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Bird Photos In Snow

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Help us Congratulate the Winner of Mini Challenge #106~My Favorite Things
Congratulations Fotobirder!
Bird Photos In Snow

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JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

JudyB: I will be back this evening to start July's thoughts..... The wedding was beautiful! 2021-07-02, 11:51:09

Thoughts for the Month - October 2017

Started by Jeanne Lee, October 05, 2017, 10:08:56 AM

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Jeanne Lee

:) From Our Forums :thumbsup:

  • Prayer and Praise     Thanks for visiting this area of our site to share prayer requests and items for praise!

The True Love Story
Turning Point
Dr. David Jeremiah


"Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sins."
Proverbs 10:12

Recommended Reading
1 Peter 4:8


The 1970 dramatic film Love Story introduced one of the most oft-quoted lines about love in the modern era: ?Love means never having to say you?re sorry.? One of the stars of that film, Ryan O?Neal?who had the words spoken to him by his dying girlfriend?was in a romantic-comedy movie two years later with Barbra Streisand (What?s Up, Doc?). In that movie, when Streisand says those same words to O?Neal, he responds, ?That?s the dumbest thing I ever heard.?

Most people would agree with the 1972 assessment from What?s Up Doc? of ?love means never having to say you?re sorry.? But there?s a kernel of truth there. After all, ?love covers all sins? (Proverbs 10:12, see also 1 Peter 4:8 ). Theoretically, that means one doesn?t have to say ?sorry? to be forgiven. But biblically, there is a problem; there is a price to pay for sin: death (Romans 6:23). And Jesus paid that price for us?unconditionally. Jesus introduced true unconditional love to the human experience, paying a horrific price for our sins. But that doesn?t mean we are exempt from saying ?sorry? when we sin (1 John 1:9).

Let unconditional love be the basis for all your relationships. But if you sin, always say ?sorry? to God and others.

"Repentance is being sorry enough to quit your sin."
Albert Martin

Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127


Jeanne:  Thank you for today's lesson.  We teach out children to say "sorry" and in our family, they would have to hug each other and say "sorry" as well.  Usually, that turned into a smile - not always. 

We are working on trying to fix an up and coming problem in that our health insurance has been "sold out" to a giant corporation and of course, it will cost more and do much less.  Most probably losing my favorite and very bright and practical doctor and I have gone to her for ten years. 

Thinking of hurricane refugees and other survivors this week  who have lost everything - my problem is very little. 


Today's update on Beth:  After sleeping almost the whole day yesterday, and with less pain, the pain returned full force and more today.  She needed the oral morphine more often than hourly; so they have once again doubled the Fentanyl patch--now up to 50.  I was just there and she was comfortable.

We attended the funeral of a dear doctor today.  He was a farmer, had gone to K-State and gotten a degree in animal science; but his dream was to be a doctor.  So he and his wife packed up their three children and went back to K-State, where he did his year of pre-med, then to Lawrence, where he obtained his M.D. from KS. Medical school.  Then they came to Ulysses, where they planted their roots. He was well respected and much loved, a dear man.

I was privileged to interview Dr. Tillotson and write a story of his life when I was doing those.  I really miss doing that, and want to resume it when my life returns to some sort of normalcy.

I had been noticing for some time that we were still in August.  ;)  No problem.  September had its share of problems, anyway.

I was so exhausted I couldn't go on this afternoon, came home and went to bed, immediately fell into a deep sleep--and someone (My younger sister) called to ask me a very trivial question.  Then I was never able to get back to sleep.  So it's early to bed tonight, for sure.

Wishing all of you many blessings.
My book Rising Above available at

Jeanne Lee

Janet, I'm so sorry to read that after a day of some comfort Beth was again suffering so much today.  My prayers continue. 
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127


...With all the emotional worry over your Beth, I am also concerned over your health and your state of is so hard watching and waiting for a loved one to come to peace...I am hoping that the arms of our God are reaching around you all at this time of need...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


It must have been a dream - I thought someone knocked on the front door then had to walk the house inside just to check everything. 

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is another clear and beautiful day but no rain in sight.  The housekeeper has arrived. I don't think we will go out to eat as we often do on the day she comes since we ate out yesterday.  I plan a quiet and very laid back day today as only got about 4-5 hours of sleep last night.  I was really tired after a very busy day but just couldn't go to sleep even though I wasn't in any pain.

Yesterday was one of those days that I don't want to repeat, at least not very often.  It got started when I came to my office and found my computer monitor had a blank screen.  I had to reboot it several times and it seemed that many things had changed.  I had a doctor's appointment at 9 am with my new GP.  It was just to get established and I liked him and his office is in North Augusta rather than about 30 minutes away.  I got right in and out so decided to stop at Publix for my flu shot as they were offering a $10 gift card when you got your flu shot there.  I had another appointment at 11:15 with my foot doctor and so came home and picked up Pat so she could drive home after the procedure.  I was in an out of the Podiatrists office in about 30 minutes.  He removed both of my big toe nails.  I couldn't believe it was so quick and painless.  My instructions were to come home and put my feet up as much as possible for the rest of the day.  He gave me a couple of prescriptions and so on the way we stopped at Diablo's Tex-Mex Restaurant and had our big meal of the day and then went on to Walmart and Pat went in and got the prescriptions.  I came home and laid down for a while. 

When I got up yesterday afternoon I went to use my Chromebook computer only to find I had apparently in getting the desktop working yesterday morning messed up the Chrome browser settings.  It took me about 4 hours trying to get everything back the way I wanted them but finally succeeded.  I did come back in my office and make the airline reservations for Pat's sister to come and visit with us later this month.  Then last evening she called Pat to tell her she had been broadsided in her car and thought she might have a broken ankle.  However, later she called to say it wasn't broken but just a bad sprain.  We haven't heard from her today but sure she must be pretty sore.  Fortunately she wasn't at fault and her nephew was able to drive her car away from the accident.  I purchased trip cancellation insurance with the plane ticket so if she isn't able to make the trip I hopefully can get my money back on the tickets.  My SIL insisted last evening she still plans to make the trip.

Jeanne, thanks for starting us off on a new week.  I liked your Devotional Thought.

Janet, so sorry to hear of Beth's resumption of severe pain yesterday.  It sounds like you are driving yourself to the point of exhaustion.  I know we each do what we feel is right for us to do.  Hope you were able to get a good nights sleep last evening.

Ruth Ann Bice

Thank you, friends, for the sweet, supportive atmosphere here in my wonderful online home.

Your loving prayers with Janet and for Beth have meant so much so me today.

Much love to all,
Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


Larry Hanna... chance of repeating yesterday, yesterday has gone, it is now " past tense.."  ;)
Well went to my Church groups social evening last night, have to say left me with mixed feelings, oh I enjoyed it but it took me back to my childhood, I felt like a little child again at a party...I dont know whether in America - Canada you have such a group who go visits and call themselves...Holy Fools Entertainment..." These small groups, think there was around seven, ( although I asked and was told there are around 50 of them, ) all dressed up as clowns, all were Christians, and each gave themselves a ten minute slot to show off some clown-party tricks, in the middle another plain clothed elderly man, they were all elderly-middle aged, said, where we all joined in...The Lords Prayer...Our young couple from Taiwan ( found out they are older than they look as students, in their early-mid thirties, they both look in their twenties ) they both got pulled up to do a paper cutting trick, then he got pulled up earlier by one of the other " Fools, " she took photos of him dressed in a crazy coat, it was a night of pure childish fun...Although one of our senior ladies when outside said to me, she wasn't too impressed with tonight's performance....
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is a cloudy morning and a little bit ago we had a very brief rain.  There is a small chance of further rain today and a better chance of rain tomorrow.  I found out early this morning why my foot doctor prescribed some pain pills as one of my big toes started having very sharp and throbbing pains.  I was very slow getting started this morning but finally got my shower and medicated and put the dressings on my big toes.  It is going to be a quiet day as think the antibiotic I am taking for a week is leaving me more exhausted than normal.  Pat plans a quick trip to Aldi's this morning and I plan on resting and watching college football this afternoon and evening.  I am hopeful I will feel up to attending Church tomorrow as we are having a special guest organist.  He is the principle organist for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir but I won't make that decision until in the morning. 

Ruth Ann, glad to see your posting and hope you are doing OK.

Jackie, there may be entertainment groups like you described in the USA but I have never experienced one.  I am also not sure that would be something I would enjoy very much.  At least you were able to get out for a social occasion with other people. 

Janet, I am thinking of you and praying for you and Beth and your entire family. 


Saturday update:  When I arrived this morning, Beth was bright eyed and looking good.  But by the time she's had her bath and was dressed, she was tired.  She remained tired and lethargic the rest of the day, eating very little, and asking for morphine about every hour and a half.
They weighed her today; she is now down to 110 pounds, from her normal weight of 160.  (She's 5'8" and big boned, so she's now very thin.  I spent about 8 hours with her, coming home for a much needed 2 hour nap in the afternoon.  I am trying to take care of myself, but see that I forgot to take my pills three days this week.  Guess I need a keeper!  I only take three prescriptions, blood pressure med plus a water pill, and magnesium.  The rest are vitamins.

I don't expect her to have the energy to want to go to church again tomorrow!

I need to get some laundry started!  See you tomorrow---and thanks for the prayers and good thoughts for us.
My book Rising Above available at


We drove to Socorro, New Mexico today making very good time.  Roads were clear - only snow is in the mountains.  I am driving more than usual now but it is OK.  We checked into a motel and nothing worked for a while - even the key did not open the door.  However, everything is fixed and I can write a greeting to all.  Tomorrow, the plan is to arrive in Tucson, groceries are on order for pick-up at Wal-Mart as that is the easiest thing to do when arriving. 

Another hurricane is keeping everyone in the south busy.  Dreadful, I can imagine they are wishing the days of fall to pass quickly so the storms stop. 

Blessings to all - 

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is a cloudy Sunday morning and have a 90% chance of rain this afternoon.  We will be leaving for Sunday School and Church in just a few minutes so will be very brief this morning.  I had a good night and had no toe pain yesterday.  No shortness of breath this morning other than the usual.

Janet, nice to see the positive report on Beth.  If you are using your smart phone set an alarm for each day at the times you need to take your medication.  I am doing that with my noon antibiotic and it works very well.  Of course, I didn't set one for today as will be in Church and don't want the alarm to go off.  :)  I hope you find Beth doing well today.

Carol, by the time you read this you will probably be back in your home in Tucson.  Great idea to have your grocery order waiting for you rather than having to immediately get to the store. 


Very quiet Sunday in here, with only two posts!  Thanks, Carol and Larry.

Another bad day for Beth yesterday.  She woke up tired, ate a little oatmeal and had a bit of juice, then slept most of the rest of the day.  I know she's going, and it's so painful watching her fade away.  The blessing in this is that hospice is controlling her terrible pain.  Of course the greatest of all blessings is to know she knows Jesus as Savior and we will be seeing her whole, pain free and joyous in heaven soon.

John is......John.  I know this is really hurting him, but I have no idea how to help him.  He's burying his feelings, staying on his computer and watching TV all day while she lies there right beside him.  More than I can understand.  When he goes away, to eat or nap or whatever, I ask her if she wants some music, she always says yes, and I put on soft Christian music for her.

I am dreading this day.  We must go pick out cemetery lots, finalize the plans with the funeral home,
go to the flower shop, etc, etc. etc.  The only other time I've had this responsibility was when my sister Kathy was killed in a vehicle accident, at which time my little family doubled, as we took her children to raise.  But God will give me the strength to get through this.

It would help if I weren't feeling a cold coming on.  I've been fighting it off with vitamin C and Zinc. I finally took some Tylenol PM and got some sleep last night, but am sure not feeling very peppy this morning.  (Sorry, TMI about me.  It's NOT about me!)

Larry, good to hear you aren't having much toe pain.  Darrel had one big toenail removed a few years ago, the same day I had carpal tunnel surgery.

Time for me to get with the program--cold is predicted and we have to go walk around in the cemetery looking at available lots.  Please pray for us, that God will continue to give us the strength we need.
My book Rising Above available at

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  We had some really good and soaking rain yesterday, low chance today and a much better chance tomorrow for more rain.  I think the antibiotic I am taking because of my toenail removals is really doing a number on me in terms of just wanting to sleep and feeling very tired.  It was 9 am before I got to the kitchen this morning, almost unheard of as I usually get up early.  Fortunately it is a stay at home day.  Pat already got out and went to the lab to have a blood draw in preparation for her appointment with the doctor on Thursday.  I will probably post late tomorrow as have a 9 am appointment with the eye doctor to start the cataract removal process. 

Janet, I know this is going to be a very hard day for you as you deal with the matter of funeral arrangements.  I am sure you will make wise decisions and it is better to deal with this now than after the fact. 


Hello everyone. Sorry, I haven't posted for a few days but I do come to read and pray.  We are going to Vancouver, WA. on Wednesday to stay at  Keith's on's home. Then on Thursday Keith youngest son, Corey is taking us back to Portland for Keith's eye appointment with the Neuro-Ophthalmologist. I sure don't look forward to the drive up there, it is supposed to rain or shower the whole time we are there and on Friday when we come back home as well. Thursday is supposed to have thunderstorms. We are taking Freckles along again so I will make sure I pack her thunder shirt and the Rescue Remedy. she hates the sound of thunder.

Janet, I continue to pray for beth and for your family. I  hope you can get some decent rest and get through to John about it not being good to internalize his feelings. He needs to talk to someone.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Marilyn Some people do fine by internalising their feelings. Some are not  comfortable talking to someone about how they feel.I speak from experience. I'm one of those people. The reason being is I have been betrayed once to often. That causes more problems than keeping it to myself.
Phil. 1: 21. For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.


John B:  Hello - happy to see your again.  I agree, that every person has a million ways of dealing or not dealing with sad news.  So sorry that you were betrayed - your thoughts should have been private.  Are you getting ready for winter? 

Larry:  I could not make the Wal-Mart grocery order because they only set aside a one hour spot here and there was no way I could guarantee we could pick it up - not with the signs saying dust storm ahead.  We ducked the wicked dust storm - that is more alarming to me than any snow storm.  thankful to be here - lots of problems with getting our phone and internet set up - it took 3 days.  They had been notified - no excuse but we were dropped somehow.  Otherwise, not too dusty here in the house and I managed to get everything put away plus bought the groceries.  Don feels much better at this altitude -- he is still road weary though. 

Janet:  I barely know what to say - just that we are all supporting you.

We missed the first snow storm of winter - by a day.  It sure was windy and we were so glad the roads remained clear.  It is 900 miles here, and we spent a night in a motel - something that never happened years before now. 

Marilyn:  Safe trip for you - try to not let the drive be a bother.  I now drive much of the time and it is weary.


Carol - John...
...happy to see a posting from you John...yes we act - upon, and learn from our own experiences...
...I agree with you both...everyone acts differently, no one can be forced into interacting in the way that many others would consider as the end of the day, " what is normal?..."
...Johns behaviour might not sound right, but he is acting in his way, which is the only way that he knows...and if that is the way that will get him through this sad process...

One thing I have learnt is..." no one said this process of living, or dying, would be easy, or straightforward..."

Janet..., your cold...have you tried chamomile tea, honey and fresh lemon?....I remember the week leading up to my first, or was it my second? MRI Scan a couple of years back...I started coming down with my cold, I didn't want to be taking over the counter medication, think it must have been my second as I was to have Gadolinium which that thought alone simply terrified me, so didn't want any interactions but, thankfully my cold almost went by the time I was placed under that dreaded machine, I was so worried of coughing and sneezing and not keeping still inside it...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


  .....a reminder of how our life pans out...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It looks like we could be in for a stormy day later today.  This is finally the morning when I get to see the eye doctor.  The paperwork said to allow up to two hours for this appointment although find it hard to believe it will take that long.  I have my paperwork already filled out as they sent it to me.  That is all that is on the schedule for today.  I will have to be brief this morning as we must leave in about 30 minutes.

Marilyn, hope all goes well on your trip and with Keith's appointment. 

John, nice to see your posting.  Hope you and Judy are doing well.

Carol, too bad about the grocery order but sounds like you have things under control.  Here they have introduced a one day order to place a Walmart order by 11 am and be able to pick it up four hours later.  We haven't used that feature and don't expect to do so.  Glad you found your property in good shape.

Jackie, I liked the graphic and saying you posted. 


Good morning!  We had lost our internet connection last evening when I came to post, and I was too tired to deal with it, so just went to bed.  But this morning, I got it fixed! :)

Beth was more alert yesterday, and ate a very small amount.  New development was that she broke out in shingles around one side.  :'(  They said they would fax the doctor; I asked them to put pure apple cider vinegar on it, that vinegar couldn't hurt her, and I knew from Darrel's experience  that it would stop the pain; what could it hurt to do that while we wait for the doctor's response?  Thank God, they listened to me, and two RNs came in and  applied the vinegar and the pain left instantly!  (Yea, Mom!)  :)

I'm feeling a lot better this morning; had a good night's rest and am thanking God for it.  I need to get going as John said he was going to get a haircut this morning, and I need to see about Beth.

Thanks for the continuing prayers.  I love you all!
My book Rising Above available at


Be leaving within the next few minutes for my monthly social MS meet-up...we dont know yet what our tonight's entertainment will be, last month they didn't know themselves...if nothing on their agenda it will probably be a quiz night...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Janet:  Mom knows best!  Good for you and how nice that the staff listened to you!  The main thing is that Beth be relieved of all her pain. 

Jackie:  A monthly meeting for MS survivors sounds like a good plan.  Medicine turns on a dime at times.  Just to meet and chat is a great idea.  The writing of "The Weaver" sounds familiar - something long ago.

Standing in the street and chatting with one of the neighbors - he told us that the javalinas are in a massive pack of about 40 so to be aware of walking, especially at night.  We see signs of their gathering on our patio in back - our lot is open.  The little devils like to uproot everything even pushing on a solar light on the pathway.  The desert is beautiful in a lot of ways - javalinas are not.


I forgot to mention the snow storm at home - tree limbs are down and there is a lot of noise from power saws.  One of the boys will drive over there today to check - we think everything is fine because a neighbor would call us most likely.  Glad we got out of there early. 


...had to look these up, as had no Idea what they were...
" a peccary (also javelina or skunk pig) is a medium-sized hoofed mammal..."

Yes last night we played bingo, just 3 card games of a 1 card call out so was over soon after it begun, and no, we weren't lucky, nor lucky in the raffle draw...just fun while it lasted...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Today is my wonderful husband's 80th birthday!  I am so thankful God brought us together!

Beth is still hanging tough--she just might surprise and amaze us yet again!  I'm sure not counting her out yet!  This, even though she's sleeping most of the time, eating and drinking very little.  How does she find the strength to keep fighting?  I came home for a while this afternoon as I feel the need of some rest today.

Carol, I surely wouldn't want to run into even one of those nasty pigs, much less a whole pack of them.
Yikes! :yikes:  I understand they can run very fast, too!

It's windy here, but not nearly as chilly as yesterday.

Okay--nap time!
My book Rising Above available at


....Sending best wishes for Janet's hubby Darrel's 80th Birthday today...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  This morning is starting out to be foggy and muggy and we will once again get into the high 80's that afternoon.  We have to get around fairly early this morning as Pat has a doctor's appointment that is about 30 minutes drive from the house and we will need to leave a little after nine this morning.  That should pretty much be it for the day.  I won't be going to coffee nor to the Wisdom group, although it we get home early enough I might go downtown to the Wisdom group. 

We had a very delicious meal at church last evening as we had Southern Fried Chicken, coleslaw, baked beans, potato salad and a nice dessert.  After dinner Scott came out and spent the evening with us.  While here he put in a couple of light bulbs and changed the furnace filter and we had a lot of good visiting.

It looks like the posting I wrote yesterday didn't make it.  I won't try to recreate it.  I did read all of the postings as I always do. 
Janet, glad that Beth was able to have a pretty good day yesterday and you were able to get away and get some rest.  Happy Birthday wishes to Darrel as 80 is a significant birthday.  Our minister recently turned 60 and he seems to be struggling with the idea that he isn't as young as he used to be.  I hope you and Darrel were able to do something special to mark the occasion.

Carol, do those javealinas only come out and roam at night?  Hope your trees weren't hurt by the snow storm.  The snow seems to be getting an early start.

Jackie, that didn't sound like you played Bingo very long.  Better luck next time on winning a prize.   


Jackie, thanks for the lovely card for my sweetheart!  Very nice!

Larry, Hope your energy held up for your busy day today.  I am feeling the strain of all the stress, in aches, pains and a stiff neck.  I need to see my chiropractor, and also get back to the gym!  We do plan to go back next week.  We planned to this week, but it didn't happen.

Beth was barely responsive today.  I think she's taking so much meds for the pain she's nearly knocked out.  She ate barely a few bites today, but did better with the liquids.  I usually feed her at least two of her meals, and the girls feed her when I can't be there.  We aren't letting John feed her now because he just keeps giving her huge bites and she gets choked.   :( 

The only thing we did for Darrel's birthday was go eat at church last night--chili and cinnamon rolls. I had so wanted to do something special for him for his 80th, but have been staying with Beth 10 to 12 hours a day, so that didn't happen.  I hope to make it up to him later.  :'(

I'm wiped out, and heading to bed now.  Blessings to each of you!
My book Rising Above available at