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JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

JudyB: I will be back this evening to start July's thoughts..... The wedding was beautiful! 2021-07-02, 11:51:09

Thoughts for the Month ~ May

Started by JudyB, May 01, 2019, 11:12:20 PM

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The Oldiesmann
Forum Guru
I've sinned greatly, but Christ's for real, baby, it's a wonder He saved me and just didn't hate me, so won't you tell Him 'Save me!' and please stand up?... - J. Jackson (http://www.apologetix.com for more info).


Traffic and arrogant minds. 

Oldiesmann:  Nice to see your post!  ]


Judy, thanks for the recap of Pat's service. If I wasn't recovering from a tonsillectomy, I would have tried to attend. You and the family remain in my prayers. I do hope Paul is holding up well, all things considered.

For those of you who use Facebook, a while back I visited with Pat about her Photography Cafe group. In recent years activity in the group fell dramatically and it went a long time with no posts. Pat was disappointed because it had once been a very vibrant community of photographers and people who simply enjoyed viewing the art in images. She handed me the reins to manage the group, and we are finally sparking new life there - doing so to continue the legacy Pat began. I invite you to find the group and request to become a member. I believe you will like what you find there.

My best wishes to each of you on the (US) Memorial Day weekend. Those of you who lost family members or friends while serving, you have my sincere condolences.
Big Sky Ken
"Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin."  James 4:17


Good Morning everyone. My grand daughter is now receiving comfort care only. Pain meds and anti anxiety meds, My son tells me that it is just a matter of time so he sits and waits for Jesus to come for her and prays with  her. Please pray for my son Ron as he waits on the Lord.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  I did try to post here yesterday but it seems it didn't appear so will try to be more careful today.  It is on the way to another 100 degree day with even hotter heat index as yesterday the heat index was 105. 

For some reason I didn't sleep for three hours or so last night although there was no reason but it gave me time to think more.  I also rediscovered in my bedroom closet a pillow Pat had rolled up and tied with cloth selvages (think that is what they are called and they are very strong).  It works great to put on my left side to keep the pressure off the tailbone as well as remind me not to turn on my left side.  I went all night without any pain from the tailbone and actually didn't have much shortness of breath.  I did have three instances where I had angina in my shoulder so a quick nitro and in a few minutes it went away.   I was able to get an early start in an reading the discussion postings for yesterday.  I am not at all rushed today and in a little while I will lay down and listen to last weeks Church service on the Internet using my iPhone.  I have plenty of small projects I want to do with most something I will do here at my computer.  There is a dresser in my new bedroom and Pat wants to clean them out today and then we will transfer my clothes from the master bedroom to those drawers and finish getting the hangup clothes from the master closet that I can see I will be using.  I did transfer my bathroom things yesterday for the bathroom I will now use.  So things are coming along nicely a little at a time to the way I want them.

Last night I made the decision that now is the time to get rid of my piano and all of the sheet and book music I have accumulated over the years.  Scott will have first refusal and if he doesn't want the piano or music I am going to write to our wonderful choir director who teaches a lot of students and offer her the music as a gift.  I will also invite to come and see the piano as she may know of new students who would be interested in looking at it.  It is a Mason Hamlan piano which I was shocked sometime ago when I researched to find it ranks right under Steinway in quality and desirability and the finish is still very nice and pretty.

Marilyn, your granddaughter is now getting the same type of care I am getting although her situation is much more critical than mine is at this stage.  Is she under Hospice Care or just care in the hospital?  Be thankful she and Ron have faith and the resource of prayer. 

Ken, I had forgotten you knew Pat personally and must live near to where she lived in Guelph.  I hope you are recovering nicely from the tonsillectomy although I know for adults that can be harder than when you are young (isn't everything?)  Nice you are being able to revive interest in the Photography Cafe group.  I am really not interested in Photography so have limited my participation to this general conversation discussion only because Pat asked me to participate and glad I have since I now have friends who generally only post in this same discussion.


Happy Sunday!
We had another big rain yesterday, additional .8 inches.
And it's still really cloudy today.  We are fine, but a lot of Kansas is flooding, along with a lot of Oklahoma. That's really hard to deal with, as the dirty water ruins nearly everything.  So sad.

Larry, it's good to "hear" the relief in your posts, that you're relieved of much of the worry you had been having, even though I know you're not a worrier. Some things just cannot help bothering us, when we just don't  know how best to take care of them.  Hospice is a wonderful organization, and I'm glad they are there for you.

Marilyn, I pray for peace for your son and granddaughter...and for you.

A family of five girls that I grew up with have just lost their Dad.  He was 97 years old, and a Veteran. I hope to attend his service in Campo, Colorado, where we all lived back then.  He and his wife had moved to Colorado City, Colorado, and none of the girls live in Campo anymore, but that was home for many years, so that's where he will be buried.  This will give me the opportunity to see where my sister-in-law was just buried, as we were stuck at DFW Airport and couldn't be there for her service.

The reason we couldn't post yesterday was because Oldiesman was moving our site to his server.  Thanks so much, Oldiesman!!

I'm about to fall asleep on my keyboard, so will stop for now!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Larry she is still in the hospital but hospice has taken over her care.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  We are in for our 100 degree or above heat day, the third in a row.  Going to be a hot one for picnics and there is a Greenjackets baseball game this afternoon in our new semi-pro ball park downtown.  Not going to be a nice day to set in the stands or play on the field.  I got up at 5:30 this morning, after a pretty good nights sleep last night with the help of near exhaustion when I went to bed and a sleeping pill.  I have a number of things on the schedule today and find I probably must get them done in the mornings as seem to really be tired in the afternoon.  I spent all morning yesterday writing on these message boards and know I must be less wordy and take less time, at least for a couple of days until things slow down. Scott is planning on getting the bracket to put the TV on the wall of my bedroom that is now on the just sitting on the piano, fix the oxygen hose so I can have it working at my easy chair (I was able to get it fixed so I had it in bed and we took the CPAP machine out of the mix and just going with the oxygen.  I have a number of other small things for him if he has time.  After about 4 days he said yesterday his migraine had finally gone away.

Janet, I can't say enough good about Hospice based on one weeks experience and I am so thankful they have become a part of my life as the last couple of weeks I have noticed decline in my health almost on a daily basis.  Glad Oldiesman put CP on his server and hope you will also become a part of the Senior and Friends discussions.  Not a good thing to fall asleep on your keyboard.  Pat often falls asleep while doing something on hers and wakes up to a lot of one letters appearing on pages.  She also keeps clicking the mouse when asleep while playing a game or working a jigsaw puzzle. I can look over and see that is what has happened but let her sleep as no harm done. 

Marilyn, that is good news on your granddaughters care as that stops the expenses for your family.  I hope she has some medicare as they pick up all of the costs but I am sure she would get the Hospice care regardless.  I am still in a bit of shock that I will have no further medical bills to face. 

How great is that and totally unexpected and such a relief to me knowing my wife should never have to worry about money and hopefully when she is gone there might still be a little left for our son, although he feels like I did about my parents, he doesn't want it if his mother needs it.  We are not wealthy but we are very secure financially.  I found out from a casual comment from Elizabeth that the bed she and Jennifer have been sleeping on was a wreck and yesterday and so I told the girls to immediately find a new mattress and that was a very good weekend as they have Memorial Day sales and there was no sales tax added to the purchase plus they got several add on like new sheets and a couple of other things probably worth about $200 or more.  Scott currently has my credit card and yesterday afternoon paid for it and it was to be delivered either last night or late this afternoon.  I did give them a maximum I wanted them to stay around, which would get a good mattress but not the highest cost one in the store.  It gives Pat and I pleasure at being able to do these type of gifts that are needed and doable if we know about them.  Needs I will am more than willing to try to help with wants they can wait until they can afford them.


Kimberly passed away  this morning.  Just a little while ago, Ron is trying to figure out how ans when to tell  the other girls. he sister as well as cousins, and step sister.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Marilyn:  Sorry for your loss.  Try to think only of the very best days. 


Taking a break after making two batches of Snickerdoodle cookie dough.  One batch is made with Stevia instead of sugar and I will freeze that for Don.  The other is for tomorrow's quilting group - along with ice cream and/or sherbet.  I do have the beginnings of a medium sized quilt pinned on a cloth wall.  All are 2 2/2 inch squares collected over a long time.  It is supposed to look like an old time quilt but it will be what it wants to be.  Yesterday, I actually fixed something on the old Singer machine - it saved me $100 so for that I am so grateful. 

Listening to patriotic music - remembering a couple of sweet young men on this Memorial Day. 

One of our sons is in the mountains working on their cabin and I am wondering how much snow had to be moved to get in the driveway.  One son is in Minnesota helping a friend   - he put a dock into the lake yesterday (mighty cold in Northern MN). The third son flys to Scotland tomorrow. We have a gift for our granddaughter who has a birthday and just graduated.  Hoping to see some of the grands -

Janet:  I do not know the city Campo.  I hope you can meet with your friends.  We had a storm pass over last night but the hail was very small here. 


Quilt scraps are 2 1/2 inch squares - not that it matters.  :)


Carol, I'm smiling about the little quilt squares.  I knew it was a typo, and figured you meant 2 1/2 inches.  ;)   And Campo is far from a city!  The school is so small now that they had no seniors this year--and none for next year, either.
First time in history for that, and rather sad, I feel.

Larry, that was really kind of you to pay for the new mattress.  We feel the same way--happy to help with needs, but feel they need to save for their wants. You're a wonderful father, and it seems Scott knows and appreciates that fact.

Marilyn, sorry for your loss.Words are so inadequate at times like this.  (((hugs)))

We had a beautiful morning here.  Darrel and I went out to the cemetery early to put the flowers on the graves, then I had a nail appointment, because the tech is leaving on vacation, so she did a couple of us today.
I made it back out to the cemetery in time for the Veterans' Program they have every year, and was pleased to see a really big crowd there for that.

Carol, we love Snickerdoodles!  Shouldn't eat them, but do sometimes, anyway. Was the repair on your old Singer the one with the thread wrapping around something, that you mentioned a couple days ago?

I drove down to Hugoton this afternoon and got flowers for my planters in front.  When I got home, it was too windy to set them out, so I will do it in the morning, If it's nice again.

Larry, I hope the weather cools off out your way!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  Another very hot day ahead at 100 degrees or more. 

My kind neighbor across the street, James, was over yesterday and checked out my sprinkler system and will take over any care needed and set it exactly as his is set as our units are identical.  I offered him the king size bed we took out of the guest bedroom I am using now and he was happy to have it for his fourth bedroom upstairs.  It should well work for an occasional guest.  I am happy to be able to help him and know I can count on him.  It is one less responsibility off of Scott's shoulders.  If Scott or Jennifer doesn't want it and I am pretty sure they won't as don't have room for it, I will also offer it to James.  Except for a couple of places on the arms where the thin covering has pulled away a little bit it is still in good shape.  He is still furnishing his house as didn't have much in the way of furniture when he moved here a couple of years ago.

This morning I have been on the phone canceling all future medical appointments and the monitoring of my pacemaker.  Also taking care of a few other items. Things are coming along nicely.

I felt better last evening than I have in a very long time and my appetite is already returning quickly.  Today ends my first week on Hospice and I couldn't be more pleased.  A nurse and an aid will be here sometime this afternoon for their first visits, which they will do for two weeks twice a week. 

A good friend from my Sunday School class was killed in a bicycle accident near where we live yesterday morning early by a driver who was blinded by the sun.  At another location another person ran into a stopped police car also do to the sun.  Our Church family is in a state of shock and it really was an emotionally difficult day for me.  Of course I am so weak now, plus being a pretty emotional person already, that I shed a lot of tears yesterday.  I tear up over happy and sad and sometimes things in between.  :)

Marilyn, I am not sorry that Kimberly's difficult journey is over and she is now out of pain if nothing else can be done.  It is those of us who loved her that suffer the normal grief while also rejoicing that the pain is ended.


Good afternoon!  It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood--our neighborhood, anyway! I did get my flowers put out, and the mess cleaned up.  Now my chest and back are really complaining.  I'm sure I'll feel it even more tomorrow.  That's what I get for doing almost nothing for a week, then over-doing it. :-\

Larry, it's great that you and your neighbor worked out a deal beneficial to you both.  And I assume you were talking about a chair or a couch in addition to the king sized bed?  Not that it matters.  You are a very generous man, and God loves cheerful givers!  Of course, you (and we) already knew that God loves you a great deal! 

I have been working on my friend George's story again. He had someone else  edit it and she had him cut out a lot and change a lot.  He has re-typed it and it's still full of things needing correcting, averaging probably 15-25 per page!  I guess there is no hurry about it, though.

I'm hurting so much I need to go take something for pain (likely CBD oil) and rest for a bit!  TTYL!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Larry:  It sounds like you have peace of mind on your decision to take Hospice.  None of us know what happens in the twilight of our lives - you are an inspiration on how to handle a peaceful Christian life.

Janet:  Good luck with your flowers.  We see rain/snow in the west over the mountains.  They are still skiing and once we saw skiers over the 4th of July - that would have been too slick for me to handle. 

Larry:  Thread was wrapped around the bobbin - and, the screw for it is so tiny.  I put a white towel under the machine just in case it fell out or it could have been lost.  Never ever want that learning procedure again. 

A neighbor called and asked if I would like to go with her to the drug store - then, we went for a coffee at the mega church that has an indoor fireplace with chairs and faces an endless view of the mountains.  It was perfect - no one there and we talked for two hours.  Such a good friend - I am blessed with super friends. 


Marilyn so sorry to hear about Ron's wife, I pray Gods wisdom as he deals with family and friends at this time.  Funerals are always difficult and often things are said that are not intended the way they are taken.  I am praying for you as well.

Larry it hurts to get older......We are praying for you as well, as for Pat

The weather seems to be better here in NE Ontario.  Only one day of rain on the horizon.  The ground is so saturated and the itches, creeks, rivers and lakes are at an all time high.  There is a lot of flooding.  Thankfully we are safe here, the road from our house as been raised another few inches and the risk is small that it will overflow its banks.  Our neighbour and good friend has given a little translation to the amount of water that falls.. 1 inch of rain on an acre of ground is the equivalent to 250 000 gallons if water.  Now to put that into perspective we have been getting 5+ inches a day up to this week.  That number is staggering and sure explains the reason for so much flooding.  Add to that the problem of ice breaking up.....everything becomes clearer......

I have to take the car in to get the oil changed, and another minor repair done.  Love you all


Greetings Marilyn  We were sorry to read that Kimberly has passed away. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.


Greetings Everyone  The girl is back in town as the saying goes!  One I get settled in at home again, I will catch up with the messages.


Judy Kimberly is Ron's daughter, my granddaughter.[/size]
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  We are in for another very hot 100+ degree day.  There were a lot of fires yesterday along the highways and other places.  A pretty good stretch of I-20 for past the exit we have to the Walmart and other businesses close by was closed all afternoon, evening and is still closed this morning for at least 17 miles here in South Carolina and several other places nearby and some over in Georgia.  The humidity is very low and the temperatures so hot.  It is apparently a real mess. 

I didn't sleep at all well last night as had that old heart related cough probably the worst I have ever had it and shortness of breath goes along with it.  I got up at 4 am this morning, not because I wasn't tired but to stop the coughing and that has worked but I still am getting shortness of breath upon much exertion so just have to sit quietly for a few minutes to rest until it gets under control. 

I have been working on little things I can do in preparation for this evening when the family will be here to fix my TV up on the wall, fix the oxygen lines and I have decided I want to go ahead and move my computer desk into the corner by my bed.  I was going to wait but can always bring in my laptop from my easy chair and work on another little table that is a part of this desk setup so can still use my office.  I don't know whether any of you use that blue or white rubberized type matting that keeps things from sliding.  I have used it for years and this morning have been fixing my two bedside tables with it as well as the table next to my easy chair.  I know Pat isn't crazy about it but goes along with me as particularly now it really helps.  Just yesterday we knocked off the TV remote, which got under my table by my easy chair.  Fortunately we had pads put on all of the legs of things to save our wooden floors when we moved in and the table and chairs slide pretty easy although neither Pat nor I really should be even pushing them but Pat did and we located it.  I still have a number of very small things to do that I can do sitting here at my computer in the office so will try to take it fairly easy the rest of the day and will try to get some rest or sleep this afternoon before the folks come at supper time. This is our last Wednesday night dinner until fall from the Church so Scott will stop on his way out and pick up the three meals we order as there is a special program after the meal and it would be very late for dinner if the kind lady that has been bringing them did so tonight.  She called and suggested this, which was a great idea, and I knew Scott would be most agreeable to doing that.  We will give the girls money so they can go get whatever they want for their dinner, which they prefer to having to cook something here and Pat is not going to cook when we have our meals for the night being delivered to us.  (I apologize in that I never seem to know when to stop sharing all of this but from what you say you don't mind and no one is required to read any posting here they don't want to.)

Janet, it is hard not to overdo when we put things on our lists to get done, especially if you are not a very patient person (like I am not patient).  Right now I don't have much choice as must stop and rest if I begin to overdo and often things must be put off that I have wanted to take care of today.  I am now making various lists so don't forget when I think of things.  Yes, I contacted him about the office chair.  It has served my needs and was not a cheap chair when we got it several years ago for Pat to use at the sewing machine but really didn't work well and we had it stored in the attic for awhile before I realized it was a lot better than the office chair I was using and that I disposed of.  Now I just need the room to get around in the wheelchair and will never need it again and Scott doesn't want it or have room for it, nor does Jennifer.  They will always get first offers although I known that often they would not want it since their rooms are very small.  I must prefer giving things away than trying to sell them as have never been a salesman and we would have starved if I had needed to try to make a living selling.  It sure sounds like you overdid-slow down my friend as most things can wait until another day and often if certain things never got done your life would still be meaningful with all you enjoy doing.  I enjoyed having a few outdoor flowers when we first moved here but just haven't been up to having any the last couple of years. 

Carol, I have never felt so free as I do now on Hospice and I do have peace of mind.  I hope I may live quite a while yet but I am ready to meet my Lord and Savior whenever his plan is executed.  It sounds like you got your bobbin problem solved. Using the towel was a great idea.  Do we have anything better than a loving family and super friends.  I have been blessed greatly in my life with both.  There will always be some bumps in any life.

Judy, thanks for your prayers.  A person can never have too many of those or say too many of those for yourself and others. I have every material thing I need and a few wants and now especially I am seeing how really meaningless so much of those "things" really are.  It is the people in my life that is important not the things. My sister lives in Spirit Lake, Iowa and when they moved to a different home a few years ago they put a very heavy duty sump pump in their basement and so far they have not had any basement flooding and there has been a lot of rain in Northern Iowa so money well spent. 

Ellie, glad to see you are back online with us.  Hope you enjoyed what you were doing while away.


Greetings Larry  On Holiday!


My favorite day of the week--painting day!  I felt a lot better and less sore this morning, after taking two doses of the CBD oil.  I'm really impressed with that stuff!  Haven't had to resort to otc pain meds since I took the first dropper of it!

Judy, just imagine the billions of gallons of water that has fallen on our two countries in these past couple of months!  Mind-boggling!  So grateful we haven't had flooding; though much of Kansas has had, and tornadoes as well.  Really sad.

Larry, you guessed it!  I'm not a really patient person, in that I like to get things done that need doing. But I am realizing that I'm not as young as I think I am sometimes, nor as able to do heavy work.  It's tough, the first time you realize you can no longer do something you've done for years!  :-\  As they say, getting old ain't for sissies!

I'm sorry you're experiencing the cough, Larry.  Something else to ask your Hospice carers about when they come--or call them!  I use that rubber matting to keep my easel from slipping while I'm painting. Also under the place mats on the dining table, and a few other things.  Very handy!  So good to know that Hospice care has brought you peace of mind and makes you feel free.  What a blessing! When I know the end is approaching, I hope I remember how peacefully you're handling things, and that I can be a blessing to others through that time.

It was actually cool here today, which was very nice on my newly transplanted flowers!

Peace and blessings to each of you!

My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


I am still here, just reflecting that my Richard was taken suddenly from me, 7 weeks today...this home feels as lonely and empty as ever...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  Another very hot day here in South Carolina and more roadside fires and a big plant burned down yesterday in Thomson, Georgia due to the heat and running out of water. 

Once again I had some difficulty sleeping last night and really very short of breath and moving very slowly this morning.  I expect the aid to be here around 10 am this morning to help me with a bath and the nurse will likely be here sometime today as she hasn't made it out here yet so we can meet her.  
Scott and Elizabeth got the TV mounted onto the wall at the foot of my hospital bed and this afternoon and evening will work on the oxygen lives around the house and moving my office desk into my new bedroom.  I still plan on using my office, especially in the morning as it is a lovely room with a lot of sunshine but know I will enjoy having my big computer and monitor and B&W laser printer available in my bedroom.  The room will accommodate it well and it shouldn't be in the way.  I have had a lot of time to plan things out exactly as I would like to have them and Scott and Elizabeth are making these ideas come to life.  Am I a lucky man or what?

Janet, glad the CBD oil is helpful.  I don't know whether Pat could use it or not due to the medication she has taken for years and years for the Fibromyalgia.  I understand wanting to get things done and I have been working very hard on a lot of business matters for us and checking on things.  Fortunately, I can do this sitting down and while I am still in good mind.  I want everything in the best shape I can get it for Pat and Scott.  I love that rubber matting and have used it for years.


Greetings Larry  We have never thought on a wall mounted television, though since it is on the wall at the bottom of your bed, what a good place to have it.  Do you watch much television?  Our amount of television watching is not very much.   


It's nearly time to go to bed, and I'm just getting in here!  We went to Liberal today and got new tires put on the Lincoln.  It eats tires like crazy!  It also needs a new windshield, as there is a long crack running almost the width of it.  It doesn't obscure our vision, but seeing that crack all the time makes me feel I'm driving an old junker, instead of an almost new and very expensive car!  :-\  Oh, well, don't sweat the small stuff, right?  I'm happy to have dependable transportation!  :)

Larry, I hope your day went well with the aid and the nurse coming.  So good to have help when it is needed.

Jackie, do you have some lady friends who still drive, with whom you can get out and do some things?  You really need to get out when you can, enjoy some fresh air and sunshine, and think about the good things in your life.  Losing someone we care about is very hard, but life must go on, and dwelling too much on the loss keeps us looking backward, rather than to the future. It has only been 16 months since my sweet daughter Beth moved to heaven, and I still miss her every single day, so please understand I am not scolding you, and I do understand.  I was with her nearly every day for a good part of the day, reading to her, singing to her, doing whatever I could to make her smile.  She could no longer hold a book and turn the pages as she was almost totally paralyzed.  But she was a delightful person, never a complainer, and was an inspiration to many.  I hope you'll keep coming in here and visiting with us as often as you can!  (((hugs)))

Carol, I forgot to say howdy to you yesterday---HOWDY!!

Hello, Ellie.  My husband watches way too much television, I don't watch much of it at all.  Especially since we had to go to streaming, and now we are watching it frozen in place and buffering.......Ugh.

Tomorrow I am driving to Colorado for a funeral.
Glad the days are long so I can get home before dark!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone on another warm day but not suppose to be above 99 today.  Am I a lucky guy or what.  I am surrounded by my family, good and loving friends here in our cyber family, a wonderful Church family, this wonderful Hospice and I could go on and on.  Yesterday the aid was here in the morning to help me with my bath and will be back Tuesdays and Thursdays in the future.  She brought all the supplies I had requested.  Yesterday afternoon an substitue nurse was here and went over my medicines, ordered another one and spent a lot of time answering some questions I had written down, then a visiting volunteer stopped in to visit with me and we had a great times while I was laying down.  Finally I had asked if I could get a different mattress and the one they had given me was so warn there was sort of a hole to sit in and made it hard to move.  They had a new mattress and the pad that inflates and deflates t prevent bedsores as they discovered there were many small holes in it and it wasn't working as needed and that I was using too many covers over it as suppose to just use a sheet as the lower covering.  As he left I laid down on it as was exhausted and realized it felt so a and I was so tired that I let Pat know I would eat my dinner here in bed as didn't want to get up.  I had have to do so a little later and Scott and Elizabeth had to move everything over and the little tables out to get the 64 by 64 rug down and then move the computer desk into this bedroom.  When he went to hook the computer back up found the computer, although a pretty expensive had not come with wi-fi and will have to pick up a wi-fi card to use with it before it will work as must use wireless for everything hooked up in here.  I had my lovely new iPad and the special keyboard that I am using to write this today and really using my bedside table that slides under the bed and adjusts along with the bed back going up pretty straight and that is working well. Other than tacking up the oxygen lines to get oxygen to my easy chair and fixing it so it will allow no way to trip over it, which will not really be a hard job that will be done later today I think about everything else will be a matter of little twicks as we go along and nothing hard.  I could probably go on and on but enough of this for today.  I did discover this morning that the automatic adjusting pad had gotten turned off last evening and perhaps was the reason for me getting only a few hours of sleep last night and getting a very early start today. It is turned back on after I discovered the problem and now laying here to work.  Speed is no concern to me and so what if it takes me significant time to get from room to room or to write a posting.  

Ellie, I can't say I am much of a TV person but that may change as I have to spend more time in this hospital bed and can watch whatever I want to watch and it doesn't interfere with Pat watching the Hallmark and other movies she likes (generally not my cup of tea).  Right now listening to very nice music over the cable system but have many other choices.  I have already done quite a few little chores this morning, very slowly so was ready to lay back down for awhile and chat with you all.  I have had my breakfast and am dressed for the day so the rest of the day is mine.  Nice to do or not do whatever I want and whenever I feel like and have the option of just laying down or doing nothing if I don't want to.  I will always be so thankful that my great cardiologist suggested now was the time to look into Hospice.  The last five months as my health has been failing and I couldn't see the possibility of anything but a continued downward spiral has been turned around.  My appetite has been restored with the medicine I am now taking and am enjoying eating again.  I had my first candy yesterday and really enjoyed it again as for a long while it just didn't taste good and am eating regular food and now looking forward to an occasional trip out of the house going to Sunday School or Church on a Sunday when I feel like going and I had thought that was out of the question.  My son is willing to use the transport chair to take me anyplace I want to go and my prayer has been answered when he said he would return to Church and stay with me.  Prayers are answered and this is perhaps the best thing that has yet happened because of my going into Hospice.  I never gave up on his return to Church but perhaps not in my lifetime.  (Wow I am wordy this morning-guess this is nothing new.)

Janet, I think glass breakage is something your car insurance likely covers without a deductiable on your insurance and often they just bring out the proper windshield and install at home in a very brief time.  Might be worth a couple of calls. Hope you have a good safe trip to Colorado today and do get home before dark.  The longer hours of sunshine this time of the year really helps.


Well tomorrow is the big day here. We fly out at 1:50 and arrive in Kauai at 8:15 only changing planes is San francisco.

Larry I am so glad you are  now with hospice and feeling so much better.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Greetings Larry  What a splendid long message from you and I did so enjoy reading it.  You sound so positive.  Be as wordy as you like.