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JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

JudyB: I will be back this evening to start July's thoughts..... The wedding was beautiful! 2021-07-02, 11:51:09

Thoughts for the Month ~ May

Started by JudyB, May 01, 2019, 11:12:20 PM

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Larry Hanna

I just received this email from Pat's BIL: 

Hi Larry Just a short note to let you know that Pat passed away at 4pm this afternoon. Please pass this on the CP Family. Thanks John.

Jane Walker

My thoughts have been crashing around in my heart with all the pain and sadness I read about here.  We have lost so many wonderful friends and all I can think of is this song that I learned long ago.  Our Father is indeed gathering flowers for His bouquet.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!

Jane Walker

My prayers are for comfort and peace for the family

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


Hi Folks. I went to bed and lay awake mulling over memories of my sister. 

Pat went to be with the Lord today at 3:10 in the afternoon. 

She is finally out of pain, and able to walk again without the need of a walker or other devices.  It bothered her terribly to not be able to walk.  It has been a difficult year for her, and that is now history.

We can praise God that we shall see her again if we belong to our Lord and Saviour.

If you have a memory to share PM me with it.  I am compiling memories to give to her children to show how many were influenced by Pat.

Night all!

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  I am up early this morning due to the fire alarm in our bedroom starting to beep every minute or so that the battery was low and needed to be changed.  This is a story of one of the little miracles in life that God gives us as it was certainly that.  It was only 5:45 in the morning.  The battery is very easy to change if one can get on a step stool to reach it as we have 9 foot ceilings that are up pretty high.  I was going to try to get up a step or two on the step stool, which I know I shouldn't eve try but certainly wasn't going to let Pat do it.  I was able to get dressed without any trouble today whereas yesterday it had taken help from Pat to finish doing it after working on it for 90 minutes.  I was headed to the garage for the step stool and had opened the garage door (Scott started installing a ramp for us last night but needed a different bit so it wasn't safe to go out the garage door.)  I had opened that door and am able to reach around for the switch to the big garage door.  I was headed to the front door when I saw that my good neighbor across the street had started his truck to back out for work.  So I flashed the outside garage flood light on and off and opened my front door and started waving. Fortunately  he happened to see the light and then me standing in the doorway waving frantically to him as he was heading up the street.  He stopped and got out and asked what was wrong.  I quickly told him and he got the step ladder out of the garage and quickly changed the battery and then was on his way to work.  All this took no more than 5 minutes so hopefully it didn't make him late to work. If that isn't an example of God looking out for us today I don't know what it could be. 

So we are getting an early start to our day.  Our housekeeper will be here later this morning and Scott is coming back over to bring my new Rollator that the doctor prescribed yesterday and we had stopped at the drug store.  He went in to get it only to find they had sold out of this equipment earlier yesterday morning and it wouldn't be available until this morning.  He was able to go ahead and do all the paperwork with my identification and insurance card so they will call him this morning when they get new durable equipment in.  So he will be out as soon as that happens and will finish up the ramp. 

Hopefully the next two or three days will be uneventful as this has been a very busy, very emotional and tiring week. 

Jane and Judy, this has been a very emotional week for all of us but now is time to celebrate the life of our beloved Pat with our remembrances.  Judy, I know that Bubble plans to open a page in the Tranquil Cave for our remembrances of Pat but I will try to send some of mine to you as an email as well.


It has been a difficult year for all of us. I only know that God is in control over all our lives and am so thankful to CP and getting to know all of you and meeting Pat in person. I had talked with her on the phone not long after I joined CP about 17 years ago when I still lived in southern California. Such a sweet lady. Praying for her family.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Sending Our Prayers To Pat's Family.  We did not know Pat, But we can feel the Love and Respect there is for Pat.


OK Here is the info

Visitation on Monday 6 to 8

Funeral at 11.

Anyone who has memories please share them with me.


Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. It is another clear and hot day here in South Carolina with it to get over 90 degrees this afternoon.  Yesterday was a productive day that got started very early.  I did accomplish quite a few things here in my office but had pushed myself too much and by 7 PM had no energy left.  I tried to make it into my office one more time to get something but made it only a few steps and could go no further so had to sit down on my new Rollator and rest for awhile and then went immediately to bed for the night and it was a long night where I had to fight off several what I call panic attacks when I suddenly felt I couldn't breathe and had to sit up on the side of the bed for awhile.  For the last several days have been having restless leg spells in my right leg during the night and early morning. 

Scott finished putting in the ramp in the garage but they decided it is too steep as was only three feet.  So we will return it.  Unfortunately, I will have to pay the return shipping by UPS but the company is arranging the pickup here at the house.  They will reduce the refund by the shipping amount.  I ordered a four foot different type ramp and hope it will work.  I did get the sandals I had ordered but have to return them as my feet are to swollen to wear them.  So I will have to look for something else. 

Scott advised us last evening that he has made arrangement to get the Comcast Internet reduced speed from what he has had and the phones so he will have reliable phone service in his house.  His cell phone usage has always been off and on and often the calls won't go through.  He wants us to be able to call him and be able to speak to him.  He still was able to save $10 a month over what he was paying.  We are going to offer to get him the portable phones to use with the system once it is installed next week and we see what is needed. 

Marilyn, I remember very well when you joined these discussion group and your living in California.  There have been a lot of changes in our lives in the 17 years.

Ellie, do wish you could have met Pat but like many of us here there are many good friends we have where we will never meet in person but it doesn't matter as we have images in our minds of what people look like or have seen avatars or other photos.

Judy, thanks for the info on Pat's services on Monday.  I will email you some of my memories of her later today.


My son texted me this morning, Kim will not b eligible at all for a liver transplant.  Her kidneys are failing even though she has been on 24/7 dialysis for a week. They are going to try intermittent dialysis to see if it is possible for her to be transferred to Columbia SC where she lives and do outpatient dialysis and spend time with her 6 yr old daughter. Her life expectancy is short.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Hi everyone.  It has been quite awhile since I've popped in here.  News of Pat's passing had me reminiscing about meeting her here on this site, so I thought I'd drop in to share my condolences with you, most of which knew her a lot longer than I did.  She and I chatted off and on over the years over a variety of topics.  I always enjoyed our conversations and hoped to meet her someday.  Following her health saga over the past few years, I am so glad she is now out of pain and in the presence of Jesus Christ!  What a blessed time she must be having worshiping Him there.

Pat will be missed by many.  Her family and friends are in my prayers and thoughts.
Big Sky Ken
"Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin."  James 4:17


Just a quick update from me. I just found out about Pat's passing this afternoon. Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm going to keep this site going. I'll be moving it to my server in the coming days (same one that S&F is on) and will take over ownership of the domains as well.
The Oldiesmann
Forum Guru
I've sinned greatly, but Christ's for real, baby, it's a wonder He saved me and just didn't hate me, so won't you tell Him 'Save me!' and please stand up?... - J. Jackson (http://www.apologetix.com for more info).


...thank you, very much appreciated, as I mentioned on our S&F's forum, it would be as our Pat would have wanted...

...what can I say? I cant understand why they wont give a mother so young and with a young child the chance to live, even if in the past she had abused her liver...whatever happened to giving someone a second chance? they done that for the ex footballer George Best...just a shame he did abuse his new liver transplant...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is another clear and soon to be a very hot day in the mid to high 90's.  I saw on the weather map that yesterday we had the hottest temperature in the whole USA and they expect us to get to 100 this coming Saturday. 

Oldiesman, Thank your many times over for what you are going to do to keep these discussions going.  I know several of us have been concerned about this matter for sometime.  I will write you an email later today or tomorrow.  I think putting the CP site under the S&F umbrella is a great idea.  We just want to keep our cyber friends connection as this is really a vital part of our lives and we don't adjust to changes very easily. 

Marilyn, I am so sorry about the news regarding your granddaughter. 

Jackie, you and I and I venture to say all of our cyber family is very much relieved at the announcement Oldiesman posted and I know I certainly am.


Greetings Larry Much warmer where you live than here! 


I did try really hard, but couldn't find any emails from Christian Photographers
on my phone, and wasn't able to check in and chat.
 I did know the sad news about our beloved Pat, as that conversational group was on Messenger.  I enjoyed my friendship with Pat so very much, and was so glad to get to meet her twice at Niagara Falls and spend some good, quality time with her both times.  She was such a lovely person, and so much loved!

I'm sad to read of the other illnesses and problems among our group.

We got delayed on the way home by many miles of violent thunderstorms, so spent many hours at DFW Airport. Were on stand-by, and thankfully got on the late flight to Garden City last night, arriving home about midnight. No bags made the trip, even though they had so much time to get them to the right plane.  But I'm confident they will arrive, even though late. We landed in high winds and rain, and it was quite cold!  Happy to be home.

Jackie, your report of your daughter and grand being there and things going so well was an answer to the prayers I have been praying for you.  Restored relationships are such a blessing.  The service sounds lovely, and glad you had friends and family there to help and support you.

Larry, we found Hospice to be a real blessing when Beth was failing.  They explained that we could take her off if she got better, or put her back on--as often as we wanted.  It was a relief to hear that hearing the word "hospice" no longer means a person will be dying soon. I hope you find their help beneficial as well.  And of course, we will keep praying for you!

Marilyn, so sad for the news about your granddaughter. Doctors can only do so much when organs are so very damaged.  I'm praying she knows (or soon will know) Jesus as her savior, so she will be in heaven to meet you!

Grandson Mark was just wonderful to us, and we had a grand time.  We will be going back to Florida soon, as Darrel gave into an impulse and purchased a used camping trailer and we have to go get it!  We have 30 days to go get it.  ???  :-\  I told him if we don't use it quite a few times in the next year, we should sell it.  We sure didn't use the other one we had much.

Oldiesman, God bless you for keeping this site going for us!  I had been very concerned about it.  I would like to be on the other two, but need info on how to get there.

Okay--more than enough for today!  Love to you all!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Greetings Everyone  A very splendid day to everyone.  I might be offline for a few days, but as the saying goes, 'I will return'!

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  Been very busy morning so just checking in to say I am fine this morning and will try to come back and post this afternoon.


It is so nice to come in here and read the notes about Pat. 

Janet: You missed the snowfall - we see a winter wonderland this morning.  Not common for this time of the year but it can snow anytime at this altitude.  Glad that you were able to visit and surprised that you bought a trailer.   :)    Enjoy!

Big Sky Ken:  We all hope you will stop by more and let us know what is happening in your part of the world. 


Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  Blistering hot days here in South Carolina in the very high 90 and Memorial Day is to be 101 or higher.  I am sorry I didn't get back here yesterday afternoon but ran into problems with my laptop computer and by afternoon was very tired.  Unfortunately I didn't get a wink of sleep last night or yesterday and am on fumes today so will just check in and perhaps make a comment or two as I go back and read the postings for the last two days. 

Janet, glad to see you safely home.  Delays in airports are really tiring.

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is going to be another hot day today getting up to 93 this afternoon with the possibility of some popup showers. 

I am happy that last night I got 6 good hours of sleep after being awake from Monday morning until after 8 pm last evening and getting extremely tired.  I feel refreshed this morning and with a new feeling of optimism in my life. 

Things moved quickly yesterday afternoon starting about 2:30 when I called the Hospice people to inquire if they had received the papers from my cardiologist office.  She hadn't but said she would immediately contact that office and call me back in a few minutes, which she did saying she now had the papers in hand.  Things worked out that the Hospice nurse came to the house within and hour or so and spent the next two hours plus with us explaining what their program involved.  After learning what Hospice would do for me over the remaining days of my life I signed up.  She explained they try to improve the patients quality of life and don't try to fix the heart or other things that bring us to the point of going on hospice since I have already spent 30 years having done to my heart all they can do medically. 

When I asked her about the cost I was totally floored when she told me there will never be an expense to me as everything is covered 100% by the Medicare Part A.  This is such a gift to me in terms of peace of mind that what we have saved  will not be eaten up by my care and thus will be available to assure that Pat has as good a quality of life at the standard we now enjoy.  The second thing I like is that I will be able to spend my remaining days here at home with the medical caregivers coming to me rather than having to ever get out again for these never ending medical appointment.  Probably the only exception is getting to the dentists. 

Today they will be bringing some medical equipment that will help me such as a wheelchair and new medicine as they will be changing my medicines.  She said they would work on getting the fluid buildup reduced which will greatly reduce the terrible shortness of breath, get my appetite restored and having a sleeping pill to be sure I can get adequate sleep .  These things alone will improve my quality of life. Initially we will start out with just one visit a week by one of their professional nursing staff and then as needed in the future other other people will come as needed.  Pat will remain my primary care giver but if I can get to feeling stronger I will be able to help and reduce the load on her which will make me happy.  

She said I may well be able to drive again and get to Church and Sunday School and eat out sometimes in the future as they get some of these other issues taken care of.  I had given up hope of that ever being a possibility.  I know that the progression of my medical situation will continue downward but at least I can expect to feel better on the "trip".  I am one of those fortunate people who do not live with constant pain and after my tailbone heals I don't expect to have much pain other than some angina, which is well controlled by medicine. My current doctors will no longer be in the picture and my care will be handled by one of the three Hospice physicians.  

I have gone on long enough and knowing me I will be sharing my journey with you all through our discussions.  I am one fortunate man to have a loving family, many friends, and having a good home and income.  I also have no fear of death whether it be soon or many months away and being given the freedom to live the rest of my days as I want and feel able is certainly a gift. 

Carol, your weather certainly keep you on your toes.


Larry I am so glad that you are now on hospice and have learned of all the things they will do for you.  My grand daughter will be on hospice as well, her days are getting much shorter and there is no hope of recovery. She is in Gods hands and is right with the Lord. My son has spent hours  with me texting back and forth. She knows that she can go at any time to be with the Lord. It is breaking my son's heart asd he watches her declining so quickly. I am so sad.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Hi Folks.  Pat's funeral was yesterday. There were a lot of family members that I have not seen in many years.  Pat would be pleased to have us reconnect.

I prepared a journal of all the people that contributed memories, and gave a copy to each of Pat's children.  I wanted to show then how widespread her influence was. 

Unfortunately Paul didn't make it to the funeral, I don't know exactly why. However think there will be a memorial down where Paul lives.

Janice, Ian and Andrew were very tired, which is to be expected.  Now for them to get, rest and start getting their heads around this loss. Everything happened so fast, however in that situation the waiting is never ending.

Pats great grand daughter read her favourite verse at the service.

"35 Can anything ever separate us from Christ's love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? 36 (As the Scriptures say, "For your sake we are killed every day; we are being slaughtered like sheep."[a]) 37 No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. 38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love. 39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8: 35-39.  Her favourite verse, at 5 years old!

Thank you everyone for the memories and prayer for Pat's children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Please continue to pray for the family, the reality will set in and someimes that reality hits hard.

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. It has been a rather difficult morning as very short of breath.  I will be getting medical equipment, including  a wheelchair, which should make it easier to get around in the house.  I am so happy I signed up with Hospice on Tuesday as they have been so responsive and caring.  Yesterday afternoon the social worker was here and besides the delivery of the medical equipment, someone else is coming by today and I think it is the Chaplain.  I was very touched yesterday when the Social worker told me she and the Chaplain had already discussed finding a way to get me back to Church, although I am going to have to get to feeling better before I would considerate it.  Yesterday morning one of the ministers from my Church for a short visit.  Last evening when the girls and Scott were here I told them I was now under Hospice Care.  I hope they deliver the new medicine they are putting me on which is suppose to help me get a little more energy and start to get some of this fluid off my body which is causing such shortness of breath.  Fortunately typing doesn't take much energy. 

Marilyn, sorry that your granddaughter has reached the stage she is in.  It is hard on a father to lose a daughter (yes, I know it is hard on the mother as well as the rest of the family) but it sounds like your granddaughter is ready to find some eternal rest.  I have been giving a lot of thought about what is really important in my life and it is my love of God, my family and my friends and fellowship.  Everything else is just things. 

Judy, it sounds like Pat's funeral was very nice and really brought the family together.  I have to think Paul would have been there had he been able but known from my last few discussions with him that he is dealing with serious health issues and expect that trip back to Guelph has become increasingly difficult for him.


Judy:  Thanks ever so much for all you have kept us aware of what has been happened with Pat.  I marvel at your stamina throughout these years.  Many blessings to you and John and all the family.


Yes, Janet - it is still off and on snowing but turning to rain at times.  However, no tornadoes as the mid-west has endured.  No flooding but it surely will crash down the mountains when weather warms up.  They are still skiing in some places - just a couple more days until they finally close. 

One son is flying to Minnesota today bringing two youngsters for a friend - his friend's mother died and the funeral is in northern MN so he will drive the children up north & stay several days helping. 

Larry:  I like what you wrote about "important things in life".  So true.  Wish me luck on trying to get some thread out of the bottom of my Singer Featherweight.  Thread in wrapped around the bottom - I looked at a video on how "easy" it is to fix but scary for me to attempt - sometimes the weirdest things happen and it is even hard to explain. 


Larry Hanna...
...you are so right, thinking and acting on all the important things in our life... Oh how I wish I had of done just that when Richard was here...Instead of all the pointless bickering and arguing that now doesn't mean anything anymore...It was all so unimportant and could have been left where it belonged...in the past...
I have been crying and telling him just how sorry I am....even promising that if he came back I would promise to be a better person...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


We have a real Spring day and it is nice to see the sun again. 

For some reason, when I open CP, the site takes me back to the first of the month instead of where I closed last.  Is there any way I can fix this little feature?

Don is off to the old VA building (that is Veterans hospital) for a blood draw.  For those who don't know, a terribly expensive new Veterans hospital was built way out east of the city.  Way overpriced and years late.  Here is the most annoying thing I cannot imagine these highly salaried people did not notice:  the new hospital has no offices for the primary care doctors. So, he has a blood draw at the old facility (which was scheduled to be demolished) and meets his assigned doctor in that old building.  However, we have to drive way out at a top speed to the new building for most other things.  Wishing some common sense would appear once in a while - $$$$ lost. We yearn for that small town living again.

I need to find a big box to ship a quilt & a couple of toys off to a young niece - her brother will get one of the toys. 

Have a blessed day



How I wish I still got notifications from CP!  I keep getting dropped and then have trouble finding my way back in here again!

We have been getting wonderful rains here in our normally dry corner of Kansas.  Unfortunately, much of the state is flooding because of too much rain!  Seems that balance is elusive!

It has been cold, windy and wet since we got home, but today is lovely, and as soon as I finish this post, I plan to go out and clean out my flower containers (two old bathtubs and several big pots) and get them ready to plant.  Daughter Diane says she still has a lot of nice flowers in her greenhouse, I just need to go down and get them.  It always cheers me to see bright flowers blooming!  :)

Larry, I'm so happy you feel better after having visited with the Hospice people.  They were so kind and such a comfort to me with Beth.  God bless them for their kindness and help to you as well.  I forgot to tell you they never charge anything!  That amazed me, too.

Carol, so sad they messed up the VA in the Denver area. Such incompetence!  And the burden of it falls on older people whose lives should be getting easier, not harder.  :ticked:

Can someone tell me how to get to the S&F site?  Thanks.

I think I shall go out and get started before my back hurts too much to do the work I want to get done.  Blessings to each of you, in Jesus' name.
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna