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JennyW: Hello Janet! I check every day. I wish everyone would get going again! I miss seeing pictures and reading posts! 2025-01-24, 06:54:04

Janet: Hello, Friends!  Let's get this going again!  I miss  hearing from all of you! 2025-01-23, 19:26:16

Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Thoughts for the Month ~ March

Started by JudyB, March 06, 2019, 12:09:39 PM

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One son called and told us that electricity is off and on in the Denver area.  Had his cell phone charged - but no heat.  Apparently it is high winds and blinding snow.  I hope the marijuana dopes stay off the roads - now that it is legal to ruin other people lives ---am so disgusted that the marijuana vote passed. 

Larry:  How nice it will be for you to visit with family. 

Marilyn:  Having help for at least one day - I hope you can use that time for something enjoyable.

Janet:  Have a wonderful and safe trip.

Carol, I thought everyday was National Nap Day, it is at our household.  ;D  Larry:  So right on daily naps - it refreshes the brain.  I wake at 5:30 AM and wish I could stay in bed and sleep but have not stopped that habit. 


Larry and Jackie, it looks as if we have the ol' homestead all to ourselves today! But it's more fun when a lot of others come join us, right?

I did go to the dentist this morning, he found nothing wrong with the tooth, but said it appeared to have a high spot on the filling and he though I may have been grinding my teeth against it.  So he polished it down smooth, and also took care of an annoying problem on a lower tooth.  He gave me a prescription for amoxicillin in case I get any infection (not expected, but just in case) which I will pick up in the morning.  Then I went and had a really good day painting!  :)

I thought our chiropractic appt's were for Friday, but they are in the morning.  In the evening there is a big college choir coming to perform at the Episcopal church which I want to attend. The Vicar there is my painting friend who helped edit my book and also wrote an endorsement for it.

I found our seats and we have a window and middle seat. :(  We requested at least one aisle seat, but maybe there will be some better options when the time comes.  If not, we will make it work.  It's a nine and a half hour flight, on American Airlines.

Carol, I see you were here!  Isn't it amazing how we depend on things like electricity and cell phones?  We had terrible winds here today, too.  Sprinkled off and on all day--but Denver had an almost white-out blizzard, so there is always something to thank the Lord for!  I had to fill out new paperwork at the dentist's as I had changed dentists a few years ago, and as I was doing the medical history I remarked to the receptionist that there were so many things I do not have, I was feeling really thankful!  Was also thankful the dentist welcomed me back with good humor and kindness!

Every day is napping day at our house, too!  ;)

Will try to post photos often on FB while we are away!
Our Trip Leader called me today, and he described the weather in France--sounded just like ours here in
SW Kansas!

Blessings to each of you!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  We have another beautiful day ahead.  I am just going to check in this morning as am really tired.  I didn't get to sleep until after 3 am.  I am having problems with my iPhone and while I found the instructions how to fix it when I went through the process it comes up with an error code.  Scott will be here in a little bit and am hopeful he can fix the problem.


I had used the quick reply and lost my post. So here goes again. I will be picking up our taxes today as the accountant called yesterday to say they are ready. I also need to go to Safeway to pick up our prescriptions.

The Caregiver class yesterday was on Identifying stress and what to do about it.  each  of us  at the end of class  has to write out an action plan for the next week. Mine was to find a quiet place to  sit for a while and read the next chapter and to clean out one drawer of my dresser as well.  Not sure I will be able to do those two things. But I am going to try.

Another thing I am going to do today is to book our flights to Kauai and make sure Gilbert has asked for the time off so I can book his flight out of San Francisco.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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I think I have covered all bases now, and am ready to finish packing.  We will leave Sunday morning--that's if we don't blow away before then!  This wind is horrible! It's blowing semi trucks over, and wreaking all kinds of havoc!  One can barely stand or walk outside.  They predict it will die down by 4 this afternoon, and I surely hope that's so!

Larry, I have been having a lot of trouble sleeping, too.  I lie awake so long, then get up and read for an hour or two and go back and try again, usually with better luck.  I fall asleep pretty quickly when I go to bed, sleep for an hour or more, then am wide awake. Been trying the Chammomile tea, and it seems to help.

Marilyn, is Keith going to Hawaii with you?  If not, who will take care of him while you're away?  Have a wonderful and restful time, you deserve it!

I want to attend the Lenten luncheon today, I forgot about it last week.

We both got chiropractic treatments today!  All tuned up and ready to go!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Greetings Carol  This post of yours I am replying to is from late February, have I been offline that long!   The London School of Economics [LSE] in Houghton Street I passed many times on my way to work.   I loved the theatres in London and the people.  It is a vibrant place to be and from the smoggy days up to the 1960's, it is now a clean and well looked after place to live.   And Ramsey where we live is splendid.


Greetings Janet   I was under the weather, but that was then.


Greetings Larry   Seeing you posting, tells me there is improvement with you.


Greetings Carol   Ellie is not short for Eleanor.   Have another guess!


My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Greetings Janet   You are right!


Janet yes Keith is going  to Kauai with me and I think Gilbert (if he can get the time off)and Savannah are going as well. The 1 bdr condo  is for 4 people. I always get that because I don't like to sleep on the Murphy bed.

Keith is doing quite well except that he can't cook for himself, if he were to stay home I would have to get respite care for him.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Ellie (Rebot) you have the Queen's name.  How nice, I always liked the name Elizabeth. We have fond memories of times spent in Great Britain.  Oxford was just super
and we enjoyed walking through the back alleys to catch glimpses of the gardens.  So very special.   

We did talk with all four children yesterday while the super storm was hitting the Colorado area.  One boy was trapped in Detroit.  Daughter was home, the wind was terrible.  One boy was in Montana and it was not as bad in that area.  Other son, who lives close to our house, said snow was sticking to windows and all four sides of the house.  Every road was closed and he was fortunately home - many people trapped in their cars.  Electricity was off and on - we usually do not have problems because all our wires are under ground.  It was a day and a half storm. 

Marilyn:  I love Kona coffee and all the fresh fruit you will have too. 


Greetings Carol   The Queen Mothers name was Elizabeth as well.  Oxford is a splendid place to visit.   But so is the Isle of Man. 


One of my grandmothers was an Elizabeth, the gran we lived with until she past at age 81, when I was only 11..
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone on a cloudy South Carolina morning.  Once again we are to get to around 75 degrees and then quite possibly have rain this afternoon. Scott contacted Apple Chat Support yesterday and after some work was able to restore my disabled phone and then it restored my phone exactly as it was in terms of apps and the other features.  I was greatly relieved.  This time we didn't set up a password to get into the phone which makes it much easier for me to use and eliminates the possibility that I will forget the password again. I have been watching a lot of basketball this week and today will be no exception.  I have seen some great games, often decided by one point at the very end. 

Marilyn, it sounds like things are going great for you and Keith after the bumpy road you both had for a few weeks.  Glad you are going to be able to take a trip to Hawaii.  Have you ever been there?

Janet, I am sure you are down to counting the hours before your trip begins now.  That wind sounds terrible and the news reports from the Midwest sure looked bad in terms of snow and wind and the many traffic accidents. After a couple of hours or more of not being able to go to sleep the getting up for an hour or so usually works for me. I try not to worry but must admit a couple of nights ago my phone situation weighed heavy on my mind and I think that was the culprit.  I don't know whether it is just a myth but I have become a fast believer in Chamomile tea to aid in getting to sleep or going back to sleep.  Our Church is participating with other Churches here in North Augusta in holding Lenten Services. 

Rebot, it sounds like you really enjoyed living in London.  I know where you now live much be a great place to live. Sure nice to read you are feeling better.  Unfortunately my longer postings does not mean I am feeling better because overall I am not. It is just that on some days, like today, I feel more like posting while other days I am just going to check in.  A lot of this is due to my state of mind at the time and not my physical condition.  I am trying to adjust to a new way of living that is dependent so much on others helping me and that isn't really very easy after a long life but now really have no choice. 

Jackie, good morning and I must say I also like the name Elizabeth as well as your name.  I have a cousin with the same name and we have always called her Jackie.


Ellie, I think there are more derivatives from the names Elizabeth and Margaret than any other names I know!  I like Ellie better than Liz, for a shortened version.  :)   I haven't spent any time in Great Britain, only have been to the airport, not a good example of the country.

Marilyn, glad Keith can go with you, hope the others can as well.  How long will you be there? I've never been to that island, only to the big island.  Hawaii is beautiful!

Carol, good to know all your children are safe.  Better to be hunkered down at home than out on the road somewhere in a blizzard or the awful winds we've been having over such a wide area, for sure!  It even blew a train off a trestle in New Mexico!  That's a powerful blast of wind!! :o

Larry hasn't checked in yet today.  I pray all is well with him!

I have a haircut at 10, so I must be going!

Oh, good!  I see Larry posted while I was typing.
 Hi, Larry! :wave:
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Greetings Jackie  Hubbys middle name is Charles, another nice name.


Greetings Janet  Yes lots of ways Elizabeth can be shortened.  Her Majesty The Queen, was called by her close family Lilibet. 

We had to fly into America to JFK Airport, not a very good experience for him going through security at the airport.  But it did not make us think it was a poor example of the country.


Greetings Larry  London was where I was born and to me it is a splendid city.  And my second choice of city has to be Paris, I have visited there many times.  The Isle of Man is the opposite of London, small and very quiet.  Not a lot of traffic as no motorways and a lot of history which I am trying to learn about.

Take your time whatever you do during the day.  And just do what you can with the energy you have.  That is the advice I gave to senior citizens who had appointments with me when I was working.  Hubby depends on me and he accepted that his lifestyle changed long before I met him. It was me who found it difficult to adapt, but only for a short time. 

I was telling hubby about your IPhone and he said if you have an IPhone that is a newer model than a IPhone 5S, you can use touch ID to enter the phone.  Though you need the password for the initial entry.   Store the password on your iPad, laptop or whatever you use, easier to remember it then storing that way, should be a safe place to keep it. 


Janet: we will be there from June 1-8, getting the red eye back home the night of the 8th. I hope I can take the minimum amount of clothing etc and still have enough. I burn easily so  lots of sunscreen is a real necessity. I've even thought about getting a spray tan before we go.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Greetings   Not sure why my text font increased for part of an earlier post of mine.  Will have to check it before I leave the computer.


Ellie, you got louder until you were shouting!   ;)  Making your points!  I wonder what would cause that?  I did not mean in any way, that the London Airport was an example of London, only that no airport gives a true picture of the city or country they are in.  And you're right; the books I read were about London at least 100 years ago.  I would love to visit the Isle of Man.

Marilyn, I will be home a long time before you leave!
I thought maybe you were going right away!  How long is that flight now?  When Beth, Kerri and I went, many years ago, it was 8 hours from LA.

I've been trying to figure out what's causing my back and shoulders to ache.  Sure hope I don't have this problem while we're away!  I finally gave up and took a couple Tylenol, now I will rest a while and see if that helps.

See you later!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


I thought it was probably considerably shorter by now!  Thanks for the reply!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is suppose to be a cloudy day and is starting out that way with us getting into the low 60's this afternoon.  We are not suppose to get any rain.  About 4 pm yesterday we drove down to Pizza Hut and I am paying the price to getting out today as very tired.  As a result will just check in for today. 

Janet, hope you and Darrel have a wonderful trip.


Greetings Janet  The error on yesterday's message, is because of the system we have on our desktop computer. My hubby along with other conditions has no flexion movement in any of his fingers and cannot do most daily activities, that most people do without any problems every day.

And though keyboard use on a computer is not a daily occurrence, it is something he has been unable to do for about fifteen years or more.  Long before we met and married, he enrolled on a course in the United Kingdom to use voice activated software, known as VR.  This is not to be confused with basic online computer software to talk in some text, as that basic system does not meet his and other user's needs.

What hubby trained on is Dragon Naturally Speaking, this is specialised voice recognition software.  We have the professional version, expensive at £260 - $340, yes just for a disc.  The system let hubby put in useful phrases for letter writing, everything from good morning, which you say GM and it types good morning; to a letter ending when you say YS and it types yours sincerely.

It lets us choose the font and size, I say CN and 12 and I get courier new and 12 point font. Except the system developed a problem yesterday and posted part of the text in 24 point.  But it has been corrected and should type in 12 point as usual.  We hope😊

This desktop computer with Dragon Naturally Speaking is set up for hubby, though he hardly ever uses it, because the one piece of computer hardware you need to use with voice recognition is a mouse and his finger condition means he finds it difficult to do.

The voice recognition software set up for hubby by him, allows for the nuances of his accent.  He speaks in English, but the Manx people have expressions and meanings different to say the English language.  And for me to train the VR system to my accent and how I express myself is beyond my computer knowledge.  It is easier for me to use the stored phraseology in the VR system hubby trained it to do.

Janet you would love the Isle of Man.


Greetings Larry  Splendid to see your message today.


Good morning!  We are trying to think of every possible last-minute thing that needs our attention, so we won't have much to think about in the morning except--leaving!!  Thanks to all of you for your good wishes on our trip!

Ellie, I really didn't need an explanation, but thank you for that, it was interesting.  I'm so NON-techy that I have trouble doing even simple things on computer at times.

Larry, please take it easy and I'll continue praying for you each day!

I'm washing a few items, the pants I want to wear on the plane, etc.  Shouldn't be leaving any dirty clothes except what we're wearing today.  Always bring home plenty of laundry!

Our temp is supposed to reach 59* today!  That will be welcome!

I had a voice message from our Ruth Ann; called back and left her one.  So we're playing telephone tag!

Nothing much to say today, just wanted to greet you all and wish you a blessed day!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Greetings Janet  Enjoy your trip.