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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

Thoughts for the Month ~ July

Started by JudyB, July 02, 2019, 04:27:54 PM

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Well the USA women won the World Cup. Yay USA.

Sorry you are not feeling chipper Larry. Being exhausted or tired seems to be the norm for most of us  over a certain age. My tiredness has to do with trying to take care of all that needs doing here. I don't do hardly any housework anymore. I leave that to the caregiver when she comes, I do clean up the kitchen and the kitchen floor. Can't stand a dirty kitchen. I also do all the laundry and changing of the bed. Feeding the animals and cleaning the litter boxes every day. I get overwhelmed sometimes. Keith doesn't do anything anymore, just lays around on the couch or sits in a chair outside. I've asked him to sweep the deck but to no avail. As far as him washing my car well I will just take it to the car wash.

Church was awesome this morning. For some reason my voice is seeming stronger when I sing on Sunday mornings even on days when my sinus' have been draining and  the throat keeps getting frogs walking around in there and I have to either keep clearing my throat or  taking swigs of water in between songs. Last week I though my mic was off when it wasn't. Silly me!
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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It works! Hooray!  I brought up the laptop and was not 'signed on'. 

Judy:  I noticed Alaska had the hottest weather ever - this is quite a change.  Here in Colorado, we have some severe afternoon storms.  That isn't too uncommon but these storms are wilder - with hail damage and boy is that costly.

My prayers are for the southern California citizens as they face cleaning up after two massive earthquakes.  It has to be overwhelming to even begin the task. 

Hello Larry!  Keeping the faith and keeping us posted.


Larry Hanna

I am not capable of posting today as am very muddled and my mind isn't working.  I'll be back when my mind clears.


Good morning!  We have been away again, to Nebraska this time, yo visit my eldest sister who has cancer.  I'm so glad we finally made it up there--they were both so happy to see us, and we had a nice visit and were able to help them with some things, too.

Is "Topic Summary" that I see below something new, or have I just not noticed it before?  It has some of today's postings...mmmm...confusing!  :-\

We just hauled a deepfreeze out on the driveway to defrost it.  What a job!  And we have two of them to do!
But it's a really nice day so far, not too hot, and it's been needing done for a long time.  One of those chores we tend to keep putting off doing.

Our rain gauge had 1.2 inches in it this morning!  But I think some of that rain came while we were away those two days.  Darrel forgot to check when he brought in the mail.  It's so nice to drive across the area and see everything so fresh and green!  But I'm not forgetting those who suffered great damage from too much water, tornadoes and also earthquakes.  So much devastating weather this year!

I made my apology, Jackie, as I feel sure it was I who hurt your feelings the most.  I said everything I could think of to assure you that I do care about you, want you to stay, am praying for you, appreciate you.  Please know that I would NEVER intentionally hurt your feelings. It did happen; and once words are spoken (or in this case, typed) they cannot be recalled or erased from another's memory.  What I'm saying again is I'm sorry, please forgive me and let bygones remain in the past.  I do value your friendship.

Judy and John, that's amazing that you've had such heat up there!  It's been plenty warm here, but mostly pretty comfortable.

Hi Carol!  I'm still praying about your unspoken request.
Hope the issue(s) are all better or resolved by now. So nice you had a visit from a son, special times!  We intend to visit my sister as often as we can; we saw clearly that they need family around!

Larry, I did talk to my sister's husband a little bit about Hospice. His first reaction was "I don't even want to hear the word Hospice!"  I told him I understand that, as in the past, when we heard that word it was like hearing a death sentence, but that it is no longer like that.  I went on to explain some of the benefits, and that you can be on it as long as five years; can go off it and then back on anytime you want; it doesn't cost you anything, etc.  And I told him I will be sending him your email and phone number so he can talk to you about it and you can tell him your experience.  I told him ours with Beth, too.  So you may be hearing from him.  His name is Vernon Miller.  Thanks so much!

Jane, it makes my heart smile to see you posting a bit more!!  :)

Time to go see if the rest of the ice has let go in that freezer![color]
My book Rising Above available at


I came back and typed things to Marilyn and Ellie, but they have gone "poof", sorry.  Have to go take care of that freezer now!
My book Rising Above available at


Greetings Larry  Sorry we missed your 57th Wedding Anniversary yesterday.  Best wishes to both you and Pat and Happy 57th Anniversary.   Hope you feel clearer of thought soon. 


Greetings Janet   A very good evening to you from the Isle of Man, or as it is the afternoon where you live, a very good afternoon.


[color=navy Hello Ellie!  Keep on describing your area of the world.  It sounds so peaceful and friendly - filled with colorful gardens and free from damaging storms.  A
much more quiet space.

Jane Walker

Just checking in for a bit today, as I'm not feeling too "talkative". 

I do want to let Larry know that I saw the picture your granddaughter posted on facebook.  A very nice picture of you and Pat and the beautiful roses for your 57th anniversary!  <3  How wonderful to have had so many amazing years together. :)

Thanks Janet .. I am trying to remember to "speak up" here more often.  I do come in most days but manage to only grab a cuppa  :coffee:  and sit here in the corner to read. 

Ellie thank you for granting my membership card to the "Night Owls"  :thumbsup: Too bad we can't meet at your house, I'd love to see your part of the world!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


Greetings Carol   It is a splendid place the Isle of Man. You said it Carol, friendly people and peaceful.   I must put a few photo's of the Island in the next few days.


Greetings Jane  I wish we could meet at my home or your home.  I might try a video on here, it I am allowed to.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone. It appears we will be staying in the high 80's today with a high chance for Thunderstorms later this afternoon.

A word of explanation on my strange posting yesterday. I think I have mentioned having had a few days disappear from my memory but only affecting certain events or dates. I have now had an occasional day where I simply couldn't make my mind accomplish anything. It is a very frightening experience and one of concern. I did awaken today feeling like my mental capacity has returned. Yesterday I  I was able to make a to make two calls. One was to my dentists office to cancel the afternoon appointment as the sensitivity had cleared up in my tooth and also was able to call and reschedule another appointment with my foot doctor.

The man from Lowe's was here an hour late for his scheduled appointment but fortunately I had already made my decision before yesterday.  The good news was that the furnishings from this room, including my hospital bed and desk won't have to be moved. A PDF document is generated from his visit and the order desk at Lowe's and they will contact us in a few days to a final cost figure for a fully installed job.   

Today is Pat's 78th Birthday and she has finally caught up with me in speaking age. I am sure we will see Scott and the girls later today. Pat is still trying to get over all the medicine and is feeling better each day.

The aid called an hour early and when she got here she told me that 9 am will likely be my time in the future rather than 10 am.  I am very short of breath again today and took morphine early and will again at lunch.  This means that I will likely spend most of the day laying here on my bed.
Marilyne, the World Cup Women's group certainly have a strong case for pay parity and are to be congratulated for winning the World Title again.  Pat and I certainly agree with your comments about doing things such as cooking. Pat can't stand a dirty kitchen or bathroom.  I don't even like a messy kitchen and when I am mentally functioning I enjoy washing up a few dishes or emptying the dishwasher or dryer and then Pat gets frustrated with me for doing those things.

Rebot, I am not surprised that I posted in the wrong place yesterday.  Doing that posting took wasn't easy and was mentally disturbing. 

Judy, at least you found it is your equipment and not something you have done at your house or your Internet receptions.  Pat has had ringing in her ears for years and needs some noise to counter it.  I was going to suggest  do a little research on Tinnitus and see you already mentioned.  It sounds like you may have a problem doctor who knows everything. Fortunately there are many good doctors as well.

Marilyn, I am happy to read that you are not struggling trying to keep up your house as well as Keith and the pets. I find I do pretty well in the morning but by afternoon am ready to just lay on the bed and listen to music or a funny rerun. Keith is probably doing all he can do.  I missed the Sunday services but have recorded them so not to late to listen.

Carol, I am having a problem of getting my bookmark set so that I don't have to relog in here daily.  At least I know what to look for.  I sure didn't want to post that message yesterday as I don't think it forebodes anything good but it is what it is and fortunately isn't an everyday happening to me.

Janet, thanks for the update on your visit to see your eldest sister. So sad that apparently your sister's husband is so negative to Hospice.  I was not aware of a five year limit but by the time we get to the Hospice stage I will take 5 more years anytime.  Thanks for giving me your BIL name and if you will email me his telephone number I will be able to know who is calling and won't consider it a robocall.  Even in my muddled state yesterday I asked the Lowe's man if he knew about Hospice as he has ill parents and he didn't. 

Jane, that was a nice presentation that my granddaughter fixed and a beautiful statement.


Larry:  Pat is very young looking - that is a very nice picture on Facebook.  You may think your mind is muddled but a high percentage of the time - you are doing great!  :thumbsup:

We are having a break from the daily afternoon storms/showers.  I think everyone needs a break  from weather.  Thinking of the people in southern California.  We were there early this year and had decided not to return - the driving was just the worst in the world.  Could not imagine living daily like that - but now those poor people need a lot of help.  I am glad that in this country we have different political views but in crisis the President steps in to listen to the Democrat governor and send aid. 

Tonight is the quilters group and I will bring my measly work for show-and-tell.  My machine is in the shop for two weeks. 



Greetings Larry   A Foot Doctor, we call them if in private practice a Chiropodist. Or if hospital based, a Podiatrist. 

I will go one step further than a good case for pay parity.  Ladies should be on the same pay as men, in in the business world or in sports.  And yes congratulations to the USA winning the ladies World Cup.

Larry Hanna

Pat said that Scott had noted that Publix or Kroger had eggs for 25 cents.  Too good to pass up and Pat just freezes them raw and they cook as if they are fresh. 

When I looked back at my attempt to post I am sorry to have to reveal what seems to be going on.  Needless to say I am very worried and this will be the topic I discuss with the nurse on her visit on Friday.

Larry Hanna

This is very important to me and I hope it will make sense to each of you now and into the future.  In no way am I posting anything here seeking any sympathy or trying to get attention.  Rather in revealing what is going on in my mind on a given day I  hope to help educate about the sheer terror that folks going into dementia (I think of my mother as she faced this alone for a long time) must endure if in fact that is what is happening to my brain.  I have always hoped that I would remain like my Father with his mind sharp.  When I lay here and have no idea of how to even click on a switch I can see but don't know what to do with it I want to panic but can't.  To the extent I am able I will continue to try to be a good ambassador for Hospice but have to face the fact that I may not be able to do this in the future because I know enough about the way dementia may occur in quick steps.  Please bear with me during this journey (and today's posting may be a good example of the struggle I may face on a given day).  I hope this makes sense and you understand I am not asking for anything other than recognizing that on some days I may make no sense at all.


Greetings Larry  Thank you for posting and letting us know your feelings.  Your post today was splendid, in that you clearly stated what you wanted us to hear. And once more I thank you for that.

As we are all later in life, the possibility of Alzheimer's is something I or hubby might have to deal with.  And having an insight to how you are feeling, has to be a help to us all.  Larry you have a positive outlook on life and it is a pleasure to read your daily posts. 

And thank you for being a splendid cyber friend to hubby and I and all cyber friends on the site.  


Larry I completely understand, as you all know  Keith is having his problems with Dementia and Alzheimer's. It is a terrible thing for the sufferer to endure as well as the caregiver to watch it happening. It is like my husband is disappearing before my eyes.  He can still turn on a light but doesn't know where the bathroom is located. He can carry on a conversation with people his has known forever just reminiscing  the past. He can feed himself but sometimes doesn't know what he is eating. If left up to him every supper would be pizza and wine. (the wine has to be very limited to once maybe twice a week 1-2 half glassfuls, small glasses). I do everything, from helping him dress at times to making sure he gets a shower at least once a week by taking all his dirty clothes away and telling him I will sleep in another room if he doesn't shower. It goes on and on. Don't think I am asking for sympathy this is just part of life we must all face sometime, whether  with ourselves, our immediate family  or as a caregiver. I have had  much experience  with  this awful disease,  I am also a Hospice volunteer and have had patients who  didn't know me from one visit to the next.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Larry:  Thank you for your gift of knowledge - it is very kind of you in helping others prepare for something that seems to be happening more and more in our society.  Our lives are not simple anymore and I believe we are expected to understand so many more issues than our parents and grandparents - on and on.



Larry, I am so very sorry this is happening to you.  My Dad suffered with dementia, and it was painful for all of us.  Then I have witnessed people in the care home as some of them also suffered the cruelties of this horrible disease.

It is so kind of you to share your journey with us, even as you are feeling so panicky over your immediate future. I never knew of it hitting anyone so suddenly, though. That makes it even more scary, I would imagine.  I will be praying for you, that you will be like your father, as you said, and that maybe this was caused by a medication and that it will pass soon.

God bless you for sharing this with us.  We will keep you, Pat, Scott and the girls in our prayers.  We love you.
My book Rising Above available at

Larry Hanna

 Hi everyone. As far as I know I didn't take a sleeping pill last evening and Pat checked my medicine carefully for then and again today. I had gotten an extra sleeping pill in my noon medicine box yesterday. Unfortunately, as I sit here at my big computer with the oxygen on I am again dozing off to sleep again this morning. It is still about 3 hours before the aid will get here at 9 am to help me with my bath.

Scott will be over this morning to help us. Pat hopes to get a hair appointment this morning as the lady is suppose to be back from her vacation. I am not going to worry about getting a haircut at this time as not likely that I will be going out very much other than for a planned drive. 

I had a nice visit yesterday afternoon from our Associate Pastor who is a kind and caring man and he is going to ask our new pastor to try and come and visit with me although going into a pastorate involving over 500 members to from one with about half that is quite a workload increase. 

I was able to accomplish a couple of things yesterday like getting the Ring doorbell account canceled and now know I will have to deal with Dish again in terms of the remote controls that are suppose to be a part of the large smart TV control package that if you have Dish you see on the screen all the time.

The rest of the day I will probably just try to deal with the breathlessness by staying on the oxygen. I think finally, after seeming to say it over and over, this may be the day that Scott puts up the grab bars and gets things ready for the carpet removal and replacement with the vinyl. So it should be a pretty quiet day. I seem to be in my right mind this morning, which is encouraging if I could only stay awake.

Once again if my postings take some strange turns today don't be alarmed as our minds can do some strange things.

Janet, as I think back over a period of time I realize things have been happening and not just recently.  I remain optimistic and knowing I have the support from you all, is very encouraging.  I must admit I have never been this frightened in my life.  I have decided to start reducing the clutter in my life and am going to  return  all of the blue tooth devices I have acquired.  I have a beautiful TV with great sound and why complicate my life.  I am fortunate in that my family is very supportive of me and I know they will always be there for me and we as a society now have a greater awareness than 20 years ago. Thank you and all of you for your support of my loving family.  I went through this with my Mother and know it is a difficult family journey.  I also hope it is just medications but now sure that reflects any reality to what has happened over a long period of time.


It's afternoon already, and I'm just getting here to check on all of you!   ;)

Darrell had a 9:00 appointment this morning, and wanted me to give him a haircut before he showered.  We go some bad news from the Doctor, though-- Darrel has Stage Three Kidney Failure!!   :o  That has never even been mentioned before that he had any issues with his kidneys!!  She is changing some of his meds, hoping to protect those kidneys as long as possible.  It seems to me his urologist should have caught that long before now!!

Larry, good to see a nice post from you, and please know you're in our prayers.  I think simplifying things in your life is a good idea.  The fewer things you have to concern yourself with, the better.  Just stay peaceful!

We went to Hugoton last evening and helped Diane harvest some of the apricots from the huge tree in their back yard.  I'm about to start working up some of them, but cannot find my canning cookbooks I have used and depended on for many years!  :(  So I came to the computer to look for's been many years since I've had any apricots to can, make jam, etc., and I need to refresh my memory.

So I am off to get busy on that project now!
My book Rising Above available at


Greetings Everyone  Not a lot to post about today.   


Janet:  Such a shock for you and Darrell. I feel the same about these "late stage" diagnosis.  Why  it so far along when you do go in for check-ups,  Hugs and prayers and loving care for Darrell.


I was so ready to sorta gripe about my morning of nothing but medical appointments and problems with information on which office do we drive to , so on and so on.  Not important at all.  What is so important is to keep faith and keep prayers.


Greetings Everyone   Not much to post about today.


Missing Larry's post today, and praying all is well with him.....

Carol, thank you.  Yes, we can certainly always find something to complain about; but when we choose to praise instead, we are always blessed!  I admire your positive attitude.

I had a day filled with appointments, dropping off things, eating at Sr. Center with friends, followed by a 30-minute "Sing along with the songs from the 50s", more appointments, a come and go birthday event....and laundry after I got home!  Exciting, huh?   :lol:

Darrel has an appointment with his Urologist on Tuesday. I'm going to take the printout from the Doctor here along, and ask some questions!

Have a blessed and restful night!
My book Rising Above available at

Jane Walker

I've just been thinking (and praying) about all the ailments and problems represented here and, all of a sudden, a memory popped into my brain.

I remembered times with family members, and friends, once they were put on doses of morphine.  That made them hallucinate and become confused about usually natural things.  I'm wondering if maybe this might play a role in what Larry is experiencing.  Just a thought.  :-\
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


Jane I had the same thought.

One of our furry friend members fell July 2 and sprained one ankle and  broke the other, I took her for surgery the 5th and have been going back and forth to her house running errands for her doing whatever she needed doing, giving her dog a doggie massage and just being company for her. Plus taking Freckles on her visit and attending a wonderful seminar at Hospice on Mindfulness and Stress relief. It has been a busy week here as well.

Furry Friends is doing a work day at the shelter today, doing yard work and walking the shelter dogs, but I am not going, I have other things  that need attention here at home and maybe another trip to my friend's house to see what she needs. I feel like I have been neglecting Keith although he doesn't seem to mind.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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