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Bird Photos In Snow

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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

Thoughts for the Month ~ October

Started by JudyB, September 30, 2019, 05:44:44 PM

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Hello everyone. Raining here today. Not much is new here same ole same ole. Mezzo Mezzo as my dad used to say,
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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We are in Tucson and the drive went well.  There was a glitch though when the GPS took us on a road that added an extra hour.  It was also open range and cattle would walk anywhere they wanted.  Arrived and all is packed, got the groceries and I made soup and cabbage salad last night, then pumpkin pancakes this morning. 
The young neighbors behind us had us over to visit last night - they are so nice.

Off to run errands - there is a store where I can buy grains and other things by the scoopful - they have Wild Rice mixed with regular rice and it is less expensive than buying anywhere else 

I did start another one-year bible study and like this one by Stanley a bit better than the one I did last year.  This year, I must wear reading glasses - what happened there?   :)


Greetings Everyone  It was sunny for a time, but cloudy again now.


I was half way through a knitting project when I made a mistake and decided to just go back to the beginning.  I rarely knit anymore and this is just a matter of loss of concentration on my part.  Otherwise, Now concentrating on my daily bible study and really enjoying it - so peaceful for the soul.

Soon,my wonderful cousin and wife will be closer and we will get together for a day or two. 

Oldiesmann:  What have you decided to do about your car crisis? 

Don has made a few doctor appointments - some at the VA and one for Acupuncture.  His last procedure for pain did not work at all.  All that pain makes him very tired so we try to do things in the morning and he can rest in the afternoon.  You do what you have to do!



Greetings Everyone  Not been out today as yet, shopping sometime during the day. Watched the news from the UK, same old Brexit.............

Best Wishes to Everyone   


Several issues with two children and we are miles away.  One is having a surgery right now and his neighbor will drive him to and back home and they are close in case he needs help.  I was there a couple of weeks ago and surgery did not happen - it is too long of a drive (two or more days) or two planes for me so we are grateful for the thoughtful neighbor. 

Today was spent vacuuming every nook and cranny plus the garage.  All laundry is ironed - a nap would be nice. 

Tomorrow, Don has an appointment and that will be over an hour so I can run for groceries when he is occupied. 

Rebot:  Are the majority of citizens wanting Brexit?  Is the cost of being joined in the EU too high for what you get? 

Here, everything is about education and the change in what people/children too want to chose their gender. 



Greetings Carol  We send our best wishes for the children with the issues they have.  And that the surgery went well yesterday.

I am not very politically minded.  But, listening to news on the BBC, there was a referendum in the UK in 2016, whether to leave or stay in the European Union. The vote was 52% to leave and 48% to stay.  And I would think that there is still a majority leave among the voters.

The reason the UK wants to leave is not the cost of being a member of the European Union.  But it wants to take back control of how it trades with the rest of the world and to make its own laws.  As being a member of the European Union, some laws have to be passed by them.   


Rebot:Thank you for explaining a part of Brexit that is so important -  your country doesn't want to lose all control with trade.  You should have that freedom to choose trade dealings. 

Son who had the surgery is doing better after a bleeding episode and a good neighbor drove him the hour plus drive to hospital.  All is well after two days of stress for us.



Carol it looks nlike you and Ellie have been the only ones posting, I wonder where Janet is.

Keith's  wound is healing nicely he gets the stitches out on Next Tuesday. My left foot surgery will be Nov. 1st the right after the first of next year. I will be in a wheelchair for a couple of weeks with absolutely no walking. I will have a boot put on  before I come home and will have to wear the boot for quite awhile. It looks like I will be out of commission for a few months since both feet are being operated on.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Good day all! Today,a long call from son who surgery then had a fast drive back to the Emergency room -a good neighbor drove and it is about an hour of driving  -I am glad someone could handle the situation. All is well.

Marilyn: Will someone be coming in to help you and Keith? 

Janet:  Missing your post.

Ellie:  Has your weather changed to cooler at this time of the year?  How is your day?


I have been busy running to the doctor, plus getting ready for yet another trip.  Cruise through Panama Canal this time, about 10 days total.  We are driving to Wichita tomorrow, as we have to be at Wichita airport by 4 AM and don't want to drive that far that early.  Will fly to Ft. Lauderdale and get on the ship there.

I have been in constant pain now for over two months, and as Carol said, it really saps your strength.  I had a good massage this afternoon by a dear friend, and think she did help me.  Would cancel the trip were it not for the fact that we already paid for it!

Marilyn, wishing you good success and supernaturally fast healing for the foot surgery.  Do both feet have bone spurs?

My grandson's wife, the mother of the three g-g-daughters, had a hysterectomy this morning; is already back home and doing well.  I'm sure she is probably very sore, though!

Last time I checked in, no one had posted since my last one, but I do need to check in more often!

I will he home again on November 8th, so you can expect me soon after that!

Love and best wishes,
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Carol I do have someone who will be comig to help.
Janet the Dr first told me bone spurs now his he says not bone spurs. But Plantar Fascitis all I know for sure it is very painful and has been for 8-9 months, I will be glad to  be pain free and able to walk pain free
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


I am sure it was somebody on here who pointed me in the direction of reading " Joni Eareckson Tada " books, of which i am so grateful for...i have now five books in my collection including her Bible, and now reading Joni & Ken, their own love story...I am sorry to admit that until recently i had not come across her before, but so glad i have now...

... i wish i could say the same about my PP-MS, " i wish i could become pain free, " but i have this for the rest of my life, however long that may be...there is nothing worse than daily living in pain, i wish you the best in correcting your feet problem, i too remember many years back of the feet problems i was suffering with pain and discomfort....

I so miss our Larry Hanna's daily postings...I so miss our Larry Hanna full stop...

Jane Walker...
...where are you...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Good Morning everyone.  This has been a long weekend, Saturday we went 2 hours south to meet up with cousins, then to another friend in that city who we visit often.  Home then running to take the canine boys to the kennel till today Monday. Saturday night I had trouble getting to sleep, RLS is the pits.  Yesterday we left early to go to John's cousin's 65th anniversary get together.  It was wonderful meeting family we hadn't seen in 5 years.  Everyone is so busy and it seems we only see each other at anniversaries and funerals.  Much more fun at anniversaries!  This morning we picked up the boys, and it is good to have the family back together again. 
We have lost one of our cats, Tommy.  He was such a nice boy, so loving to the rest of our 4 legged family.  He scooted out side between my legs, and wouldn't come right back.  I wasn't too concerned as he had done this before.  THat was nearly 3 weeks ago.  It is something how we and his brothers miss him.
We have been having unusual problems with Rambo, our spaniel.  His behaviour has been so unusual, and frustrating.  WE board the doge at the kennel owned by the vet tech from our veterinary's office.  We told her what was going on and she suggested that he is struggling with dementia. We then started putting the pieces together with her help and have concluded that he is still in the early stages.  Strange, however that answers a lot of questions and we are far more patient with him.

God has been so good. John's knee is healing up nicely, there is still swelling, however no pain.  He is still doing the physio exercises, however we no longer have to go to the classes.

Have a wonderful day and God bless you the coming week!


Janet:  Safe travel with smooth sea! 

Judy: Sorry about your missing cat.  It is so distressing when animals want to roam and don't return.  Wonderful news on John's healing.  Yes, visiting with the cousins is so sweet. 

Nights are beginning to cool here but not as much as snowing at home (south of Denver).  Thank goodness.  We have a north facing driveway and it gets so slippery it always makes me nervous. We pay extra to have someone clean the sidewalk and driveway just so hopefully no one will fall on our area.  They could walk on the other side of the street but I am not about to tell anyone where to walk. 

Marilyn:  I had Plantar Fascitis years ago and it was finally eased with shoe inserts - every case is different though and maybe that would not be enough for you. I was crossing the street and could only walk baby steps and cars were honking at me to hurry.  Every case is different. 


Surgery went well It was over in 1.5 hours so I am home, this is what I posted on seniors and friends.
 I tried to get on from my phone but couldn't remember my password and didn't want to change it. I had some weird pain during the night, it felt like the nerves were burning  little paths around on the top of my foot and the  elastic bandage feels like it might be too tight on my ankle, the Ankle bone is well padded but has hurt from the  time I left the surgery. I called the emergency number for the dr. at 8am but had to leave a message. I hope he gets back to me as I really don't want to go through an other night like last night. I am walking on  it just a little now and then. Keith isn't much help although he tries, He just can't seem to follow instructions when I tell him where something is located or even the light switch for the kitchen. He has taken to wearing gloves all the time and I have to tell him to take them off when he eats or has to take his pills. Oh what fun it is taking care of someone with dementia NOT!!!. It gets so frustrating and I end up exasperated and yelling at him or trying to do things  myself.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Another morning of throwing rocks. The Javelinas have been busy on the side of this house. They are rooting for acorns dropped by two trees and they move some pretty heavy rocks to dig. Such a mess and we are probably responsible for cleaning up after them - I think the association should get rid of the pack.  After all, they carry horrible germs and a lady was bitten so off to hospital she did go. 

A bobcat has been hanging in our back yard but they are not a problem. Just wary of them.

We have been watching one grandson play hockey in Minnesota - he is a senior at an old Christian college and the game is pod cast so we can pick it up on our computer.  We marvel at the technology even though it isn't perfect. 

Marilyn: Time will heal - it always takes longer than we would like it to be.

Janet:  Just great that you two can still be out and about - that cruise sounds wonderful. 

Don has specific exercise for his back and leg pain so I have started to do the same exercise just because it looks good for anyone.  Not going to say "for our age".  :)


Carol I think all of us are around the same age.  I know it sure isn't any fun growing older, aches and pains abound, but God is in control and He knows our pain and our years. I think if it wasn't for Him hearing my pleas last night I wouldn't have gotten the little sleep that I did. The nerves in the top of my foot went crazy and they felt like burning ants running  all over my foot. I don't take pain meds only Tylenol and much prayer.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Marilyn:Sorry for your foot pain. It sure sounds unusual.  May each day get better.

I am taking a break from working on an old Viking sewing machine.  They don't sell parts for it anymore which doesn't make sense because my old 1940's Singer Featherweight still can order parts. 

I did take a long walk this morning and it feels so good to get out.  Two cousins and husbands are coming to visit (separately).  Freshly baked pumpkin bread is in the freezer and I want to do a little more baking to have on hand. 

Typing away here visiting all of you - my problem with the old machine is still staring me in the face. 

Charles Stanley is the author of my year long bible study - it is a thick book given to me by a friend and I will return it. Very nicely written.


Thunder woke me early. We have happy news - one son just got a great job after searching for 22 months.  Yes, there is age discrimination galore in this country as he is capable and has a great attitude. I asked for prayers from friends and two churches. I tried so hard not to be worried but this time has been filled with so many deep concerns.  Reading all the books friends loaned me and on my own, it still was unreal that age discrimination is so blatant.

The shooting by Mexican Drug Cartels happened south of Tucson and injured were flown into this city.  That is how close these evil ones are - praying for all the families. 

Janet: Hoping you two are having a wonderful cruise.  When you come home it will be winter!