunteer coach, knowing him. 


Larry:  sorry to hear about your internet issues, I still enjoy to read what you have on your mind
Carol: Every thing on the net is supposed to be perfect but yes errors do happen.

This afternoon I went to a Community Christmas Memorial Service that is hosted by the local funeral home I have often thought about attending so this year is a first it was a simple but a very enjoyable service.  It seems that I have a busy week ahead a community dinner given by the local Lions tomorrow for the sr's in town a few of the not so seniors also get an invite, then Tuesday is a gathering of some retired bus drivers for breakfast then on Thursday we made plans to go to a  restaurant in the next town for their Christmas dinner.

Will I be able to sit down for  :coffee: :coffee:

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.  Proverbs 3:6


...I notice we have two Ruth's....Ruth and Ruth Ann, must remember not to get the two of you mixed up with my postings... :D
Sounds like you do have a busy week ahead of you, and sounds very enjoyable...The only function we have is this coming Saturday, my annual Multiple Sclerosis dinner, held at the same venue as last year, my first year of attending this grand hotel since we moved to this location... I have even chose the same course menu as last year, as I really enjoyed all of its chosen courses...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  We are to have a mixed day of sun and partly cloudy with it getting up into the high 60's.  This is the morning I have been looking forward to as by noon I should have clear vision again, although my eye will be dilated for a couple of days.  My son is going to go with me this morning.  My appointment is for 9:25 so won't have to wait all morning.  I will spend the rest of the day after I get home taking it easy.

We so enjoyed watching the 50th anniversary Carol Burnett show last evening.  It was two hours long so I watched the second hour from the comfort of my bed.  That show and Frazier and Cheers are probably the top three shows that I have enjoyed.  Of course, I realize I probably have forgotten about some other great shows I have watched over the years.   

Carol, I think the Postal Service now has a tough job of not only delivering the mail but now delivering a lot of packages from online merchants.  Interesting that the funeral home would make a mistake like you indicated showing two different memorial services.  Thanks for the information on the hockey game. 

Ruth, I found out that it was apparently a problem with my desk top having the Ethernet connection not working properly as my wife continued to work on her computer.  Once I rebooted my computer it has worked well.  So Comcast got blamed for something that wasn't their fault.  I had forgotten that you were a retired bus driver.  Your mention of the bus brought back a recall.  I hope you enjoy your week special events. 

Jackie,  It sound like you have a nice event to look forward to on Saturday and that it is held in a very nice location.  You sound like me in that when I find something on a menu that I like I will often order it on subsequent visits to the place.   


My Kindle Fire did not charge last night and I put it into another charging spot and still it was not working ---so I tried the third spot and it seems to be working.  Do not understand this at all  ???

Ruth:  I am brewing  :coffee: - come and share. You were a bus driver - cannot imagine the stress of handling a crowd while driving. It was enough to drive our four children around and once I pulled over (on a 100 mile drive to grandparent's cottage) and laid down the law.  Even the dog stopped barking.

Jackie:  What did you choose for dinner at the annual meeting?

Larry:  Glad you figured out the problem.   The Kindle is so handy and will travel on our trip back home for Christmas.  It charges every night so regular - this just mystifies me.  A new and stronger charging port arrives today. The charging wire - one long one and one short one for the laptop are new and have been working fine. 

Last night while looking out the front window, a large Javelina moseyed down the middle of the street.  They look like pigs but are from South America having migrated to the Arizona area. They like to eat flowers and anything - just make trouble and travel in packs. Mean too!


...same as last year, I have chosen Honeydew & Cantaloupe Melon cocktail as starter...Pan seared Sea Bass Fillet main course, followed by Chocolate Daim Bar Torte...tea or coffee to finish...There was - is a choice of three different mix and match menus, including our basic Christmas dinner of Turkey and stuffing, and Christmas Pudding with vanilla & brandy cream...some very tough choices...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


The Sea Bass sounds like a good idea. 


Carol, there used to be javelina in Southern New Mexico.  Hubby had relatives at Truth or Consequences, NM and they saw them occasionally. I never got to see them when we would go to visit. 
This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.   Ps 118:24


Good evening .

It was in 1970 that I had started driving as it was necessary to pay a couple of bills and also having a son that seemed to be ill a lot of time and only one car, thus it was the better choice but some how it continued for 30 years. Now with all the changes it is not something that I would desire to do.

Soon we will be headed out the door for dinner.

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.  Proverbs 3:6

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi friends,

I'm here and thankful that y'all have been here while I was away.  I'm much better from the fall - can now see out of both eyes. I don't want to be out much, since my  forehead is still swollen and has red patches where the carved drawer pull hit as I fell forward.

Oh, well, I don't usually have much vanity. Some of the folks who attended the Senior Net bash in Georgia will remember I looked as if I had been beaten up.  Well, with that fall, "the road rose up to greet me."  :)

You be glad with me for the love of our Lord.

Love to all,
Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


Ahh the two Ruth's together, now I know which one is which, just look at the avatar photo Jackie? :idiot:

Ruth Ann, sorry to hear you came closer to the floor than you would have liked to...well at least you will be remembered by your Senior Net bash, ok, maybe not in the way you would have liked to have been remembered, but I am sure any one of them would have realised that this could have happened to any one of sadly we are now all prone to taking falls...guess just your timing wasn't good...And putting dignity aside, at least you did turn up for it... :thumbsup:
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Ahh the two Ruth's together, now I know which one is which, just look at the avatar photo Jackie? :idiot:

Ruth Ann, sorry to hear you came closer to the floor than you would have liked to...well at least you will be remembered by your Senior Net bash, ok, maybe not in the way you would have liked to have been remembered, but I am sure any one of them would have realised that this could have happened to any one of sadly we are now all prone to taking falls...guess just your timing wasn't good...And putting dignity aside, at least you did turn up for it... :thumbsup:

Time is now and I am awaiting my Riverford organic delivery box man to deliver my box which he leaves outside my front door and always starts our Toby off barking..he should be here any minute now...think he is here now...better go..
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

  Hi Everyone.  We have an overcast morning but will get into the mid-70's this afternoon.  My main activity today will be to go for the second day checkup on the cataract surgery at 1:20 this afternoon.  I was to remove the eye guard when I awoke this morning.  On my way home I plan on stopping at Costco to return this second Chromebook.  It had worked fine for 3 or 4 days but last evening it froze about 7 times and I decided I didn't need that hassle in my life.  So I guess it will be back to a regular laptop rather than a Chromebook.  Yesterday everything went well and there has been no pain or problem.   

Carol, it sounds like the third try did the trick on charging your Kindle Fire.  I can't imagine what driving with four children must have been like as our two were plenty for us and we didn't have a dog in the car. 

Jackie, it sounds like whatever your chose for your special dinner would be good.  What you selected sounds very tasty.  It sounds like Toby is better than a doorbell in letting you know something has been delivered.  We sometimes find packages that have been delivered on our front porch and the person delivering them doesn't even bother to ring the door bell. Sometimes they are on the porch overnight.  Fortunately with this house they are in an alcove and protected from the weather. 

Janice, from what Carol describes you didn't miss anything by not seeing the Javelinas. 

Ruth, while I enjoyed most of the work I did when employed I am certainly glad I am no longer working as things have changed so much in the Federal Government Agency when I spent most of my career.  Constant reorganizations and changes of responsibilities are such that I no longer recognize the organization and have been retired so long that very few of the names mean anything.  I enjoy being able to do what I want to do most of the time and not having to spend 8 hours a day or more in an office. 

Ruth Ann, glad you are much better from your fall.  Sure glad you didn't damage your eyes in your fall.  I have decided that most people don't really care how I look and I have no control over what they think at any given moments so don't worry about appearances anymore.  I just want to be clean and neat. 

Jeanne Lee

These last couple of weeks since I got home from rehab have been frustrating, to the point that yesterday I declared a "non-day" and even stayed away from computer.  I tseems everything I tried to do and every question I asked online lead only to another place to ask the same question and get the same answer that didn't apply at all to what I was asking.   GRRRR!

Such a mix of good news and bad news here the last few days.  With Beth's seeming improvement, Jackie's plans for a great dinner, Jackie's at first pleasant walk and difficult return, Ruth Ann's fall and recovery, Larry's disappointment with the Chromebook....  life sure does have it's ups and downs.   ;)

Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127


Jeanne Lee... can say anything about life they like but, one thing we can all agree on has its ups and downs, and life can be full of surprises...ok two things... :P
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Jeanne Lee... must give me your recipe on " how to stay away from our computer "  ;D  I haven't quite mastered the art of that yet...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Good morning!  Winter happened here overnight!  Brrrr.  Some people think New Mexico is a desert.....maybe parts of it...but not on the Eastern side!  I had intentions to take my car for an oil change today, and then go to MVD to get the registration and driver's license renewed. The latter will have to wait until a warmer day.  I'm not stepping outside into that freezing cold wind!
I can stay in my car at the oil change place. Drivers license in NM are free for citizens over 75 yr old.  But you do have to pass a vision test...sure hope my eye ailments don't cause me to not get a renewal.  Glaucoma, cataracts, wet Macular Degeneration. Surprisingly I can read really well.
    Went with Elaine (daughter) to our church for the Children's Christmas program Sunday evening.  Those precious kids!  It was a good evening. There
must have been at least 45-50 kids on the stage, and well behaved! Elaine is the organist at our church, but instruments were not used for the children's program.
This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.   Ps 118:24


Janice:  We drive on I 25 going both north and south and like to stay at Socorro when going south and Santa Fe when going north. That puts us just over the middle part of our drive to SW of  Denver.  There are some very nice towns along the way - Albuquerque is really expanding much like it is at home. We don't have any youngsters in SS anymore so no programs to attend. The children are really darling, as you say. 

Ruth Ann:  If you are like most of us, it take such a long time for healing. 

It is so nice to be reading notes from Janice and Ruth Ann - hugs to both of you.

Otherwise, I am on the phone directing our middle son to set up our house for our neighbor's relatives coming to their dad's  funeral.  I think they are staying two days beginning tomorrow.  Phil will handle everything  - and tomorrow, he has an interview.

Larry:  We took our children everywhere possible and they were good travelers.  So many stories - once I had them at the church railing with communion for me and a blessing for them. I heard a little laughter and turned to find they had brought their tiny cars and were racing them on the railing, Pastor had to laugh and blessed them anyway. It was so embarrassing. There are a million stories we can stay up late talking about it anytime. 

A young couple here have invited us over tonight for a meatloaf dinner - they have to leave right after as they are in a dancing group.  We will have to talk fast.   


I'm still having a problem choosing green for my posts!  And if that's my biggest problem, praise God!   :D

So many nice posts to read here today!  I did stay away from computer all day yesterday, as Beth had taken a turn for the worse and I spent the whole day with her!  BUT...God is good, all the time!  And by evening she was better; went in early today and found her better; and will go back after my eye appointment at 3:00 and expect even more improvement!  And I attribute all these improvements to the Zeal she is drinking!  Yesterday, she drank another one of their products, a protein, which she really needs!  I expect it will keep me hopping to get two Zeals and one protein into her every day, so I know my job description!!  Today is her and John's second anniversary!!

Carol, those memories are so sweet, even if embarrassing at the time!  My little grandson Justin, when he was four, memorized the 23rd Psalm for his Christian school program.  The teacher stood him up on a stool so everyone could see him, and then asked him what his mother told him to do tonight?
He answered loud and clear, "Don't pick your nose!"  :lol:  Poor Kerri was mortified!

Jeanne, sorry things have been tough for you.  Seems we used to have days like that, but now sometimes it feels like weeks instead.

Ruth Ann, since I've been so busy taking extra care of Beth, I haven't been using much makeup lately,
either.  Seems to take too much time when I'm trying to hurry!  Glad you're healing from the fall,
and hope you do not fall again  I have been a klutz today!  I bumped one ankle on the dishwasher door this morning, then later reached for something and busted a fingernail on the microwave, then bumped the other ankle on the dishwasher door (One while loading, the other while unloading it!) and last (I hope!) cracked my arm above the elbow--again on the microwave!!  Maybe I need to stay out of the kitchen!!

Jackie, enjoy your MS party!  And eat all you want--but not too much!   ;)

Janice, I hope you don't get chilled today!  Glad you won't have to get out of your car!  It's colder here,
but still pleasant, as the wind isn't blowing!!  YEA!!  They keep telling us every day that the cold and wind are coming. 

The housekeeping gal is here, and how thankful I am for her help!!

Larry, sorry your ChromeBooks didn't work out for you.  I sort of regret buying this huge Mac.  There is still so much I don't know how to do on it, plus it doesn't have a DVD player or a touch screen.  But I'm stuck with it now.  Macs are more stable than PCs, at least that's what I'm told.

I need to get off here now!
My book Rising Above available at

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. Our day starts with an overcast sky and our high today is suppose to be 62. The only thing on the calendar for today is our Wednesday night dinner at Church and then Scott and Jennifer will be coming out.  We should get to speak to our great grandchildren this evening.

Yesterday turned out to be a very busy and stressful day.  The morning was busy paying bills, calling a couple of places about the billings and doing other office work.  At 12:50 I left to go for the second day visit to the eye doctor only to find I-20 traffic basically at a standstill and then moving a couple of car lengths and stopping again.  I got very stressed as knew I was going to be late for my appointment.  I called and told them and they said they allow a 15 to 30 minute leeway.  The Georgia Department of Transportation is installing some new signage on the Interstate and they had taken the traffic down to one lane from a four lane road.  This caused the big backup as the cars had to merge to get by the blocked area.  My eye appointment went very well and was told the eye is doing great.  The vision has cleared a lot this morning and hopefully will continue to clear in the next few days.  As I came back from the eye doctors office I stopped and Costco and returned the Chromebook.  I then found a relatively inexpensive HP laptop.  It doesn't have the greatest display but it will work very nicely for what I use it for.  I spend a couple of hours getting it basically set up with only a few more things to do on it. 

Jeanne, my problems with the Chromebook were easily fixed by returning it as had a 90 day window to return to Costco.  I decided to just go back to a laptop and the one I got weighs only 4.5 pounds so isn't much heavier than the Chromebook.  Sorry to see your days have been so frustrating.  I sure hope you are feeling better.  I think using the oxygen at night has been a big help to me as am no longer feeling tired when I get up in the morning and seem to have a little more energy during the day.  I guess if we didn't have a few downs we wouldn't appreciate the ups. 

Jackie, I don't want a recipe to stay away from the computer as it is an integral part of each of my days and for the most part is very enjoyable. 

Janice, I didn't know any state had free drivers licenses for those over 75.  You are fortunate to be able to read very well with the eye problems you have.  The little children are so much fun to watch and they wiggle around.  We often have the little ones sing a song as a part of our Church services.  Our little ones and young people are an integral part of our Church. 

Carol, when we used to drive back to Kansas City from Atlanta we always stayed in Paducah, Kentucky as it was half way on the 16 hour trip.  One of those trips we visited the National Quilting Museum that is located there and it was quite impressive.  Have you ever visited it?  Hope Phil's interview goes well today and a job offer will be coming his way.  Cute story of your children at the altar and playing with their little cars. 

Janet, the green you are using is very easy to read.  Glad that is your biggest problem at the moment.  So sorry that Beth has taken a turn for the worse.  Congratulations to Beth and John on their second anniversary.  Justin was just being honest and obviously remembered his mother's admonition.  Cute story!  It sounds like you need a break from the kitchen.  I know from experience that it really hurts to hit your leg on the dishwasher door.  The new laptop I bought yesterday has neither a DVD player or a touch screen, which I wouldn't have used anyway.  Pat's laptop has a touch screen and she really doesn't use it.   


Larry Hanna... are the same as me...gotten too attached to our lifeline of a computer, well I would be totally lost without my connection and interaction to our forum....

Isn't that just the way? getting caught and held up in traffic when we have a time-scaled appointment...nothing worse in getting our blood pressure sky high...Like you Larry, I just hate being late for an appointment, I like to get there, signed in and registered with at least ten minutes to spare...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


We had such a nice meatloaf dinner with younger friends last night - they asked Don to lead in prayer. Later, we visited with our friend until late.  She lost her husband several years ago - we have known them for years.  She also owns an old family cabin in northern Minnesota - so has a lot of upkeep every season of the year.  It is worth it! 

Larry: Sorry that you were stressed - there seems to be nothing we can do with the herd being so much larger in our cities.  We dread going back to Denver but thankful to live in the suburbs.  You had so much trouble with the Chrome brand - I don't even know the difference.  Glad that you fixed that problem.  No, have never seen Padukah.  The grandchildren are so special - enjoy your visit.

I am fixated on trying to bring one item each on our flight - American - then a change in Phoenix back to Denver.  It has to fit and I have to bring our readers plus chargers - Don has his meds and the laptop.  No choice on seating.  Looking forward to a lovely trip ----NOT.  It will be alright because we will make do. I just finished reading the story of a woman in France having to house Germans during WWII and if she could do that - a person can do a lot of things without complaining. 

Janet: Remember the show - if I have it right?  "Kids say the darndest things? 

Jeanne:  Sorry to read that you are having any "down" time. You have a lot of friends who want you to feel wonderful again.


Hello everyone, Sorry I've been AWOL for a few days. It is a very busy week for me with 3 Therapy dog visits, Furry friends Christmas party on Saturday, the church and singing on Sunday. I will be having my nails done and a pedicure tomorrow before going on the visit to the hospital. Next week it is my annual review at Hospice and Christmas party for hospice on Friday. The following week is my eye appointment, two visits and leaving for California. whew!! BUSY!!!.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


I'm so glad this green is easy for Larry to read!  And really, I do not mind changing.   ;)

Marilyn, you sound as busy as me!  Only most of your events sound like more fun than mine.  And that's a good thing!  So many Christmas events so early in December!  Goodness!  Are you a Hospice volunteer?  And if so, what do you do?  I'm interested in this because of Beth being on Hospice now.

Carol, nice to hear of your being the guests instead of the hosts this time!  You certainly do cook lots of meals for others, and I know you must love doing it; still it's nice to be the invitee for a change.  (Is that a word?)  ;)  Yes, I remember "Kids say the darndest things" with Art Linkletter.  Fun show!

Beth was about the same this morning--better than Monday, but not as good as last week.  She was able to drink the protein drink plus the Zeal, now it's time for her afternoon Zeal.  So as soon as I finish this, I will head up there again.

I need to find a way to cut down on the emails I get!  I delete and delete, unsubscribe, and still they require too much time trying to keep them from building up into the thousands!  Always afraid to delete them all for fear there's something I need to read, or a personal message. Ah, computers!!

I must go give Beth her Zeal before time to go to church for Wednesday night dinner and choir practice!  Manana!
My book Rising Above available at


Janet, Yes I am a Hospice volunteer. I took the classes a year ago to become a Hospice Volunteer. However, I visit the clients that like dogs or have had dogs. I take Freckles to visit the clients, and they love on her while I talk with them and listen to their stories about their life. I usually stay for at least 30 minutes. I have met families. One gentleman, was celebrating his 90th birthday and there were 4 generations visiting that day, I was asked to come at a time when the family would be there. He was ambulatory up until the end. He passed the day after that birthday celebration. I have visited some that were non-responsive and just sit with them for a bit talking to them. They do hear you even if they are non-responsive. When I am given a referral, it is a detailed description of their family, likes dislike, hobbies etc that the family has provided to hospice, so I know what to talk about. I have to fill out a report and turn it in after each visit. There are other things that the volunteer does but that is what I do.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is a rainy morning here and will continue with rain throughout the day and evening.  It is welcome.  We will be staying in the 40's all day.  I plan on going to coffee, after picking up my friend, and then after bringing him home will go back to the Church for our Thursday Wisdom group with the Pastor. 

We enjoyed a nice dinner last night at Church and then at 7 am we got to talk with our 4 great grandchildren.  This included talking with the little 6 year old who we have never seen, except in pictures, and had never heard speak before.  Last week he was too shy to talk but this week joined right in.   Yesterday while at Walmart to pick up prescriptions for Pat I bought a pair of reading glasses.  I am only going to need them for close reading. Today my left eye is seeing almost as well as the right one.

Jackie, the computer filled what would have been many empty hours when I had to retire at the age of 54.  I really don't do much more on it anymore except posting here and in Seniors and Friends, keeping track of things like our medical expenses, and then in the afternoon just doing the puzzles and playing some games.  I would rather have to sit and wait for the appointment than to be late.  Fortunately, when I took the nitro it eased the chest and arm discomfort from the stress of the trip. 

Carol, it sounds like you have some nice younger friends.  I am glad I have only one place to keep up and really have never desired to have a second home or place in the mountains.  Even though we lived about 30 miles from downtown Atlanta we had terrible traffic where we lived and the Interstates were terrible.  I understand from friends that the area where we lived continues to build and there are more and more cars.  Chromebooks run on only the Google Chrome operating system and everything is done from the cloud.  There is no problem with virus, etc, as Google keeps all of that up-to-date.  There is a very small solid state hard drive and you can't run any programs other than what they have.  I just think I got into a bunch of production that had parts not up to speed.  I do enjoy having the new HP laptop and won't try the Chromebook again. At least your trip is a matter of hours and not days as you fly back and forth. 

Marilyn, it sounds like you have plenty on your schedule and two Christmas parties to attend.  We are not attending any Christmas parties and our Senior luncheon at Church last week is as close to a party as we will have this year.  It sounds like the information you are provided as a Hospice volunteer is very helpful in talking with the patient. 

Janet, any color is fine but I have always liked green.  I try to keep my emails down to a manageable size.  I find Gmail filters out so much of the spam and trash and have never seen anything in that folder that I really needed to see.  I hope you find Beth feeling better today. 


The furnace is running.  We have been in exceptionally hotter than usual weather for two months and now it is cold enough that the house got down to 68* and started the furnace.  Winds are strong today. Watching videos of LA and Ventura county in California and it could happen here and even in Colorado as well.  Not enough rain.  There is no snow in the mountains where it should be - at the headwaters.  Grim looking right now. 

My latest quilt is ready to pick up - it is too big for me to handle here and a lady has a business in her garage so she has the huge set-up to top stitch it.  Then, I will finish it with the binding, the very last thing.  It won't be going home with us next week - we have cheap cheap airline tickets and can only carry one personal item. Not the nice experience of years ago travel.  Measuring our little bags and determined not to pay a penny more.   :lol:

Larry: How super is that --- talking to your great grandchildren! Our grands are still in college (and work too) so it will be a quite some time before great grands come along (Lord willing).  Chrome must have proprietary features - I am so glad that you are so techie knowledgeable to handle the issues. 

This is the anniversary of Pearl Harbor. Today is our dear friend's memorial.  He is to be buried at the fort just east of the city.  Our middle son got our house ready for a family of four - and that is some help for them.  Neighbors are bringing food for all today.  We love our community there-it just seemed like the perfect fit.

Praying for Jerusalem!  Praying for the fire victims.  ..... and more.   


Howdy!  I came and read yesterday, just didn't feel like posting.  But I should have done, for today, I have been very weepy and crying most of the day.  Nothing specific--just felt like everything crashed in and overwhelmed me.  I think crying is good sometimes, it sort of opens the valve and releases some of the pressure.  But it isn't a beauty treatment, that's for sure.  :-\

I see that the Zeal is helping me get better, more solid sleep, and am so thankful for that.  When I toss and turn, then get up as tired as when I went to bed that's not good.  I need to really think about it, as I know there are other benefits as well, I'm just so distracted I haven't taken note of them.

Marilyn, thanks for the explanation of what Hospice volunteers do.  They told me there are some here that we can call on if needed, and I wanted to know what their place is.

The hospice chaplain's wife brought their puppy to see Beth again today.  When she set her on the bed, the puppy ran to lick Beth's face, and her whole face lit up!  She loves dogs so much.  Wish you were around so you could bring Freckles to visit her.

Beth has had a stye forming on her right eye for about three weeks, getting worse and worse.  I took a picture of it yesterday, and arranged for our optometrist to go last evening to open it and drain the pus; but during the day, the pockets popped open and drained.  There were three close together; now two more are forming closer to the outside edge of her eyelid.  I had never seen a stye like that!  I googled it and learned for sure that styes are only pimples on the eyelid.  But why did she get them?  I don't know.

John bought her another Christmas tree (He's bought a new one every year) also a Nativity set. He nearly crowds her bed out with all the stuff he brings into her room.  Sigh.  :-\

I'm really glad to be here in SW Kansas, with 10* weather, and not in California with those devastating fires and 80 to 100 mile winds!  Horrible!

Larry, so happy to read that you got to speak to your great-grandchildren!  Sweet!

I was thrilled to have a nice conversation with our sweet Ruth Ann yesterday!  God is good!

I'm really weary--yes again!- so I believe I'll just go to bed!

Sweet dreams, everybody!
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