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Bird Photos In Snow

Today's Verse

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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

Thoughts for the Month ~ June

Started by JudyB, June 02, 2019, 03:59:26 PM

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Larry Hanna...
...I have also posted this to you on our S & F's site, you may not have seen it, so posting it on here as well..

...Could you tell me who the author I need to look for when I am looking on Amazon (UK) for the devotional book you have mentioned..." The Upper Room, or The Upper Room Disciplines " I would like to purchase it but I dont want to get the wrong book, seems to be a few books with that title with different author names....Yes I like what is says...

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, Gentleness and self-control."

I too would like to follow your philosophy..." and that is the way I hope and want to live out the rest of my life here on this earth.."

Sad to admit but I hadn't always followed these when my Richard was here,  especially the " kindness, " just wish I could start all over again and put things right...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Greetings Carol   We all need guidance and prayer for most of us is where the guidance comes from.  And as I said the person who wrote the poem, did so after losing his leg.   I researched this more today and he was told he might lose his other leg.  I imagine the gent prayed a lot for guidance and as his leg was saved, it seems his prayers were answered.  And as he was only sixteen at the time, he would have been guided by his parents to pray for guidance.

The research told me the fourth stanza alludes to a phrase from the King James Bible, which has, at Matthew 7:14,

'Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it'.

Housework certainly never ends for girls, but there are exceptions.  Until hubby became disabled, he asked me to let him share the household chores – sweet sweet man.


Greetings Janet    I agree with your understanding of the last two lines, yes God is the master.  Maybe as the author was only sixteen, this is the way he chose to put his health struggles to good use, by putting his thoughts into poetic verse.

I was only passing on hubbys predilection for this poem.

Invictus was the poem which inspired Nelson Mandela, sorry President Nelson Mandela when he was detained for twenty seven years, most of those years in a cell no bigger than 10 foot by 10 foot on Robben Island.  Who as we know was a joint winner of the Nobel Peace prize?

And hubby places the late President Nelson Mandela as one of the people from the past and present he would have liked to have met.


Greetings Larry  Splendid reading your long post today.  A very positive Larry I am reading about these past few weeks.  It was 63F on Tuesday (yesterday) on the Island, a bit cooler than your 93F 😊

Did I express hubbys thoughts in a negative way Larry.  Neither hubby or I would want to change somebody's considerations or beliefs.  As those beliefs are personal to the individual.


Thanks for the additional information re the poem Invictus, Ellie.  I'm quite surprised to learn it was written by one so young; I had always supposed it was written by an elderly man! Shows how our assumptions can often be very wrong! 
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone. Today we will have a partly cloudy day with a high of 91 but no rain in the forecast. We had quite a day yesterday. 
Scott got the new SimpliSafe home security in place and was really impressed with the company and the system. A representative stayed on the phone with him and guided him each step of the way. It was not difficult as there is no wiring except a power cord for the video camera that shows a large part of our home. I had not purchased that originally but in talking with them we found it could be easily wired into the home doorbell and so no more batteries with Ring. We will be able to cancel the Ring doorbell contract and they provide storage of the footage of the camera and they don't increase the monthly fee for this service. I now have a panic button that I can carry around my neck and have ordered two more panic buttons so Pat and I each have one permanently by the bed as well as keep one with us. That also saves on a separate Life Alert type monitoring service as this service is a monitored one 24/7. With my iPhone app I can monitor our home from anywhere and do things like set the system on. It is really quite something. I don't want to sound like a commercial but just speaking as a very satisfied customer.

Scott noticed how much both Pat and I enjoyed getting out of the house when we all went to dinner and suggested that we do this at least once a week on one of his days off. It may be just a little drive or to go out for lunch. Pat and I both thought that was a good idea. Also now with the Panic Button Pat should feel free to leave me alone.

Finally I made a decision that I want Pat's upcoming birthday and our anniversary to be very special as this could be our last one. I think I mentioned this yesterday. I set the wheels in motion bought this 65 " Sony TV that is blue tooth equipped and does a lot of other things. I am getting Pat a set of the Bluetooth headphone like I recently got that will fit her head. One of the nice things was that they offered a 5 month repayment plan with no interest if paid over the 5 month period. So I will just have smaller charges for the five months rather than having to pay for it upfront. It is being delivered to Scott's home and right now I have arranged with my good neighbor, who has a pickup, to bring it out here as it won't fit into the car. It weights 51 pounds. We will cover it with black plastic so that what is in the box can't be seen until it is time to install it. Now she will have the best TV in the house in the living area where she spends so much time in her easy chair and hopefully will have many, many hours of very enjoyable TV watching in the days ahead.

This afternoon the man should be here to start working on the new ramp in our garage. He said he would plan on doing it this afternoon and then on Thursday.

Scott is coming over to change out the Modem/Router as this may be the problem with our internet being so sporadic.

Janet, I certainly agree with you that it is time for some younger folks to take over the responsibilities you have had for your annual fair. You have certainly reached the age where you need more time for the things you enjoy without all the pressures of direct involvement. Also, it sounds like a wonderful thing to go visit your sister. Is she under Hospice care? Pat's sister must have her gall bladder removed as she is in severe pain a lot of the time. The doctor told her she wasn't like to have a ruptured gall bladder because there are no stones. She was going to come and suffer during her visit in fear that I wouldn't last long enough for her to have the surgery and recover 3 weeks before she would be cleared to travel. I had suffered the same terrible pain before they finally tested and found I had a bad gall bladder and once it was removed I was fine and all the pain and discomfort went away and I was able to eat anything. I got a commitment from her that she would do as I asked. She has always looked to me to help her. Now when she comes she should be able to really enjoy being here. I know everyone isn't the same but waiting just a few weeks to recover will make her visit much more enjoyable. I had never heard of the glass mats until the ramp building mentioned them. I love mine already. They are pricey but I no longer have to fight that old black mat that buries the wheels in those little holes.

Jackie, I did send you information via email about the devotionals I follow each day. I look forward to getting the emails and doing the short devotional readings each morning. While you can purchase a subscription for the little monthly magazine they publish the same material for free in the daily emailed devotional.

Ellie, thanks for that additional research and sharing on Invictis. I agree with your husband in that I want to continue to share as many of the household chores as I am able as it gives me a sense of accomplishment. I just have to be smart enough to know which I can and which are really too much for me anymore. We are very blessed to have a fine housekeeper so other than the kitchen area and the bathrooms basically we don't have a lot of housework to do and Pat takes care of these, although I help keep the kitchen clean when I feel up to it. One of the problems with just reading words without the benefit of further discussion or observing facial expressions is that it is easy to misunderstand what is really met. I didn't read your comments about your husbands enjoyment of the poem as negative. I always thought it was a pretty neat poem myself and if the lad was only 16 he had had a lot of bad experiences. I guess in many ways we are the masters of of fate by the decisions we make to believe the Bible or not.



I just had a phone call & we checked the number - it is a scam asking for money.

Today, five of us gals celebrated the birthday for one of us.  The lunch was so large, there will be leftovers for dinner.

Larry:  You and Pat have raised wonderful children - Scott is very caring and thoughtful. 

We have one son coming for an in and out visit within a week.   


Larry, I didn't take Ellie's comments about her husband liking that poem as negative, either--not at all!  I'm glad when someone brings up something like this as it is fun to get others' opinions on it.  It's so great to read your continuing good posts and know you're still doing well.  You are surely getting things all in order as you want them to be!  Good for you!

No, my sister isn't on Hospice.  As far as I have heard, the doctor she has hasn't even mentioned it to them. But if not, I think they should inquire.  She is 83 and very frail, although she's been a really hard worker up until Thanksgiving Day when the cancer made itself known by causing her terrible pain.  When I spoke to her a couple days ago, she said she's not having much pain at all now, and thinks she may be a little stronger.  She does have some dementia, so has trouble remembering things from day to day at times.  We aren't planning to take the camper up there, just will drive the Lincoln.  I told Darrel I will strip the bed, wash the sheets and remake the bed so they won't have any added work because of us.
Of course we will help with whatever meals are needed while we're there, and probably won't stay long.  Don't want to tire her out.

It felt so good to be back painting with my friends today!!  And George is happy I'm home, as he really wants to get his book finished that I am editing for him. That is work I really enjoy, and can work at my own pace and time.

Carol, good to see your posts, always!  I really hope we will meet one of these days. Not sure of the chances of that, but can hope, right?

Jackie, good to see you had popped in!  Come back and talk to us, we're always willing to listen.  :)

Ellie, I hope you didn't take my comments/questions as negative--I surely didn't mean them in that way!  I have loved poetry since a very young age, have memorized a lot of it through the years (but don't ask me to recite any now!)  Another one I love is IF.

Jane, come on in and chat a bit!

Marilyn, how are you doing?  How is Freckles?

Talk to you lovely people tomorrow!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Larry Hanna...
...thank you, I have now sent you replies, you have been very helpful and, I have a book ordered and on its way, which I should be receiving any day now, lucky for me this book will be coming from a UK book supplier which I have used before so is reliable, rather than the US that would have taken one to three months to arrive, how lucky was that?

I cringed when I read part of your post which read..." Finally I made a decision that I want Pat's upcoming birthday and our anniversary to be very special as this could be our last one..." i know you are speaking realistically but, this is also what I had said to my Richard last Christmas..." that I want to get a small Christmas Tree this year and decorate it, as this might be our last Christmas together.." well little did I realise that this would come true...became my-our reality...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


One day too, we shall all be as free as a bird..

The Parable of the Mustard Seed..

Matthew 13:31....Mark 4.30-34......"Then Jesus asked, "What is the kingdom of God like.. To what can I compare it..It is like a mustard seed that a man tossed into his garden. It grew and became a tree, and the birds of the air nested in its branches."

Mark 4:32......" But after it is planted, it grows to be the largest of all garden plants and puts forth great branches, so that the birds of the air nest in its shade."

Psalm 104:12......" The birds of the air nest beside the springs; they sing among the branches."

Ezekiel 17:23......" I will plant it on the mountain heights of Israel so that it will bear branches; it will yield fruit and become a majestic cedar. Birds of every kind will nest under it, taking shelter in the shade of its branches."

Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof.
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Good Morning everyone, I am doing well. Freckles  is so much better after the Cold Laser therapy and the acupuncture. Today is our monthly Furry friend luncheon and General meeting. The luncheon will be at the Pancake Mill, it is a good thing our reservations were made as that place is always so crowded. It is right on the highway and very popular among tourists, truckers and the locals.

Keith is doing fairly well. we really enjoyed our trip to Kauai earlier this month. Having Gilbert and Savannah along was such a blessing. I couldn't drive the rental car because I am over 70 so Gilbert had to be the driver. We did all the free things as the tours were at least $125. per person. I posted all the pictures that I took on Facebook at the end of each day. Mine are all scenery. I wish I would have had someone use my phone to take pictures of us. I want to get some printed so I can put them in an album for a memory book for Keith when his memory really starts to get worse.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Marilyn:It sounds like your Hawaiian vacation was smooth sailing and fun. Love that Kona coffee.

Janet: We still see a lot of snow on the mountain tops and it is melting enough to cause some flooding and downed trees. So far,not in this area.  Hopefully, the melt will go slowly.  We are talking about going north to Montana for a visit with oldest son.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone. We are to have a mostly cloudy day today with a high in the upper 80's and no rain in the forecast.

My major concern right now is Pat who is pretty sick. Our son was awake and came right out when I talked to him and they are now probably down at Prompt Care. She thought it was asthma but this morning is pretty sure it is bronchitis as she is wheezing, her oxygen is down into the mid-80;s but fortunately we do have oxygen available in the house and she feels terrible. I just hope she doesn't end up in the hospital but just take things one step at a time as it will be what it is.

When I went to bed last night I was again totally exhausted due to not sleeping the night before and all the craziness I had created trying to plan a surprise for Pat. The solution was to throw that plan out entirely and just tell her of the surprise. Then I needed to clean up the mess with where the new TV would be delivered and hauling it out here. The simple solution was going online and setting up both UPS and FedEx where all the tools for changing delivery addresses and many other tools are available. I had to chuckle at myself as I had in mind it was FedEx that had the TV until I got everything set up and went to use the tracking number and found that it was UPS that was delivering. That actually gave me a good laugh at myself. So now I have both services fully set up to me and was able to go online and get the delivery here to our house and will be able to track it on the delivery route this afternoon, Scott will set it up after it arrives. He said this TV has a lot of new technology that he has never heard of and is the type of thing he loves to get into.

The ramp in the garage was basically finished yesterday expect for one little piece of wood and Pat was able to use it to get to the car with her walker this morning. The man will be back this afternoon to finish it and I have his check ready as the materials were just around $ 140 but I am including a few more dollars in the check to pay for the gas he used to make the trips here and to Lowe's for the lumber. I will be going online this morning and making a like contribution to the Church Ministry area that has the Ramp Builders.

 I fixed a light breakfast for Pat this morning, something I haven't done in several months. It is amazing what one can do sitting in a wheelchair (as I know Bubble and Don can well attest). We had used up all of our silverware so I got out a big bowl, filled it with hot soapy water and washed up all of the silverware. There are plenty of clean dishes but we had used the silverware an now we have a clean drawer of that. I used to do this all the time and this morning I just sat in the wheelchair and accomplished the task. I now expect to have a very quiet day probably resting in bed, at least this afternoon. I will turn off my "jet motors" and hopefully keep them off. I have never been a procrastinator. :) Just worried about Pat but also know she is fully in God's hands so must remember to turn that matter over to him (although I want to take it back and worry some more! How foolish but we are humans!).

Yesterday was one of great sadness for me as well when my best friend Rods wife called me with the information that it is likely he has now been taken over by that terrible disease of Parkinson's. A couple of days ago they found he had gotten out of the house during the night and had fallen. While there is always hope that this situation is medicine related as his doctor had put him on two new medications. They had taken all the phones out of circulation as he was calling people and also unplugged his electronics, which he was still trying to fix or use. They knew what was going on. Betty and I shed some tears and now my concern is for Betty. Fortunately she has two daughters that are very attentive, one living on the level above where she now lives. Betty is into her 80's and not well herself. She is a very sweet lady who has loved her gardening and her Church and certainly her family. She and Rod were great friends with Kay Arthur and Betty was one of the instructors in Bible Study for Kay for years. I am so grateful that God brought both of these fine people into my life. Rod is 7 years older than I am but age has never been a factor and until the Parkinson's began to destroy is life he was the strong one. He taught me a lot about computers and would come over to help me at a moments notice if I let him know I had a problem.

I guess that is enough for today and I see I certainly didn't keep anything short in terms of what I have written. I guess I am still working on a little nervous energy.

Carol, I agree with you about out children. I know he is here for me with best relationship I have ever had with him as an adult.  I also know that when I am no longer in the picture he will be attentive and see to the needs of his Mother, which has given me great peace of mind.  I can do the setting up and planning to make things easier for them, which I think I have done.  It sounds like you have a fine and caring family also.

Janet, I was obviously dying and no other doctor I was seeing ever mentioned Hospice until this wonderful caring Dr. Janet Utz, a very fine and highly respected Cardiologist. Please be proactive with your sister and BIL as they will likely have to bring up the subject to the doctor. Being cynical but when a person goes into Hospice the doctor loses a patient. Feel free to give my telephone number or email address to your BIL as I would be more than happy to share my short but wonderful experience with him. I realized yesterday that I was just starting my 5th week rather than the beginning of the 6th. 

Jackie, I would expect you can find many books that are used that are sold in England and they usually are much less expensive and you probably avoid the VAT tax and the added shipping costs. Just put the title of what you are looking for in a search line and see what you get.  I bet you will be surprised. You are doing very well and just taking things one day at a time.  All walks start with one step and sometimes we try to do to many things at once.  (I know as I just did that!) I loved your citing the Bible verses. 





Larry Hanna

Marilyn, so glad you were able to take that trip and enjoy that special time with your family.  Now you have some great memories.  Also nice to read that Freckles is doing better as know that was a concern for you.  Did you have pancakes at your luncheon?


Just checking in after another trip to dreaded W Mart.   I actually found some nice shelf liner at the dollar store. I left a call for the man who cleaned carpet a couple of years ago and will schedule it after son from Montana visits next week. 

Larry:  Prayers for Pat to recover quickly. 

Jane Walker

Just thought I'd step in and say "hey" to everyone (or as they say in the south "all y'all").
I come here most days and keep tabs on what's going on in your world, but I just don't have anything to add to the conversation.
Things just keep happening, though, and the world keeps turning, so I s'pose it really doesn't matter where one jumps in.

I had my annual eye exam on Monday, and learned my cataracts are growing and I'll soon need surgery. That along with dry eyes has been a slight annoyance for me lately.  Sometime over the weekend I noticed a itchy bump on my forehead, near the hairline, and figured it was some sort of bug bite.  Well, that spot began to grow and spread down my forehead until it reached my eyelid which swelled and became quite painful. I toyed with the idea that it might be Shingles, but I had the vaccine a few years ago and thought that took care of it.  Well, yesterday I finally took myself to the walk-in clinic because I've heard Shingles in the eye can cause blindness.  I was thoroughly checked out at the clinic and they agreed that it was indeed Shingles and referred me to the Bay Eye Clinic for the same reason I had been concerned.  At the Eye Clinic I got all the same tests I had just been put through on Monday, and the doctor said my eye was okay but he gave me a prescription for an antiviral to, hopefully, prevent any further spread of the rash. So --- that's how I spent my afternoon yesterday.

I have just hired a new person for my yardwork.  Ron, who has been doing it for several years, has just proved unreliable, and I got notice from the park management that I needed to get the grass cut a.s.a.p.  I told Ron, and all I ever got from him was "I'll be there in the morning." and then he'd never show up.  To be fair, he never did say which morning that would be.  Anyway, I believe my wonderful neighbors were the ones who turned me in.  They spend far too much time paying attention to my place.  Anyway, I happened to see this man, Kirt, as he was preparing to do some work across the street so I asked him what he would charge to cut the grass and trim the hedges.  His answer was "Whatever you feel like"  He then spent the next three hours in my yard!  He gave me his card and said he would be happy to do other work for me ... like power washing, carpentry, pruning etc.  He said I could figure what I could pay for him to do stuff around here (because cutting grass is only a couple months a year) and divide that by 12 and I could pay him monthly.  I know he has expenses every month and that was my suggestion in the first place.  This morning, when I told him what I'd pay monthly, he thought that was too much so began telling me what all he could do for that money.  He loves to talk -- a LOT -- and has a lot of ideas about what he can do here.  I don't think I want him to do any painting, or carpentry, but that will be conversation for later. 

Okay, you asked me to come in and chat --- aren't you sorry now?
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


Greetings Everyone  Been a busy day catching up with you some things I have started, but never finished. [/size][/font]


Greetings Larry Sorry to here Pat is unwell.  Will you pass on my best wishes to Pat and hubby's as well.  If it is Bronchitis, we hope for a speedy recovery for Pat.  My hubby has suffered with Asthma since he was ten years old. And a shortage of breath with any condition is not a very pleasant thing to have or see.   


Greetings Janet  My hubby used to write poetry, but unless I act as his scribe, nothing gets either on paper or the computer.  And he rarely feels like writing poetry these days.


This has seemed a strange day!
Darrel had a 9:30 app't with the doctor I saw that I like so much, here in town.  I went along, so I would know what she told him, as he forgets things so much.  She's sending him for a bunch of blood work they couldn't do today as he had eaten breakfast, and it needs to be fasting tests.  So he will go in the morning. I had to smile this afternoon when he came home from the grocery store and told me, "I got a nice compliment!"  I asked what, and he said the girl who checked him our had asked him how old he is, and when he told her "81", she couldn't believe it!  She said, "I thought you might be 60, at the most!  So he even showed her his drivers license!  :D   Yep, men enjoy compliments, too!

Larry, I'm so sorry Pat isn't feeling well. I shall pray for her quick recovery.  Sorry for the bad news of your friend, too.

I'm sure the church and the ramp builders appreciate your generosity.  I'm working on seeing ways to be more generous, as I feel the Lord is working on me in that area, among others.

It's wonderful that you do have a great relationship with your son as an adult. I'm thinking he must have a lot of your wonderful attributes!  ;)

No, Jane, I'm not one bit sorry I asked you to come in and chat!  I really enjoyed your newsy post, and I'm so happy you have found a willing worker to help you with things that need doing that you can't or don't have the tools to do.  What a blessing--and for him, too, as that will help both of you!

Hello, Ellie.  Been really busy here, as well!

Darrel and I picked part of our cherries a day ago. He pitted them (with the cherry pitter) and this afternoon I made a pie.  It was good!  Cherry pie is his very favorite kind.  :)

Marilyn, good to see you posting, too.  Glad you enjoyed your Hawaiian trip.  I didn't know you couldn't drive a rental car if you're over 70!!  Hmm.

Jackie, Keep reading the Word, there is strength, healing, comfort and wisdom there that you can find nowhere else.  Great start!

Jane, that's scary about the shingles almost getting to your eye!  Yikes!

I spent several hours today working on the editing on my friend George's book.  I counted the corrections I made on just one page--41!   :o

We couldn't stand to listen to any more of the democratic racket, so turned off the TV.  Sigh.....

Well, clock is chiming ten--and my pillow is calling!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Well it never rains but it pours, 3 funerals in 6 weeks.  A good friend he was 88, passed away on Sunday.  The funeral is Saturday.  We sang together in the choir when I was in my teens.  He was a good man and a firm believer, with a wonderful voice.

John is out helping our neighbour with hay again this year.  It is a time consuming job however he finds it relaxing to sit on the tractor and just rake the hay.  John was having trouble with his back, (muscle spasms). That seems to be ended, however he is being very careful how he moves.

Larry, I am praying for Pat, I know what asthma is like, it can be quite scary. It s always sad when a friend has difficulties like your friend.  It sounds like you are a supportive ear for her.  Take care of yourself too and don't over tax yourself.

It is late and we have appointments tomorrow, so I am off, and hoping to get a full nights sleep.  Sleep has been elusive this week.   
Phil. 1: 21. For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.


John...or is this Judy?
...John you have used one of my late fathers well known sayings, one he was always using...
" it never rains but it pours.."

... we had certainly had our share of funerals taking place when I was in my 20s and 30s..... My family had three just like you, just a few weeks apart...two brothers and a cousin of my fathers within a few weeks of each other... One uncle even travelled down for his brothers funeral, stayed at our house, my fathers home, and was found dead upstairs in bed..I was downstairs at the time...

...my own partner of 20 years funeral-cremation was only 11 weeks ago...

I was really saddened to hear of sister Pats parting....I think we all can give thanks to Pat for making our forum and our Seniors and Friends forum what it is, it has been a lifeline of long standing friendships..Pat was our masterpiece who started up our forums several years ago..

Jane Walker...
...you can come in and have a chat any time you wish, at least you made me giggle, and believe you me, I haven't been doing very much of that lately apart from crying every day over the loss of my Richard.....

...relieved to hear that your Keith is doing well, I know he was a worry, a concern for you some time ago...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Larry no pancakes, I had Creamy Vegetable Crepes and a Fruit bowl. The vegetables were crunchy just the way I like them, I do not care for mushy veggies.

Jane good to see you posting. Sorry you have the shingles. I have heard there is a new shingles vaccine that you get in two doses that is better than the old Zostervax which I too had about 25 years ago. I am thinking I should as my Dr about getting the newer vaccine.

Janet I think it may have been that particular rental agency with the age restriction on the drivers.

Carol I didn't get to taste the Kona coffee but we did buy Kauai coffee at the Plantation. It was good coffee too.

Jackie, It is hard when you have so many things going wrong in ones life. Take a look at the past yerar for me. Sept. 6 my son passed away. Oct, 28 Keith had prostate Surgery, Oct 30 took hime to ER going into sepsis, they couldn't even get a BP on him. Emergency surgery 6 days in ICU 2 week in Rapid Response unit,  andother 2 weeks on the 4th floor unit. He was released the day before our Thanksgiving, Dec. 22 I had a bad a-fib attack (didn't even know I had a heart problem)  ambulance to ER, they stopped my heart and restarted it in the correct rhythm. Dec 24 drove to California for Christmas with my son. on to May, grand daughter in  the hospital IVE in South Carolina, Liver completely  destroyed kidneys not function. May 30 she passed away. June 2 we left for Kauai. I sure needed the time to reflect on my own life expectancy and enjoy my youngest son and grand daughter and Keith.There you have it.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Larry Hanna

I tried to get a posting done this morning but was so tired I just couldn't do it.  I wrote so much yesterday and I would invite you to look back if you didn't read about quite a day we had.  We had a call today that one of our dear friends, the lady who stayed with us as we awaited death, who now has Alzheimer's is in her final moments.  This on top of my best friend now being in a mental health facility and a low possibility he will come out of it has made this a very draining few days.  I am just too tired to write more today.  Hopefully will feel more rested tomorrow.

Just discovered that I had drifted off for a short power nap.  Don't I have it rough.:)  Now time for lunch and then a quiet and restful afternoon. 


Greetings Janet You said 'democratic racket', are we talking about tennis as they use tennis rackets


Jackie you were right It was me who put in the post.  LOL I didn't even cue in till I read your post that I was on John's profile!

We had rain again today. Looks like the farmers are going to be struggling this year getting crops in and hay cut. 

It is late I am going to close for now and be back to put up the new page for July.


...yes you are right, been a terrible year for both you and your Keith...we have to ask our God why?...I too am looking back to when all my bad things first started showing themselves...Well I first stumbled unwittingly onto a forum for tracing ones family, I placed a notice and it was answered which never turned out the way it was hoped for.... A month or so after, i lost my-our furbaby number two, followed by a short time later, a year later, I was diagnosed with my Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis, and 1 & a half weeks later being booked to have a hysteroscopy operation by the oncologist because there was the possibility of cancer, thankfully there wasn't, just polyp removal...Now just a short time later we moved address due to my illness of needing a ground accommodation, no stairs.....then seven months later we lost furbaby number three, then a year or two later my Richards health started taking a turn for the worst, and now he has gone, suddenly and unexpectedly taken away from me, I am sure that morning when he woke up, got out of bed, he ws not expecting to be taken that morning, that lunchtime, why would he have, he had not long got back from taking our-his dog to the pet groomers in his his car, a 20 - 30 minutes drive with the intentions of driving back to collect him and hour or two later, as you are all aware, I found my Richard sitting in his armchair, dead, his hands on the sides of the armchair, his eyes and mouth open...he was not breathing...sorry I am off crying again as I am picturing him...why was I not thee when he needed me the most, he was always there for me, ALWAYS...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


It is so nice to see more of you checking in. I have several deep concerns but just cannot "talk" about it - only in my prayers.

Jane:  Thanks for your newsy note.  I hope that because you did have a Shingle shot, this may lessen the curing time. 

John B:  You and Judy have gone through a lot - I admire your perseverance in keeping faith.   


:lol:  Ellie, how I wish it were something so harmless as a tennis racket!   I was referring to the Democratic party "debates" on TV. UGH. 'nuff said!

Carol, remembering your concerns in my prayers...((((hugs))))

Judy, thanks for keeping this forum going!  Have you any idea how I can get on S&F site?  Oldiesman gave me the URL, but I don't remember my username and password, thus I cannot post.  I think there are probably a lot of people there that I remember, and would enjoy connecting with them again.  Thanks for any help you may be able to give me.

Jackie, I am now 79 years old.  I have gone through a lot of bad things during the years I've been living.  But I choose to look forward, not back!  If I were still grieving over every loved pet that died, every cruel thing anyone did to me, every disappointment and loss, I would be miserable and make those around me unhappy, too. Please don't take this as a reprimand, but please do try to remember the good times in your life, so that you can be peaceful and enjoy the years you have left to live.
I know you are now reading scripture, and that's a wonderful start!  Please know I care about you and it pains me to hear the unhappiness and regret in your post. Allow Father God to take the hurts and replace them with joyful songs! (((((hugs)))))

Larry, I hope to see a post from you later, with good news about both you and Pat.  Love you!

We went out and tried to pick the rest of our cherries, but the tree is too tall for us to reach the high ones.
 Darrel got on the ladder for a while and picked, but decided it was too dangerous to be doing that at 81.
I agree, we need to use the good sense the Lord gave us and not take chances of falling!  The cherries are now pitted and setting in the refrigerator.  I'll decide what to do with them after while.

We are going down to see Daughter Diane, take the box of Christmas gifts Mark sent with us from Florida, check on her apricot tree (always way more than they can use) and get another geranium for in front of the house.  The hail devastated mine.  It looks like they will come out of it, but I have a space needing one more!

I hope you all have a lovely Saturday!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Jane Walker

Good Saturday morning.  :wave: I'm just checking in 'cause I don't have anything to talk about. ???
I got to pick up my new glasses yesterday and I was so surprised at how clear and sharp everything looked through the new lenses.  I surely didn't know my sight had gotten so bad.

The meds seem to be working quite well.  The shingles haven't spread any further and seem a lot less severe although there is still some pain and swelling around my left eye.

I keep smiling as I read your comments about the "old and frail" people who are 81 and such. I'm 84 and still don't feel I'm old and certainly not frail.  :D  Although I suppose that day is coming.  :-\

Hopefully all y'all will have a blessed day on this last day of June.  I'm praying for that to be so, and for all your illnesses and problems.  Sending lots of love your way....

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!