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Bird Photos In Snow

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Help us Congratulate the Winner of Mini Challenge #106~My Favorite Things
Congratulations Fotobirder!
Bird Photos In Snow

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JennyW: Hello Janet! I check every day. I wish everyone would get going again! I miss seeing pictures and reading posts! 2025-01-24, 06:54:04

Janet: Hello, Friends!  Let's get this going again!  I miss  hearing from all of you! 2025-01-23, 19:26:16

Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Thoughts for the Month ~ March

Started by JudyB, March 06, 2019, 12:09:39 PM

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  • Prayer and Praise     Thanks for visiting this area of our site to share prayer requests and items for praise!


Devotional of Chris Saunders

Our Lord and Saviour said.." You must be born again..You MUST be born again..Unless a man be born again, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God."
The Kingdom of God is here on Earth, the instant that you are born again the Sacrifice of our Lord becomes dynamic in your life, you are sanctified by the Holy Spirit, God the Father becomes your Father in Heaven.
Your old life dies, nailed to the cross with your Saviour,
Your new, Holy Life has begun ...walk in ..enjoy a Life of Gratitude and Praise.
Let us examine ourselves each morning, are we Grateful, Thankful, Joyful, in spite of many pessures from the World around us.
The Victory is was won long ago..let us enter in to His Mighty Sacrifice .


This is a short devotional this month.  However it is an important topic.  On June 30th our grand daughter passed away, the reasons are immaterial, except to say she is no longer with us.  It is such a comfort to know that she is waiting for us to join her in Heaven sitting at our Lords feet.  There is life after death, life in Heaven with Christ or life in eternal damnation.  It is up to us to choose where we will go.  That is the joy of free will.

Enjoy the music, I have it playing in the background, and find the words of these hymns such a blessing!


Judy:  Thank you for sending us an old and wonderful song.  It is a very nice choir.  We remember the loss of your granddaughter last year - Peace be with you and all family and friends.  I hope you feel better very soon.

Please say hello to Pat.

Janet:  When I think of Kansas and the wheat crops - nothing looks so serene and hard working as the fields.  Great people feeding this country!    Oh, I do the easiest cooking or baking and we usually go out for one meal especially if there isn't much notice.  I do feel weary and most of it is from talking so much.

Jackie:  Now I know that old fuel tanks are on the entertainment for children.  Good idea. 

Our sweet elderly neighbor brought blueberries over for Don's breakfast.  She is a 90 plus year young dynamo.  Still out there working in her flowers, still driving and so bright in conversations. She drove to the supermarket this morning for the big monthly day of bargains, extra for seniors. 

Larry:  How is Pat?   


Judy, thanks for getting the new month posted.  I hadn't really thought about it being late, so no worries there!  Any news on Pat?  It's been a long time since we've been updated on her.  Thanks.

Carol, I doubt you talk enough to wear yourself out.
I think it's house cleaning and meal preparations that do it.  ;)

I spent an enjoyable day painting with friends, my usual happy Wednesday.  I did a card and most of another scene of an old barn against a sunset.

My back is hurting so I need to get in my recliner and stretch out.  We have church dinner tonight.

Boy!  It feels so nice outside now, temp is 57*, feels like summer after days and days of 6*, 7*, and so forth!  :)  8)
My book Rising Above available at

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone on a beautiful sunny day with expected temps in the low 60's. Just checking in once again today as am very weary this morning even though I had a good night's sleep.  Scott was here last night for several hours and will be back this evening. 

Judy, thanks for the new Devotional Thoughts and the hymn you shared.  My Pat seems to be doing OK and is taking good care of me.  I am so grateful that she is my wife.


Larry Hanna... your comment " My Pat seems to be doing OK and is taking good care of me.  I am so grateful that she is my wife.."
 I think its a bit of swings and roundabouts, Richard looks after me in a kindof strange way, but I will be the one looking after him ( no date set as yet ) when he has his open heart surgery once he is home...In life it has to be...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Good morning, Larry!  God sure knew what He was doing when he instituted the family, didn't He?  I'm glad you and Pat have each other, and same for Darrel and me!  I often feel bad for those left alone, as life is so much more difficult for them.

I had a much better night's sleep last night, and am so grateful.  This morning we are going to attend my son-in-law Jeff's aunt's funeral service.  I have known Velda for many years.  It reminds me of the old song "Going down the valley, going one by one...."  Each year there are so many more on the other side that we have known and loved here.

If you would like to see/hear Jeff's song at the Pancake Day Talent Show, it is now on my FB page!  :)

Time is fleeting--only nine days now until we leave on the Paris to Normandy trip!  Darrel got most of his packing done yesterday.  Janet got out her suitcase!  :lol:  He always packs earlier than I do.  But I'll get there!

This is another nice day, though to be about 12 degrees cooler than yesterday.

Talk to you later!
My book Rising Above available at


Hello, Jackie!  We were typing at the same time.  Yes, it's always the one who feels better at the time who is the caretaker of the other--just as it should be.
My book Rising Above available at


Larry:  You have a wonderful and caring son.  I am sure Pat feels the same about having you all these years. 

The one year devotions I have been reading is down to 20 more days. Time surely passes too quickly.  How nice to have a study written just for daily readings. 

Jackie:  Is there any home care for Richard when he returns after surgery?  I hope you do have someone to care for him especially at first.

Janet:  Have a wonderful and safe trip. 


...I think the way this will be done is at some point I shall be called in with Richard and we will be given a talk of Richards, and my needs, before, during, and his after-care, of course I may be wrong as we have never been in this situation before. After all, it is he they are calling in for the opp, not me, so they have to allay his fears of how I am going to be looked after whilst he is under their care. I shall wait and see how this is going to pan out. Oh yes, I am assuming he would get NHS aftercare - home visit.
He is due two or three hospital procedures before this will go ahead, one is taking place on Monday, the doppler scan of neck blood vessels.
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. This is going to be a cloudy but warm 68 degrees with a small chance of later day rain.  This is the day for our housekeeper so we will have a nice clean house in a few hours.  Scott is going to go by Walmart later this morning and pick up Pat's online grocery order and also pick up some prescriptions for her.  He will then be here for a few minutes.  This was a morning for my shower and that has really used up a lot of today's limited energy.  Interesting postings since I posted yesterday but only going to check in again this morning.


Good Morning Larry, Jackie, Carol and Janet and Judy.  Sun is shining this morning.

Freckles and I will be going out for a visit at one of the facilities this morning, this afternoon some of the ldies from my church are meeting at someone's home for coffee, although I don't drink coffee in the afternoon, tea yes. This evening is the Friday night Mexican dinner with friends.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  We are to have a cloudy day but it is suppose to get up to 78 this afternoon.  I plan on a nice quiet day today and will watch a lot of basketball this afternoon and this evening.  Not feeling very peppy this morning and trying to get up the energy and appetite to eat my breakfast.  I may try to start filling out our income tax this morning as have the data all together. 

Marilyn, it sounds like you had nice but busy day yesterday.  I hope you enjoyed every moment of it.


I am enjoying a slow morning today, does me good once in a while!  Later I will get busy packing!
 I had a very nice chat with my sister Doris yesterday.
 She is having ten days of radiation, then they will switch her back to the chemo, which is only one pill per week.  She can now get up on her walker and walk that way unassisted, and says she is being very careful not to fall again.  I told her about our upcoming trip, and she told me to go ahead and live my life; that she knows I'm praying for her and God hears my prayers whether I'm at home or in France.  She assured me she knows I love her, and not to even consider cancelling the trip because of her condition.  I feel very relieved, am glad I told her.

Larry, I hope some of your energy returns, I know you like being able to do a few things at least.  Bless you, my friend!
Marilyn, good to see a post from you yesterday.  I hope all continues to go well with you and yours.

Jackie, it sounds as if things are going a bit smoother in your life, that's good.  Stress is a rascal!

Carol, thank you for your well wishes on our trip. I pray all goes well with you and yours as you continue being "the hostess with the mostess!"  :)  ;)

I need to prepare some Keto stuff to eat this week, then I'm going to eat whatever I want!  No dieting stress while traveling! But I won't go crazy, either.

I guess I should go get dressed.  I've been lazy long enough for one day!
My book Rising Above available at


Thank you - anyone who set up our choices of size of print and even color. 

I woke with a miserable needle-like pain on half of my head.  It has to be allergies because we are reading it is so prevalent this year in Arizona.  Ready to head north - but at least two more rounds of guests and they are four weeks apart.  Of course, it is still stormy and snowing at home so the drive would be poor.  Instead, we will stay here and I will find allergy pills at the drug store. 

chicken/vegetable soup last night in the crock pot.  Not bad and it was just right as weather is windy and cold right now.  I fixed my sewing machine and it turns on now - it had a little glitch yesterday and I thought it was a goner.  Machines need more oil here too. 

Janet:  Prayer for your sister Doris and for full recovery.  Safe travel.

Larry:  Prayer for strength - both you and Pat.

Back to my old sewing machine - all the fabric is cut and ready to make donation tissue holders for sale at church yard sale. 


Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone on this first day of daylight savings time for this year.  Our high is suppose to get to 73 this afternoon and a pretty good chance of rain later in the day and evening. I just didn't feel like doing anything else.  I had spent the morning in my office and did get started on filling in the income tax forms but will take a day off of doing them today. I plan on watching some more basketball this afternoon as this is the last day of the regular season.  In a little bit I will listen to the recorded Church service from last week.  It is the next best thing to actually being there. 

Janet, glad you were able to have a nice chat with your sister yesterday and to find her doing better.  Perhaps this removes one worry as you prepare for your trip. It would be a shame to diet while in France and miss out on some of that good food and pastry. 

Scott made an unexpected but very welcome visit as I was writing this morning and now it is after moon so just going to say I am checking in for today.


Good morning Larry (and all others who come in today!)  I surmise that you're feeling a bit better, judging from the length of your post!  :) I hope you have a very enjoyable day!

I went back over the printouts from the fancy scale at the gym, and found that as far back as I had kept them, beginning over six years ago, my weight hasn't varied more than 6 pounds.  So I think the weight I'm at now is the weight my body is supposed to maintain.  I'm doing the keto thing mostly to see if it will do as promised and melt off the mid-section fat that bothers me. I do think it's helping, can see the difference in the fit of my clothes.  Anyway, will enjoy the good French foods without guilt!

Our pastor wasn't there today, don't know where he is. We have a wonderful Ministerial Alliance here, all the pastors in town work together in harmony, and it's such a sweet thing to see!  When our pastor is away, he calls another pastor in town and they fill the pulpit for him. We meet earlier for worship, so this enables others to preach for us and still be in their own pulpit at the regular time.  And it's nice to hear the other pastors sometimes!  Today we had the pastor from New Life Church, formerly called Mennonite Brethren. TMI? Sorry! :-[

I got my suitcase mostly packed yesterday.  Tomorrow I have an audiology app't. as I know I'm not hearing as well as I should, and hope my hearing aids can be turned up some more.  There is still 'room' on them to do that. I've noticed a tooth hurting, so may have to try to get in to see my dentist, too, before we leave next Sunday. Whew!  Thing are piling up!!

I don't enjoy 'springing forward" but 'falling back' is just fine!  We did make it to church on time, though! :)

I wish you all a blessed Sunday!
My book Rising Above available at


There is no "Spring Forward" in Arizona.  I wish we could all change back to normal time - it is very confusing when making travel and other plans and calling family. 

I just downloaded an audio book from the library. It is nice to have a story going when I am sewing. 

Janet:  Good for you on keeping your weight normal.  Everyone in Europe walks a lot more than Americans - it sounds like a wonderful getaway for the two of you.  Here, the meals are planned on more and more vegetables and there are really fresh veggies in this area all year long.  I make one veggie soup every week - the latest one has some chicken in it.  It is really nice to listen to a different pastor once in a while and your church is to be commended for keeping the sermons- pastors need breaks too.


Our youngest son bought a 1966 Chevy Nova - he wants to work on it.  It sure looks huge on the picture, all the cars now are more compact except for the SUV's. 

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  I am getting a late start this morning as this was the morning for my shower.  That always wears me out.  It looks like we will be getting up to 72 degrees this afternoon and we are in for another cloudy day with the potential of some rain from time to time.  The housekeeper is come back this morning for a couple of hours and help Pat with her sewing room.  She is trying to arrange things to make getting her fabric more accessible.  I have no plans for today.

Carol, we also have vegetable, or vegetable beef or vegetable chicken pretty often. 

Janet, I agree it is nice to hear sermons by different minsters.  We have a wonderful Christian radio station available here and they have many of the well known ministers and usually they are segments of sermons that have been preached.  They also have beautiful Christian music.  I hope you get your hearing aids turned up and also that you will get to the dentist.


Greetings Everyone    Been out of action for eight days. And offline during that time as well.  Only able as yet to read the posts. 


Ellie, were you sick?  I assume that's what you meant.  If so, glad you're feeling better now.

Carol, I wish Kansas didn't "spring forward."  It just about does me in for about two weeks, I greatly dislike it.  On TV they are saying people want to stay on DST year round.  Why not on "NORMAL" time?  But either way would be better than the disruption of the change.

We had a good day trip to Liberal and Hooker today.
Got my hearing aids cleaned (he said the microphones were nearly plugged) and turned up, so I am hearing better.  How I wish someone could turn up my "seeing. "Then we drove on to Hooker to Awesome Nails where I got a manicure and pedicure (Months overdue on that!) and Darrel also had a manicure. We also stopped by to see Diane for a while at her store as we came home.  And my sister Doris called me while I was there, so Diane got to speak to her, too!  She says she is feeling a bit stronger and her husband says she looks better.  So the prayers are being answered, Praise God!

I will call the dentist first thing tomorrow and see if he can take a look at the tooth that's causing me pain.

I'm sleepy, so I'm going to bed!  :wave:    :sleepy:
My book Rising Above available at


Good evening everyone.  For those of you who are not on FB I will give you an update. Pat is still iin the rehab facility and will be for another couple of weeks.  We had a lovely visit, she was suitably surprised to see us.  She still has problems with one leg/hip. Swelling and pain are a real problem for her. Prayer for strength and healing are requested.

I was chatting with Ruth Anne on Sunday evening. We had a lovely chat. She has requested prayer from the folks here.  Her computer is down so she has difficulty getting on to CP.  When she is back I am sure she will update all of us!

I had a doctor's appointment today.  He is a young man, 3 years as a doctor, and had the tendency to hear a few words and add his own interpretation.  Last visit I told him I needed him to really "Hear me", he did then and did as well today.  I am thinking that was a learning curve.

Good night all have a great day tomorrow.

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  We expect to have a beautiful day today with sun and partial cloudiness and a high of around 63.  While I felt fairly good yesterday morning by afternoon I wasn't feeling good at all.  I am hoping for a better day today. Pat has an appointment with the lung doctor around 11 this morning.  I have to refill my medicine boxes this morning for the next two weeks and then want to work some more on the income taxes.  I probably won't get them finished today but hope to make a big dent in them. 

Ellie, good to see you posting again and hope things have settled down for you. 

Janet, glad you and Darrel were able to get your hearing aids readjusted.  It sounds like you had an enjoyable day yesterday.  Glad you were able to talk again with your sister and find her beginning to do better. 

Judy, thanks for the update on Pat but sorry to read she isn't able to overcome the pain in her hip.  I have missed Ruth Ann's postings but glad to hear it is computer rather than health related that has kept her away for awhile.  These young doctors have to learn how to work with the patient and it isn't in the medical books.


Judy thank you for posting about Pat, Last evening  the Lord put her in my thoughts, and I thought about trying to call her at home to pray for her. Prayed anyway I think I don't have her number anymore.

I am going to work at the Hospice office this morning as soon as the caregiver gets here. She only comes once a week now to mostly clean for me, I just can't do the vacuuming anymore with my back the way it is.

A friend that Freckles and I visit a couple times a month in the nursing home, passed away Sunday night. So sad, he was close when I saw him the 2nd. and was going to see him again this Saturday when I take Freckles there to visit the patients.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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First and foremost - Judy:  Thank you for the update on Pat.  So sorry that she has to endure all this pain.  Praying for freedom from pain and healing.

RUTH ANN:  I do hope you know we have not forgotten you and pray for good health and now you computer issues. 

Ellie - Is that short for Eleanor?  It sounds friendly.

Janet:  That was good news on your sister's health.

Today is National Nap Day - our daughter sent an email to let us know it is healthy to nap.  :)


Greetings Everyone  A brief note today from me.  I will catch up all posts here sent to me as soon as I can.


It's nice to be hearing better today!  I wish Darrel was--but he has "selective hearing."  I'm sure you know how that works!  ;) He gets
his hearing aids from the VA, so didn't get his adjusted yesterday, though he did stop by to talk to them about getting another pair of shoes (special for diabetics.)

I'm really feeling draggy today, not much sleep last night at all.  Hope to sleep much better tonight. I did go to town and get a few things into the mail that I needed to do.  Our big Shopko store is going out of business, so I went there and found some of the Preservision Areds vitamins that I take for the Macular Degeneration, and saved $10.50 on each of the two bottles I bought.  Also got Vitamin D3 and Vitamin C.

I did get in to see the dentist tomorrow morning, hope they can fix the tooth so it won't give me trouble on the trip; then got each of us a chiropractic appointment for Friday.  Busy week!  We will leave before noon on Sunday, and I'm about to check and see what kind of plane we are booked on (been listening to the news!)

Gotta go see if they have a seat booked for us out of Dallas.  Last time I checked it still said TBD.  :-\

Carol and Marilyn, good to see your posts today!
My book Rising Above available at


Yesterday March 12th would have been my fathers Birthday, he has been gone 31 years now...We have-had several family Birthdays in March, one aunt the day before fathers, another aunt the day before mine, both aunts were fathers sisters...
I think one of those aunts grandson is also March---my cousins boy who would now be in his 40's
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  While we have some sunshine this morning overall it is suppose to be a cloudy day with no rain.  Yesterday was such a nice day that after Pat got home from her doctor's appointment she suggested we go over to Dairy Queen.  I said that sounded good as hadn't been out of the house for several days.  I had a small hamburger and fries, although only ate two of the fries.  I did finish the hamburger and had ordered two of the tiny Blizzards and ate a few bites of one of them and brought them home for the freezer.  I did enjoy the outing, the worst part getting the rollator in and out of the car.  I was pretty exhausted the rest of the day but it sure did my spirits good to get out.  Yesterday morning I did pretty well complete my income tax returns.  I will wait a few days and then review them again and e-file them. I was a bit shocked at the size of the refund we will get on both the Federal and State returns.  Today should be pretty quiet until evening when Scott, Jennifer and Elizabeth will be coming out to have supper with us.  The girls haven't been here since Christmas.  Pat has a new Instant Pot recipe for chicken that sounds good and we plan on asking Scott to pick up some KFC cold slaw to go with it. 

Marilyn, it sounds like things are improving daily for you all if you are down to having the caregiver just being there for one day. 

Carol, I thought everyday was National Nap Day, it is at our household.  ;D

Ellie, I hope you all are having a very pleasant day.

Janet, it sounds like you need to rest up for your trip.  Glad you are hearing better.  What airline are you using to fly to France?  Is this a tour with other people?  Hope the chiropractor appointments help both of you be in top shape for your trip.

Jackie, it seems that birthdays in a family often come in bunches.  Both my sister and I were born in February three years apart.