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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

Thoughts for the Month ~ February

Started by JudyB, February 02, 2019, 03:37:04 PM

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  • Prayer and Praise     Thanks for visiting this area of our site to share prayer requests and items for praise!


Devotional of Al Moak's

Psalm 1

This first song reminds the worshippers of the two - and only two - kinds of people living in this world.  It reminds them of those whos, on the one hand love the Lord God of Israel and of those on the other hand who don't.  In this song, then, the leader, standing at the temple on Mount Zion, leads the people, early in the morning, to sing out an exhortation to God's covenant poeople to love and worship their Lord.

It begins with a clear statement of the fact that those who love the Lord and desire to please Him should want nothing to do with the ideas and influence of those who don't.  They shouldn't walk with them, stand with them, or even sit with them in conversation.  Simply put, they can't travel in that crowd, because they don't want to be influenced to think and act as they do.

The song goes on to remind them that the Lord blesses those who thus avoid the ungodly, and it also reminds them that they've begun to please their God by means of that stance.  By way of application, as we in our day consider the relationship we have to Jehovah, we need also to understand that we too ought not to make the people of this world our close and continuous companions. (1 Cor. 5:10).  We can't avoid interaction, but we can avoid their thoughts and actions as though they were our own.

Then, having begun by describing that negative stance, the leader next turns to a distinct positive.  He sings, "But his delight is in the Law  of the Lord ("Law" = the entire Bible), and in His Law he meditates day and night."  In saying this, he's actually painting a picture of those who love God: they're people who gladly hear His Word and eagerly consider what it means for them.  Simply put, they meditate on it day and night.  That is, they consider, even in their daydreaming, how the Law might apply in their daily lives.

The people are next led to sing about how great God's blessing is upon those who live that way. He says, "He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper."  How encouraging! Godly people will be be the ultimately successful people!  They'll be Like trees planted by refreshing, strengthening water, trees that grow, blossom, and produce delicious fruit!  I believe that we can confidently conclude that those who make it a habit to consider how they may please their Lord will abundantly succeed in actually doing so!

But that's not so for the ungodly, for those who don't care to consider how to please the Lord.  Such people may at times think they're prospering in life, and they may in fact think that getting ahead financially and socially is "where it's at," but in the sight of the Lord and in view of the reality of His eternity they are total losers. They'll have to stand one day before a holy God to answer for their attitudes and behavior, and they won't be present when God gathers the "congregation of the righteous" to Himself for eternal blessedness.

Finally, the song reminds the worshippers of an ever-present reality.  It tells us that "the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall perish."  In other words, God CARES - He's not merely "out there somewhere," paying no attention when we're trying to please Him, but He's constantly present with us!

But, dear reader, what about you? Is He the focus of your life?  You can be sure of one thing: you'll never be sorry to have made the Lord and His Word the center of your attention!


Blessed Assurance
(Click to hear music)

Words by Fanny Crosby
Music by Phoebe P. Knapp

Hebrews 10:22
"Let us draw near with a true heart
in full assurance of faith,
having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience,
and our bodies washed with pure water

Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!
O what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God,
Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.

This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior, all the day long;
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior, all the day long.

Perfect submission, perfect delight,
Visions of rapture now burst on my sight;
Angels descending bring from above
Echoes of mercy, whispers of love.

This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior, all the day long;
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior, all the day long.

Perfect submission, all is at rest;
I in my Savior am happy and blest,
Watching and waiting, looking above,
Filled with His goodness, lost in His love.

This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior, all the day long;
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior, all the day long.


Greetings Jacqueline   When you say a privately owned stretch of road, is it called an unadopted road, in that it is up to the residents to see to maintenance of the road.  I know on the Island, similar homes, still see the local authority clearing the roads.  Usually because the residents are sixty plus in age. 

We are lucky that we don't get the severe weather conditions here very often.  When I lived in London, many was the time we were shovelling snow of our driveway.


...our long road is sort of in two halves, the first length of road is not private, ramblers and hikers can and do use it to the centre, then the second steeper downhill part is our parkhomes private piece of road which is owned by the parkhomes owner, we dont get to see him but the maintenance is done by our parkhome estate manager who does live on our site...hope this explains it better...

Judy B...
...thank you for starting our brand new week off, let us hope this week fares everyone a tad better than the week before...
I never knew Al Moak but it is good that his memory lives on...

Larry Hanna...
...I hope you are now over the worst...and on the road to recovery...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  We start the day overcast but it is up into the 50's but will get into the low 60's today.  I did attend my meeting yesterday morning and then had a quiet afternoon and evening.  I managed to watch 4 different basketball games featuring very good teams at the top of the standings.  Today I will leave in a few minutes to attend Sunday School and then will attend Church which follows.  I have missed the last several weeks so it will be nice to be back among my friends.  This afternoon I will rest and watch a basketball game or two and then this evening will watch the Superbowl.  I just hope it is a good game.

Janet, sorry to read that you had lost your deal friend Maxine.  That move to Missouri must have been too much for her.  Can you mail bottles without putting them inside a box?  I am sure if you made them they must be very nice and decorative.  Glad you are getting your car back and that the repair was under warranty. 

Rebot, Good morning.  I hope all is well on the Isle.

Jackie, good to see your snow has mostly melted as you should be able to get out when needed. I am pretty much feeling like my old self although have a bit of regaining strength, what I have back.  I can now at least resume my normal activities and not require help to get places.  

Carol, I really spend very little time outside and our temps usually are above freezing during the winter other than a few hours at night and early morning and often that isn't the case either.   I had a chuckle out of you brushing the teeth of the calf.  I don't think I ever heard of anyone doing that but you were sure taking good care of it.  I always loved the little calves and they sure didn't stay that way very long. 

Judy, thanks for getting us started on a fresh page for February.  It was nice to read one of Al's writing on the Psalms again.  He has been gone for a long time now but his work goes on through his writing. Fanny Crosby wrote some beautiful hymns in her day with Blessed Assurance being one of the best.


Greetings Larry  It is raining here at the moment, but much milder temperatures on the island today.  By your longer post, you must be feeling a bit better.


Greetings Jacqueline  Thanks for the explanation.  Nearing football time for hubby, then my London team playing later in the afternoon! 


Larry, I am just coming in to thank you for the advice about the tea. It really does help.... but have found over the past 20+ years, that your advice is sound.

I am finally after 4 weeks of having to sleep in a recliner,

 able to carefully sit up in bed and doze the night away.  Have ordered a new bed that is supposed to help and it will arrive in about 10 days.

I spent years of being treated by chiropractors and physio but chiropractors can not help as spine damaged by arthritis and that only makes things worse. The laser treatment has stopped the excruciating pain and I can live with this.  Like Pastor Al once did I am going to have to wear compression socks and in time will once again be able to hop around with my cane.

Our medical does not allow for any of the above and my income is very small, so I am so grateful to my daughter,s Physio Therapist for huge discount and fitting me into her crowded schedule.  Wendy has had to go to her for 20 years since the car accident, along with very painful shots in her neck and back from a specialist in Victoria. Remember how we used to pray for our daughters along with prayers for Beth?  Wendy can still use those prayers, if anyone is interested.

I have been blessed with the most kind and caring daughter and SIL. Still believe that all things happen for a reason and that
God will continue to guide my life. Life has become a scary place for the elderly due to lack of facilities and medical care. I plan to continue to trust in god.

God Bless,


Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  Just checking in this morning.  It is beautiful here and about 45 degrees headed up into the low 70's.  I have a full morning so don't have time to comment on postings and updated my day yesterday when I wrote yesterday afternoon, which was to attend Church, bring something home for our main meal, and then watch sports, which I did until the Super Bowl was over around 10 am.  I'll be back later this afternoon.


Greetings Larry   A dry day on the Island and milder than it has been for about a week or more.  Going out soon to college, hubby will be OK on his own.  What is the Super Bowl??

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  I have had a nice rest after my busy morning and so now have the time to go back and read what was shared since I posted yesterday.

Liz, glad to hear the Chamomile tea is helping you.  It does seem to work for me so plan on having a cup right before I retire each night.  Are you getting an adjustable bed?  That is what Pat and I have and each side can be raised or lowered as they are twin size beds put together on a king size frame.  I sleep with my head elevated quite a bit and my legs also elevated some.  Pat also used chiropractors over all the years of our marriage.  However, after a series of treatments here he told he had nothing else to help her.  Recently she got a TENS unit and that has really given her relief from the pain.  Glad to read that the laser treatment stopped the worst pain.  I have worn compression socks for several years and they do help with the swelling of the ankles also still get some each day in my legs.  I remember that your daughter and granddaughter both deal with a lot of pain.  I am including you and your family in my prayers.  I think our country is trying to down the same path with facilities and medical care that you describe and I don't like it.  I read recently that half of the American doctors are considering leaving medical practice due to our current situation and many small hospitals have had to close. 

Rebot, after rain I am sure the dry day on the Island is welcome.  The Super Bowl is the culmination of our American style pro football for the season and it is a big honor and financially rewarding for the team and players to win the Super Bowl.


Greetings Larry  I am none the wiser about the Super Bowl.  If it is rewarding financially, it must be money they make. if it is small amounts of money, that is acceptable.  I read of sports people in the UK and around the world getting fantastic amounts of money in sport, which is wrong.  When I see and know of people struggling to feed their families .

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. It is a beautiful sunny and pleasant temperature day.  I was late getting up this morning as didn't sleep well last night even though I got a lot of rest.  Our calendar is clear for today so think later today Pat and I will go to Walmart and get our last Shingles shot if they have the serum.  Pat also needs to pick up some prescriptions.  I hope to get an afternoon nap. 

Rebot, I suppose you could think about the Super Bowl as your World Cup in soccer.  I agree there is a huge amount of money in professional sports but rather than the owners of the teams getting the large portion of it I am happy that the athletes can make their share of it as it is their skills and talents that make the teams good.  One of the things that has put so much money in pro sports is the huge amount of money the leagues make from television contracts.  Their careers may end in a moment with an injury,  A lot of the players do use some of their money for foundations that help less fortunate kids, especially minority kids.  We often don't hear much about that aspect of their lives.  Particularly in American Football the injuries they receive from the hard hits over and over and concussions make their lives after retirement filled with pain and often seems to shorten their lives.  I think people gravitate to sports as a diversion from all of the negatives and problems of the world.  Unfortunately, very often the players getting these huge multi-million dollar salaries have no clue about how to manage their money and it is soon gone.


Greetings Everyone  It has turned out a very wet day on the Isle of Man.  As yet I have not gone out and I doubt I will.   


Liz:  Prayers for your daughter Wendy.  It is hard to watch a child having medical issues - we know from experience that is ongoing too.  May Wendy receive the best of best care and comfort plus heal from her illness. 

Rebot:  I am reminded of the highly paid sports figures and also very highly paid actors (who believe they can speak politically in our country).  So much money misused according to my thoughts but sometimes they donate to very needy causes.  Do you have the issue with immigrants clamoring to reach your shores?  I am wondering what a small country could do if you ever had a similar crisis we have with our borders.  There are shiploads of Chinese landing in the western states that no one really talks about and of course, thousands now marching to our southern border through Mexico first.  I ask myself "what is a Christian to think about this issue?  What about the reality of our children and grandchildren facing thousands more in the work force, hospital care and education - they have no money and they do need assistance.  I am not asking you in particular but this is a struggle of decision making that will affect our country's future.  What are your thoughts and what do your neighbors and friends think of our future?  They are not all children and families. 

I had to step away - Don had a nosebleed but all is well now.   It may just be allergies causing this....



Greetings Carol  What an interesting question or questions you have asked me. A busy time for me today, Wednesday here, but I will answer your questions.  I never shy away from answering what is asked of me. 

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. We are to have another 76 degree day here with only a small chance of rain late this afternoon.  Pat and were able to get our second and final Shingles shots yesterday afternoon.  They were very busy so we had to wait quite awhile but we wanted to get that over.  We then drove downtown and enjoyed a Chinese Buffet.  I have a friend who will be here to work with me and tonight is Wednesday night dinner at the Church and the opportunity to spend time with Scott.  It is the popular Taco night with the ice cream bar. 

Rebot, it sounds like it is wise to carry your umbrella with you most of the time.  It is nice that we can remain inside on days it isn't pleasant to be out in.  I look forward to your answers regarding the questions that Carol has posed. 

Carol, it is beyond me why just because someone gets some fame as a movie star or athlete people think they know what they are talking about politically.  I guess it is easier for some people to just follow what they are told rather than think for themselves.  They certainly have the right to their own opinions as I am to mine.  I hadn't heard of the Chinese landing in the Western states as all the attention seems to be on our Southern border.


I don't know what "got into me" and my post yesterday.  I try to "fly low" and keep issues to myself. An apology to anyone who thinks I was over the top. 

Continuing on the reading of the bible in less than a year.  I hope to finish before the month of May with cousins coming and our packing to go home.  Home is getting a SNOWmageddon apparently today.  They have had some big storms this year and the water table should be good for all including the farmers to the east. 

Larry:  We really like Asian buffets but it is usually too much to eat and you can't take it home.  We found an Asian restaurant here and we order a meal at noon time then take half home for our dinner.   It is so good and makes two to three meals for me.  Do you have the Taco bar right at the church?  Both Don and I grew up in the Lutheran church which were famous for basement meals - I sure miss it.  I agree, who cares what everyone think - we all have a brain to process the news and try to listen to two sides of the issues.  Border patrol will tell you that people from all over the world are entering. 

Rebot:  Special apology to you - I sometimes type faster than I think.  It is really interesting to "know" you and learn about you and your community. 

I dropped Don off for a free lecture on war history - a retired general has been giving these interesting talks.  My morning is to go to a Dermatologist for medication on a really sore hand - I pulled weeds from the yard and have been red and itchy for three weeks, nothing is helping.  This is desert area - in Arizona and who knows what is in the foliage.  Creepy. 


Marilyn, sending late wishes on your BIRTHDAY yesterday... :bible:
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  I just got back from seeing my cardiologist and am tired so will just check in for now and come back this afternoon to read the postings since yesterday.

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  I have had a nice afternoon rest and now comfortably situated in my easy chair.  My doctor this morning basically told me I need to cut back on the few things I am able to do in terms of getting out and about.  She told me to stay home for a few weeks.  I guess I am sicker than I realized.  My main regret is I am going to have to miss Sunday School and Church and the Wednesday night dinners at Church.  I have made a decision that if and when I feel up to being more active I will probably only go to Sunday School because I can always listen to the full Church service on line and the two plus hours involved in attending both is really too much.  I am also going to have to give up my Thursday coffee group and a number of other things.  My doctor also referred me to a kidney specialist as I do have some serious kidney disease.  I will not bore you with any more details and I will adjust to these significant changes in my life although I am sort of in a state of shock as didn't realize my heart and kidneys were this bad. I will just take it as another phase of life and take it One Day at a Time.  My main concern is that this is going to put more strain on Pat. 

Carol, I bet you are glad you are in Arizona and not Colorado with all the snow.  If we go to an Asian restaurant again we need to go to one where we can order from the menu and be able to take part of the meal home as their servings are too big.  We have a fellowship hall where the two serving buffets can be set up and you can go on either side of the line and get your food and that is where the taco bar is set up.  The ice cream is served in the area where they normally set out the desserts.  I have always attended Churches where meals were an important part of fellowship and this Church is no different. 

Marilyn, I didn't not that yesterday was your birthday either and appreciate that Jackie mentioned it as certainly want to include a good Birthday greeting to you.


Thank you Larry. I hope you feel better soon and can go to Sunday school. I  have a question for you. When you shop online at Walmart for groceries, do you  use your computer or phone? Also do you use the walmart pay ap that you can scan with your phone for the Savings Catcher?
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is another beautiful sunny morning but suppose to be partly or mostly cloudy throughout the day.  We expect to get to 70 degrees this afternoon.    I only got about 4 hours sleep last night as I was fighting shortness of breath all afternoon and night.  Pat suggested I put one of the sofa cushions behind my back in my easy chair and that did help a bit but moving about brought it back.  Enough complaining for today.  Pat made some delicious 15 bean soup in the Instant Pot last evening for our dinner and there was enough left over to have another meal or two.  Our housekeeper is here so by early afternoon we will have a nice clean house. 

Marilyn,  Pat orders the groceries on her laptop.  She does not use the Walmart pay app as she no longer is using a smart phone.

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  We are to have a cloudy day with no rain forecast and a high in the lower to mid-50's.  Nothing of importance to write about this morning so will just check in for today.  I hope all of doing OK.


Good morning we have snow showers in  the forecast, so far I am only seeing rain. It sure has been cold though. Our house is all electric with base board heating, so the bill has been sky high this winter.  Not much else is new here. I need to go to Walmart for a few groceries.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Marilyn:  Belated Birthday greetings!

Larry:  I am praying for your health recovery and continued messages to all of us.  May you have better sleep in the future nights.

I am using the iPot more and more -and made a beef broth then added vegetables to make more soup.

We have more damage from the pesky Javelinas.   Because we are on a corner, we are responsible for the rocks that are placed between the house and the sidewalk.  The night-roaming animals walk close to the brick wall and pushed rocks down the incline - covering parts of the sidewalk.  Our responsibility.  I picked up pretty heavy rocks yesterday and will keep picking up more before we get a letter of warning to clean up the property.  Don can't do this - I can  fix this if I take my time - yes, I am careful not to fall into the rocks/   Just complaining - thanks for letting me complain. 

Other news from the children is all is good.  We have prayed over several major issues and so forth. 

This morning has been filled with a good amount of cleaning and organizing - checking any outdated lotions or pills.  We are driving for a few days just to visit with a cousin and wife plus our oldest son & wife will be in southern California so we hope to spend some visiting time with them.  There was an earthquake in southern CA near the Marine Base and then we never heard any more news on that issue.


Hello, everyone!  The system lost me again, and I've been busy, but today I thought....It seems like a long time since I posted on CP.  Wonder what's up?  And then I had a heck of a time finding my way in again.  :-\  >:(   But I'm here!

Have read all the nice posts, questions, speculations, answers and comments, so I'm caught up again.  Nobody mentioned me, so I guess I wasn't missed!  ;)

Today I went to a really fun class at the Main Artery. We made some lovely pendant necklaces.  (I posted a pic on Facebook if you'd like to see them, also there are pictures of the class as well.)

I also started a once-a-week class for four weeks there in Watercolor.  Lots of fun, so much to learn!  I'm surprised it's such a struggle for me, as I love painting so much. But WC is not my forte, I really prefer  oils.  So it's a challenge!

We had such beautiful hoarfrost (frozen fog) on everything here, and it lasted for two days before it warmed up enough to melt it.  Worth the bitter cold to see the beauty of it, and the wind wasn't blowing!  But it really howled today, and was very cold again.

Larry, so good to read you're feeling better, but so concerned about what your Doctor said.  You're so good about not worrying, so that's a plus.  I'll keep praying for you, my friend!

My back is hurting, need to get in a different position for a while.  And I hope the system doesn't spit me out again!!   ???
My book Rising Above available at

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is going to be another cool and cloudy day.  This will just be another quiet day of rest.  Yesterday was like the days before where my my concern was being able to get my breath.  I did watch a lot of basketball yesterday and expect to do the same today.  I am going to encourage Pat to get in the car and perhaps go through a drive thru to get our Sunday main meal.  Unfortunately my appetite is not good at the moment and I am not eating very much.  I made a decision last evening that I am going to get another Chromebook, which is very lightweight, as my laptop with the board to set it on have become too heavy.  The one I think I may get weights only 2.6 pounds, is very thin and has a lighted keyboard, which would be helpful.  There also is no maintenance on it as that is all done by Google.  I have had a Chromebook before so know what I will be getting.

Marilyn, your heating bill may be high but it hopefully has kept you warm.  We had hot water baseboard heat in the duplex we lived in in Anchorage and it was very good heat.  I hope the snow stays away from you.

Carol, I intend to keep posting here as long as possible. Glad you are enjoying your Instant Pot.  Sorry to see you are continuing to have problems with the Javelinas and I am sure you don't need to be lifting rocks either.  It sounds like you have a nice little trip planned. 

Janet, you tease as you know we miss your postings.  However, in this discussion several do not post every day so I really hadn't become concerned about you but glad to see your post yesterday.  I will try to remember to check out your Facebook page and look at the necklaces.  Glad you are now treating yourself to the painting classes and having fun.  The feeling better seems to be a momentary thing that doesn't last very long. 

This was in one of the emails I get daily and wanted to share it with you:

 (Author Unknown)
Our preacher is a man of God,
 He truly loves the Lord;
 He gives the greatest sermons,
 His congregation's never bored.
He quotes the scriptures without looking,
 He shares the Good Book without end;
 He knows each member of the church,
 And calls each one his friend.
He constantly is working,
 Both at the church and in his home;
 He is very dedicated,
 And spends much time with Christ alone.
He spends hours on his sermons,
 Which are truly God inspired;
 He works almost around the clock,
 And is often worn and tired.
While we give him due respect and love,
 His wife is often missed;
 Though a sweet and caring, loving soul,
 She's not always on our list.
Oh what a shame ... we lose so much,
 For this woman's full of love;
 And when our preacher married her,
 Was he not directed from above?
She knows her Bible just as well,
 And with such gentleness,
 Has that woman's quality of warmth,
 That a man oft doesn't possess.
She can embrace, and soothe, and hold,
 Can even offer kisses;
 Sometimes this kind of love's required,
 And a man can't always do this.
While our preacher is God's shepherd,
 His wife excels in little lambs;
 We need her just as much as him,
 All this is per God's plan.
She stands behind her husband,
 Like a shadow, ever there;
 Like fresh air, always needed,
 Of which no one is aware.
She will put her arms around him,
 When he is down and blue;
 Why comfort him, this man of God?
 Because he's human, too.
She performs her mundane duties,
 Like pressing clothes and washing shirts;
 Because she is so eager,
 To have him look just right at church.
When services are over,
 And he is waiting by the door;
 We shake his hand and thank him,
 Sometimes she's smilingly ignored.
She never seeks attention,
 But is content to aid and serve;
 With a quiet consecration,
 She holds her talents in reserve.
So, all you members of the church,
 What I am trying hard to tell ...
 That when God chose this preacher's wife,
 'Twas for the rest of us, as well.
Show that you appreciate her,
 At the church door, shake her hand;
 Hug her around her shoulders,
 And behind her, take your stand.



:Janet:   :) Good day to you!

I just saw a picture of Pat and hubby in the top corner.  Nice photo!  Gentle hug to you, PAT! 

Liz:  It is wonderful that you have a daughter close -

I have been going through stuff - to donate or to trash.  Yesterday a neighbor, we have never met, stopped and helped move a few rocks - this job could get finished in a few days but there are some rocks I cannot move.  Probably, the Javelinas will be here and undo all of my effort.

Larry:  Are you breathing more regularly now?  It sounds like a good idea for you to find some ways to have some meals prepared for the two of you. I do not know what a Chromebook is - would it be comparable to a Kindle Fire?  Don has a mini iPad and I am on a 2nd Kindle because the new version was under $40 and is fine for me.  I like to type on a laptop though and certainly search and print from a laptop.  Thanks for "A Preacher's Wife".